Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
93A: Lamkin
93A.1 ITS Lamkin was a mason good
As ever built wi stane;
He built Lord Wearies castle,
But payment got he nane.
93A.2 O pay me, Lord Wearie,
come, pay me my fee:
I canna pay you, Lamkin,
For I maun gang oer the sea.
93A.3 O pay me now, Lord Wearie,
Come, pay me out o hand:
I canna pay you, Lamkin,
Unless I sell my land.
93A.4 O gin ye winna pay me,
I here sall mak a vow,
Before that ye come hame again,
ye sall hae cause to rue.
93A.5 Lord Wearie got a bonny ship,
to sail the saut sea faem;
Bade his lady weel the castle keep,
ay till he should come hame.
93A.6 But the nourice was a fause limmer
as eer hung on a tree;
She laid a plot wi Lamkin,
whan her lord was oer the sea.
93A.7 She laid a plot wi Lamkin,
when the servants were awa,
Loot him in at a little shot-window,
and brought him to the ha.
93A.8 O whares a the men o this house,
that ca me Lamkin?
Theyre at the barn-well thrashing;
twill be lang ere they come in.
93A.9 And whares the women o this house,
that ca me Lamkin?
Theyre at the far well washing;
twill be lang ere they come in.
93A.10 And whares the bairns o this house,
that ca me Lamkin?
Theyre at the school reading;
twill be night or they come hame.
93A.11 O whares the lady o this house,
that cas me Lamkin?
Shes up in her bower sewing,
but we soon can bring her down.
93A.12 Then Lamkins tane a sharp knife,
that hang down by his gaire,
And he has gien the bonny babe
A deep wound and a sair.
93A.13 Then Lamkin he rocked,
and the fause nourice sang,
Till frae ilkae bore o the cradle
the red blood out sprang.
93A.14 Then out it spak the lady,
as she stood on the stair:
What ails my bairn, nourice,
that hes greeting sae sair?
93A.15 O still my bairn, nourice,
O still him wi the pap!
He winna still, lady,
for this nor for that.
93A.16 O still my bairn, nourice,
O still him wi the wand!
He winna still, lady,
for a his fathers land.
93A.17 O still my bairn, nourice,
O still him wi the bell!
He winna still, lady,
till ye come down yoursel.
93A.18 O the firsten step she steppit,
she steppit on a stane;
But the neisten step she steppit,
she met him Lamkin.
93A.19 O mercy, mercy, Lamkin,
hae mercy upon me!
Though youve taen my young sons life,
Ye may let mysel be.
93A.20 O sall I kill her, nourice,
or sall I lat her be?
O kill her, kill her, Lamkin,
for she neer was good to me.
93A.21 O scour the bason, nourice,
and mak it fair and clean,
For to keep this ladys hearts blood,
For shes come o noble kin.
93A.22 There need nae bason, Lamkin,
lat it run through the floor;
What better is the hearts blood
o the rich than o the poor?
93A.23 But ere three months were at an end,
Lord Wearie came again;
But dowie, dowie was his heart
when first he came hame.
93A.24 O whas blood is this, he says,
That lies in the chamer?
It is your ladys hearts blood;
tis as clear as the lamer.
93A.25 And whas blood is this, he says,
That lies in my ha?
It is your young sons hearts blood;
tis the clearest ava.
93A.26 O sweetly sang the black-bird
that sat upon the tree;
But sairer grat Lamkin,
when he was condemnd to die.
93A.27 And bonny sang the mavis,
Out o the thorny brake;
But sairer grat the nourice,
when she was tied to the stake.
93B: Lamkin
93B.1 BALANKIN was as gude a mason
as eer picked a stane;
He built up Prime Castle,
but payment gat nane.
93B.2 The lord said to his lady,
when he was going abroad,
O beware of Balankin,
for he lyes in the wood.
93B.3 The gates they were bolted,
baith outside and in;
At the sma peep of a window
Blankin crap in.
93B.4 Good morrow, good morrow,
said Lambert Linkin:
Good morrow to yoursell, sir,
said the false nurse to him.
93B.5 O where is your good lord?
said Lambert Linkin:
Hes awa to New England,
to meet with his king.
93B.6 O where is his auld son?
said Lambert Linkin:
Hes awa to buy pearlings,
Gin our lady lye in.
93B.7 Then shell never wear them,
said Lambert Linkin:
And that is nae pity,
said the false nurse to him.
93B.8 O where is your lady?
said Lambert Linkin:
Shes in her bower sleeping,
said the false nurse to him.
93B.9 How can we get at her?
said Lambert Linkin:
Stab the babe to the heart,
wi a silver bokin.
93B.10 That would be a pity,
said Lambert Linkin:
No pity, no pity,
said the false nurse to him.
93B.11 Balankin he rocked,
and the false nurse she sang,
Till all the tores of the cradle
wi the red blood down ran.
93B.12 O still my babe, nurice,
O still him wi the knife!
Hell no be still, lady,
tho I lay doun my life.
93B.13 O still my babe, nurice,
O still him wi the kame!
Hell be no still, lady,
till his daddy come hame.
93B.14 O still my babe, nurice,
O still him wi the bell!
Hell no be still, lady,
till ye come doun yoursell.
93B.15 Its how can I come down,
this cauld winter nicht,
Without eer a coal,
or a clear candle-licht?
93B.16 Theres two smocks in your coffer,
as white as a swan;
Put one of them about you,
it will shew you licht down.
93B.17 She took ane o them about her,
and came tripping doun;
But as soon as she viewed,
Balankin was in.
