A MHOIRE, a mhathair nan naomh, Beannaich an t-al ’s an crodh-laoigh; Na leig fuath no foirne, ’n ar gaoith, Fuadaich oirnne doigh nan daoi.
Cum do shuil gach Luan is Mart, Air crodh-laoigh's air aighean dair; Iomachair leinn o bheinn gu sal, Tionail fein an treud ’s an t-al.
Gach Ciadaon agus Daorn bi leo, Biodh do lamh chaon a chaoidh ’n an coir; Cuallaich buar d’am buabhal bho, Cuallaich cuanal d’an cual chro.
Gach Aona bi-sa, a Naoimh, ’n an ceann, Treoraich caoraich a aodann bheann, Le ’n al beag ba as an deigh, Cuartaich ’ad le cuartachd Dhe.
Gach Sathurna bith leo mar chach, Tabhair gobhair a steach le ’n al, Gach meann is maos gu taobh sal, Is Lioc a h-Eigir gu h-ard, Le biolair uaine shuas m’a barr.
Treoir na Trianailt d’ ar dian ’s gach cas, Treoir Chriosda le shith ’s le Phais, Treoir an Spioraid, Ligh na slaint, Is Athar priseil, Righ nan gras. |
MARY, thou mother of saints, Bless our flocks and bearing kine; Hate nor scath let not come near us, Drive from us the ways of the wicked.
Keep thine eye every Monday and Tuesday On the bearing kine and the pairing queys; Accompany us from hill to sea, Gather thyself the sheep and their progeny.
Every Wednesday and Thursday be with them, Be thy gracious hand always about them; Tend the cows down to their stalls, Tend the sheep down to their folds!
Every Friday be thou, O Saint, at their head, Lead the sheep from the face of the bens, With their innocent little lambs following them, Encompass them with God's encompassing.
Every Saturday be likewise with them, Bring the goats in with their young, Every kid and goat to the sea side, And from the Rock of Aegir on high, With tresses green about its summit.
The strength of the Triune be our shield in distress, The strength of Christ, His peace and His Pasch, The strength of the Spirit, Physician of health, And of the precious Father, the King of grace. |
* * * * ’S gach naomh eile bha nan deigh ’S a choisinn suamhnas rioghachd De.
Beannaich sinn fein agus ar cloinn, Beannaich gach creubh a thig o’r loinn, Beannaich am fear sin air an sloinn, Beannaich a Dhe, an te a rug o’n bhroinn.
Gach naomhachd, beannachd agus buaidh, Bhi ’g aomadh leinn gach am ’s gach uair, An ainm Trithinn Naomha shuas, Athar, Mic, is Spiorad buan.
Crois Chriosd bhi d’ ar dion a nuas, Crois Chriosd bhi d’ ar dion a suas, Crois Chriosd bhi d’ ar dion mu ’r cuart, Gabhail beannachd Bealltain uainn, Gabhail beannachd Bealltain uainn. |
* * * * And of every other saint who succeeded them And who earned the repose of the kingdom of God.
Bless ourselves and our children, Bless every one who shall come from our loins, Bless him whose name we bear, Bless, O God, her from whose womb we came.
Every holiness, blessing and power, Be yielded to us every time and every hour, In name of the Holy Threefold above, Father, Son, and Spirit everlasting.
Be the Cross of Christ to shield us downward, Be the Cross of Christ to shield us upward, Be the Cross of Christ to shield us roundward, Accepting our Beltane blessing from us, Accepting our Beltane blessing from us. |