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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at

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a, demonstr. pronoun: ayâ´, II, 6, 2:1.

Ámsa, one of the Âdityas, II, 1, 4:2.

amsú, Soma shoot, IV, 1, 29.

amhah-yú, dispelling anguish, V, 15, 3:1.

amhatí, distress, I, 94, 2.

ámhas, evil, distress, anguish, I, 36, 14; 58, 8; 9; III, 15, 3; IV, 2, 8; 9; 3, 14; 11, 6; 12, 6.

aktú, night, I, 36, 16; 68, 1; 94, 5; II, 10, 3; III, 7, 6; IV, 10, 5; áti aktúh (conj. áti aktû´n), I, 143, 3:2.

aktú, ointment: aktú-bhih agyate, III, 17, 1:1.

akrá, a racer, I, 143, 7:2; 189, 7:5; III, 1, 12:1; IV, 6, 3:2.

akshán, eye: satám kákshânah akshá-bhih, I, 128, 3.

akshí, eye: diváh akshî´ íti, I, 72, 10:1.

ákshita, imperishable, I, 58, 5.

ákshîyamâna, inexhaustible, III, 9.

agótâ, want of cows, III, 16, 5.

ágopâ, without a keeper, II, 4, 7.

Agní, fire, and god of fire, I, 1, 1, &c.; III, 2, 9:2; agním-agnim, I, 12, 2; agnínâ agníh sám idhyate, I, 12, 6; agne agníbhih, I, 26, 10; agním (â´ vaha ágne), 1, 44, 8:1; vayâ´h ít agne agnáyah te anyé, I, 59, 2; índram agním, III, 12, 3; purîshyầsah agnáyah, III, 22, 4; ágne vísvebhih agní-bhih, III, 24, 4; ágne índrah ka, III, 25, 4; agnáyah agníshu, V, 6, 6.

agni-gihvá, fire-tongued: agni-gihvâh, I, 44, 14.

agnídh, the Agnîdh (priest): agnít (conj. agnî´t), II, 1, 2:2.

agni-srî´, possessing the beauty of Agni, III, 26, 5:1

ágra, summit: ripáh ágram, III, 5, 5:1; ágre, at first, I, 31, 5; in front of, I, 127, 10.

agriyá, foremost: agriyám, I, 13, 10.

agrû´, virgin: agrúvah, I, 140, 8:1; III, 29, 13:2.

aghá, evil, I, 97, [1:1]–8; 128, 5; V, 3, 7; harmful foe, I, 189, 5.

agha-yát, harmful, IV, 2, 6; 24, 3.

agha-yú, harmful, I, 27, 3:1; 147, 4; IV, 2, 9.

aghá-samsa, attacking with evil spells, IV, 4, 3; V, 3, 7

ághnyâ, cow, IV, I, 6.

aṅgá: yát aṅgá, whatever, I, 1, 6.

Áṅgiras, N. of Agni, I, 1, 6; 31, 1; 17; 74, 5; IV, 2, 15; 3, 15; 9, 7; V, 8, 4; 10, 7; 11, 6; 21, 1; gyéshtham áṅgirasâm, I, 127, 2; áṅgirah-tamah, the highest Aṅgiras, I, 31, 2; 75, 2;—pl. the Aṅgiras (Rishis), I, 71, 2:1; IV, 3, 11:1; V, 11, 6:1—aṅgirasvát, I, 31, 17; 45, 3; 78, 3.

akítta, unseen, IV, 3, 1.

ákitti, folly, IV, 2, 11; thoughtlessness: ákitti-bhih, IV, 12, 4.

akkhâvâka, a certain priest, (I, 142, 4:2).

ákkhidra, flawless, I, 58, 8; II, 3, 8; III, 15, 5.

ákkhidra-ûti, whose blessings are flawless, I, 145, 3.

ákyuta, unshakeable, II, 3, 3.

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ag, to drive: út agate, he raises up, I, 95, 7; út âgan, they have driven out, IV, 1, 13; â´ agâti, may he lead, V, 2, 5; sám agâti, may he get together, V, 2, 12; agur yamuh, V, 6, 10:2.

agá, goat, I, 67, 5:1

agára, undecaying, never ageing, I, 58, 2; 4; 127, 5; 9; 143, 3; 144, 4; 146, 2; II, 8, 4:1; III, 2, 2; 6, 4; 8, 2; 18, 2; 23, 1; V, 4, 2.