93B.18 Good morrow, good morrow,
said Lambert Linkin:
Good morrow to yoursell, sir,
said the lady to him.
93B.19 O save my life, Balankin,
till my husband come back,
And Ill gie you as much red gold
as youll hold in your hat.
93B.20 Ill not save your life, lady,
till your husband come back,
Tho you would give me as much red gold
as I could hold in a sack.
93B.21 Will I kill her? quo Balankin,
will I kill her, or let her be?
You may kill her, said the false nurse,
She was neer good to me;
And yell be laird of the castle,
and Ill be ladie.
93B.22 Then he cut aff her head
fram her lily breast-bane,
And he hungt up in the kitchen,
it made a the ha shine.
93B.23 The lord sat in England,
a drinking the wine:
I wish a may be weel
with my lady at hame;
For the rings of my fingers
there now burst in twain!
93B.24 He saddled his horse,
and he came riding doun,
But as soon as he viewed,
Balankin was in.
93B.25 He had na weel stepped
twa steps up the stair,
Till he saw his pretty young son
lying dead on the floor.
93B.26 He had not weel stepped
other twa up the stair,
Till he saw his pretty lady
lying dead in despair.
93B.27 He hanged Balankin
out over the gate,
And he burnt the fause nurice,
being under the grate.
93C: Lamkin
93C.1 LAMERLINKIN, as gude a mason
as eer laid a stane,
Built a house to Lord Arran,
but entrance had nane.
93C.2 Says the lord to his lady,
when going abroad,
Take care of Lamerlinkin,
wha bides in the wood.
93C.3 I care not for Lamkin,
nor none of his kin;
My house is plastered outside,
and bolted within.
93C.4 The gates they were locked,
baith outside and in,
But there was a wee hole
that let Lamkin creep in.
93C.5 Good woman, good woman,
said Lamerlinkin:
Good woman, good woman,
said the fause nurse to him.
93C.6 Wheres the lord o this house?
is he not within?
Hes up in Old England,
hes dining wi the king.
93C.7 Wheres the lady of this house?
or is she not within?
Shes up in her high room,
and cannot come down.
93C.8 Where is the maids o this house?
or are they not within?
They are at the well washing,
and cannot get in.
93C.9 Where is the men o this house?
or are they not within?
They are at the barn threshing,
and cannot win hame.
93C.10 O what will I do,
to mak her come doun?
Well kill her auld son,
to mak her come doun.
93C.11 He took out a pen-knife,
baith pointed and sharp,
And he stabbed the babie
three times in the heart.
93C.12 Lamerlinkin did rock,
and the fause nurse did sing;
Ower the four-cornered cradle
the red blood did spring.
93C.13 O please my babie, nurse,
O please him wi wands!
Hell no be pleased, madam,
for a his fathers lands.
93C.14 O please my babie, nurse,
O please him wi keys!
Hell no be pleased, madam,
let me do what I please.
93C.15 O please my babie, nurse,
O please him with bells!
Hell no be pleased, madam,
till you come down yoursell.
93C.16 How can I come doun
this cold frosty night,
Without coal or candle
for to shew me light?
93C.17 The gold rings on your finger
are bright as the sun;
You may see to cum doun the stair
with the light o them.
93C.18 O then she came doun the stair,
stepping step by step;
So ready was Lamkin
to grip her in his lap.
93C.19 Save my life, Lamkin,
till five minutes break,
And Ill give thee gold,
the fu o a peck.
93C.20 Ill no save your life,
till five minutes break,
Tho thou should give me gold,
the fu of a sack.
93C.21 O Jeany, O Jeany,
O scour the bason clean,
That your ladys noble blood
may be kepped clean.
93C.22 O no, no, no, Lambkin,
my heart will be sare;
O take my life, Lambkin,
let my lady go.
* * * * *
93C.23 He sent for the false nurse,
to give her her fee;
All the fee that he gave her
was to hang her on a tree.
93C.24 sent for Lamerlinkin,
to give him his hire;
All the hire that he gave him
was to burn him in the fire.
93D: Lamkin
93D.1 SAID the lord to his lady,
Beware of Rankin;
For I am going to England,
to wait on the king.
93D.2 No fears, no fears,
said the lady, said she,
For the doors shall be bolted,
and the windows pindee.
93D.3 Go bar all the windows,
both outside and in;
Dont leave a window open,
to let Bold Rankin in.
93D.4 She has barred all the windows,
both outside and in;
But she left one of them open,
to let Bold Rankin in.
93D.5 O where is the master of this house?
said Bold Rankin;
Hes up in Old England.
said the false nurse to him.
93D.6 O where is the mistress of this house?
said Bold Rankin;
Shes up in the chamber sleeping,
said the false nurse to him.
93D.7 O how shall we get her down?
said Bold Rankin;
By piercing the baby,
said the false nurse to him.
93D.8 Go please the baby, nursy,
go please it with a bell;
It will not be pleased, madam,
till you come down yoursel.
93D.9 How can I come down stairs,
so late into the night,
Without coal or candle,
to shew me the light?
93D.10 There is a silver bolt
lies on the chest-head;
Give it to the baby,
give it sweet milk and bread.
93D.11 She rammed the silver bolt
up the babys nose,
Till the blood it came trinkling
down the babys fine clothes.
93D.12 Go please the baby, nursie,
go please it with the bell:
It will not please, madam,
till you come down yoursel.
93D.13 It will neither please with breast-milk,
nor yet with pap;
But I pray, loving lady,
Come and roll it in your lap.
