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The Minor Law Books (SBE33), by Julius Jolly, [1889], at

p. 391


P. 231, Appendix v. 56. This difficult text, together with an additional text, is quoted in a somewhat different, but equally faulty form, in the recently published last fasciculus of the Vivâdaratnâkara in the Bibliotheca Indica. I propose to render the two texts as follows: 'Fines beginning with a Kârshâpana may amount to four Kârshâpanas at most (in heavy cases); there are others beginning with two and rising to eight, or beginning with three and rising to twelve Kârshâpanas. All those (fines) which have been declared to begin with one Kârshâpana may be raised to the fourfold amount; the same rule applies to the other fines as well, excepting the highest fine (which consists of 2500 Panas).'

P. 369, after v. 14, add '15. A wife should be honoured by her husband with (presents of) clothes, ornaments, and food; and at a festival (she should receive similar presents) from her father and brothers, her parents-in-law, and other relations.'

P. 369, after note 12 on vv. 12-14, add 15. Smritik. bhartrâ patnî samabhyarkyâ vastrâlamkârabhoganaih | utsave tu pitribhrâtrisvasurâdyais ka bandhubhih ||