ágasra, unwearied, I, 189, 4; III, 1, 21; 26, 7.

ágâta, unborn, V, 15, 2.

ágâmi, unrelated, IV, 4, 5; V, 19, 4.

agirá, agile, I, 140, 4; III, 9, 8.

aguryá, undecaying, I, 146, 4; II, 3, 5; 8, 2; III, 7, 4; 7; aguryám (conj. aguryáh), I, 67, 1:2.

ágñâta-keta, with unknown design, V, 3, 11.

ágma, course, III, 2, 12.

ágman, race, I, 65, 6.

ágra, plain: brihatáh ágrân, IV, 1, 17.

añg, to anoint, I, 95, 6, &c.;—samânagé, he has shaped, I, 188, 9; sám añgatah, II, 3, 7:1; trídhâ sám-aktam, thrice-anointed, II, 3, 10; aktú-bhih agyate, III, 17, 1:1; aṅkte, he anoints himself, V, 1, 3; anakti, IV, 6, 3:3.

añgí, ointment: añgí-bhih, I, 36, 13:1.

átandra, unwearied, I 72, 7; 95, 2:1; IV, 4, 12.

atasá, brushwood, I, 58, 2; 4; II 4, 7; III, 7, 3:2; IV, 4, 4; 7, 10.

átithi, guest, I, 44, 4; 58, 6; 73, 1:2; II, 2, 8; 4, 1; III, 2, 2; 3, 8; 26, 2; IV, 1, 20:1; 2, 7; V, 1, 8; 9; 3, 5; 4, 5; 8, 2; 18, 1.

atûrta, unconquered, V, 25, 5.

atripá, insatiable, IV, 5, 14.

átka, vesture, I, 95, 7.

átya, racer: átyah ná prishthám rokate, I, 58, 2:1;—I, 65, 6; 149, 3; II, 4, 4; III, 2, 3; 7; 7, 9; átyam ná sáptim, III, 22, 1:1; IV, 2, 3; V, 25, 6.

Átri, V, 2, 6; 7, 10;—pl. the Atris, V, 22, 4;—atri-vát, I, 45, 3:1; V, 4, 9; 7, 8:1; 22, 1.

átri, devourer, II, 8, 5:1.

atrín, ghoul, I, 36, 14:1; 20; 94, 9.

átha, and, I, 26, 9.

atharî´, elephant (?): atharyàh ná dántam, IV, 6, 82.

ad, to eat: â´dat, I, 127, 6:2.

adát, having no teeth, I, 189, 5.

ádabdha, undeceivable, I, 76, 2; 95, 9; 128, 1; 143, 8; II, 9, 6; III, 1, 6; IV, 4, 3; V, 19, 4.

ádabdhavrata-pramati, protector of infallible laws, II, 9, 1:1.

adás: asaú, yonder (sun), V, 17, 3:1.

ádâbhya, undeceivable, I, 31, 10; III, 11, 5; 26, 4; V, 5, 2.

Áditi, I, 94, 16; 95, II; 98, 3; II, 1, 11; III, 4, 11; IV, 12, 4; mâtâ´ Áditih, I, 72, 9;—a name of Agni, I, 94, 15:1;—Freedom, IV, 1, 20:1;—áditim urushya, IV, 2, 11:3;—m., IV, 3, 8:2.

ádripita, undismayed, I, 143, 8; not proud, IV, 3, 3.

ádripta, never foolish, 1, 69, 3.

ádeva, godless, III, 1, 16; V, 2, 9; 10.

ádeva-yu, not caring for the gods, I, 250, 2.

ádbhuta, mysterious, wonderful, I, 77, 3:2; 94, 12; 13; 142, 3; 10; II, 7, 6; V, 10, 2; 23, 2;—secret, IV, 2, 12.

ádman, food, I, 58, 2.

