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p. 252


Achaea 90

Achaea Phthiotis 156

Acharnae 159

Achilles 7, 156 f., 200, 205, 232

Acraephia 136

Actorione 196

Adrastus 107, 110, 113 f.

Aegeus 165

Aegimius 196

Aegisthus 70 ff.

Aegyptus 64

Aeneas 227

Aeolians 155

Aeolic dialect 232

Aeolus 141

Aepytus 153

Aesepus 57

Agamemnon 7, 43 ff., 209, 242; king of Cyme 48; king of Mycenae 45; at Sparta 69 ff.

Agrionia 136 n. 22

Aison 141, 142

Aithra 166, 167

Alcathoüs 213

Alcmene 199, 206, 207

Alexander (Paris) 74

Alexandra 46, 72

Allies of the Trojans 55 ff.

Aloeus 123 n. 45

Alos 123 and n. 45

Amarynceus 93

Amazons 52, 53, 215

Amphiaraus 107, 110, 115 f., 207

Amphion 124, 146 n. 57; Iasides 131, 142 f.

Amphitryon 199, 206

Amyclae 68, 71, 76

Amymone 64 n. 72

Amythaon 91, 141, 142

Andreus 130

Androclus 153

Androgeos 177, 178 n. 43

Andromache 58

Antaeus 215

Anteia 52

Antiope 124

Apharetidae 78

Aphareus 78 n. 25

Aphidna 70, 74, 160

Aphrodite 225 f.

Apis 212

Apollo 76, 227

Arcadia 90

Arene 81

Ares 122, 225 f.

Argolis 36 ff.

Argonauts 86, 130, 136, 138 f.

Argos (city) 62, 67, 68 f., 212

Argos (hero) 63, 212

Argus 63

Ariadne 171 f., 175

Arion 216

Aristomachus 247

Arne 128

Artemis 230

Asine 38 f.

Astyocheia 199

Atalanta 91

Athamanes 133

Athamas 99 n. 12, 123 n. 45, 133 ff.

p. 253

Athena 116, 202, 226 f., 245, 248; Apaturia 167; Chalinitis 51; Itonia 140

Athens 159

Atreidae 39, 42 ff.

Atreus 45

Attica 159 ff.

Augeias 93, 217

Aulis 145, 146 n. 56

Autolycus 201


Babylonian religion 222

Bellerophon 34, 51 ff., 61, 209, 212

Bérard, V. 149 n. 63

Bethe, E. 6, 45, 169, 179, 227

Bias 91, 114

Boeotia 100 ff.

Bonfires 205

Brauron 160

Briareos 248

Bride-race 94

Briseis 191

Bull-ring 176, 217

Buttmann, Ph. 139


Cadmeans 121, 126

Cadmus 120 ff., 126

Calaureia, league of 144

Calydon 186, 212

Calydonian hunt 185

Capaneus 117

Cardamyle 84

Carians 57

Castor 77

Caucones 56 n. 58, 57

Cecrops 162

Centaurs 158 and n. 79

Cephallenia 97, 98

Cephallenians 97, 99

Cerberus 197, 214

Cercyon 164

Ceryneian hind 213

Chadwick, H. M. 16

Chaeronea 47

Charites 225

Chimaera 34, 52, 53

Chloris 86, 130, 142

Choric poetry 1

Chryses 191, 242

Chryseis 191

Cilicia 60

Cilicians 58, 61

Cilix 120

Cinyras 60, 62

Cithaeronian lion 208

Cleisthenes 113

Clytaemestra 45, 71

Clytiadae 91

Cnossus 171, 175, 176

Codrus 153

Colophon 55, 153

Comparative mythology 2

Copais, Lake of 100, 101, 127, 129, 152

Copreus 43, 197

Corinth 51

Cornford, F. M. 171 n. 29

Coronea 140

Cos 55, 198

Cretan bull 169, 216 f.