93D.14 The first step she stepit,
she steppit on a stone;
And the next step she stepit,
she met Bold Rankin.
93D.15 O rankin, O Rankin,
spare me till twelve oclock,
And I will give you as many guineas
as you can carry on your back.
93D.16 What care I for as many guineas
as seeds into a sack,
When I cannot keep my hands off
your lily-white neck?
93D.17 O will I kill her, nursie,
or let her abee?
O kill her, said the false nurse,
She was never good to me.
93D.18 Go scour the bason, lady,
both outside and in,
To hold your mothers hearts blood,
sprung from a noble kin.
93D.19 To hold my mothers hearts blood
would make my heart full woe;
O rather kill me, Rankin,
and let my mother go.
93D.20 Go scour the bason, servants,
both outside and in,
To hold your ladys hearts blood,
sprung from a noble kin.
93D.21 To hold my ladys hearts blood
would make my heart full woe;
O rather kill me, Rankin,
and let my lady go.
93D.22 Go scour the bason, nursy,
both outside and in,
To hold your ladys hearts blood,
sprung from a noble kin.
93D.23 To hold my ladys hearts blood
would make my heart full glad;
Ram in the knife, Bold Rankin,
and gar the blood to shed.
93D.24 Shes none of my comrades,
shes none of my kin;
Ram in the knife, Bold Rankin,
and gar the blood rin.
93D.25 O will I kill her, nursy,
or let her abee?
O kill her, said the false nurse,
She was never good to me.
* * * * *
93D.26 I wish my wife and family
may be all well at home;
For the silver buttons of my coat
they will not stay on.
93D.27 As Betsy was looking
oer her window so high,
She saw her dear father
come riding by.
93D.28 O father, dear father,
dont put the blame on me
It was false nurse and Rankin
that killed your lady.
93D.29 O wasnt that an awful sight,
when he came to the stair,
To see his fairest lady
lie bleeding there!
93D.30 The false nurse was burnt
on the mountain hill-head,
And Rankin was boiled
in a pot full of lead.
93E: Lamkin
93E.1 LAMBKIN was as good a mason
as ever laid stone;
He builded Lord Montgomerys castle,
but payment got none.
93E.2 He builded the castle
without and within;
But he left an open wake
for himself to get in.
93E.3 Lord Montgomery said to his lady,
when he went abroad,
Take care of Bold Lambkin,
for he is in the wood.
93E.4 Gar bolt the gate, nourice,
without and within,
Leave not the wake open,
to let Bold Lambkin in.
93E.5 She bolted the gates,
without and within,
But she left the wake open,
to let Bold Lambkin in.
93E.6 Gude morrow, gude morrow,
says Bold Lambkin then;
Gude morrow, gude morrow,
says the false nurse to him.
93E.7 Where is Lord Montgomery?
or where is he gone?
He is gone up to England,
to wait on the king!
93E.8 Where are the servants?
and where are they gone?
They are all up to England,
to wait upon him.
93E.9 Where is your lady?
or where is she gone?
She is in her bower sitting,
and sewing her seam.
93E.10 O what shall we do
for to make her come down?
Well kill the pretty baby,
thats sleeping so sound.
93E.11 Lambkin he rocked,
and the false nurse she sung,
And she stabbed the babe to the heart
with a silver bodkin.
93E.12 O still my babe, nourice,
O still him with the pap:
Hell no be stilled, madam,
for this nor for that.
93E.13 O still my babe, nourice,
go still him with the keys:
Hell no be stilled, madam,
let me do what I please.
93E.14 O still my babe, nourice,
go still him with the bell:
Hell no be stilled, madam,
till you come down yoursel.
93E.15 How can I come down,
this cold winter night,
When theres neither coal burning,
nor yet candle-light?
93E.16 The sark on your back
is whiter than the swan;
Come down the stair, lady,
by the light of your hand.
93E.17 The lady she cam down
the stair trip for trap;
Who so ready as Bold Lambkin
to meet her in the dark?
93E.18 Gude morrow, gude morrow,
said Bold Lambkin then;
Gude morrow, gude morrow,
said the lady to him.
93E.19 O where is Lord Montgomery?
or where is he gone?
O he is up to England,
to wait on the king.
93E.20 O where are your servants?
or where are they gone?
They are all up to England,
to wait upon him.
93E.21 Ill give you as much gold, Lambkin,
as youll put in a peck,
If youll spare my life
till my lord comes back.
93E.22 Tho you would [give] me as much
as I could put in a sack,
I would not spare thy life
till thy lord comes back.
93E.23 Lord Montgomery sate in England,
drinking with the king;
The buttons flew off his coat,
all in a ring.
93E.24 God prosper, God prosper
my lady and son!
For before I get home
they will all be undone.
93F: Lamkin
93F.1 SAID my lord to his ladye,
as he mounted his horse, (bis)
Take care of Long Lankyn,
who lies in the moss. (bis)
93F.2 Said my lord to his ladye,
as he rode away,
Take care of Long Lankyn,
who lies in the clay.
93F.3 Let the doors be all bolted,
and the windows all pinned,
And leave not a hole
for a mouse to creep in.
93F.4 Then he kissed his fair ladye,
and he rode away;
He must be in London
before break of day.
93F.5 The doors were all bolted,
and the windows were pinned,
All but one little window,
where Long Lankyn crept in.
93F.6 Where is the lord of this house?
said Long Lankyn:
He is gone to fair London,
said the false nurse to him.
93F.7 Where is the ladye of this house?
said Long Lankyn:
Shes asleep in her chamber,
said the false nurse to him.