ádri, rock, I, 70, 4:1; 71, 2; 73, 6; 149, 1; IV, 1, 14; 15; 2, 15:3; 3, 11;—press-stone, III, 1, 1.

adrúh, guileless, II, 1, 14:2; III, 9, 4; 22, 4.

adroghá, guileless, III, 14, 6.

ádvayat, truthful, III, 29, 5.

ádvayâvin, in whom is no falsehood, III, 2, 15.

ádha, then: ádha ksharanti (for adháh ksharanti?), I, 72, 10:3.

ádhi, prep. with abl., on behalf of: ritâ´t ádhi, I, 36, 11:1.

ádhi-iti, remembrance, II, 4, 8.

adhi-mánthana, the support on which the rubbing (for producing the fire) is performed, III, 29, 1:2.

adhîvâsá, upper garment, I, 140, 9.

ádhrigu, liberal, III, 21, 4:1; V, 10, 1.

Adhríg? V, 7, 10:1.

ádhvan, way, I, 31, 16; 71, 9; ádhvanah deva-yâ´nân, I, 72, 7:3.

adhvará, worship, rite, sacrifice, I, 1, 4:1; 8; 12, 7, &c.: adhvarám yaga, I, 26, 1; pátih adhvarâ´nâm, 1, 44, 9; râgantam adhvarâ´nâm, I, 45, 4; p. 429 yagñásya adhvarásya, I, 128, 4:1; adhvarâ´-iva (conj. adhvaré-iva), III, 6, 10:3; adhvarásya pra-netâ´, III, 23, 1.

adhvara-srî´, beautifier of sacrifices, I, 44, 3:2.

adhvariy, to be as an Adhvaryu: adhvari-yasi, II, 1, 2.

adhvari-yát, performing the sacrificial service, IV, 9, 5.

adhvaryú, the Adhvaryu priest, I, 94, 6; II, 5, 6; III, 5, 4; IV, 6, 4; adhvaryú-bhih pañká-bhih, III, 7, 7.

ánagna, not naked, III, 1, 6.

ánagni-trâ, not standing under Agni's protection, I, 189, 3.

ánadat, not eating, III, 1, 6.

anantá, infinite, IV, 1, 7:2.

anapa-vrigyá, interminable, I, 146, 3.

anamîvá, free from plagues, III, 16, 3; 22, 4.

anarván, untouched, I, 94, 2; unattainable, II, 6, 5.

anavadyá, blameless, I, 31, 9; 71, 8; 73, 3.

anavabhrá-râdhas, with gifts that cannot be taken away, III, 26, 6.

ánasvat, together with a car, V, 27, 1.

ánâkrita, whom it is not possible to drive to a place, I, 141, 7:1.

ánâga, sinless, IV, 12, 4.

anâgâh-tvá, sinlessness, I, 94, 15.

ánâyata, unsupported, IV, 13, 5.

anâyudhá, unarmed, IV, 5, 14.

aniná, feeble, I, 150, 2.

anindrá, Indra-less, V, 2, 3.

áni-bâddhá, unattached, IV, 13, 5.

ani-bâdhá, unbounded, III, 1, 11:1.

ánibhrishta-tavishi, of undecaying strength, V, 7, 7.

ani-mâná, immeasurable, I, 27, 11.

ánimishat, never slumbering, I, 143, 8.

áni-misham, with unwinking eyes, V, 19, 2.

áni-mesham, unremittingly, I, 31, 12.

anirá, sapless, IV, 5, 14.

áni-vrita, unrestrained, III, 29, 6.

anishaṅgá, without a quiver, I, 31, 13:2.

ánîka, face, II, 9, 6; III, 1, 15; 19, 4:1; IV, 5, 9:1; 15; 10, 3; 11, 1; 12, 2; V, 2, 1.

ánu, prep. with ablat., I, 141, 3:2.

anukthá, hymnless, V, 2, 3.

ápupa-kshita, undecaying, III, 13, 7.

anushthú, by one's present power, I, 95, 3.

anushthuyâ´, by one's present power, IV, 4, 14.

anu-satyá, follower of truth, III, 26, 1.

anu-svadhám, according to one's wont or nature, II, 3, 11; III, 6, 9.

