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Spiritual Diary, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758], tr. by Bush, Smithson and Buss [1883-9] at

Spiritual Diary


THAT ALTHOUGH MEN MAY BE IN THE SAME CITY, AND IN THE SAME PLACE, YET EVERYONE MAY BE ALLOTTED ACCORDING TO HIS SPIRIT QUITE DIFFERENT PLACES AMONGST SPIRITS. ((((For instance, it is apparent that spirits in the other life, in whatever place in the world their dead bodies may be, and wherever their places are, still receive a situation in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore] according to their qualities or faculties. It is similar with men upon earth; nothing causes their spirits to be in one place: for instance, of two friends, one may be in hell amongst the unhappy, the other in the interior sphere of upright spirits, one above the head, the other below, one on the left, the other on the right: the place where they are [in the world] effects nothing.)))) Since this is the truth there should be no arguing concerning the truth of the thing from causes, and if no causes may be discovered that the truth to be weakened or denied as is usual, but because it is the truth it should be believed; and if they wish to find out causes they may do so: it is not forbidden; only if they do not find out the cause, or if then many things inflow which cannot be explained, the truth is not on that account to be denied: it is just as in nearly everything in nature which we see with the eyes and apprehend by sense if all things were denied, because causes are not found out, there would be no natural truth in any kingdom. - 1748, July 19.


THAT THOSE WHO IN ANY MANNER WISH TO MERIT HEAVEN, PUT THEMSELVES FOR FROM HEAVEN. I discoursed with spirits concerning such as wish to merit celestial joy or heaven, through piety, to wit, through prayers, gifts to the poor, and self-humiliation, by abnegation of the world from themselves, and the like, whereby man supposes, sometimes in simplicity, that thus he may merit heaven. Likewise also that thereby in the life of the body he has contributed something to the Lord's church, and this he attributes to himself as a merit: of such [men] there are genera and manifold species; further, when I was in discourse with spirits, I have also perceived in spiritual idea, that the more anyone thinks he merits heaven through such things, thus approaches to heaven, the farther he puts himself away from heaven, because he attributes the merit to himself and takes it away from the Lord,


and attributes to himself faith, charity, and the goodness of his good works: therefore the more he does so, the farther he puts himself [from heaven]. This is a confirmed truth, and may be confirmed in many [ways] by them in the other life; thus they also interpose for themselves, as it were, [fauces] between two mountains, so that [such a one] [cannot] pass over to the other mountain without falling headlong into the [fauces], or, as it were, an intervening sea, wherein being ship wrecked he precipitates [drowns] himself if he wishes to cross thus to heaven, wherefore he must go back, and is led by the Lord through another way. - 1748, July 19.


But they should not on that account pass to the other opposite, also to be condemned, that faith alone without the works of charity can be given, and so think that faith alone can save, when nevertheless they live worse than Gentiles: they then have no faith: of which, the Lord thinking worthy [I shall speak] elsewhere.


THAT IN LIFE THE IDEAS MEN AND HENCE OF SPIRITS ARE EXPLORED AS TO THEIR QUALITY. In the life Of the body ideas are collected and brought together from various [sources], as well those which pertain to natural as those which pertain to spiritual things, and [in the other life] are explored according to whatsoever is contained in any idea, for any idea whatever contains infinity: thus man receives [such] a life after death as accords with the quality of those which compose his idea, consequently the indefinite [therein]: for man or his spirit is of such a nature as his ideas are. - 1748, July 19.


CONCERNING SATAN There are those who not only practice cruelty, whereof [I have treated] previously, but also, as was said, delight in adulteries, so that nothing is more pleasant to them. Such a one has appeared to me whose upper lip only was displayed to my sight: it was big, unsightly and scaly; of what sort was the rest of their body was not displayed to my sight; it was represented to me that their leader is David, and is such a person. Such wish to possess men, yea, their bodies, and so inhabit them were it permitted: and they employ various artifices to possess [men's bodies], for they desire to return into the world. They are wholly contrary to conjugial love, for they delight in adulteries, and hence are contrary to love of the neighbor, for one follows from the other: wherefore they are cruel - he who was displayed to me acted in a subtle manner, so that he could pervert the most righteous if possible, for he inserts [ingerit] his venom into the marrows, as they say, that is, into the interiors of ideas, and bends good affections into evil with interior deceit. - 1748, July 20.