93F.8 Where is the heir of this house?
said Long Lankyn:
Hes asleep in his cradle,
said the false nurse to him.
* * * * *
93F.9 Well prick him, and prick him,
all over with a pin,
And that will make your ladye
to come down to him.
93F.10 So she pricked him and pricked,
all over with a pin,
And the nurse held a basin
for the blood to run in.
93F.11 Oh nurse, how you sleep!
Oh nurse, how you snore!
And you leave my little son Johnstone
to cry and to roar.
93F.12 Ive tried him with suck,
and Ive tried him with pap;
So come down, my fair ladye,
and nurse him in your lap.
93F.13 Oh nurse, how you sleep!
Oh nurse, how you snore!
And you leave my little son Johnstone
to cry and to roar.
93F.14 Ive tried him with apples,
Ive tried him with pears;
So come down, my fair ladye,
and rock him in your chair.
93F.15 How can I come down,
tis so late in the night,
When theres no candle burning,
nor fire to give light?
93F.16 You have three silver mantles
as bright as the sun;
So come down, my fair ladye,
by the light of one.
* * * * *
93F.17 Oh spare me, Long Lankyn,
oh spare me till twelve oclock,
You shall have as much gold
as you can carry on your back.
93F.18 If I had as much gold
as would build me a tower,
. . . . .
. . . . .
93F.19 Oh spare me, Long Lankyn,
oh spare me one hour,
You shall have my daughter Betsy,
she is a sweet flower.
93F.20 Where is your daughter Betsy?
she may do some good;
She can hold the silver basin,
to catch your hearts blood.
* * * * *
93F.21 Lady Betsy was sitting
in her window so high,
And she saw her father,
as he was riding by.
93F.22 Oh father, oh father,
dont lay the blame on me;
Twas the false nurse and Long Lankyn
that killed your ladye.
* * * * *
93F.23 Then Long Lankyn was hanged
on a gallows so high,
And the false nurse was burnt
in a fire just by.
93G: Lamkin
93G.1 THE lord said to his ladie,
as he mounted his horse,
Beware of Long Lonkin,
that lies in the moss.
93G.2 The lord said to his ladie,
as he rode away,
Beware of Long Lonkin,
that lies in the clay.
93G.3 What care I for Lonkin,
or any of his gang?
My doors are all shut,
and my windows penned in.
93G.4 There were six little windows,
and they were all shut,
But one little window,
and that was forgot.
93G.5 . . . . .
. . . . .
And at that little window
long Lonkin crept in.
93G.6 Wheres the lord of the hall?
says the Lonkin:
Hes gone up to London,
says Orange to him.
93G.7 Wheres the men of the hall?
says the Lonkin:
Theyre at the field ploughing,
says Orange to him.
93G.8 Wheres the maids of the hall?
says the Lonkin:
Theyre at the well washing,
says Orange to him.
93G.9 Wheres the ladies of the hall?
says the Lonkin:
Theyre up in their chambers,
says Orange to him.
93G.10 How shall we get them down?
says the Lonkin:
Prick the babe in the cradle,
says Orange to him.
93G.11 Rock well my cradle,
and bee-ba my son;
You shall have a new gown
when the lord he comes home.
93G.12 Still she did prick it,
and bee-ba she cried:
Come down, dearest mistress,
and still your own child.
93G.13 Oh still my child, Orange,
still him with a bell:
I cant still him, ladie,
till you come down yoursell.
* * * * *
93G.14 Hold the gold basin,
for your hearts blood to run in,
. . . . .
. . . . .
93G.15 To hold the gold basin,
it grieves me full sore;
Oh kill me, dear Lonkin,
and let my mother go.
93H: Lamkin
93H.1 BAULD RANKIN was as gude a mason
as eer biggit wi stane;
He has biggit a bonny castle,
but siller he gat nane.
* * * * *
93H.2 Gae bar the gates, the lady said,
gae bar them out and in;
Leave not a door open,
lest Rankin should come in.
93H.3 Theyve bard them on the outer side,
sae hae they on the in;
But left the cellar-door open,
and Bauld Rankin crap in.
93H.4 Wheres a the women o the house?
says Bauld Rankin:
Theyre at the well washing,
says the fause nurse to him.
93H.5 Wheres a the men of this house?
says the Bauld Rankin:
They are at the barn thrashing,
says the fause nurse to him.
93H.6 Wheres the lady of this house?
says the Bauld Rankin:
Shes in the chamber, sleeping,
says the fause nurse to him.
93H.7 How will we get her wakent?
how will we get her down?
Well pierce the babys hearts blood,
says the fause nurse to him.
* * * * *
93H.8 Come, please the babe, nurse,
come please it wi the keys:
Itll no be pleased, madam,
tho Ill down on my knees.
93H.9 Come, please the babe, nurse,
come, please it wi the knife:
Itll no be pleased, madam,
should I lay down my life.
93H.10 Come, please the babe, nurse,
come, please it wi the bell:
Itll no be pleased, madam,
till ye come down yoursel.
93H.11 How can I come down, how can I come,
sae late in the night,
And neither coal nor candle,
for to shew me light?
93H.12 The first step she steppit,
she steppit on a stane;
The next step she steppit,
she met the Bauld Rankin.
93H.13 O spare my life, Rankin,
O spare it most dear!
Ill gie you as monie guineas
as birds in the air.
93H.14 O spare my life, Rankin,
O save it most sweet!
Ill gie you as monie guineas
as theres stanes in the street.