ánûna, without flaw, I, 146, 1; II, 10, 6; III, 1, 5; IV, 2, 19; 5, 1.

ánrigu, sinful, IV, 3, 13.

anritá, sinful, IV, 5, 5.

ánrita, falsehood, V, 12, 4.

anehás, unmenaced, III, 9, 1.

antah-vidváms, knowing, I, 72, 7.

ántama, nearest (friend), I, 27, 5; III, 10, 8; V, 24, 1.

ántara, closest; I, 31, 13; nearer, III, 18, 2;—in the midst, I, 44, 12.

antáriksha, air, I, 73, 8; III, 6, 8; 8, 8; 22, 2; IV, 14, 2; V, 1, 11.

ánti, nigh, I, 79, 11; 94, 9.

andhá, blind, I, 147, 3:1; 148, 5:2.

ándhas, darkness, I, 94, 7.

ándhas, sap, IV, I, 19.

ánna, food: sthirâ´ ánnâ, I, 127, 4:3; IV, 7, 10; tri-vt ánnam, I, 140, 2:2; ánnâ, instr., IV, 7, 11:1.

ánniyat, desirous of food, IV, 2, 7.

anyád-anyad, the one and the other, 1, 95, 1.

anyá-vrata, following another law, V, 20, 2.

áp, pl., water, Waters, I, 36, 8; 95, 3:1; 96, 1; 2; IV, 3, 12, &c.; gárbhah apâ´m, I, 70, 3; III, 1, 1:2; 13; 5, 3; apâm nápât, I, 143, 1:2; III, 9, 1; apâ´m upá-sthe, I, 144, 2; apâ´m sadhá-sthe, I, 149, 4; II, 4, 2; â´yuh apâ´m, III, 1, 5; mâth apáh, III, 9, 2; ap-sú sritám, III, 9, 4; apâ´m duroné, III, 25, 5; ávindat apáh, V, 14, 4:1.

ápatya, offspring, I, 68, 7.

áparâ-gita, unconquered, III, 12, 9; V, 25, 6.

ápari-vrita, uncovered, II, 10, 3.

apasyá, bereft of sight, I, 148, 5:2.

ápas, work, I, 68, 5; 69, 8:2; 70, 8; II, 3, 6; III, 3, 3; 12, 7; IV, 2, 14; see apás.

apás, active, I, 31, 8; 71, 3; 95, 4; III, 2, 5; 7; 8, 5;—work: p. 430 apási (conj. upási), III, I, 3:3; 11:4; apáh (conj. ápah), III, 6, 7:2.

apasyú, ever active, I, 79, 1.

apâ´d, footless, IV, 1, 11.

apârá, boundless, III, I, 14.

api-dhí, covering, I, 127, 7:3.

api-sarvará, approach of darkness, III, 9, 7:2.

api-sthitá, standing on, I, 145, 4:6.

ápûrvya, wonderful, III, 13, 5.

áprinat, not giving, V, 7, 10.

ap-túr, crossing the waters, III, 27, 11:3.

ap-tû´rya, crossing the waters, III, 22, 8:1.

Ápnavâna, IV, 7, 1.

ápnasvat, rich: ápnasvatîshu urvárâsu, I, 127, 6.

ápya, living in the water I, 145, 5.

ápra-âyu(s), unremitting, I, 127, 5:4

áprati-skuta, unrepressed, III, 2, 34.

ápra-dripita, unconfused, I, 145, 2.

apra-mrishyá, not to be despised, IV, 2, 5.

ápra-yukkhat, never failing, unremitting, I, 143, 8; II, 9, 2; III, 5, 6; 20, 2.