Cretheus 141, 142

Crommyon 164

Cronus 92, 245, 247

Curtius, E. 145 n. 55

Cyclical epics 1, 5

Cycnus 212

Cyparissia 80

Cypria (epos) 78

Cyprus 60, 61


Daedalus 178, 190

Danaans 66 f.

Danae 41 f.

Danai 42

Danaides 64 ff.

Danais (epos) 66

Danaus 42, 64, 65

p. 254

Deianeira 205

Delphi 148

Demophon 205

Dendra 37, 54, 118

Dimini 138

Diomedes 9, 108, 117, 120, 202; lay of, 225 ff.; of Thrace 215 f.

Dione 215

Dionysus 62, 133, 172

Dioscuri 73, 74, 76 ff., 167

Dirce 124

Dörpfeld, W. 82, 95

Drerup, E. 15


Echidna 212

Eëtion 58

Egypt 66, 132

Egyptian religion 221

Eleans 78, 93, 97, 196

Electryon 207

Eleusis 131, 161, 165

Elis 90, 91

Elysium 214

Enipeus 141

Epeans 83, 88, 93, 97

Ephyre 51

Epicaste 103

Epics, Greek, Mycenaean origin of, 20 ff.; development 23, 224

Epics, Greek, of other peoples 16, 25, 209; development 16 ff.; technique 18 ff.

Epigoni 119

Erechtheus 162

Erginus 152

Erichthonius 162

Eriphyle 119

Erymanthian boar 213

Erythrae 154

Eteocles, king of Thebes 107, 111; king of Orchomenus 130

Eteonus 103

Euadne 117

Euboea 155

Euhemerism 3

Europa 33

Eurybates 97

Eurystheus 51, 195, 197, 209

Eurytos 200

Eutresis 100 n. 2

Evans 21, 39 n. 11


Fimmen, D. 35, 152

Finsler, G. 58, 223, 228, 232

Fire-festivals 135 n. 19

Fleece 135; Golden 140

Folk-tale 30, 40, 91, 103, 156, 177, 227, 247

Forrer, E. 60, 130, 239

Friedlander, P. 6, 64 n. 71

Foundation myths 122 ff.

Funeral rites 119


Gardiner, N. 85 n. 12

Gelon 70

Genealogy 4 n. 2, 52, 115

Geometric art 33, 175

Geryon 206, 215

Gla 128

Glaucus 7, 57

Gorgon 41

Graikoi 118, n. 37

Greeks, immigration of, 21 f., 151, 180; migrations of 229 f.


Hades 89, 201, 203, 215, 229

Haliartus 100 n. 2

Halizones 56 and n. 58

Hall, H. R. 126 n. 50

Halus 134, 138

Harma 115

Harmonia 121, 122

Harrie, I. 72

Heavenly gods 229

Heavens 229

Hebe 199

p. 255

Helen, abduction of, 75, 167, 170, 174, on Mycenaean ring 32; sanctuary at Therapnae 68; at Sparta 73 ff.

Helen Dendritis 74, 172

Heleneia 74

Helle 134

Hera 62, 197, 201, 211, 244, 245, 248

Heracles 51, 88, 89, 92, 151, 158, 169; apotheosis 204 f.; birth 206 f.; cults 193f., 205; death 200; Death, victory over, 214, cp. Hades; divinity 204; epos 9, 194 f., 199; in Homer 197 ff.; labors 195, 197, 211 ff.; name 189 ff.; parerga 195; praxeis 195 ff.

Heraeum in Argolis 38, 63; on Samos 55

Hesperides 214

Hiller v. Gärtringen, F. 233

Historical school of mythology 5 ff., 8

Holophernes 64

Homer 23; cp. Epics, Greek

Homeric research 10 ff.

Horae 226, 231, 249

Hunting in art 218

Hyacinthus 68, 76

Hypnus 198

Hyria 125, 146 n. 57

Hyrieus 146 n. 57


Iamidae 91

Iason 130, 139

Ida, Mt. 236

Idas 202 n. 32

Ilus 123 n. 45

Ino 121

Io 62 f., 66

Iolaus 195

Iolcus 136 f., 146

Ionia 54, 59, 110, 153 f., 232

Ionian islands 95 ff.