* * * * *
93H.15 I wish my wife and bairns
may be all well at hame;
For the buttons on my waistcoat
they winna bide on.
93H.16 I wish my wife and family
may be all well at home;
For the rings upon my fingers
they winna bide on.
* * * * *
93H.17 He has kindled a big bane-fire,
in the middle o the closs,
And he has burned Bauld Rankin,
likewise the fause nurse.
93I: Lamkin
93I.1 LANCKIN was as guid a mason
as ever did use stane;
He biggit Lord Murrays house,
an payment neer got nane.
93I.2 It fell ance on a day
Lord Murray went frae hame,
An Lankin came to the fause nourice,
. . . . .
* * * * *
93I.3 O still my bairn, nourice,
still him wi the knife:
He winna still, lady,
Tho I should lay down my life.
93I.4 O still my bairn, nurice,
still him wi the bell:
He winna still, lady,
till ye come down yersel.
93I.5 The first [step she steppit],
she came on the marble stane;
The next step [she steppit],
she met him Lankin.
93I.6 O spare my life, Lankin,
an Ill gie ye a peck o goud;
An that dinna please ye,
Ill heap it wi my hand.
93I.7 O will I kill the lady, nurice,
or will I lat her be?
O kill her, Lankin,
she was never guid to me.
93I.8 O wanted ye yer meat, nurice?
or wanted ye yer fee?
Or wanted ye the othir bounties
ladys are wont to gie?
93I.9 . . . . .
. . . . .
O kill her, Lankin,
she was never guid to me.
93I.10 Gae wash a bason, nurice,
an ye wash it clean,
To cape this ladies blood;
she is come o high kine.
93I.11 I winna wash a bason,
nor will I wash it clean,
To cape this ladies blood,
tho shes come o high kine.
* * * * *
93I.12 Bonny sang yon bird,
as he sat upon the tree,
But sare grat Lankin.
for he was hangit hie.
93I.13 Bonny sang the bird,
that sat upon the hill,
But sare grat the nurice,
whan the caudron gan to boil.
93I.14 . . . . .
Lankin was hangit hie,
And the fause nourice burnt
in the caudron was she.
93J: Lamkin
93J.1 O LAMMIKIN was as good a mason
as ever bigget stane;
Hes bigget Lord Erleys castle,
but money he got nane.
93J.2 It fell out upon a time
Lord Earley went from home;
He left his lady in his castle,
but and his young son.
* * * * *
93J.3 Where is the lord o this house,
that calls me Lammikin?
Hes on the sea sailing,
he will not come home.
93J.4 Where are the men o this house,
that call me Lammikin?
They are at the barn threshing,
they will not come in.
93J.5 Where are the maids of this house,
that call me Lammikin?
They are at the well washing,
they will not come in.
93J.6 Where is the lady o this house,
that calls me Lammikin?
Shes in her room shewing,
she will not come down.
93J.7 How shall we contrive
for to make her come down?
Well stick her dear infant,
and make her come down.
93J.8 O Lammikin he rocket,
and the fause nurice sung,
While out o the cradle
the infants blude sprung.
93J.9 O still my bairn, nurice,
the lady did cry:
He will not still, lady,
for you nor for I.
93J.10 O still my bairn, nurice,
still him wi the wan:
He will not still, lady,
for a his fathers lan.
93J.11 Oh still my bairn, nurice,
still him wi the keys:
Oh he winna still, lady,
for a his fathers leys.
93J.12 Oh still my bairn, nurice,
still him wi the bell:
Oh he winna still, lady,
till ye come down yersell.
93J.13 The firsten step that lady stepped,
it was upon a stone;
The nexten step that lady stepped,
she saw him Lammikin.
93J.14 The nexten step that lady stepped
was in her own childs blood,
. . . . .
. . . . .
* * * * *
93J.15 Oh will I kill her, nurice,
or will I let her be?
Kill her, dear Lammikin,
she was never gude to me.
93J.16 Oh wanted you meat, nurice?
or wanted you fee?
Or wanted you anything
that a lady can gie?
93J.17 I wanted no meat, lady,
nor wanted I fee,
But I wanted mony a thing
that a lady could gie.
* * * * *
93K: Lamkin
93K.1 MY lord said to my lady,
when he went from home,
Take care of Long Longkin,
he lies in the lone.
93K.2 My lady said to my lord,
when he went abroad,
. . . . .
. . . . .
93K.3 I care not for Longkin,
nor none of his kin,
For my gates fast barrd,
and my windows shut in.
93K.4 My lord was not gone
many miles from the place,
Until the false Longkin
came straight to the place.
* * * * *
93K.5 Pinch the bairn, nourry,
pinch it very sore,
Untill the mother
shall come down below.
93K.6 Still the bairn, nury,
still it with the pap:
It wont be stilld, madam,
with neither this nor that.
93K.7 Still the bairn, nury,
still it with a bell:
It wont be stilld, madam,
till you cum down yoursell.
* * * * *
93K.8 Come down, Lady Betty,
the flower of all your kin,
And see your mothers hearts blood,
so freely running.
93K.9 Down came Lady Betty,
her heart full of woe:
Oh take my life, Longkin,
and let my mother go.
93K.10 Come down, Lady Nelly,
the flower of all your kin,
And see your sisters hearts blood,
so freely running.
93K.11 Down came Lady Nelly,
her heart full of woe:
Oh take my life, Longkin,
and let my sister go.
93K.12 Come down, Lady Jenny, etc.
93L: Lamkin
93L.1 * * * *
O WHERES the men of this house?
quo the Lamkin:
Theyre in the barn threshing,
quo the false nurse within.