ápra-vîtâ, virgin, IV, 7, 9:1.

apsu-sád, dwelling in the waters, III, 3, 5.

abhi-khyâ´, looking at, I, 148, 5:2.

abhí-gñú, on one's knees, I, 72, 5.

abhí-dyu, striving for heaven, I, 127, 7; III, 27, 1.

abhi-pitvá, the time of rest, I, 189, 7:[2, 3].

abhí-mâti, plotter, III, 24, 1; assault, V, 23, 4:1.

abhimâti-sáh, victorious over hostile plots, II, 4, 9.

abhi-yúg, attack, III, 11, 6; V, 4, 5.

abhí-sasti, curse, I, 71, 10; V, 3, 7; 12.

abhisasti-kâ´tana, dispeller of curses, III, 3, 6.

abhisasti-pâ´van, protector against imprecations, I, 76, 3.

abhi-srî´, leading to, or striving for, gloriousness, I, 98, 1:1; 144, 6.

abhíshti, victory, V, 17, 5.

abhishti-kt, helpful, IV, 11, 4.

abhi-hrút, injury, I, 128, 5; anything leading astray, I, 189, 6:1.

abhî´ke with ablat., I, 71, 8:4.

abhrá, cloud, I, 79, 2.

abhrât, brotherless: abhrâtárah, IV, 5, 5:2.

ábhva, wondrous, I, 140, 5; monstrous might, II, 4, 5.

am, to plague: abhí ámanta, I, 189, 3:1.

áma, vehemence, I, 66, 7; fear: áme dhât, I, 67, 3.

amáti, impetuous splendour, I, 73, 2:3.

ámati, lack of thoughts, senselessness, III, 8, 2:1; 16, 5; IV, 11, 6.

ámartya, immortal, I, 44, 1; 11; 58, 3; III, 2, 11; 10, 9; 11, 2; 24, 2; 27, 5; 7; IV, 1, 1; 8, 1; 9, 2; V, 4, 10.

ámardhat, never failing, III, 25, 4.

áma-vat, violent, impetuous, I, 36, 20; IV, 4, 1.

amítra, enemy, III, 18, 2; IV, 4, 4; 12, 2.

amitra-dámbhana, deceiver of foes, IV, 15, 4.

amitra-yúdh, attacking the enemies, III, 29, 15.

áminat, innocent, IV, 5, 6.

amîva-kâ´tana, driving away sickness: amîva-kâ´tanam, I, 12, 7.

ámîvâ, plague, 1, 189, 3; III, 15, 1.

ámûra, not foolish, unerring, wise, I, 68, 8:1; 72, 2: 141, 12; III, 19, 1; 25, 3; IV, 4, 12; 6, 2; 11, 5.

ámrikta, uninjured, inviolable, III, 6, 4; 21, 6; IV, 3, 12:1.

amta, immortal (Agni), I, 26, 9:1; 44, 5:1; 58, 1; 70, 4:2, &c.;—pl. the immortal gods, I, 59, 1, &c.;—immortality, I, 13, 5:2; 68, 4:1; 72, 1:1; 6; III, 1, 14; 23, 1:2; 25, 2; V, 3, 4; 28, 2; amtasya nâ´bhim, III, 17, 4;—ambrosia, I, 71, 9:3; III, 26, 7; V, 2, 3:2.

amrita-tvá, immortality, I, 31, 7; 72, 9; 96, 6; V, 4, 10.

ámrityu, immortal, III, 2, 9.

áyas, ore, IV, 2, 17:3.

ayâ´, thus, III, 12, 2.

ayâ´s, never-tiring (flame), III, 18, 21; IV, 6, 10.

ará, spoke of a wheel, I, 141, 9; V, 13, 6.

arakshás, benevolent, II, 10, 5.

árana, stranger, V, 2, 5.

aráni, kindling-stick, I, 127, 4:1; III, 29, 2; V, 9, 3.

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aratí, steward (?), I, 58, 7:1; 59, 2; 128, 6; 8; II, 2, 2; 3; 4, 2; III, 17, 4; IV, 1, 1; 2, 1; V, 2, 1:3.

áram, enough, I, 66, 5; dâ´sat áram, he satisfies, I, 70, 5; readily, II, 5, 7:2; 8; purú vâ áram (conj. puruvâ´ram), I, 142, 10:2.

aram-kt, doing service, II, 1, 7:1.

árarivams, niggardly, I, 147, 4; 150, 2; III, 18, 2.

árâti, malign power, II, 7, 2; III, 18, 1; 24, 1; IV, 4, 4; árâtau (conj. for arataú), V, 2, 1:3; pl., V, 2, 6.

arâti-yát, niggard, I, 99, 1:2.

arâti-ván, malicious, I, 147, 4.

