
Index Header


Abdera, Man of, 6.
Alewife and her Hens, 73.
Alfonsus, Peter, 45.
Arab and his Cow, 70.
Arab Schoolmaster, 83.
Arabian Idiot, 133.
Arabian Nights,
81, 83, 133, 146.
Arabian Noodles, 70, 75, 107, 147.
Armstrong's, Archie, Banquet of Jests, 74.
Ashton, John, xiv.
Ass and the Two Sharpers, 81.
Austwick, Carles of, 17, 53, 54.

Babrius, 53.
Bakki, Brothers of, 32, 64.
Bang-eater and his Wife, 147.
Bang-eaters and the Dogs, 109.
Barrett, F.T., 9.
Barrin' o' the Door,
Belmont, Fools of, 55.
Beryn, Tale of,
Beschi, Father, 29.
Bharataka Dwatrinsati,
Bizarrures of the Sieur Gaulard,
8, 12, 20, 76.
Bidpaď's Fables, 53.
Birth-Stories--see Játakas.
Boccaccio's Decameron, 39.
"Boiling" River, 30, 43.
Bond, The Lord's, 17.
Borde, Andrew, 23.
Bráhmans, Four Simple, 171.
Bromyard, John, 167.
Buddha's Five Precepts, 69.
Bull and the Gate, 54.
Bull of Siva, 48.
Burton's Arabian Nights, 83.
Busk's Folk-Lore of Rome, 204.
Butter eaten by a Dog, 18.
Buzzard, The Gothamite's, 38.

Cabbage-Tree, 47.
Caftan on Tree, 90.
Calfs Head in a Pot, 89.
Campbell's Popular Tales of the West Highlands, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 154, 193.
Cat and old Woman, 65.
Cat, Men of Schilda's, 61.
Cazette's New Arabian Nights, 133.
Ceylon -- see Sinhalese Noodles.
Chamberlain, B.H., 130.
Cheese, The Gothamite's, 34.
Cheese on the Highway, 40.
Cheese, The Stolen, 91.
Chinese Noodles, 93, 94.
Coelho's Contes Portugueses, 120.


Colombo, Michele, 81.
Countryman and Dog, 79.
Cozens, F.W., 9.
Council-House, Dark, 57.
Crane's Italian Popular Tales, 117, 128, 139, 202, 204.
Cuckoo, Hedging in the, 26.
Cumeans and the bath, 4; and the father's corpse, 15; and the fig-tree, 10; and the pot of honey, 19; and the stolen clothes, 4.

Dark Council-House, 57.
Dasent's Norse Tales, 126, 212.
Dekker's Gul's Horn Book, 26.
Devil in the Meadow, 42.
Disciplina Clericalis,
Doctor and Patients, 5.
Doctor's Apprentice, 168.
Dog that ate Honey, 18.
Door, Taking Care of the, 97, 98.
Dreams, The Good, 92, 93.
Dubois, Abbé, 171.

Ear, Biting one's own, 86.
Eberhard's Hieraclis, 3.
Eel, Drowning the, 33.
El Conde Lucanor,
English typical booby, 139.

Fabliaux, Le Grand's, 39, 163.
Family, Best of the, 165.
Farmer and his Pigs, 54.
Fisher, Indian Silly Son as, 163.
Fishers, Gothamite, 28.
Fleas, Bit by, 14.
Folk-Lore in Southern India,
212. Fool and the aloes-wood, 98; and the birch-tree, 151; and the cotton, 99; and the cup lost in the sea, 99; and the elephant-driver, 51; and his porridge, 119; and the Ramáyana, 70; and the sack of meal, 19, 25, 68; and the shopkeeper, 100; at his fireside, 119; kicked by his mule, 119; of Hereford, 221; of Huntingdon, 222.
Fools and the buffalo, 101; and the Bull of Siva, 48; and their inheritance, 118; and the mosquitoes, 95; and the palm-trees, 96; and the trunks, 96.
Fortini's Italian Novels, 162.
Fuller, Thomas, on the Gothamites, 20.
Furnivall, F.J., 23.

Gaulard, The Sieur, 8, 12, 20, 76.
Geese and Tortoise, 52.
Gesta Romanorum,
117, 163.
Gibb's Forty Vazírs, 109, 166, 167.
Giufŕ, the Sicilian Booby, 97, 139, 165.
Goat and Old Woman, 66.
Gooroo Paramartan,
29, 37, 157.
Gossips and their late Husbands, 74.
Gossips at the Alehouse, 43.
Gotham, Tales of the Mad Men of,
xiii., 20, 24-44.
Grazzini's Florentine Fool, 161.
Grecian Noodles, 1-15.

Halliwell-Phillipps, J.O., xiii., 13, 22, 27, 53.
Hama and Hums, Men of, 75.
Hazlitt, W.C., xiii., 12.
Heaven, Sorry he has gone to, 74.
Herdsman, The Foolish, 106.
Herodotus, Stephens' Apology for, 119.
Hierokles, Jests of, 2.
Honey, Pot of, 6, 18.
Hunter's Dream of a Boar, 4.