Iphitus 201, 206

Iris 245

Ithaca 95, 98

Ixion 135 n. 19


Judith 64


Kakovatos. See Pylos

Kampos 80

Kephallenes 97, 98

Kleidi 81

Kore 74, 170, 171 n. 29

Kingship, Mycenaean 238 ff. Teutonic 240 f.

Kretschmer, P. 26, 189

Kunst, K. 72


Labdacus 104

Labyrinth 171, 176

Lacedaemon 69

Laconia 68 ff.

Laërtes 97

Laius 103, 106

Lang, A. 16

Laomedon 197, 198

Lapersai 46

Laphystion, Mt. 135

Lapiths 158 f., 174

Leaf, W. 145, 146 n. 56, 157

Lemnos 67

Lernaean hydra 213

Lesbos 49, 94

Leucas 95, 98

Leucippus 78

Logographers 4

Lorimer, H. L. 131

Lycia 53, 61

Lycians 57 ff.

Lycus 124

Lykaion, Mt. 135

Lynceus 64 n. 71

p. 256

Maeones 56 n. 58, 57

Malea, Cape 70 f.

Malten, L. 53

Marathon 170

Marathonian bull 169

Mecisteus 108

Megapenthes 49

Megara (city of) 113, 162, 165, 178

Megara (wife of Heracles) 199, 202

Megareus 213

Melampus 62, 91, 114

Melanippus 113

Melanthus 153

Menelaeion 68, 73

Menelaus 89

Messenia 79 ff.; seven cities of, 84 ff.

Midas 48 n. 37

Midea 37, 182, 207

Miletus 55, 120, 153

Minoa 178, 179

Minoan people 21, 176; script 61, 102 n.

Minos 177 f.

Minotaur 169, 171, 176

Minya 140

Minyades 136 n. 22, 139

Minyans 86, 109, 129 ff., 139, 146 ff.

Minyas 133, 136

Minyeios 86, 143

Molione 92 f., 196

Mothone 80

Müller, K. O. 8, 129

Müller, Max 3

Muses 229, 230

Mycenae, 13, 36 f., 40 ff., 50, 114, 149, 209, 243

Mycenaean age 12, 22 f., 238 ff.

Myres, J. L. 4 n. 2

Mysi 56 and n. 58

Mythical scenes on Mycenaean monuments 31 ff.

Mythography 29

Mythology, divine 30; cp. Comparative mythology; Historical school of mythology


Names, descriptive 104, 190; in -eus 26 f., 43, 96; in folk-tales 189

Nauclus 153

Neleus 86, 88, 130, 141, 142

Neleus, Codrus' son 153, 154

Nemean lion 208, 213

Nemesis 170

Nephele 134

Nessus 159

Nestor 82, 87, 88 f., 229 241

Nisus 165, 178

Odysseus 95 ff., 190, 204, 232, n. 42

Odyssey 23

Oedipus 102 ff., 108 f.; name 105 n. 11

Oenomaus 94

Oeta, Mt. 193, 199, 205

Olympia 90, 91 ff., 236

Olympian scenes 224 ff., 244

Olympus, city of the gods 249 f. dwelling-place of the gods, 205, 228 f; 245

Olympus Mountain 240; in Thessaly 224, 232, 234 f.; elsewhere 235 f.

Orchomenus 127 ff., 146; in Thessaly 140

Orestes 49, 69, 70

Oropos 115

Orthros 215


Paeones 56 and n. 58

Paieon 226

Palamedes 63, 190

Pamphylia 59 n. 64, 60

Pandarus 57

p. 257

Pandion 162, 163

Paphlagonians 56 and n. 58

Patroclus 117

Pegasus 51, 53

Peirithoidai 175

Peirithous 173, 174

Peleus 156, 157

Pelias 141

Pelion, Mt. 134, 157

Pelopes 44

Pelops 44, 94

Penthelidae 49

Penthile 49

Penthilus 49, 69

Perieres 141

Perseidae 39 ff.