Nor is there any harm or hindrance to their having called him the man of God, and holy, and to their having venerated him, since they have known nothing different: although from his life they may know it. There is no more harm than there is in one giving alms to a pauper who is a thief not knowing him to be a thief - he still has mercy, and a like end [in view] as if he had given alms to an upright [person]: and their having so styled him was also granted on account of the representation of the Lord by him, as [likewise] by the kings who were his descendants.


It is represented [representatio est] that the Lord, as to His human essence, is called the branch and root of Isaac, and son of David, like as also faith may be called the son of the Lord's Word, or of its letter, in so far as it is originated [nascitur] through knowledges: although the letter is dead and rebellious as was Absalom the son of David. - 1748, July 20.


CONCERNING THE OBSESSED. Evil spirits crave nothing more fondly than to wholly rule man, as to his interiors and especially as to his body: they thus seem to themselves to return to the life of the body, for they then suppose they have wholly returned. But what the difference is, when it is not so manifest as in my case, and when [it occurs] with another who is not of such a nature, I do not yet know. Meanwhile when they thus enter a man so as to quite know that they are therein [ibi], and so rule the body and members of man, then this is called obsessing man: for no spirit is granted to rule [a man's] body as they do mine, unless [that man] had been obsessed: for there are those who are devoted to that office, who know nothing concerning their ruling the body, because their endeavors [conatus] only, there come into act: but with the obsessed, not only the endeavor, but also the act is present [to the spirit]. Wherefore there are spirits, who are not devoted to that office, who when they thus obsess the body, it is obsession: but when they are devoted, it is not obsession: for all things thus happen in order, and man is ignorant thereof. When any are obsessed, it occurs not in order but against order; wherefore is produced by evil spirits. But it is wonderful that I have been obsessed, and yet nothing has ever injured me - further I could enjoy my rational mind, just as if they were not present. - 1748, July 20.


WHAT IS REPRESENTED IN SPIRITUAL THINGS BY ORDURE. Ordure is spiritual, filthy and loathsome things. Inasmuch as fertility is produced in the earth by ordure, hence, is the representation, that [in them] who confess filthy sins, and acknowledge, that they are dung, there grows up the seed in such an earth. Likewise in the other life, when filthy pleasantnesses, like those of adultery and cruelty grow rotten, and become like fetid dung, so that they begin to abhor these things, then these [spirits] [ii] are as it were soil [humus] wherein a faculty of good may be inseminated. I have seen this in spiritual idea - and have spoken [concerning it] with spirits: for they have previously wished to know what [is meant by] the representation of ordure. - 1748, July 21.


THAT EVERY WORD IS TO BE ANSWERED FOR IN THE OTHER LIFE. Here [I will] only [mention] that a certain spirit told me, that I should answer for every word: but it was granted to reply to him, and at the same time to perceive it in spiritual idea, that I have long since answered for these words with spirits: for those who are in faith, do not speak of themselves, because they know and are persuaded, that [they do not speak] of themselves: wherefore they cannot answer for words announced by them: thus it is with those who are in faith in the Lord. - 1748, July 21.


CONCERNING A TUMULT UNDER THE SOLE OF THE LEFT FOOT. I have several times heard, a certain commotion under the sole of the left foot, even so that it vibrated tremulously, with manifest sensation, and because this was several times perceived, I did not wish to inquire what it might be, supposing that it was the murmur of some multitude: I have now inquired what it might be: it was replied thence, that they were those who come from the world and have been obsessed by the cupidity of fighting and killing men. These seem to themselves to act similarly in the other life, and seem to themselves to kill and mangle each other, to cut of each other's hands and arms, and so to fight, as they have desired in life: they are there miserably treated, and indeed with a sense of pains, until they are no longer obsessed by such a desire. - l748, July 21.