árâvan, niggard: árâvnah, I, 36, 15; 16.

arí, poor: aryáh, I, 70, 1:[1, 2]; 71, 3:2; 150, 1:1;—he who does not give, niggard, I, 73, 5:[1, 2]; II, 8, 2; IV, 4, 6; V, 2, 12.

arí, the Ârya: aryáh, IV, 2, 12:3; 18:5.

árishta, uninjured, V, 18, 3.

árishyat, unharmed: árishyantah, II, 8, 6.

aruná, red, I, 73, 7; II, 1, 6.

arunî, the red (cow, or Dawn), I, 140, 13; IV, 1, 16:3; 2, 16; 14, 3:1.

árupita? IV, 5, 7:1.

arushá, red, ruddy, I, 36, 9; 141, 8; II, 2, 8; III, 1, 4; 7, 5; 15, 3; 29, 6; IV, 15, 6:2; V, 1, 5; arushâ´, the two ruddy horses, I, 94, 10; II, 10, 2:1; IV, 2, 3; arushâ´sah, I, 146, 2:2; IV, 6, 9; arushásya vshnah, V, 12, 2:2; 6;—árushîm (conj. árushîh?), I, 71, 1:2; árushîh, I, 72, 10:4.

arushá-stûpa, whose summit is red, III, 29, 3.

árûkshita, soft, IV, 11, 1.

arepás, stainless, IV, 10, 6.

arká, song, I, 141, 13; III, 26, 7:1; 8; IV, 3, 15; 10, 3; V, 5, 4.

ark, to sing, praise: arkan, III, 14, 4; árkâmi, IV, 4, 8; ânrikúh, V, 6, 8; árkantah, V, 13, 1; árka, V, 16, 1:1; 22, 1; 25, 7;—abhí kârám arkan, they sang triumphantly, IV, 2, 14:2;—prá arkanti, III, 12, 5; prá arka, I sing, III, 23, 1:1.

arkí, flame, I, 36, 3; 20, &c.

arkís, flame, IV, 7, 9; V, 17, 3.

árna, flood: diváh árnam, III, 22, 3.

arnavá, waving, III, 22, 2:2.

árnas, wave, IV, 3, 12.

ártha, aim, I, 144, 3:2; III, 11, 3:2; IV, 6, 10.

árbha, small, I, 146, 5.

arbhaká, little: arbhakébhyah, I, 27, 13.

árminî in nâ´rminî? (I, 149, 3:1).

aryá, Aryan, IV, 1, 7; (2, 12:3; 18:5;) V, 16, 3.

Aryamán, I, 26, 4; 36, 4; 44, 13; 79, 3; 141, 9; II, 1, 4; IV, 2, 4: 3, 5; V, 3, 2.

arváñk: arvâ´ñkam yákshva, sacrifice and bring hither, I, 47, 10.

árvat, horse, I, 27, 9; 73, 9; 145, 3:1; II, 2, 10; IV, 15, 6; V, 6, 1; 2.

árvan, horse, I, 149, 3; IV, 7, 11; 11, 4.

arhánâ, deservedly, I, 127, 6.

árhat, worthy, I, 94, 1; II, 3, 1; 3; V, 7, 2.

av, to protect, bless, help: ávâh, I, 27, 7; avishah, III, 13, 6, &c.

áva: agnéh ávena for agné rávena, I, 128, 5:1.

avadyá, disgrace, IV, 4, 15.

aváni, course, I, 140, 5;—river, V, 11, 5.

avamá, lowest (god), IV, 1, 5.

ávara, later (or, nearer), I, 141, 5;—lower, II, 9, 3.

ávasâna, not clothed, III, 1, 6.

avástât, below, III, 22, 3.

ava-sthâ´, retirement, V, 19, 1:1.

avasyú, desiring help, II, 6, 6.

avit, helper, I, 36, 2; 44, 10; III, 19, 5.