93L.2 O wheres the women of the house?
quo the Lamkin:
Theyre at the well washing,
quo the false nurse within.
93L.3 O wheres the lord of this house?
quo the Lamkin:
Hes in the wood hunting,
quo the false nurse within.
93L.4 O wheres the lady of the house?
quo the Lamkin:
Shes in her bower dressing,
quo the false nurse within.
* * * * *
93L.5 O please my babie, nourrice,
O please him with the keys:
Hell no be pleased, madam,
let me do what I please.
93L.6 O please my babie, nourrice,
O please him with the bell:
Hell no be pleased, madam,
till ye come down yoursell.
* * * * *
93L.7 There was blood in the chaumer,
and blood in the ha,
And blood in his ladies room,
which he liked warst of a.
* * * * *
93M: Lamkin
93M.1 * * * *
BUT it fell out upon a day
Lord Wearie was to gae frae hame,
And he has left his lady gay
In his castell to stay her lane.
* * * * *
93M.2 Lamkin rocked,
and fausse nourice sang,
And a the four tors o the cradle
red blood sprang.
93M.3 O still my bairn, nourice,
O still him wi the wan:
He winna still, lady,
for a his fathers lan.
93M.4 O still my bairn, nourice,
O still him wi the keys:
He winna still, lady,
for a his fathers leys.
93M.5 O still my bairn, nourice,
O still him wi the pap:
He winna still, lady,
for this nor for that.
93M.6 O still my bairn, nourice,
O still him wi the bell:
He winna still, lady,
untill ye cum down yersell.
93M.7 The firsten step she steppet,
she stepped on a stane,
And the nexten step she stepped,
she keppit him fause Lamkin.
93M.8 The thirden step she steppit,
she saw her young sons red blood run on,
. . . . .
. . . . .
93M.9 Yeve killed my bairn, Lamkin,
but lat mysell be;
Yese be as weel payit a mason
as was ever payd a fee.
93N: Lamkin
93N.1 LAMKIN was as gude a mason
as ever biggit stone;
He biggit Laird Earies house,
and payment he got none.
93N.2 O it fell ance upon a day
Laird Earie went from home,
And Lamkin came cravin
his lady alone.
93N.3 O fars the laird o this place?
O neerice, tell me:
Hes on the sea sailin,
O Lamkin, said she.
93N.4 O fars the lady o this place?
neerice, tell me:
Shes up the stair dressin,
O Lamkin, said she.
93N.5 O fars the bairns o this place?
neerice, tell me:
There at the scheel . .
O Lamkin, said she.
O will I get a word o her,
neerice? said he.
* * * * *
93N.6 The first step that lady steppet
she steppd on a stone;
The next step that lady stept
she met wi Lamkin.
* * * * *
93N.7 Ere the basin was washen,
or haf made clean,
The ladies heart-bleed
was rinnin in the reem.
93O: Lamkin
93O.1 * * * *
YOU have two bright diamonds,
as bright as the stars,
Put one on each finger,
theyll show you doun stairs.
93O.2 The first step this lady took,
she dreaded no harm;
But the second step this lady took,
she was in Lammikins arms.
93O.3 Will I kill her, nursie,
or will I let her be?
Oh yes, kill her, Lammikin,
she was never gude to me.
93O.4 How can [ye] say so, nursie?
how can ye say so?
For your head neer did ache
but my heart it was sore.
93O.5 Oh spare my life, nursie,
oh spare my life, spare;
Yell have as mony gowd guineas
as theres birds in the air.
93O.6 O spare my life, nursie,
till my lord comes back;
Yell have as mony gowd guineas
as the fou of a sack.
93O.7 Oh yes kill her and . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
93O.8 Go scour the silver basin,
go scour it fine,
For our ladys hearts blude
is gentle to tine.
93O.9 Go scour the silver skewer,
oh scour it richt fine,
For our ladys hearts blude
is gentle to tine.
93P: Lamkin
93P.1 A BETTER mason than Lammikin
nevir builded wi the stane,
Wha builded Lord Weires castill,
but wages nevir gat nane.
* * * * *
93P.2 They stecked doors, they stecked yates,
close to the cheik and the chin;
They stecked them a but a little wickit,
and Lammikin crap in.
93P.3 Now wheres the lady of this castle?
nurse, tell to Lammikin:
Shes sewing up intill her bowir,
the fals nourrice she sung.
93P.4 What sall we do, what sall we say,
to gar her cum there down?
Well nip the baby in the cradle,
the fals nourrice she sung.
93P.5 Lammikin nipped the bonie babe,
while loud fals nourice sings;
Lammikin nipped the bony babe,
while hich the red blude springs.
93P.6 O gentil nourice, please my babe,
O please him wi the keys:
Hell no be pleased, gay lady,
gin Id sit on my knees.
93P.7 Gude gentil nourice, please my babe,
O please him wi a knife:
He winna be pleased, mistress myne,
gin I wad lay down my lyfe.
93P.8 Sweet nourice, loud, loud cries my babe,
O please him wi the bell:
He winna be pleased, gay lady,
till ye cum down yoursell.
93Q: Lamkin
93Q.1 LAMMIKIN was as gude a mason
as ever hewed a stane;
He biggit Lord Weires castle,
but payment gat he nane.
* * * * *
93Q.2 Where are the lads o this castle?
says the Lammikin:
They are a wi Lord Weire, hunting,
the false nourice did sing.
93Q.3 Where are the lasses o this castle?
says the Lammikin:
They are a out at the washing,
the false nourice did sing.