CONCERNING SIMPLICITY. It was appointed for me [mihi sistebatur] to speak with a certain simple [spirit], whom other spirits annoyed on account of his simplicity, and through [whom] they spoke, and whom they set [sistebant] to speak to me: in which [conduct of theirs] was craftiness - but he having been taken from them to another society, spoke from a simple heart what he wished to speak, not with me because I can [do] nothing, but with the Lord. There was in his talk and discourse such a simplicity that I knew he had been able to speak with the Lord, because as they speak, so they are: the spirits were indignant, because they supposed they themselves should sooner [potius] be admitted, because cunning [astuti] and intelligent [scientes], elevated to a higher region, and during [that] whilst being elevated [elevating], he said, he is impeded in the way by many spirits. These therefore are the simple in heart, and [those] who are admitted to the Lord before the learned, and still more before those who suppose they are prudent of themselves: because they believe what they say, and in their ideas is no such doubting [dubium] and negative [principle] as in the ideas of those who suppose they are wise of themselves. - 1748, July 22.


CONCERNING GOVERNMENT [regimine], IN THE OTHER LIFE. (((((I have sometimes spoken with spirits, to whom it was repugnant to live in another life, and who have been in those things, wherein during the life of the body, what concerns them to know [is] of what nature is government in the kingdom of the Lord, who is the Lord of the Kingdom, likewise who in the world enter the other Kingdom. They consider nothing of higher moment than knowing of what nature is the government, and the form of government particularly [magis] in the Kingdom, wherein they are to live to eternity: wherefore they ought to be anxious to know the laws of that Kingdom: and it was further given to me to say that here are many laws, but that all are based on that Law, that they love the Lord above themselves, and the neighbor as themselves, yea more than themselves: and that the Lord is the King of the Universe; this it concerns them to know: to which they were not able to say anything; because in the life of the body they had learned it, but had not believed it. - 1748, July 22.)))))


THAT NONE MORE DESIRE TO POSSESS THE BODY OF MAN AND TO RETURN INTO THE BODY, CONSEQUENTLY INTO THE WORLD THAN ADULTERERS AND THE CRUEL. (A certain one came to me and said, that he is desirous of returning into the world and so loved to be with me: for at first they wholly occupied my body, so that they seemed to themselves to be my body. [I was] as it were obsessed by them, although I was as sane as at other times, because the Lord protected me: when I told him, that this was contrary to the instituted [appointed] order, which was such, that man when he draws near to old age, then his body decays of itself: like as the husk of a seed is disjoined, so he desires to be unloosed from the body. Thus it was appointed, and thus he proceeds to interiors, thus to the other life: but he was willing to hear it, saying that [he was] a deceased young man, and wished to return into the world, and when I gave heed, I observed that he was led by those who are adulterers and cruel, and seek in these things pleasantness of life; they desire nothing more than to obsess the bodies of men; and so through man to live in the world. But they are kept by the Lord in the earth of inferior [spirits], and the license to thus occupy man is the more conceded to them. Wherefore did not the Lord guard man, they would each be obsessed by such [spirits], for there is an immense crowd [of them]. - 1748, July 22.


They who do not regard adulteries as criminal, but delight in them, are also cruel in the highest degree, for they are opposed to [contra] conjugial love, hence to true love, therefore are smitten with self-love: wherefore they hold others in hatred, upon whom they desire to practice cruelty, unless they adore them).


THOSE WHO CONSTITUTE THE PROVINCE OF THE AURICULA, OR EXTERNAL EAR. There was a spirit who spoke with me, at the left auricula: he as it were adhered to the external part of the auricula, to its rear part, and he said to me, being manifestly led by others to say so, that he paid no attention to those things which they speak, so that he does not reflect upon evil or good, or scarce perceives, what they say, only takes in [drinks in] with the ears, without attention, whatever it is, and ((((cares nothing whether it is evil or good, but [receives] whatever may happen to him [to hear]; and when he spoke, sometimes [passim] his sound was it were poured out [egurgitabatur] as also I have heard at other times; he belched out with a manifest egurgitation, as it were, of sound, sometimes but not continually)))): and he also said that he thus speaks, and does not know wherefore [he does] so. It was told me that (these are they) who are such, that they do not attend [at all], or very slightly to the sense of the matter [and] only hear, and care not at all, whatever [it may be which] happens to them [to hear]; that these are of such a nature, and constitute the external part of the left auricula, or the province thereof. - 1748, July 22.