ávi-mat, rich in sheep, IV, 2, 5:1.

avishyát, wishing to drink, I, 58, 2.

avishyú, greedy, I, 189, 5.

avî´ratâ, want of heroes, III, 26, 5.

avriká, without danger, I, 31, 13;—keeping off the wolf, IV, 4, 12.

as, to eat: prá asâna, III, 21, 1.

asatrú, without a foe, V, 2, 12.

asáni, thunderbolt, I, 143, 5.

asás, cursing, IV, 4, 15.

ásiva, unkind, V, 12, 5.

asîrshán, headless, IV, 1, 11.

ásman, stone (flint), II, 1, 1; III, 29, 6.

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ásma-vraga, dwelling in the rock-stable, IV, 1, 13.

ásramishtha, never tiring, IV, 4, 12.

ásrita, not resting on (?), IV, 7, 6:2.

asva-dâ´van, giver of horses, V, 18, 3:2.

ásva-pesas, the ornament of which are horses, II, 1, 16.

ásvam-ishti, winner of horses, II, 6, 2:2.

Ásva-medha, N. p., V, 27, 4–6.

ásva-râdhas, giver of horses, V, 10, 4:1.

ásvâ, mare, III, 1, 4; 7, 2:2.

asvín, rich in horses, IV, 2, 5:1; V, 4, 11.

Asvínau, du., the two Asvins, I, 44, 2; 8; 14; III, 20, 1; 5; 29, 6:1; IV, 2, 4; 13, 1; 15, 9; 10; V, 26, 9:

ásvya, of the horses, I, 74, 7.

áshâlha, invincible, III, 25, 4.

ashtamá, eighth (rein or priest of Agni), II, 5, 2:1.

ashtâ´-padî, eight-footed (i. e. cow with calf), II, 7, 5:2.

as, to be: prá astu, may it be foremost, I, 13, 9;—satáh ka bhávatah ka, I, 96, 7; tvám tâ´n sám ka práti ka asi, thou art united with them and equal to them, II, I, 15.

as, to throw: ava-ásya, I, 140, 10.

ásat, nothingness, IV, 5, 14;—untrue, V, 12, 4.

asanâ´, weapon, I, 148, 4.

asamaná, striving apart, I, 140, 4.

ásam-dita, unfettered, IV, 4, 2.

ásam-mrishta, not cleansed, V, 11, 3.

asaskát, not sticking together, I, 13, 6; 142, 6.

ásasat, never sleeping, I, 143, 3.

ásita, black, IV, 13, 4.

ásu, vital spirit, I, 240, 8.

ásura, the Asura, miraculous lord, II, I, 6; III, 3, 4:1; 29, 14:1; IV, 2, 5:2; V, 12, 1; 15, 1; 27, 1.

asuryà, mysterious power, V, 10, 2.

ásta, stall, I, 66, 9;—home: ástam yánti, V, 6, 1.

ásta-tâti, homestead, V, 7, 6.

ástri, archer, I, 66, 7; 70, 11; 71, 5:1; 148, 4; IV, 4, 1.

ástrita, indestructible, I, 140, 8.

áspandamâna, without trembling, IV, 3, 10.

asmád, pers. pronoun: asmâ´kam astu, may he be ours, I, 13, 10; prá vah îmahe, we entreat for you, I, 36, 1:1; vah untranslated, I, 66, 9:1; sáh nah, thus (give) us, II, 6, 5:1; âré asmát, IV, 11, 6:1.

asma-drúh, he who deceives us: asma-dhrúk, I, 36, 16.

asmadryàk, turned towards us, V, 4, 2.

asma-yú, inclined towards us, I, 142, 10.

asrídh, not failing, I, 13, 9; V, 5, 8.

ásredhat, unerring, III, 14, 5.

asremán? III, 29, 13:1

ásvapnag, never sleeping: ásvapnagah, IV, 4, 12.

áhan, day, I, 71, 2; dîrghâ´ áhâ, I, 140, 13; áhnah, by day, IV, 10, 5; ágre áhnâm, V, 1, 4; 5.

áhi, snake, I, 79, 1.

ahûryá, not to be led astray: ahûryáh (conj. for âhû´ryah), 1, 69, 4:1.

áhraya, fearless, I, 74, 8; glorious, III, 2, 4.

áhrayâna, fearless, IV, 4, 14.

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