Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
171A: Thomas Cromwell
171A.* * * *
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Ffor if your boone be askeable,
Soone granted it shalbe:
171A.2 If it be not touching my crowne, he said,
Nor hurting poore comminaltye.
Nay, it is not touching your crowne, shee sayes,
Nor hurting poore cominaltye,
171A.3 But I begg the death of Thomas Cromwell,
For a false traitor to you is hee.
Then feitch me hither the Earle of Darby
And the Earle of Shrewsbury,
171A.4 And bidde them bring Thomas Cromawell;
Lets see what he can say to mee;
For Thomas had woont to haue carryed his head vp,
But now he hanges it vppon his knee.
171A.5 How now? How now? the king did say,
Thomas, how is it with thee?
Hanging and drawing, O king! he saide;
You shall neuer gett more from mee.
Next: 172. Musselburgh Field