HOW ALSO BY THE MUSCLES, AND HENCE [BY] THE ACTIONS, IS REPRESENTED THE LOVE OF THE NEIGHBOR, AND OF THE COMMONWEALTH In universal nature there is nothing which does not confirm, that without love, and hence the mutual assistance of many, thus without a society, wherein each thing respects the general [principle] good, and nothing [respects] itself, not anything can exist; how many muscles, and thousands and myriads of motive fibers, hence of powers [virium] conspire to one action of the body; every motive fiber discharges its own function in company, and applies itself [intendit] to the general [good], and thus through association, amongst thousands of others, respects a one [unum] or general [common] action, for which it exerts itself [intendit] and not for itself; if for itself, the general [good] would perish; besides these are among other things which confirm. - 1748, July 23.


If any motive muscular fiber, out of thousands [belonging] to one action, could feel and think, each one might suppose that it alone effected the common action [actinem in communi]; thus might all amongst thousands or myriads [suppose]. It is similar with spirits; although thousands or myriads concur to [in] one idea, and [one] word of speech, yet nevertheless each supposes that it is he alone, who does [it]. This was said to spirits who cannot but confirm that the matter is so, although everyone supposes himself to be the only one [who acts] when it is not plainly shown to them, as was sometimes done. This is confirmed by spirits [confirmatio spirituum].


But that everyone contributes to the common idea or action, it should be known that they are circumstanced like the muscular fiber; some nearest, some more remote, consequently in a series as may be known. - 1748, July 23.


(THAT ALL ARE PREDESTINED TO LIFE). Discourse was held [fuit] concerning predestination, that many are of the opinion, that they are predestined also to infernal [things]; but it was replied from heaven, that never is anyone predestined to hell, but that all are predestined from eternity to eternal life. - 1748, July 23). (CONCERNING PERSUASION OF TRUTHS). ((I spoke with spirits, who did not wish to hear, that they are as it were nothing as to life and power; they said that they knew it, but are not willing to hear it; it was granted me to tell [them] that it is not enough to know [it], for this is also given amongst [with] the [evil.]) (CONCERNING PERSUASION). (((((See [what was] said above, that for [ad] truths, is required knowledge [scientia], understanding, then persuasion, finally interior persuasion; for to know this is also given amongst [with] the evil, but they resist.)))))


CONCERNING LIFE. I have been discoursing with spirits, concerning life, because it is said that they have nothing of life from themselves, but only seem to themselves to have it; and that it is sufficient, for they then think so. Spirits were thus conceiving that yet they are alive. Wherefore it was granted to tell them life is in wisdom for not to be wise cannot be said to have [called having] life, and that truths, and the truths of faith are what constitute life. Since it is so, as cannot be denied, hence it may be conceived [cogitari] what life can be in insanity, or the opposites to wisdom, therefore in those things which do not belong to the truth of faith: and because [these are] contrary, it follows that [there is in them] no life. But still they [so] conceived, since men are insane, as is known, and that yet they are alive, yea, supposed themselves to be alive before [above] others, yea have much pleasantness in that life, which they regard as much more excellent than the pleasantness of life in the truths of faith; therefore it was granted me to tell them, and to represent to them by spiritual idea, that they have such a life, as a dim [obscuro] fire, for instance, a charcoal [fire] shining in the dark.


