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Apollonius of Tyana, by G.R.S. Mead, [1901], at

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Jacobs (F.), Observationes in … Philostrati Vitam Apollonii (Jena; 1804), purely philological, for the correction of the text.

Legrand d’Aussy (P. J. B.), Vie d’Apollonius de Tyane (Paris; 1807, 2 vols.).

Bekker (G. J.), Specimen Variarum Lectionum … in Philost. Vitæ App. Librum primum (1808); purely philological.

Berwick (E.), The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, translated from the Greek of Philostratus, with Notes and Illustrations (London; 1809).

Lancetti (V.), Le Opere dei due Filostrati, Italian trs. (Milano; 1828-31); in "Coll. degli Ant. Storici Greci volgarizzati."

Jacobs (F.), Philostratus: Leben des Apollonius von Tyana, in the series "Griechische Prosaiker," German trs. (Stuttgart; 1829.32), vols. xlviii., lxvi., cvi., cxi., each containing two books; a very clumsy arrangement.

Baur (F. C.), Apollonius von Tyana und Christus oder das Verhältniss des Pythagoreismus zum Christenthum (Tübingen; 1832); reprinted from Tübinger Zeitschrift für Theologie.

Second edition by E. Zeller (Leipzig; 1876), in Drei Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der alten Philosophie und ihres Verhältnisses zum Christhenthum.

Kayser and Westermann's editions as above referred to in section v.

Newman (J. H.), "Apollonius Tyanaeus—Miracles," in Smedley's Encyclopædia Metropolitana (London; 1845), x. pp. 619-644.

Noack (L.), "Apollonius von Tyana ein Christusbild des Heidenthums," in his magazine Psyche: Populärwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fur die Kentniss des menschlichen Seelen- und Geistes-lebens (Leipzig; 1858), Bd. i., Heft ii., pp. 1-24.

Müller (I. P. E.), Commentatio qua de Philostrati in componenda Memoria Apoll. Tyan. fide quæritur, I.-III. (Onoldi et Landavii; 1858-1860).

Müller (E.), War Apollonius von Tyana ein Weiser oder ein

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[paragraph continues] Betrüger oder ein Schwärmer und Fanatiker? Ein Culturhistorische Untersuchung (Breslau; 1861, 4to), 56 pp.

Chassang (A.), Apollonius de Tyane, sa Vie, ses Voyages, ses Prodiges, par Philostrate, et ses Lettres, trad. du grec. avec Introd., Notes et Eclaircissements (Paris; 1862), with the additional title, Le Merveilleux dans l’Antiquité.

Réville (A.), Apollonius the Pagan Christ of the Third Century (London; 1866), tr. from the French. The original is not in the British Museum.

Priaulx (O. de B.), The Indian Travels of Apollonius of Tyana, etc. (London; 1873), pp. 1.62.

Mönckeberg (C.), Apollonius von Tyana, ein Weihnachtsgabe (Hamburg; 1877), 57 pp.

Pettersch (C. H.), Apollonius von Tyana der Heiden Heiland, ein philosophische Studie (Reichenberg; 1879), 23 pp.

Nielsen (C. L.), Apollonios fra Tyana og Filostrats Beskrivelse of hans Levnet (Copenhagen; 1879); the Appendix (pp. 167 sqq.) contains a Danish tr. of Eusebius Contra Hieroclem.

Baltzer (E.), Apollonius von Tyana, aus den Griech. übersetzt u. erläutert (Rudolstadt i/ Th.; 1883).

Jessen (J.), Apollonius von Tyana und sein Biograph Philostratus (Hamburg; 1885, 4to), 36 pp.

Tredwell (D. M.), A Sketch of the Life of Apollonius of Tyana, or the first Ten Decades of our Era (New York; 1886).

Sinnett (A. P.), "Apollonius of Tyana," in the Transactions (No. 32) of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society (London; 1898), 32 pp. The student may also consult the articles in the usual Dictionaries and Encyclopædias, none of which, however, demand special mention. P. Cassel's learned paper in the Vossische Zeitung of Nov. 24th, 1878, I have not been able to see.


Böckh (A.), Die Staatshaushaltung der Athener (1st ed. 1817). For older literature, see i. 416, n.