Icelandic Noodles, 32, 64, 163.
Indian Noodles, 29, 37, 44, 48, 51, 70, 96, 97-106, 111, 118, 158, 161, 163, 170, 212.
Italian Noodles, 115, 127, 143, 160, 197, 202, 204.
Irish Labourer and Farmer, 8.
Irishman and his ass, 119.
Irishman and his hens, 120.
Irishman and lost shovel, 99.
Irishmen and mosquitoes, 14.
Irishman's Dream, 92.

Jack of Dover's Quest, 219.
Japanese Noodle, 130.
Játakas (Buddhist Birth-Stories), 52, 65, 95, 164.
Jests of Scogin,
Joe Miller's Jest-Book, 1, 2.
Judge and Thieves, 87.

Kabaďl Tales, 37, 154.
Kashmírí Tales, 65, 89, 111.
Kathá Manjarí,
11, 70, 100, 163.
Katná Sarit Ságara,
48, 53, 120, 164.
Kerchief, The, 90.
Khoja Nasr-ed-Dín, 89.
King's Stupid Son, The, 167.
Knife, The Gothamites', 53.
Knowles, J.H., 66, 113.

Laird of Logan, 13.
Leger's Conies Populaires Slaves, 128, 154.

Marie de France, 46.
Mery Tales and Quicke Ansiveres,
Miller's Jest-Book, 1, 2.
Millstone of the Schildburgers, 59.
Minstrel and Pupil, 166.
Monk Transformed, 81.
Moon a green cheese, 44.
Moon in the well, 92.
Moon swallowed by an ass, 46.
"Mortuus Loquens," 160.
Mummy, The, 15.

Nasr-ed-Dín Khoja, 89.
Natesa Sastri Pandit, 212.
Needham's Hieroclis, 3.
Noodles, The Three Great, 191.
Norfolk Noodles, 17.
Norse Noodles, 123, 207.
Notts Bridge, 24.

Orientalist, The, 69, 87, 114, 143, 160.

Pancha Tantra, 67, 171.
Paradise, Man who came from, 204, 210, 212, 217.
Pedant, bald man, and barber, 6; and the lost book, 13; and his dream, 5, 6; and the jar of feathers, 5: and his jar of wine, 9; and the mirror, 9; and the two slave-boys, 4; and his slave who died, 8; and the sparrows, 5; and the twin-brothers, 12; and his tomb, 8.
Persian Noodle, 7.
Persian Tales, 7, 66, 79.
Poet and the Dogs, 79.
Poggius' Facetice, 160, 162.
Priest of Gotham, 42.
Princess caused to grow, 102.
Pupil, The Attentive, 165.

Ralston's Russian Folk-Tales, 48, 153.
Relic-hunter, 95.
Rents of Gothamites, 27.
Right Hand or Left, 91.
River, "Boiling," 30, 43.
Rivičre's Contes Populaíres de la Kabylie du Djurdjura, 37, 154.


Russian Noodles, 47, 128, 151, 154. 195.
Rustic and the Dog, 79.

Sacke Full of Newes, 46, 97.
Sa'dí's Gulistán, xi, 79.
Schilda, The Men of, 56.
Schoolmaster's Lady-love, 83.
Sesame, Roasted, 120.
Sheep's Eyes, Casting, 41, 126, 127.
Sicilian Boobies, 97, 116, 139, 165.
Silent Noodles, 107-117.
Silly Matt, 123.
Silly Son, The, 121.
Simple Simon, 121, 122.
Simpleton and Sharpers, 81.
Sindibád Náma,
Sinhalese Noodles, 67-69, 87, 89, 113, 141, 165, 179, 217.
Smith, Alexander, 9.
Spade, The Stolen, 94.
Spinning-Wheel, The, 36.
Stephens, Henry, Tales by, 119.
Stokes' Indian Fairy Tales, 154.
Sutnma Prœdicantium,
The, 167.

Tabourot, Etienne, 8.
Tales and Quicke Answeres,
Tawney, C.H., 48.
Taylor's Wit and Mirth, 9, 10, 74, 78.
Thief on a Tree, 11.
Thorns, W.J., xii., 56.
Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire, 21.
Three Greatest Noodles. 191.
Treasure Trove, 144, 151, 154.
Trivet, The Gothamite's, 36.
Turkish Noodles, 11, 86, 90, 93, 109, 166, 167.
Twelve Fishers, The, 28.
Twin Brothers, 12.

Vives, Ludovicus, 46.

Warton's History of English Poetry, 22.
Washerman and his young Ass, 103.
Wasp's Nest, 40.
"Whittle to the Tree," 53.
Widows, The Two, 74.
Wiltshire Noodles, 17, 54.
Wither's Abuses Whipt and Stript, 26.
Wolf's Tail, The, 91.
Wood, Anthony, on the Gotham Tales. 23.
Worsted Balls, The, 35.
Wrestler and the Wag, 7.
Wrong Man wakened, 6, 7.

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