Sacred Texts
Legends & Sagas
263A: The New-Slain Knight
263A.1 MY heart is lighter than the poll;
My folly made me glad,
As on my rambles I went out,
Near by a garden-side.
263A.2 I walked on, and father on,
Love did my heart engage;
There I spied a well-faird maid,
Lay sleeping near a hedge.
263A.3 Then I kissd her with my lips
And stroked her with my hand:
Win up, win up, ye well-faird maid,
This day ye sleep oer lang.
263A.4 This dreary sight that I hae seen
Unto my heart gives pain;
At the south side o your fathers garden,
I see a knight lies slain.
263A.5 O what like was his hawk, his hawk?
Or what like was his hound?
And what like was the trusty brand
This new-slain knight had on?
263A.6 His hawk and hound were from him gone,
His steed tied to a tree;
A bloody brand beneath his head,
And on the ground lies he.
263A.7 O what like was his hose, his hose?
And what like was his shoon?
And what like was the gay clothing
This new-slain knight had on?
263A.8 His coat was of the red scarlet,
His waistcoat of the same;
His hose were of the bonny black,
And shoon laced with cordin.
263A.9 Bonny was his yellow hair,
For it was new combd down;
Then, sighing sair, said the lady fair,
I combd it late yestreen.
263A.10 O wha will shoe my fu fair foot?
Or wha will glove my hand?
Or wha will father my dear bairn,
Since my loves dead and gane?
263A.11 O I will shoe your fu fair foot,
And I will glove your hand;
And Ill be father to your bairn,
Since your loves dead and gane.
263A.12 I winna father my bairn, she said,
Upon an unkent man;
Ill father it on the King of Heaven,
Since my loves dead and gane.
263A.13 The knight he knackd his white fingers,
The lady tore her hair;
Hes drawn the mask from off his face,
Says, Lady, mourn nae mair.
263A.14 For ye are mine, and I am thine,
I see your love is true;
And if I live and brook my life
Yese never hae cause to rue.
Next: 264. The White Fisher