Which fire, or the obscure [light] [lumen] hence appearing, appeared in spiritual idea [as something] sad. Such a life is in them; and [those] who are accustomed to such a life not only suppose, that no other light of life is given than such [a one], preferring it to light itself as also the pleasantness hence, [but also] prefer it to heavenly felicity, because they do not perceive otherwise, because they are in such [light], just as also glowworms [tineoe] in their darkness [caligine] suppose there is the highest light and pleasantness. It was also granted to represent, of what nature their life would be, by abstraction of pleasantness from such a life. This was done in spiritual idea. Then remains before them such a thing as is hideous [tetrum] [and] most deformed, according to the quality of that life, and such they become in the other life, when such pleasantness of life is taken from them, thus they are an effigy of death; so deformed, that the deformity cannot be described to anyone.


They still supposed that there is something of life in [them] because they live, and indeed in pleasantness, and thus that they have life from themselves, because their life is of such a nature. But it was granted to reply to them, that what is therein is not their life, but is the faculty of being able to reason and understand what is true and good, which is given to man, above the beasts, and so is properly styled the human [principle]. This faculty [to wit], of understanding the true and good, is [that] wherefrom such a smoky fiery [principle] of theirs derives its life. - 1748, July 24.


CONCERNING SODOMY. In the other life [are they] who have committed the sin of Sodom during life. These have believed nothing concerning a life after death, and that [there is] a hell and heaven: but that they are entirely like beasts, and would die like them; wherefore they possess no intellectual [principle] although they can reason. In the other life they are treated most miserably: they are punished with infernal torments, which are so dire that they can scarcely be described; and moreover [constitute] the region of the tail [caudoe] where are the faeces: because they are dung and dwell in privies. - 1748, July 25.


CONCERNING APPEARANCES TO SPIRITS, AS IT WERE OF LITTLE FIRES AND STARS. ((((Spirits are also mutually distinguished amongst each other, when it pleases the Lord, by their appearance like fires, or like very small stars. Falsities obscure the rationals of those who are such [in appearance]; to others who are still more obscured by falsities there appear, as it were fires of a glowing red [rubente], like coal fires: [he] [who has] a still more [obscure appearance] than such a fire, has an aspect of one (who is nauseated) [nauseabundi]; so sad is his look that others are smitten with sorrow.


But those who are in the truths of faith, that is, who are led by the Lord, appear like bright little stars in the hemisphere: Such sometimes have they appeared to me, and this day have appeared in such wise to spirits: they only distinguished from such an appearance where they were, and of what quality they were. They also spoke with me. - 1748, July 25.)))


CONCERNING THOSE WHO LIVE IN SECURITY, WITHOUT FEARING ANY GOD, BUT FEAR AND ADORE HIM WHO DOES THEM NATURAL GOOD. There are many in the other life of such a character; and they dwell about the sole of the left foot, occupying the region of the sole of the left foot. I spoke with them, and felt them, then striving together of themselves, upwards from the sole through the foot. I also felt their simultaneous effort [connisum], and their ascent from joint effort, up to the knees, but still they fall back [relabuntur] into their place, or region. They act like a wave of the sea: and they who spoke with me did not appear evil: for when I supplicated the Lord's prayer, they also followed the thoughts to the Lord: But it was said, that they are of such a character,


that they adore those who benefit them: therefore do not care, who is acknowledged as God. Which was also given me to know from another experience: [to wit] when the eternal [oeternum] was represented as a bottomless abyss, then there were those who when they looked into the bottom, were cast into such an exceeding fear as is called [hissna]. They then said, that they do not care for such phantasies, but when it was also presented to them, they are struck with exceeding fear. When at another time I supplicated the Lord's prayer, it was granted to perceive that these were more earnest [ardentiores] than others.


THE HEAVENLY CHANGES [VICES] AND REVOLUTIONS. The heavenly changes and revolutions are circumstanced according to order, represented in the word by years, the spring, summer, autumn [and] winter thereof, and so on to spring [again] also by days, the morning, noon, evening [and] night thereof, and soon to morning again. The revolutions are from exteriors to interiors, thus to more perfect things. Likewise it may be apparent from those things which are real concerning the Church from the Ancient [Church] to the succeeding [ones]: thus [are circumstanced] the varieties of all [these]. - 1748, July 25.


