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Hymns of the Atharva Veda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1895], at


1The man, to whose house, when the fires have been taken up
   from the hearth and the oblation to Agni placed therein, the
  Vrātya possessing this knowledge comes as a guest.
2Should of his own accord rise to meet him and say, Vrātya, give
   me permission. I will sacrifice.
3And if he gives permission he should sacrifice, if he does not
   permit him he should not sacrifice.
4He who sacrifices when permitted by the Vrātya who possesses
   this knowledge.
5Well knows the path that leads to the Fathers and the way that.
   leads to the Gods.
6He does not act in opposition to the Gods. It becomes his
7The abode of the man who sacrifices when permitted by the
  Vrātya who possesses this knowledge is long left remaining in
   this world.
8But he who sacrifices without the permission of the Vrātya who-
    possesses this knowledge.
9Knows not the path that leads to the Fathers nor the way that
   leads to the Gods.
10He is at variance with the Gods. He hath offered no accepted.
   sacrifice. p. 158
11The abode of the man who sacrifices without the permission of
   the Vrātya who possesses this knowledge is not left remaining
   in this world.

Next: Hymn 13