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144. Direct not thy mind to the vast surfaces of the Earth; for the Plant of Truth grows not upon the ground. Nor measure the motions of the Sun, collecting rules, for be is carried by the Eternal Will of the Father, and not for your sake alone. Dismiss (from your mind) the impetuous course of the Moon, for she moveth always by the power of necessity. The progression of the Stars was not generated for your sake. The wide aërial flight of birds gives no true knowledge nor the dissection of the entrails of

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victims; they are all mere toys, the basis of mercenary fraud:, flee from these if you would enter the sacred paradise of piety, where Virtue, Wisdom and Equity are assembled.

Psel., 4. Z.

145. Stoop not down unto the Darkly-Splendid World; wherein continually lieth a faithless Depth, and Hades wrapped in clouds, delighting in unintellible images, precipitous, winding, a black ever-rolling Abyss; ever espousing a Body unluminous, formless and void.

Synes., de Insom., 140. Z. or T.

146. Stoop not down, for a precipice lieth beneath the Earth, reached by a descending Ladder which hath Seven Steps, and therein is established the Throne of an evil and fatal force.

Psell., 6; Pletho, 2. Z.

147. Stay not on the Precipice with the dross of Matter, for there is a place for thy Image in a realm ever splendid.

Psell., 1, 2; Pletho, 14; Synesius, 140. Z.

148. Invoke not the visible Image of the Soul of Nature.

Psell., 15; Pletho, 23. Z.

149. Look not upon Nature, for her name is fatal.

Proc. in Plat. Th., 143. Z.

150. It becometh you not to behold them before your body is initiated, since by alway alluring they seduce the souls from the sacred mysteries.

Proc. in I. Alcib. Z. or T.

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151. Bring her not forth, lest in departing she retain something.

Psell., 3; Pletho, 15. Z.

Taylor says that "her" refers to the human soul.


152. Defile not the Spirit, nor deepen a superficies.

Psell., 19; Pletho, 13. Z.

153. Enlarge not thy Destiny.

Psell., 37; Pletho, 4.

154. Not hurling, according to the Oracle, a transcendent foot towards piety.

Dam. in Vitam Isidore. ap. Suidam Z. or T.

155. Change not the barbarous Names of Evocation for-there are sacred Names in every language which are given by God, having in the Sacred Rites a Power Ineffable.

Psell., 7. Nicephotus. Z. or T.

156. Go not forth when the Lictor passeth by.

Picus de Mirandula, Concl. Z.

157. Let fiery hope nourish you upon the Angelic plane.

Olymp. in Phæd. Proc. in Alcib. Z. or T.

158. The conception of the glowing Fire hath the first rank, for the mortal who approacheth that Fire shall have Light from God; and unto the persevering mortal the Blessed Immortals are swift.

Proc. in Tim., 65. Z. or T.

1S9. The Gods exhort us to understand the radiating form of Light.

Proc. in Crat. Z. or T.

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160. It becometh you to hasten unto the Light, and to the Rays of the Father, from whom was sent unto you a Soul (Psyche) endued with much mind (Nous).

Psell., 33. Pletho, 6. Z.

161. Seek Paradise.

Psell., 41. Pletho, 27. Z.

162. Learn the Intelligible for it subsisteth beyond the Mind.

Psell., 41. Pletho, 27. Z.

163. There is a certain Intelligible One, whom it becometh-you to understand with the Flower of Mind.

Psell., 31. Pletho, 28. Z.

164. But the Paternal Mind accepteth not the aspiration of the soul until she hath passed out of her oblivious state, and pronounceth the Word, regaining the Memory of the pure paternal Symbol.

Psell., 39. Pletho, 5. Z.

165. Unto some He gives the ability to receive the Knowledge of Light; and others, even when asleep, he makes fruitful from His own strength.

Synes., de Insomn, 135. Z. or T.

166. It is not proper to understand that Intelligible One with vehemence, but with the extended flame of far reaching Mind, measuring all things except that Intelligible. But it is requisite to understand this; for if thou inclinest thy Mind thou wilt understand it, not earnestly; but it is becoming to bring with thee a pure and enquiring sense, to extend the void mind of thy Soul to the Intelligible, that thou mayest learn the Intelligible, because it subsisteth beyond Mind.

Dam. T.

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167. Thou wilt not comprehend it, as when understanding some common thing.

Damascius, de primis principiis. T.

168. Ye who understand, know the Super-mundane Paternal Depth.

Dam. Z. or T.

169. Things Divine are not attainable by mortals who understand the body alone, but only by those who stripped of their garments arrive at the summit.

Proc. in Crat. Z. or T.

170. Having put on the completely armed-vigour of resounding Light, with triple strength fortifying the Soul and the Mind, He must put into the Mind the various Symbols, and not walk dispersedly on the empyræan path, but with concentration.

171. For being furnished with every kind of Armour, and armed, he is similar to the Goddess.

Proc. in Pl. Th., 324. T.

172. Explore the River of the Soul, whence, or in what order you have come: so that although you have become a servant to the body, you may again rise to the Order from which you descended, joining works to sacred reason.