CONCERNING THE SPHERE OF THOSE WHO REGARD OTHERS AS OF NO ACCOUNT. ((((A certain one, who because during life he seemed great, and wiser than others, when he was raised up from the sole of the foot, where he was into the sphere above the head, near the head, and about anteriors towards many from the sole of the foot, where he was into the sphere above spirits, he, because during life he was of such a character, with his associates, as regarded others as of no account, but himself [regarded as] greater and wiser than all mortals, and because reverenced for such a one, by those who were beneath him, [hence[ derived the natural disposition from which [his] sphere [flows]. The effect of [his] sphere was [this]: first it was bent out like a white sail in the atmosphere; next was as it were a dense rain-cloud [nimbus] as it were, a sea of clouds [mare nimbosum], which covered them up. They cried out and said that they are drowned, and could not struggle out: but the cloud covered them up. They said afterwards that they are in such trouble, that they could not live: they know that such a sphere as produced that effect exhaled from him. Thus he caused grievous trouble to them who wished to live in license. Such also are in the common [general] life unless they are Kings, with whom there [can be] no familiarity but respect [adoration] [must be shown them]. He also spoke with them, instructive things [pertaining] to life with such gravity as Solomon might have done: so I was told. - 1748, July 25.))))


THAT THE LEARNED IN THE WORLD OBSCURE MAN'S INTELLECT. It seems as if the learned in the world were lights, and illuminated human minds by instructing [them], as also they say; but I saw plainly by spiritual idea that it is they who obscure illuminated minds, yea, turn the light of human minds into darkness. This seems otherwise to many, but still it is the pure truth, confirmed from heaven. - 1748, July 25.


CONCERNING THOSE WHO CONSTITUTE THE REGION OF THE FOOT. Concerning these see above. Such are [those] who [are upright], who in the life of the body have lived for the world an inclination [genio], delighted in those things, which belong to the world, loved to live splendidly, but only from an external cupidity, or [that] of the body, delight in a splendid table, and the like, and yet nevertheless are upright, not boasting in mind [animo] by preferring themselves to others, although they are in dignity, although they might be Kings: do not care so much [for them] because the life of the world delights them - they say in their hearts, that it may be so, as also they say [with the mouth]: yea also free from the darkness brought on themselves, can pray and supplicate in an humble manner. In such, the way to heaven is open: In a word, inwardly is inseminated by the Lord, mercy, charity, probity, piety, justice, although others who trust in themselves, and suppose they are most subtly prudent, regard these as simple and of no account [pretii] as to interiors. - 1748, July 25.


They who occupy the region of the sole of the foot, because they despise others in comparison with themselves, to others [proe se] although they are not evil: therefore to themselves seem continually to wish to emerge as well through the foot into the thigh, as also above the head, as also to the sides, but because they are such, as [being] in a certain sort of laziness [obesitatis] despise others, in comparison with themselves [proe se] they have such a sphere as surrounds them, like a sort of gross covering [crassum tegumentum] round about [them] so that they can by no means struggle out beyond [it] although they labor with great exertion ((((this is the sphere which was diffused among spirits, in the shape of cloud [nimbis] when power was given them of rising up, or struggling out; wherefore there is a certain spontaneous effort as it were on the part of other spirits, who appear around them in the likeness of such a gross principle [crassamenti] which distinguishes their sphere from the sphere of others)))).


Thus all the genera, and all the species of spirits have their spheres, amongst which none but likes can enter; and the varieties of spheres and their differences are such that they are mutually distinguished from each other, so that one cannot enter into others nor be confounded [therewith]. The Lord alone holding all in their order, in universal and singular; as well the spheres amongst each other, as those who are within the spheres - who are distinguished not only according to such exterior spheres, but also according to their interior [spheres]: from which they correspond with the spheres in heaven. - 1748, July 26.))))