Van Holst, De Eranis Veterum Græcorum (Leyden; 1832).

Mommsen (T.), De Collegiis et Sodaliciis Romanorum (Kiel; 1843).

     „      "Römische Urkunden, iv.—Die Lex Julia de Collegiis und die lanuvinische Lex Collegii Salutaris," art. in Zeitschr. für geschichtl. Rechtswissenschaft (1850), vol. xv. 353 sqq.

Wescher (C.), "Recherches épigraphiques en Grèce, dans l’Archipel et en Asie Mineure," arts. in Le Moniteur of Oct. 20, 23, and 24, 1863.

     „      "Inscriptions de l’Île de Rhodes relatives à des Sociétés

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religieuses"; "Notice sur deux Inscriptions de l’Île de Théra relatives à une Société religieuse"; "Note sur une Inscription de Vile de Théra publiée par M. Ross et relative à une Société religieuse"; arts. in La Revue archéologique (Paris; new series, 1864), x. 460 sqq.; 1865, xii. 214 sqq.; 1866, xiii. 245 sqq.

Foucart (P.), Des Associations religieuses chez les Grecs, Thiases, Éranes, Orgéons, avec le Texte des Inscriptions relatives à ces Associations (Paris; 1873).

Lüders (H. O.), Die dionyschischen Künstler (Berlin; 1873).

Cohn (M.), Zum römischen Vereinsrecht: Abhandlung aus der Rechtsgeschichte (Berlin; 1873). Also the notice of it in Bursian's Philol. Jaresbericht (1873), ii. 238-304.

Henzen (G.), Acta Fratrum Arvalium quæ supersunt; … accedunt Fragmenta Fastorum in Luco Arvalium effossa (Berlin; 1874).

Heinrici (G.), "Die Christengemeinde Korinths und die religiösen genossenschaften der Griechen"; "Zur Geschichte der Anfange paulinischer Gemeinden"; arts. in Zeitschr. für wissensch. Theol. (Jena, etc.; 1876), pp. 465-526, particularly pp. 479 sqq.; 1877, pp. 89-130.

Duruy (V.), "Du Régime municipal dans l’Empire romain," art. in La Revue historiqué (Paris; 1876), pp. 355 sqq.; also his Histoire des Romanis (Paris; 1843, 1844), i. 149 sqq.

De Rossi, Roma Sotteranea (Rome; 1877), iii. 37 sqq., and especially pp. 507 sqq.

Marquardt (J.), Römische Staatsverwaltung, iii. 131-142, in vol. vi. of Marquardt and Mommsen's Handbuch der römischen Altherthümer (Leipzig; 1878); an excellent summary with valuable notes, especially the section "Ersatz der Gentes durch die Sodalitates für fremde Culte."

Boissier (G.), La Religion romaine d’Auguste aux Antonins (Paris; 2nd ed. 1878), ii. 238-304 (1st ed. 1874).

Hatch (E.), The Organization of the Early Christian Churches: The Bampton Lectures for 1880 (London; 2nd ed. 1882); see especially Lecture ii., "Bishops and Deacons," pp. 26-32; German ed. Die Gesellschaftsverfassung der christlichen Kirchen in Althertum (1883), p. 20; see this for additional literature.

Newmann (K. J.), "θιασῶται Ἰησοῦ","art. in Jahrbb. für prot. Theol. (Leipzig, etc.; 1885), pp. 123-125.

Schürer (E.), A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Eng. tr. (Edinburgh; 1893), Div. ii. vol. ii. pp. 255 and 300. Owen (J.), "On the Organization of the Early Church," an Introductory Essay to the English translation of Harnack's Sources of the Apostolic Canons (London; 1895).

Anst (E.), Die Religion der Römer; vol. xiii. Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der nichtchristlichen Religionsgeschichte (Münster i. W.; 1899).

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See also Whiston and Wayte's art. "Arvales Fratres," and Moyle's arts. "Collegium" and "Universitas," in Smith, Wayte and Marindin's Diet. of Greek and Roman Antiquities (London; 3rd ed. 1890-1891); and also, of course, the arts. "Collegium" and "Sodalitas" in Pauly's Realencyclopädie der classichen Alterthumswissenschaft, though they are now somewhat out of date.