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Solar Biology, by Hiram E. Butler, [1887], at

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The practical part of this science is to give us knowledge of our strong and weak points of character, so that we may use our strong points in the sphere of their uses, and protect and strengthen the weak ones, in our contact and combat with domestic, social, and business life; to ward off disease; and also to know what principles exist within ourselves, and others, that lead to antagonism: for there are many persons who are conscious of unsatisfactory conditions, but who know not where to place the trouble, and thus are very prone to look for the cause in others, and not in themselves, and even to blame others wrongfully. This system gives us to know what these conditions are, and this knowledge always suggests to the intelligent mind the methods of restraining and correcting them. It is therefore necessary to give a few suggestions in that direction; for it would be impossible, in a work like this, to give a complete review of the multifarious conditions we find in human nature; for this system gives us more than two hundred and thirty millions of distinct characteristics, made up in the time of one cycle of the planet Uranus, which is about eighty-four years, which when multiplied into the different organic qualities and race conditions, gives us an almost unlimited variety of human types.

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The constant rapidity with which the thought formations are made by the changing position of the sun, moon, and different planets, and incarnated in human form, are beyond the possibility of ordinary conception; yet the mechanism of this system is so simple that we can read and know them, not only during the one cycle of Uranus, but during all future cycles, within the space of 2152 years. The sun is a planet, and our earth and all the other planets are satellites to it. The sun has a zodiac, through which it travels about one degree every seventy-one and two-thirds years. Therefore, every 2152 years it carries the whole solar system into another sign, or astral atmosphere which changes the character of all the solar signs every time the sun, with its system, passes into a new sign. The sun is now two degrees in the sign ♒ (Aquarius), or about 144 years in that sign; so that this system will correctly read character for the space of 2008 years, after which time it will have to be revised according to the sign Capricorn.


To illustrate our views of parental conditions, take ♃ (Jupiter) in ♓ (Pisces): this gives great love of travel, and frequently a desire to do business with the many, and indisposition to settle down to home life; and at the same time we find that ♂ (Mars) is in ♋ (Cancer), which gives the strongest possible love of home and family life. Now, if the person was born in ♐ (Sagittarius), ♑ (Capricornus), or ♒ (Aquarius), or under any executive conditions, these positions, and

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their nature, would be antagonistic, one to the other. The strong point in a business life would be in travelling; the strong opposition to that would be in the great love for a home and family life. Now, a person knowing that these two opposites exist in their nature, at once cast around to see how the two can be best reconciled and made use of; and as circumstances alter cases, then the circumstances surrounding the person will control the methods of bringing this about. If the business. that one has been educated to confines them to the farm, store, or office, then that inclination to travel must be suppressed, so far as its physical workings go, and must always be remembered as their weak point; for such could be easily persuaded or induced to give up their business, and travel. But this weak point could be utilized, should there be an opening in a direction to transact business in various parts of the world, through agencies, and they remain at home. In such a case the business would be characterized by domestic uses. But polarization in ♐, ♑, or ♒ would generalize that business inclination, so as to create in the person a mental condition that would express itself in the words, "The world is my family." In this case the weak points of family life would be strengthened, as they would unite their forces with the principles of ♃ (Jupiter), and would give a familiar feeling with strangers; thus the strong point would be strengthened by the weak one; and the weak one would only be such when circumstances conspired to hold such persons from their natural tendency to travel; and in such cases—which would be more common to ladies than to gentlemen—it would be apt to create in them a restless dissatisfaction

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with everything around them, and a feeling that everybody and everything was opposing them, thus nourishing antagonistic elements, and creating melancholy; and this in many eases would be apt to produce diseases of a varied character, and sometimes intemperance.


We frequently meet with persons who have, and are conscious of having, an inherited tendency to some vice, to some mental or moral deformity, and also a desire to overcome such defect and rise into better, higher, and more satisfactory conditions of life. Where there exists an unhealthy bias in any direction, the remedy suggested would be to cultivate the opposite, keeping that ever in mind, and ever thinking and acting in the direction their intelligence teaches they should go. This thought kept active while eating, and for one hour after, will have a more potent effect on the system, mental and physical, than all the rest of the time; therefore, if the vice pertains to self-indulgence, or indulgence of the sensational nature, in whatever direction, the discrimination as to what kinds and qualities of food they eat, persistently rejecting all articles that are intended merely for the gratification of the taste; or, in other words, by studying the laws of dietetics and hygiene, and carrying out those laws most rigidly, will lay a foundation so deep and broad, in the whole nature, that a habit and structure of harmonious self-control will develop into a most beautiful ultimate, almost without conscious volition on the part of the person; or,

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in other words, will develop a disposition, and even love, for the restraint of all these proclivities.

At first thought, this may seem very easy of accomplishment; yet when we sit down to table in company, many articles of food are placed before us that are deleterious, but very tempting to the appetite: with that temptation comes the solicitation of our friends to partake of this and that: if we refuse, they may ridicule and call us "cranky." It always requires determination to be able to say No! and rigidly carry out the rules we have made,—a determination which must be adhered to without deviation, in order to accomplish the desired result. We must remember that the friends who would ridicule us for these moral and self-improving habits would be the first to blame and ridicule us for the vices we may be trying to conquer.

