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The Traditions of the Hopi, by H.R. Voth, [1905], at


People live north of Grand Canyon. Son of chief wonders where water goes to and tells father he will go to examine it. Makes boat, into which he gets with lot of báhos and some food, and floats until he comes to ocean. He drifts against island. Here is house of Spider Woman, who calls him in. He tells her his story and gives her báho. She points to kiva in water where are beads and corals, but wild animals guard path. She gives him medicine, and seats herself behind his right ear. They cross water on rainbow which young man forms by spurting medicine. As they approach kiva they encounter successively panther, bear, wildcat, gray wolf, and rattlesnake, all of which they appease with báhos and medicine. At entrance of kiva is Bow standard. They descend ladder and find many people dressed in blue kilts. Their faces

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are painted with specular iron and they have beads around their necks. Young man sits down near fireplace. All are silent. Chief fills large pipe with tobacco and smokes four times. He hands pipe to young man and tells him to smoke and swallow smoke. Spider woman tells him to put her behind him. When he swallows smoke she draws it from him and he doc, not get dizzy Men do not see trick, and say he is certainly some one. He gives them nakwákwosis and báho, which make them happy. Chief tells young man to turn away, and then people dress up and turn into snakes. Spider Woman tells him not to be afraid. Chief, who has not turned, tells him to select and take snake. Prettiest maiden has become large snake, which is very angry. Snake Woman gives young man medicine, some of which he chews and spurts on fierce snake. It becomes docile, and he grabs snake and strokes it four times. Chief tells him to look away again, and snakes assume human form again. They now talk to young man, and they consider him initiated. Mána whom he captured lays food before him. Chief asks why he came, and he speaks of running water and that he wants beads from Hurúing Wuhti, Young man makes excuse and takes Spider Woman home. On return to kiva chief instructs him about Snake cult. Next morning he goes to Spider Woman, who makes rainbow road to bluff, where Hurúing Wuhti lives. They find old hag, but many beads, shells, etc., on walls. At sundown she becomes pretty maiden and invites young man to sleep with her. In morning he finds old hag, who in evening again changes to maiden, and remains so. He remains four days and nights with Hurúing Wuhti, who is deity of hard substances. She gives him beads and charges him not to open sack as he goes home. If he does they will be gone; if not they will increase. Young man returns to Snake kiva, where he stays four days and nights. Chief tells him to take mána who will bear him children, and they will hold ceremony. They start and go to Spider Woman's house. He tells voting man not to touch his wife on way home, or she and beads will disappear. On way they sleep separately and beads increase. When nearly one more day's travel, sack has become full and man opens it, while wife remonstrates. During night he takes out finest beads and shells and puts them around his neck. In morning all beads but those given him by Hurúing Wuhti have disappeared. They come to village, and soon woman bears many Snake children. They play with Hopi children, but sometimes bite them. Hopi are angry. Husband takes children back to wife's home. Snake man and wife travel southeast ward and come to Wálpi. Chief admits them to village, they to assist people in ceremonies. Woman bears human children and their descendants are Snake clan. Snake chief sends nephew to hunt snakes, and first ceremony is celebrated.

Next: 7.--The Snake Myth.