93Q.4 But wheres the lady o this house?
says the Lammikin:
She is in her bower sewing,
the false nourice did sing.
93Q.5 Is this the bairn o this house?
says the Lammikin:
The only bairn Lord Weire aughts,
the false nourice did sing.
* * * * *
93Q.6 Still my bairn, nourice,
O still him if ye can:
He will not still, madam,
for a his fathers lan.
93Q.7 O gentle nourice, still my bairn,
O still him wi the keys:
He will not still, fair lady,
let me do what I please.
93Q.8 O still my bairn, kind nourice,
O still him wi the ring:
He will not still, my lady,
let me do any thing.
* * * * *
93Q.9 The first step she stepped,
she stepped on a stane;
The next step she stepped,
she met the Lammikin.
* * * * *
93Q.10 O nourice, wanted ye your meat?
or wanted ye your fee?
Or wanted ye for any thing
a fair lady could gie?
93Q.11 I wanted for nae meat, ladie,
I wanted for nae fee;
But I wanted for a hantle
a fair lady could gie.
* * * * *
93Q.12 I wish a may be weel, he says,
wi my ladie at hame;
For the rings upon my fingers
are bursting in twain.
* * * * *
93Q.13 Theres bluid in my nursery,
theres bluid in my ha,
Theres bluid in my fair ladys bower,
an thats warst of a.
93Q.14 O sweet, sweet sang the birdie,
upon the bough sae hie,
But little cared false nourice for that,
for it was her gallows-tree.
* * * * *
93R: Lamkin
93R.1 WHEN Sir Guy and his train
gaed to hunt the wild boar,
He gard bar up his castle,
behind and before.
93R.2 And he bade his fair lady
guard weel her young son,
For wicked Balcanqual
great mischief had done.
93R.3 So she closed a the windows,
without and within,
But forgot the wee wicket,
and Balcanqual crap in.
* * * * *
93R.4 Syne Balcanqual he rocked,
and fause nourice sang,
Till through a the cradle
the babys blood sprang.
93R.5 O please the bairn, nourice,
and please him wi the keys:
Hell no be pleased, madam,
for a thet he sees.
93R.6 And Balcanqual ay rocked,
while fause nourice sang,
And through a the cradle
the babys blood ran.
93R.7 Please the bairn, nourice,
and please him wi the knife:
Hell no be pleased, madam,
tho Id gie my life.
93R.8 And Balcanqual still rocked,
and fause nourice sang,
While through a the cradle
the babys blood ran.
93R.9 Now please the bairn, nourice,
and please him wi the bell:
Hell no be pleased, madam,
till ye come yoursell.
93R.10 Down came this fair lady,
tripping down the stair,
To see her sick bairn,
but returned never mair.
93R.11 Now scour the bason, Jenny,
and scourt very clean,
To haad this ladys blood,
for shes of noble kin.
* * * * *
93S: Lamkin
93S.1 LAMBKIN was as brave a builder
as eer built a stane,
And he built Lord Cassillis house,
an for payment he gat nane.
93S.2 My lord said to my lady,
when he went abroad,
Tak care o fause Lamkin,
for he sleeps in the wood.
93T: Lamkin
93T.1 WHERE is the lord?
or is he within?
Hes gone to New England,
to dine with the king.
93T.2 Where is his horses?
or where is his men?
Theyre gone to New England,
to wait upon him.
93T.3 Where is his lady?
or is she within?
Shes in her bedchamber,
all in her lying in.
93T.4 Can I get at her,
with thousands of lands?
Can I get at her,
to make her understand?
93T.5 You cannot get at her,
with thousands of lands;
You cannot get at her,
to make her understand.
93T.6 Lady, come down,
and please your child,
. . . . .
. . . . .
93T.7 Cant you please my child
with white bread and breast-wine?
O lady, come down,
and please him awhile.
93T.8 How can I go down,
this cold winters night,
Without a fire in the kitchen,
or candle to light?
93T.9 Youve got nine bright lamps,
just as bright as the king;
Lady, come down,
and light one of them.
93T.10 . . . . .
. . . . .
False Lantin he took her
so brave in his arms.
93T.11 Saying, Where is your friend,
or where is your foe,
That will hold the gold basin,
your hearts blood to flow?
93T.12 My nurse is not my friend,
my nurse is my foe;
Shell hold the gold basin,
my hearts blood to flow.
93T.13 O spare my life
for one summers day,
And Ill give you as much money
as theres sand in the sea.
93T.14 Ill not spare your life
for one summers day,
And I wont have as much money
as theres sand in the sea.
93T.15 O spare me my life
until one oclock,
And Ill give you Queen Betsie,
the flower of the flock.
93T.16 O mama, dear mama,
then please him awhile;
My dada is coming,
hes dressed in great style.
93T.17 False Lantin he heard
the words from the high,
Saying, Your mama is dead,
and away I will fly.
93T.18 O dada, dear dada,
do not blame me,
Tis nurse and false Lantin
betrayed your ladie.
93T.19 Ill bury my mama
against the wall,
And Ill bury my baba,
white all, white all.
93U: Lamkin
93U.1 AS my lord and my lady
were out walking one day,
Says my lord to my lady,
Beware of Lamkin.
93U.2 O why should I fear him,
or any such man,
When my doors are well barrd,
and my windows well pinnd?
* * * * *
93U.3 O keep your gold and silver,
it will do you some good;
It will buy you a coffin,
when you are dead.
93U.4 Theres blood in the kitchen,
and blood in the hall,
And the young Mayor of England
lies dead by the wall.