THAT SPIRITS WHO ARE OF THE SAME GENUS AND SPECIES [AS OTHERS], MAY BE INDUCED TO BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE THE SAME [AS OTHERS], ALTHOUGH THEY ARE NOT. It has been sometimes shown me by experience that spirits may be induced to believe that they are persons, of whom I could have some knowledge as to life and manners, and from that knowledge [in my mind] they induced other spirits to believe they were the same [as those I knew]: they spoke in like manner as those, had similar souls and many similar things, so that from the knowledge in my mind [apud me] they could not have believed other than that they were those same persons: although those whom they were induced to believe themselves to be, were alive - yea so similarly did they act the persons of those, that as respects the knowledge thereof in my mind, they did not at all differ: for they are the images of those, because of a similar genus and species, as regards the image thereof in the idea of man. Such [spirits] have been with me and spoke with me, because they were persuaded that they were those same persons: but inasmuch as I have learned that other persons [might] thus be portrayed by such resemblance, I was not induced to believe.


Wherefore let them take care for themselves to whom it is granted to speak with spirits, lest they be induced to believe that they are the ones whom they say they are, and thus [these] persuade [them] that those [other] are deceased, such it is usual for them to say, although (these others are alive: for those who are alike [similar] in genus and species, as to mind [animim] and manners, similarly conduct themselves with all resemblance, derived from the man's knowledge with whom they are. This may farther be evident from this, that such spirits are generally [in genere] associated with those who are like him, and when with him, they do not know other than that they are the same (as those spirits with whom they are associated). - 1748, July 26.


THAT HE WHO LIVES IN FAITH IN THE LORD, THUS IN THE LORD CANNOT AT ALL BE VIOLATED BY THE EVIL, BECAUSE [HE IS] IN THE ORDER OF NATURAL, SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL THINGS. It is granted to see from a spiritual general [communi] idea, that he who lives in order can by no means be violated by evil; for the universal heaven is held [kept] in order by the Lord alone, because He alone is order. There is an order of celestial, hence of spiritual, hence of natural things, in which order the universal heaven is held by the Lord, which unless it were held in order by the Lord alone, the universe would perish: for from Him, each and all things derive their principles [beginning]. The order of celestial and spiritual things is faith, and whatever pertains to faith in the Lord: Naturals are as it were, vessels, instruments, and organs [organica] and natural truths, which concern natural uses and ends are such vessels wherein spirituals are insinuated, and in these celestials, by the Lord, no one knowing [sciente et cognoscente] when and how. It is not [done] by the angelic heaven, for the Lord is the all in all of the good and true. - 1748, July 26.


It was granted to see in spiritual idea that since all things are held in order by the Lord alone, thus that the universal man, the Grand Man [maximus] that is, that all angels and good spirits are in order, therefore whatever resists is still reduced to order, for no one can struggle against the order of the universe. Wherefore [he] who is in order, that is, in truth or faith, cannot be violated by the evil, because the Lord protects him. - 1748, July 26.


A VISION CONCERNING THE NUMBERS [de numero] OF CERTAIN YEARS, AND WHAT THENCE SUCCEEDED. While I was in bed with closed eyes, there was seen clearly as in light and more [so] before the eyes, and indeed at a distance from the right eye, a little upwards, at first, the number of the years 1-48: [when this] number disappeared, there were seen by me, at a greater distance the numbers 1-53/1-94 the numbers between 1 and 48, as also between 1 and 53 and 1 and 94 were not observed; 17 is substituted in place [thereof]; once 15 [was seen], so that I did not know, whether the numbers were 1548, 1553, 1594, or whether they were 1648, 1653, 1694, or whether 1748, 1753, 1794. After these numbers were clearly seen by me in a table [in tabulo], a man was seen by me, an unsightly [man], who immediately disappeared, and,


then [there was seen] as it were a bloody (principle in a sphere, like as it were, a bloody sphere; and after some interval of time, a jar full of some liquor, which I supposed [to be] blood, and then blood from [another] jar of lesser orifice than was [the first] jar, which [blood] seemed to boil [bubble] up out of a hammered-iron [jar[. After these things were seen, spirits, as usual, conjectured [ominati] many things [as to] what this vision meant [dice veilet]; certain [conjectured] that it imported [something] dreadful in those years, and some otherwise, but what it signifies, I do not yet know.


When the bloody sphere appeared, immediately were also seen in the sphere, as it were particles of rent garments, which constituted the sphere, so that the sphere was [made up] of rent garments in minute [pieces].


