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Arabic Thought and its Place in History, by De Lacy O'Leary, [1922], at

p. 321


‘Abbasids, 89 sqq.

Abu Hanifa, 73

Abu Hashim, 97, 98, 131

Abu l-‘Abbas, 101

Abu l-Faraj, 52

Abu Yazid, 194

Albertus Magnus, 235

Alexander of Aphrodisias, 4 sqq., 18

Alexandrian period, 10

‘Ali, 67, 92

‘Alids, 93

al-Allaf, 124

Arian controversy, 27 sq.

Aristotle, 5, 6 sq.; . . . theology of, 188

art, 78 sqq.

ascetes, 133

al-Ash‘ari, 211 sqq.

Avempace, 244

Avenzoar, 265

Averroes, 290-91


Baqilani, 217

Barsuma, 32, 44

Berthelot, 120

Bevan, 61, 62

Bishr ibn Mu‘tamir, 127

Bologna, 294

Browne, 162


Chalcedon, council of, 36

Christianity, 7 sqq.

Clement of Alexandria, 12

Cordova, khalifate of, 230 sqq.


da’i (missionary), 99, 162, 169

Da’ud az-Zahiri, 282

Dhu n-Nun, 191

Dominican friars, 286, 288


Edessa, 32


failasuf, 135

al-Farabi, 143-56

Frederick II, 281, 290


al-Ghazali, 209, 219 sqq.

Gregory bar Hebraeus, 52

Gunde-Shabur, 109


al-Hallaj, 192

al-Hanafiya, 94

Harran, 43

Hasdai b. Shaprut, 241

al-Hasan, 95

Hellenism, 3

Hermann, translator, 282

Hunayn b. Ishaq, 51, 112

al-Husayn, 95


Ibas, 32, 44

Ibn Bajja, 269

Ibn Gabirol, 242

p. 322

Ibn Hazun, 231 sq.

Ibn Rushd, 252 sqq., 258

Ibn Sina, 170-9

Ibn Tumart, 246

Ibn Zuhr, 265

Ifrikiya, 228 sqq.

Ikhwanu s-Safa (Brotherhood of Purity), 164


Jabir b. Hayyan, 119 sq.

Jacobites, 37, 85

al-Jahir, 130

Jalalu d-Din Rumi, 204

James of Edessa, 48; . . . of Sarugh, 189

Jehuda b. Salomo Cohen, 271

Jehuda hal-Levi, 262

Jews, 261; . . . in Egypt and Spain, 239 sq.

John Damascene, 85; . . . of Salisbury, 278

al-Junayd, 191

Jundi-Shapur (Gunde-Shabur, q.v.), 42

jurisprudence of Muslims, 73 sqq.


Kalonymos b. Kalonymos, 312

Khalid, 119; . . . b. Yazid, 80

al-Kindi, 136-43

von Kremer, 185


Lammens, H., 59, 103


Ma‘bad al-Yuhani, 85

Maimonides, 265

Malik b. Anas, 76

Masudi, 9

Mataridi, 218

Mawla, 56

Monophysites, 37, 47

Montpelier, 290

Moses b. Maymun, 265; . . . of Narbonne, 213

Muhammad b. ‘Ali, 98 sqq., 100

Muhyi d-Din, 204

al-Muqaffa, 106-9

Murabits, 234 sqq.

Mutakallamin, 239

Mu‘tazilites, 83, 86, 123 sqq.

Muwahhids, 246 sq., 268 sqq.

Mu‘awiya, 67, 73


an-Natali, 170

an-Nazzam, 126, 129

neo-Platonism, 108

Nestorians, 38

Nestorius, 30 sq.

Nisibis, 31, 41


Origen, 24


Padua, 292

Persia, 43; Persians, 101

Philo, 12

Philosophy, 4

Plato, 5, 6, 15

Plotinus, 19, 116

Porphyry, 22


Qadirites, 85

Quraysh, 92


Raymund of Toledo, 276

ar-Razi, 111

p. 327

sahibs, 67

Sa‘id al-Fayyumi, 237

Sayyid Murtada, 285

Sergius of Rashayn, 45

ash-Sha‘rani, 207

Shi‘a, 91; Shi‘ite sects, 156 sqq.

Shu‘ubiyya, 102, 159 sq.

Spain, conquest of, 230

sufism, 181

as-Sulani, 127


Thabit b. Qurra, 119

Theodore Abucara, 83

Thomas Aquinas, 285

translators, 105 sqq.


‘Umar, 67

‘Umayyads, 67, 87, 94

‘Uthman, 66


al-Walid, 76

Wasil b. ‘Ata, 86


Zikr, 197

Zindiq, 107, 191