Persephone 75, 173

Perseus 40 ff., 123 n. 45

Persson, A. W., 102 n. 5, 118

Pheidon 69

Phemius 19

Pherae 84

Pheres 141, 142

Philoctetes 200

Phlegyans 150

Phoenician alphabet 120

Phoenicians 13, 126, n. 50, 149

Phoenix (Europa's brother) 120

Phoenix (Achilles' tutor) 242 n. 42

Pholus 158

Phoroneus 63

Phrixus 134, 135

Phrygians 56, n. 58, 57

Phthia 156

Phylius 212

Pisa 90, 92

Pisatis 79, 142

Pittheus 165, 167

Pluto 75, 171 n. 29

Pöhlmann, R. v., 15

Pollux 77

Polybus 114

Polyneices 107 ff., 190

Poseidon 141, 230, 245, 248

Potiphar, wife of, 52

Potniae 116

Priene 153

Procris 178

Procrustes 164

Proetides 62 f., 114

Proetus 52, 62

Ptous 136

Pylian cycle 30, 93; epos 82 f., 87 ff.

Pylians in Ionia 153

Pylos 142; dominion of, 79; Heracles' expedition against 89, 196, 203 f; Kakovatos 80, 83; in Messenia 81; Nestor's 82 f., 87 f.


Rhamnus 170

Rhampsinites 146 n. 57

Rhodes 55, 59, 60

Robert, C. 87, 102, 108, 118, 125, 166, 195, 216

Rose, H. J. 103

Salmoneus 91, 135 n. 19, 141

Sarpedon 7, 57

Satyrus 212

Sciron 164

Scylla 32, 178

Semele 121

Seriphus 40

Sesklo 138

Seven against Thebes 106 ff., 115 ff.

Sicyon 51, 113

Sinis 164

Sisyphus 51, 141, 203

Solymi 52

Sparta 68 ff., 196

Sparti 122

Spercheus 157

Steinthal, F. 15

Stheneboia 52

p. 258

Sthenelus 117

Stymphalian birds 213

Sulima plain 81, 85

Syria 60


Tagos 233, 234

Talaus 114

Tegea 90

Temenus 68

Teos 153

Termiles 58

Thasos 120

Thebais (epos) 9, 109, 110, 217

Thebes, in Boeotia 101 ff., 199, 206; in Egypt 131 f., 221; by Mt. Plakos 58 f.; in Phthiotis 138

Therapnae 68

Theseus 74 f., 163 ff., 211; name 171 n. 29

Thespius, daughters of 202

Thessaly 233 f., 237

Thetis 156, 244, 248

Thoricus 161

Thrace 216

Thracians 56 and n. 58

Thryoessa 83

Tiryns 37, 50 ff., 207 ff., 243

Titans 237

Tithonus 204

Tlepolemus 55, 199

Tragedy 1

Triphylia 79, 85

Tripodiskos 123 n. 46

Troes 6

Troezen 165 f.

Trophonius 116

Trojan cycle 6, 25, 197

Troy 197

Tsoundas, Chr. 137

Tydeus 107, 110, 116 f.

Tyndareus 77

Tyro 141 f.

Underworld 87, 89, 114 n. 29, 173, 200, 203


Valmin, N. 79, 81

Vaphio 68


Weber, L. 178 n. 43

Weather magic 135

Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, U. V. 7, 9, 43, 48, 58, 61 n. 68, 87, 166, 225, 227


Zeleia 57

Zethus 124, 146 n. 57

Zeus 92, 198, 225 f., 244 ff; Acraeus 134; Agamemnon 46; Laphystius 135, 140; localization 193, 222; weather-god 134, 230, 231