Sacred Texts  Freemasonry 

Masonic illustration: (Public Domain Image)

Morals and Dogma

by Albert Pike


Contents    Start Reading    Page Index    Text [Zipped]

This is Albert Pikes' 861 page volume of 'lectures' on the esoteric roots of Freemasonry, specifically the 32-degree Scottish Rite. Until 1964, this book was given to every Mason completing the 14th degree in the Southern jurisdiction of the US Scottish Rite Freemasons. Masonic lectures are standard oral presentations given during initiation to a new degree. Lectures provide background material for initiates and the discuss duties of the degree in general terms. They do not present details of the rituals, gestures, regalia, etc., for which one must consult other books on Masonry.

Pike states right off that half of the text is copied from other works. Unfortunately none of these quotes are properly cited, and in most cases it is only a shift in style which allows us to identify a quote. There are also lapses of fact and logic. So it would be a mistake to use this work as an authoritative source without additional research and critical thinking. That said, Morals and Dogma is a huge, rambling treasure-house of esoteric data, particularly on the Kabalah and ancient Mystery religions. Whether you just browse these pages or study it from one end to the other, this is a must-read book for anyone looking for long-lost knowledge.

This etext uses Unicode extensively, particularly for Greek and Hebrew, and your browser needs to be Unicode compliant to view it properly.

Title Page
I. Apprentice
II. The Fellow-Craft
III. The Master
IV. Secret Master
V. Perfect Master
IV. Intimate Secretary
VII. Provost and Judge
VIII. Intendant of the Building
IX. Elect of the Nine
X. Illustrious Elect of the Fifteen
XI. Sublime Elect of the Twelve, or Prince Ameth
XII. Grand Master Architect
XIII. Royal Arch of Solomon
XIV. Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason

Chapter of Rose Croix

XV. Knight of the East or of the Sword
XVI. Prince of Jerusalem
XVII. Knight of the East and West
XVIII. Knight Rose Croix

Council of Kadosh

XIX. Grand Pontiff
XX. Grand Master of All Symbolic Lodges
XXI. Noachite, or Prussian Knight
XXII. Knight of the Royal Axe, or Prince of Libanus
XXIII. Chief of the Tabernacle
XXIV. Prince of the Tabernacle
XXV. Knight of the Brazen Serpent
XXVI. Prince of Mercy, or Scottish Trinitarian
XXVII. Knight Commander of the Temple
XXVIII. Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept
XXIX. Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
XXX. Knight Kadosh


XXI. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
XXXII. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret