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Know Your Magnetic Field, by William E. Gray, [1947], at

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The lay person today is nearly as well informed on the subject of arthritis as is the medical profession. It is a frequent topic in general conversation. Lengthy articles are published in all the leading magazines. A great deal of research and experimenting is being done all the time. New drugs, new treatments are being brought out. Some give temporary relief to a few; others receive no help at all. There are a number of victims I know personally, and they are always exchanging remedies and willing to try anything new that they hear about. There have been several who have come to me as a nurse, wanting me to recommend a doctor who is specializing in the treatment of arthritis and giving his patients relief. I have nothing to offer them; there is no doctor I know getting remarkable results in his treatments. I have heard too many of them freely confess that they know very little about it—how to check it, how to cure it or how to prevent it. Among them also are many who need help and relief.

The development of arthritis is slow and painful and, in some types, there is the inevitable result, complete disability. The victim can only accommodate himself to the process, and in one instance I know personally he has gratefully accepted his fixed joints because the pain is less.

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Until I became familiar with this theory I also thought the arthritics had little hope for relief. However, this work and its results are most gratifying. Arthritis is no mystery to this person. It is simple cause and effect and, as in everything I have witnessed, his theories prove themselves in treatment and relief. There is always a cheerful atmosphere while he works on a patient, but when he works on an arthritic it borders on hilarity. I was astonished at first and then greatly entertained. As he burns out the rust and oils joints, I am always reminded of the Tin Woodman of Oz who was caught in the rain.

"How does calcium form?" I questioned.

He replied, "If you analyze the condition, don't you think arthritis originates from the lack of sufficient human energy through the nerves to keep the calcium liquefied in the system? Doesn't nature make use of the nerves in solidifying the calcium to mend a broken bone? And if the nerves are weakened to the same degree as they are in the breaking of a bone, won't they start solidifying the calcium in the system, plating joints and forming deposits?

"Often in the case of a broken bone the calcium plating will cause extra deposits around the break, affecting the nerves and causing pain and lameness of the part for periods of months or even years. This can be eliminated almost immediately by increasing the energy through the nerve afflicted so that it can dispose of the calcium. Many people, after five minutes of human energy, have no further use for their crutches."

As he further explained arthritis it is only another manifestation of improper function of the nerves, lack

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of natural fuel. There are several causes creating the different recognized types of arthritis. Fundamentally, the action of the nerves is alike, only the causes being different. One cause may be from infection in the body, another from injury to the nerves, acute or chronic in nature, and the last, as he terms it, shrinkage of the nerves themselves from fuel starvation. Whatever the initial cause the nerves have lost their required vitality and are not adequately conducting the energy current through the body, thus maintaining proper and efficient systemic activity.

The normal calcium content is circulated and utilized by the body in liquid form. The magnetic field and the nervous system constitute the motor in us that makes us operate. As parts of the motor slow down, the calcium is not handled correctly by the body and some of it solidifies and begins to coat joints at the points of the sluggish nerves. When this process first starts, the calcium is of the consistency of sandpaper. He calls it rust or plating. With movement, the nerves consequently are in contact with this rough deposit and pain and irritation are set up. As the deposit is increased the nerve is further inhibited in its activity until it is finally imbedded solidly in a heavy calcium deposit. The joint is frozen, immovable, and gives the typical knobby, distorted appearance of arthritis.

When arthritis is caused by infection in the body the toxin thrown off by the infection sets up the irritation to the nerves. The system is struggling with the infection and there is not enough increased nerve fuel supplied to the nerves to eliminate through the kidneys the extra burden put upon the nervous system

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by the infection. The plating of the calcium begins and, unless the nerves are supplied with increased amounts of normal nerve fuel, the whole nervous system begins to run down and the calcium deposits increase.

In the traumatic type or that due to injury, a blow, or constant, mild jarring of the body, frequently brought about by the type of work one does, the nerves begin to spasm from the shock they receive. As they spasm the requirement of the energy current is not circulated through the nervous system, the body is not supplied its necessary energy and the calcium deposits are started.

The general shrinking of the nerves is brought about by complete lack of the required supply of the energy current from the magnetic field.

I have seen cases brought in in wheel chairs or shuffling in on canes and crutches. To see them one would think they were hopeless. They represent a long slow process but they are seldom hopeless to him. Almost everyone is given relief from pain in a very few treatments. The calcium deposits are dissolved by human energy and most of the deformity removed. The patients are put back on their feet and are able to walk and move about, but restoring the nerves back to normal strength to prevent further spasm, shrinking and redepositing of calcium takes a great deal of time.

When the energy current is distributed the nerves are usually immediately released from spasm and the charge of energy is carried through, relieving the weakened condition. Joints are usually relieved so that they can work again. With certain formations of

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the energy he applies to the calcium deposits, the deposits soften and crumble under his fingers. I have put my fingers on the solid deposit and felt it begin to soften and crumble as he puts the energy through. When the mass has softened he manipulates the joint, grinding the calcium in the socket and reducing it to a form that the system can handle. He then directs the nerve supply to the kidneys, strengthening them for heavy elimination. All the nerves are carrying the energy current by then and the system reassimilates the calcium turned back into it and then throws off the waste, which is taken up by the kidneys and eliminated in a matter of hours. The waste is thrown off in almost pure metallic form and so considerable kidney and bladder irritation occurs.

The dissolving of the solid calcium must necessarily occur in stages and degrees. While nerves are still weak and in spasm calcium will redeposit. The revitalizing of the magnetic field and the individual nerves goes on for quite a while, for only when the nervous system is strengthened by an unobstructed flow of nerve fuel is arthritis conquered. He always explains to his patients how they can eliminate most of the pain by the use of their own magnetic field.

When one comprehends the mechanical action of the energy current over the wires of the body, he may then begin to control much of the nerve actions and reactions. After the magnetic field is strengthened, it draws in larger amounts of energy, stimulating the flow or circulation all over the nervous system and equalizing and distributing the energy to all parts of the body. As I have watched him work I could not

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help comparing his working methods with my own experiences.

"What you do to arthritics shouldn't be done," I said. "Yet you get results. In fact, it is the only thing I have ever seen help arthritis. I have seen you work on some terrific joints. If I were taking care of them as patients they wouldn't let me touch them, but you practically take them apart and put them together again and they don't mind. What do you do to the calcium to dissolve it; how do you use the energy current?"

He laughed. "It does look cruel, doesn't it? Doctors have watched me and they have gotten very excited. 'Why, you are ruining that joint!' But the patient would get up and walk much better and be able to bend the joint with less pain."

To dissolve calcium first a charge is put in the magnetic field increasing its strength to draw more energy to feed the afflicted parts, thereby alleviating some of the intensity of the pain. Then an attempt is made to open the circuits to the afflicted area since, generally in a frozen joint, the circuit to that area is partially dormant and that lets the energy through. Next the patient's proper fueling current is transmitted through one hand and neutral current through the other hand. When the two waves meet they act as a short circuit and form heat. This usually begins to soften the calcium deposit; then the afflicted part can be moved and that grinds up the deposit. One can feel it grind.

I have seen them hobble in with a knee joint enormously swollen and as hard as one's head. After about five minutes of the softening treatment I have put

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my fingers on that hard mass and it has turned to a pulpy mush. I didn't believe it either until I felt it. When it is of that consistency he rotates the joint in the socket.

It may take several times to soften and loosen those big deposits. The magnetic field building strengthens the entire nervous system, which speeds up and regulates the whole action of the body. The softened calcium is absorbed, the system takes and uses what it needs and the waste is thrown off through the kidneys. None of the patients like this stage. All the nerves are awakened by the increased energy and the circulating of the calcium annoys the patient because it irritates the entire system. It keeps him at home and usually interrupts his night's sleep. This form of softening calcium and grinding the joints should be continued for some time to prevent the calcium from resetting. When the calcium deposits are eliminated it takes time to relieve the tension and depletion remaining in the nerves which originally caused the affliction, enabling the nerves to release their tension in the joints and allowing more freedom there. It usually takes considerable time but the patients seem grateful and pleased with the results.

I have seen the results and talked to the patients. From almost helpless cripples, worn out with pain, they are now almost free from pain and are resuming the activities of normal life.

To watch him treat these patients is almost as good as a circus. The most marvelous, and on the surface the most baffling. is his control of pain. He takes the pain out first and then does his softening and grinding. At that stage the patient clutches the arms of the

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chair, braces himself, clenches his jaw and waits for the pain to begin. There is little or none. If any starts most of it is immediately shut off, so on the whole the process causes the victim little discomfort. The facial expressions run the gamut and the vocal expressions should be recorded; they are all highly entertaining. In a short time the patient has relaxed after much prompting and then takes an interest in the procedure. His expression is such that he doesn't believe what he sees. That can't possibily be his leg! Incredulity and confusion run riot over his face.

A little old lady hobbled in for her first treatment, stiff, awkward and full of pain. She had arthritis in both arms and legs. She had been ill for seven years and at one time was not able to walk for eleven months. Her knees, ankles and toes were fixed. She complained of a pulling pain in her left chest. He started in, fingers here and there, over the chest pain, the neck, both shoulders and then the magnetic field. He had distributed enough energy current to start to work. There was evidence of calcium in the right shoulder, elbow and wrist. The chest pain was better; she could breathe deeper. He ground the calcium in the right shoulder, winding her arm around like a crank. The funny expressions began to play across her face.

"Now raise your arm straight up over your head."

"Why, I can't. I haven't been able to comb my hair; I can't get my arm above my shoulder."

"You can now," he laughed at her. "Go on, put it way up."

She tried, doubtfully, carefully and experimentally.

"Come on—way up and over—throw it up."

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She did. Up it went almost straight. She waved her hand over her head; she bent her elbow and patted and arranged her hair. The pain in the left chest was better but there was still some pull. He went to work on her left knee, softening the calcium. The knee was very large and quite stiff. She began to grow interested.

"Can you move it now? Kick it out."

She tried. There was not much improvement. Then there was more softening and it began to move. "That's good," she said. "Burn it out."

He ground the calcium and she sat there, fascinated and pop-eyed. The pain in her chest was better. His fingers went down her leg. The big toe was stiff and enlarged.

"That's been a bad one; I have to be very careful how I wash it. Be careful—that one hurts."

"It doesn't hurt now, does it?" he said, pulling it and manipulating it. She looked at the toe, looked at him and back at the toe again.

"No," she said carefully. "No, it doesn't."

When he had finished he said, "Now where is the pain in your chest?"

She felt around—she moved—she breathed deeply. "It's gone; I can't find it."

"All right, now stand up. Put your foot up onto that chair as if you were going to step on it."

"Oh, I can't—I can't get my leg up—my knee won't bend."

"Won't it?" he winked at me. "Try it now and see."

She measured the distance from the floor to the seat of the chair. She looked at her foot and her

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knee and then at him. She glanced around for something to hold on to. There was nothing. He sat there, relaxed and smiling. She gathered her courage and determination, set her jaw and up came the foot onto the seat of the chair.

"I thought you couldn't do it," he teased.

She looked as pleased as a child on Christmas morning.

"I thought I couldn't either."

Mrs. H. had had arthritis for twenty-two years. "It first started in my left arm," she said. "There was sudden and severe pain; the arm locked immediately and remained locked all those years until I began treatment with this person.

"After it locked the pain disappeared. Six years later the pain returned—all over me then. I had my tonsils removed but I kept getting worse all the time. Both knees were swollen and the pain was constant and severe. The cords of my legs were drawing backward. I went into a hospital for the cords to be stretched—traction, I think they call it. Anyway, they put weights on my feet to pull my legs out, to stretch the cords. I was there two months and I lost a great deal of weight. I came home from the hospital and was in bed for months. They had stretched the cords but I couldn't walk. Then the cords started drawing again and I went back to the hospital.

"They put the weights on once more and then casts. When the cast was put on, my left leg was twisted. They were on two months and when they were removed my left leg was turned out from the knee and has been twisted ever since. After the casts I wore braces which weighed four pounds apiece and I had

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to get around on crutches. I was in intense pain all the time, for the arthritis was all over and my hands were very bad. I had also lost a great deal of weight again. I was in and out of the hospital until 1931. I wore braces and used crutches for three years. In that time I had some intervals of relief from pain.

"In 1938 I had my fifth child. I don't know how I went through with the pregnancy. The last two months I could hardly walk but when it came time to go to .the hospital, a miracle occurred. There is no other way to explain it. I couldn't get from room to room but I was suddenly made strong enough to get out to the car and to the hospital. Do you know, I could hardly feel the labor pains. I was numb. When I came home from the hospital I took care of the baby myself. She was a beautiful and normal child.

"In 1943 I spent one month in a sanatorium. They gave me excellent care but could not find out the cause or give me any help. The next two years I spent mostly in bed. During that period I developed terrific pain in the right side of my neck. I couldn't move it. Then my eyes became red and sore—terribly inflamed. A doctor gave me a salve which relieved them somewhat. He said then that I was going through the change of life and that these things were part of it.

"During the winter of 1944 I started having convulsions. The first one I had my husband called the doctor and he was there when I woke up from it. He gave me a shot of some sort but it didn't help. He told my husband that he couldn't do anything for me—that doctors were baffled with arthritis. He said there was no use in his coming regularly, we would only be throwing money away.

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"I was in bed not able to get around when I heard about this person. I made up my mind to get out of bed and get down to see him. You remember the first day I came here?"

I do remember that day. Mr. H. had carried her into the house to the waiting room. From there to the treatment room, with his support, she was able to shuffle her feet and, by swinging her body, propel herself slowly forward. Mr. H. lowered her into the chair where she sat a stiff, twisted, little piece of humanity that made one's heart ache. Her left arm was bent at the elbow and drawn to her side. All her fingers were extended, stiff and awkward. She had a partial movement of her right arm with no action from the elbow or wrist. In a standing position her knees were bent and her left leg and foot were turned outward and the right, slightly inward. Sitting down they kept the same position. Her feet weren't really feet, both ankles were enormously swollen and fixed. They were just solid, useless blocks at the end of each leg. Both knees were greatly swollen and entirely immovable. She looked so little and thin—just dry skin stretched over horribly enlarged joints. But she was smiling and friendly and cheerful.

We watched her progress into the room and after she was seated questioned her regarding her condition. She said she had had arthritis for many years. She was told that she might be helped a little but that it would take a long time as there was a lot of work to do.

We come back to the present. She walked down the hall after her treatment into the room where I was. She greeted me with remembrance, walked over and

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with just a little help from her husband sat in a chair across from me. I was amazed at the change in her in just a little more than four months. Her face had filled out; she looked healthy and at least ten years younger. She was eager and bubbling with animation and enthusiasm.

"Look at the things I can do now," she said. Her ankles and knees were normal in size; she could move her feet to a considerable degree. Her left leg was noticeably more nearly straight. Her left arm she could now extend from her body and she was able to wiggle all her fingers. She held her head erect and turned it from side to side—not full motion yet, but she could turn it.

She said, "I can now walk up the steps of the house. The first change came after just a few treatments. I used to almost freeze in bed; I had to have hot towels around me. After the first few treatments from this person I began to get warm, even my feet. After the fourth treatment my daughter noticed that I was walking better. I didn't tell her anything about it. I wanted to wait a little while and see what the treatments would do. Then one day a neighbor came down and wanted to know what new pills I was taking. She said she had never seen such a change in a person. I told her I wanted to wait for several weeks and then I would tell her. But she insisted so I told her about it.

"You know, life begins at forty they say, but life began at fifty for me. I am such a different person. I used to be quite hard of hearing in my left ear. Just the other day there was a popping and cracking going on and now I can hear clearly. Previously I

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wore bi-focal glasses but since I began following this theory my eyes have cleared up rapidly. Six weeks ago I took my glasses off because I could not see with them on and have not worn them since. Also, before beginning with these treatments I had a terrible time signing my name to anything. I had difficulty in holding a pen but now I can write quite well. I write to a son overseas and the other day we had a letter in which he had noticed the improvement in my writing. It's easy now because my hands move. But that isn't all; I can wash, iron, dust, vacuum, darn and can even bake a pie and a cake."

I have tried to give you a picture of Mrs. H. as I saw her and the story of her suffering and improvement. For twenty-two years her normal activity was handicapped although it left no mark on her disposition or personality. Her release and her reward are now in sight—she is receiving relief.

Next: Chapter Nine. Sleeping Sickness