Psell., 5. Pletho. 1. Z.

173. Every way unto the emancipated Soul extend the rays of Fire.

Psell., 11. Pletho, 24. Z.

174. Let the immortal depth of your Soul lead you, but earnestly raise your eyes upwards.

Psell., 11. Pletho, 20.

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175. Man, being an intelligent Mortal, must bridle his Soul that she may not incur terrestrial infelicity, but be saved.

Lyd., De Men., 2.

176. If thou extendeth the Fiery Mind to the work of piety, thou wilt preserve the fluxible body.

Psell., 22. Pletho, 16. Z.

177. The telestic life through Divine Fire removeth all the stains, together with everything of a foreign and irrational nature, which the spirit of the Soul has attracted from generation, as we are taught by the Oracle to believe.

Proc. in Tim., 331. Taylor.

178. The Oracles of the Gods declare, that through purifying ceremonies, not the Soul only, but bodies themselves become worthy of receiving much assistance and health, for, say they, the mortal vestment of coarse Matter will by these means be purified." And this, the Gods, in an exhortatory manner, announce to the most holy of Theurgists.

Jul., Crat. v., p. 334. Z. or T.

179. We should flee, according to the Oracle, the multitude of men going in a herd.

Proc. in I. Alc. Z. or T.

180. Who knoweth himself, knoweth all things in himself.

I. Pic., p. 211. Z.

181. The Oracles often give victory to our own choice, and not to the Order alone of the Mundane periods. As, for instance, when they say, "On beholding thyself, fear!" And again, "Believe thyself to be above the Body, and thou art so." And,

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still further, when they assert, "That our voluntary sorrows germinate in us the growth of the particular life we lead."

Proc., de Prov., p. 483. Z. or T.

182. But these are mysteries which I evolve in the profound Abyss of the Mind.

183. As the Oracle thereforth saith: God is never so turned away from man, and never so much sendeth him new paths, as when he maketh ascent to divine speculation's or works in a confused or disordered manner, and as it adds, with unhallowed lips, or unwashed feet. For of those who are thus negligent, the progress is imperfect, the impulses are vain, and the paths are dark.

Proc. in Parm. Z. or T.

184. Not knowing that every God is good, ye are fruitlessly vigilant.

Proc. in Platonis Pol., 355. Z. or T.

185. Theurgists fall not so as to be ranked among the herd that are in subjection to Fate.

Lyd., De men. Taylor.

186. The number nine is divine, receives its completion from three triads, and attains the summits of theology, according to the Chaldaic philosophy as Porphyry informeth us.

Lyd., p. 121.

187. In the left side of Hecate is a fountain of Virtue, which remaineth entirely within her, not sending forth its virginity.

Psell., 13; Pletho, 9. Z.

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188. And the earth bewailed them, even unto their children.

Psell., 21; Pletho, 3. Z.

189. The Furies are the Constrainers of Men.

Psell., 26; Pletho, 19. Z.

190. Lest being baptized to the Furies of the Earth, and to the necessities of nature (as some one of the Gods saith), you should perish.

Proc. in Theol., 297. Z. or T.

191. Nature persuadeth us that there are pure Dæmons, and that evil germs of Matter may alike become useful and good.

Psell., 16; Pletho, 18. Z.

192. For three days and no longer need ye sacrifice.

Pic. Concl. Z.

193. So therefore first the Priest who governeth the works of Fire, must sprinkle with the Water of the loud-resounding Sea.

Proc. in Crat. Z. or T.

194. Labour thou around the Strophalos of Hecaté.

Psell., 9. Nicephorus.

195. When thou shalt see a Terrestrial Dæmon approaching, Cry aloud! and sacrifice the stone Mnizourin.

Psell., 40. Z.

196. If thou often invokest thou shalt see all things growing dark; and then when no longer is visible unto thee the High-arched Vault of Heaven, when the Stars have lost their Light and the Lamp of

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the Moon is veiled, the Earth abideth not, and around thee darts the Lightning Flame and all things appear amid thunders.

Psell., 10; Pletho, 22. Z.

197. From the Cavities of the Earth leap forth the terrestrial Dog-faced demons, showing no true sign unto mortal man.

Psell, 23; Pletho, 10. Z.

198. A similar Fire flashingly extending through the rushings of Air, or a Fire formless whence cometh the Image of a Voice, or even a flashing Light abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud. Also there is the vision of the fire-flashing Courser of Light, or also a Child, borne aloft on the shoulders of the Celestial Steed, fiery, or clothed with gold, or naked, or shooting with the bow shafts of Light, and standing on the shoulders of the horse; then if thy meditation prolongeth itself, thou shalt unite all these Symbols into the Form of a Lion.

Proc. in Pl. Polit., 380; Stanley Hist. Philos. Z. or T.

199. When thou shalt behold that holy and formless Fire shining flashingly through the depths of the Universe: Hear thou the Voice of Fire.

Psell., 14; Pletho, 25. Z.

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