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Hymns of the Atharva Veda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1895], at


An imprecation on an enemy

1Whatever we have gained, whatever hath accrued to us, our
  Right, our energy, our Devotion, our heavenly light, our p. 168
   sacrifice, our domestic animals, our offspring, our men,—from
   all share herein we exclude Such-an-one, descendant of Such-
   an-one, son of Such-a-woman. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of Grāhi. Here I bind up his splendour, his energy, his
   vital breath, his life, and cast him down beneath me.
2Whatever we have gained, etc. (as in verse 1). Let him not be
   freed from the noose of Nirriti, etc.
3Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of misery, etc.
4Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of disappearance, etc.
5Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of defeat, etc.
6Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of the sisters of the Gods, etc.
7Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of Brihaspati, etc.
8Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of Prajāpati, etc.
9Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of the Rishis, etc.
10Whatever we have gained, etc. Let him not be freed from the
   noose of the Rishis' children, etc.
11Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Angirases, etc.
12Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Angirases, etc.
13Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Atharvans, etc.
14Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Atharvans, etc.
15Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Trees, etc.
16Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of
  Shrubs, etc.
17Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Seasons, etc.
18Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Season-groups, etc. p. 169
19Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the
  Months, etc.
20Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of the Half-
   months, etc.
21Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of Day and
  Night, etc.
22Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of continued
  Day, etc.
23Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of Heaven
   and Earth, etc.
24Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of Indra-
  Agni, etc.
25Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of Mitra-
  Varuna, etc.
26Whatever, etc. Let him not be freed from the noose of King
  Varuna, etc.
27Whatever we have gained, whatever hath accrued to us, our
  Right, our energy, our Devotion, our heavenly light, our
   sacrifice, our domestic animals, our offspring, our men,—from
   all share herein we exclude Such-as-one, descendant of Such-
   an-one, son of Such-a-woman. Let him not be freed from the
   fetter and noose of Death. Here I bind up his splendour, his
   energy, his vital breath, his life, and cast him down beneath

Next: Hymn 9: A charm to secure wealth and felicity