93V: Lamkin
93V.1 I WALD be very sorry
to wash a basin clean,
To haud my mithers hearts blude,
thats comin, an I ken.
93[W]: Lamkin
93[W.1] * * * *
And it was weel built,
without and within,
Except a little hole,
to let Bloody Lambkin come in.
* * * *
93[W.2] He stabbed her young son,
with the silver bodkin,
Till oot o the cradle
the reed blude did rin.
93[W.3] Oh still my babe, nourrice,
still him wi the keys:
Hell no be still, madam,
let me do what I please.
93[W.4] Oh still my babe, nourrice,
still him wi the knife:
Hell no be still, madam,
na, no for my life.
93[W.5] Oh still my babe, still my babe,
still him wi the bell:
Hell no be still, madam,
till ye come down yoursel.
93[W.6] How can I come down,
his cold frosty night?
I have neither coal nor candle,
for to show me light!
* * * *
93[W.7] O haud your tongue, nourrice,
sae loud as ye lee;
Yed neer a cut finger
but I pitied thee.
93[X]: Lamkin
93[X].1 Lamkin was as good a mason
As ever liftit stane;
He built to the laird o Lariston,
But payment gat he nane.
93[X.2] Oft he came, an ay he came,
To that good lords yett,
But neither at dor nor window
Ony entrance could get.
93[X.3] Till ae wae an weary day
Early he came,
An it fell out on that day
That good lord was frae hame.
93[X.4] He bade steek dor an window,
An prick them to the gin,
Nor leave a little wee hole,
Else Lamkin wad be in.
93[X.5] Noorice steekit dor an window,
She steekit them to the gin;
But she left a little wee hole
That Lamkin might win in.
93[X.6] O wheres the lady o this house?
Said cruel Lamkin;
Shes up the stair sleepin,
Said fause noorice then.
93[X.7] How will we get her down the stair?
Said cruel Lamkin;
Wel stogg the baby i the cradle,
Said fause noorice then.
93[X.8] He stoggit, and she rockit,
Till a the floor swam,
An a the tors o the cradle
Red wi blude ran.
93[X.9] O still my son, noorise,
O still him wi the kane;
He winna still, madam,
Till Lariston come hame.
93[X.10] O still my son, noorice,
O still him wi the knife;
I canna still him, madam,
If ye sude tak my life.
93[X.11] O still my soon, noorice,
O still him wi the bell;
He winna still, madam,
Come see him yoursel.
93[X.12] Wae an weary rase she up,
Slowly pat her on
Her green claethin o the silk,
An slowly came she down.
93[X.13] The first step she steppit,
It was on a stone;
The first body she saw
Was cruel Lamkin.
93[X.14] O pity, pity, Lamkin,
Hae pity on me!
Just as meikle pity, madam,
As ye paid me o my fee.
93[X.15] Ill g ye a peck o good red goud,
Streekit wi the wand;
An if that winna please ye,
Ill heap it wi my hand.
93[X.16] An if that winna please ye,
O goud an o fee,
Ill g ye my eldest daughter,
Your wedded wife to be.
93[X.17] Gae wash the bason, lady,
Gae washt an mak it clean,
To kep your mothers hearts-blude,
For shes of noble kin.
93[X.18] To kep my mothers hearts-blude
I wad be right wae;
O tak mysle, Lamkin,
An let my mother gae.
93[X.19] Gae wash the bason, noorice,
Gae washt an mak it clean,
To kep your ladys hearts-blude,
For shes o noble kin.
93[X.20] To wash the bason, Lamkin,
I will be right glad,
For mony, mony bursen day
About her house Ive had.
93[X.21] But oh, what dule an sorrow
Was about that lords ha,
When he fand his lady lyin
As white as driven snaw!
93[X.22] O what dule an sorrow
Whan that good lord cam in,
An fand his young son murderd,
I the chimley lyin!
93[Y]: Lamkin
93[Y].1 Lie in your room, my wife,
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
93[Y.2] Youll fasten doors and windows,
youll fasten them out an in,
For if you leave ae window open
Lammikin will come in.
93[Y.3] Theyve fastened doors an windows,
theyve fastened them out an in,
But they have left ae window open,
and Lammikin cam in.
93[Y.4] O where are a the women
that dwell here within?
Theyre at the well washin,
and they will not come in.
93[Y.5] O where are a the men
that dwell here within?
Theyre at the . . . . ,
and they will not come in.
93[Y.6] O where is the lady
that dwells here within?
Shes up the stair dressin,
and she will not come doun.
93[Y.7] Its what will we do
to mak her come doun?
Well rock the cradle, nourrice,
an mak her come doun.
93[Y.8] They [hae] rocked the cradle
to mak her come doun,
. . . . . .
the red bluid out sprung.
93[Y.9] O still the bairn, nourrice,
O still him wi the bell:;
He winna still, my lady,
till ye come doun yersel.
93[Y.10] The first step she steppit,
it was upon a stane;
The next step she steppit,
she keppit Lammikin.
93[Y.11] O mercy, mercy, Lammikin,
hae mercy upo me!
Tho ye hae killed my young son,
ye may lat mysel abee.
93[Y.12] O its will I kill her, nourrice,
or will I lat her be?
O kill her, kill her, Lammikin,
she neer was gude to me.
93[Y.13] O its wanted ye your meat?
or wanted ye your fee?
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
93[Y.14] I wanted not my meat,
I wanted not my fee,
But I wanted some bounties
That ladies can gie.
Next: 94. Young Waters