A course like the above is a most potent factor in making any and all great attainments in life. And whoever practises it will soon find that they have put the physical, mental, and moral nature under the control of their will, or higher nature. This done, the battle is won. This course would redeem the most dissipated drunkard. There are no prenatal conditions of disease but play be conquered through the above, by the practice of self-control, though it may sometimes be necessary to enforce it in a more heroic manner, as follows:—


First fast long enough to reduce the flesh to a very low point; then feed up the body until the flesh is regained, or even a greater amount than before; then, in

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extreme cases, a repetition of the fast may be necessary. Thus we may throw off the old body entirely, and create for ourselves a new one, whose nature will be wholly that of the mental conditions that are active during the process.

Now there is a method by which this course may be made easy. Having gained control of one's self by the rigid dietetics above mentioned, it would not be difficult for one to abstain from all food and drink, except water, for forty-eight hours; after which time resume eating for a week or ten days: then begin again, and fast for five days. On breaking this latter fast, it would be well to begin eating with coarse corn bread,—corn roasted until well carbonated: it could be ground fine in an ordinary coffee-mill, and eaten with sugar. Any other granulated grain food that is not susceptible of being reduced to paste by the digestive process would answer the purpose. The object to be obtained is this: the alimentary canal from the stomach down is filled with leaves, like the leaves of a book, and by the constant use of glutinous food, these leaves become pasted down and coated over with a thick slime, and the lacteals, or absorbent glands, covered, so that the food taken does not nourish the system. Frequently, in cases of weak digestion, particles of the food remain under these leaves, and decay and ferment, creating bad breath, etc. This is usually the condition of dyspeptics, and this coarse granulated food serves to scrub off and carry away all this coating, and will thoroughly cleanse the system.

It is well in connection with this granular food to use the juice of the tomato, which is also a cleansing

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article of food: fasting serves to strengthen the stomach rather than to weaken it, and such a regime would cure very severe cases of dyspepsia. If it should not at first make a cure, repeating the same formula after the lapse of a month would complete the cure. This would be also effectual in the case of scrofula or eczema; but in cases of a more extreme character, after the person has gone through with the five days’ regime, they should wait one or two months, then fast about ten or fourteen days; after which time the most stubborn diseases will be entirely eradicated from the system.

The best time to begin a fast would be about the time of a person's birthday; then during the fast the person should drink nothing but pure cold water, and should put nothing into the mouth that would excite the flow of gastric juice; for anything that would carry the gastric juice to the stomach would create a gnawing sensation, and somewhat endanger dissolving the particles of the stomach. If any person should transgress this rule, or take into the stomach any fermented liquor, our advice would be to immediately commence eating. Persons whose stomachs are not very sensitive to the use of spices, peppers, etc. (the most sensitive stomachs are those born in Virgo, or characterized by it), after fasting five days, should take about a quarter of a tea spoonful of cayenne pepper: it may be taken in a small quantity of milk, or mixed with a small portion of flour and made into pills. Where the stomach is sensitive, we will suggest the following: take a small pinch of baking-soda dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, squeeze a lemon into about three tablespoonfuls of water, then pour together, and drink while effervescing.

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[paragraph continues] This will soften the remaining food in the alimentary canal, and work it off, obviating all liability to hardening of the feces in the colon and difficulty of passage.

Physicians should not give strong cathartics to persons born in the sign ♍ (Virgo). The author has known of persons born in this sign, having good health otherwise, but suffering some slight derangement of the stomach, having died from the effects of one dose of cathartic medicine.

Persons who are in a weak physical condition can restore the body to health, strength, and vigor by this course of fasting, although great care must be used under such circumstances.

It would hurt no person, unless extremely weak, to fast forty-eight hours. This fast should be followed by the process above mentioned for cleansing the stomach and alimentary canal; but if the stomach is so weak that there is danger of the food fermenting, or if it should sour during the process, the patient should eat a little salt fish—the richer the fish the better. Fish will remove all the difficulty in that direction, and nourish and strengthen the digestive organs; for it will not, under any circumstances, ferment, and it will counteract fermentation in the stomach at any time. Such persons should not resume the fast for a longer period, until they have gained more vitality than they had previous to the first fast, and all the organs appear to be in good working order: then they can safely carry out the regime already prescribed.

During the time of fasting, persons should banish all fear of injurious results, keep mind and body active, avoiding excitement or great exertion. It would be

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well during that time to practise light gymnastics. The physical movements belonging to the drill for voice culture as practised by the Munroe School of Oratory is good exercise. The movements must be practised in moderation, so as not to injure the body; and then they will keep up a harmonious action all through the system, and avoid the liability of any of the organs or muscles becoming inactive or flabby.

Next: Chapter XXVI. Critical Periods in the Life of Woman