Before these things appeared there was seen by me, a little previous, a man against the left eye at a certain distance, but more to the left, than the eye. The man was ascending [ascended] suddenly as it were to a certain plane: his garments were rent [and he] was unsightly: he hastened to me. I do not remember what [there was] besides.


It seems to signify the literal sense of the Word: that to the left [are] falsities that afterwards to the right [are] cupidities. I know nothing further. - 1748, July 26, in the middle of the night, between the 26th and 27th July. That the literal sense is to be cautiously handled [treated], may be somewhat inferred from these things, as many, who are innocent, put sanctity and believe there. The same seems to be signified by the mourning of David over Absalom, but lest all Israel should recede from him, he was compelled by Joab to go out at [to] the gate.


It is moreover to be observed that there should be no disputation from the opposite, against principles, in like manner against the cupidities of anyone: for no effect is produced: but principles although false are bent by the Lord to the true, like as cupidities [are bended] to the good: wherefore the sense of the letter ought not to be broken [impaired] [frangi]. - l748, July 27.


CONCERNING THE INTERIOR SPIRITUAL AND ANGELIC IDEA It was shown me, what [is] an idea of the interior spirits as also what [is] an idea of the interior angels, and this indeed quite frequently [soepius]: but in order that they might reach my perception and apprehension [it was shown] in sleep [in somnis], also in my morning wakefulness, also continued in these from a dream: for then the mind is more separate from the body: the idea of interior spirits is also inexpressible, but still intelligible to those who are separated from the world, while they live in the body: for it is intelligible to spirits who are in such an idea: in order that its notion only, may be perceived it was as it were shown to me, that if in idea are conjoined what rock [petra] signifies in its various sense, which various sense cannot be expressed in a few [words], and what priest [signifies] in an inferior sense, [and] thus is conceived what perhaps is signified in its variety, in the spiritual sense and so forth: this idea diffuses itself, and is applied to the subject, which now was priest with its variety, which is inexpressible.


But the angelic [idea] which is the beginning [principle] [principium] of the idea of the interior spirits, or from which, as from its principle, springs the idea of interior spirits, is of as it were something, which [was] inexpressible, with indefinite variety, but the notion whereof was granted me several times in sleep: by means of such [ideas] they not only think but also speak with each other, and are in light, which ideas if they had been told, it would not appear to any mortal. It is only permitted to say that their speech and ideas and felicities hence [derived] are the continual principles of the speech, ideas and felicities of interior spirits [and] thereby of the speech, ideas and pleasantnesses of inferior spirits or of men. - 1748, July 28.


From an angelic speech flowing [labente] into the speech of the interior spirits, there reached me [an idea]: it seemed to me so scattered, that nothing cohered; but still everything was reduced into such order, that it affected angels, which was also granted me to know: hence I could know that the things which are insinuated in man by the Lord, although they appear so scattered to man, still in heaven form a wonderful connection, and in man [have] the effect of perfecting him. Thus things appear entirely different to angels, than to man, wherefore if man concludes from effects and their inconstancies, he is too much mistaken. - 1748, July 28.


CONCERNING THE SPHERE OF SUPEREMINENCE, AND AUTHORITY OVER OTHERS. ((((There are given [some] who in their mind [mente] suppose themselves supereminent to others, either from knowledge, or public authority, or something else, and do not indeed despise others in comparison with themselves, but still regard them of little account [pauci], as for instance those whom they instruct or over whom they rule: such can also be humble, and perform many offices for others, but still this sphere of their mind [animi] and thoughts prevails, which still, though they are unwilling [involuntarily], shines forth from each of their gestures, faces and speech they being ignorant thereof. Such also can be humble before the Lord, and feel at ease [well] [bene] in their heart: that it is a sort of pride or haughtiness, distinct from the pride or haughtiness commonly known. Such have been with me [Solomon], and when he was present, all the spirits were compelled to go away to a long distance off.


Lest they should be covered up with such a cloudy [nebulosa] sphere as was previously described: but so long as these [proud ones] were above my head, near [me] with [their] feet standing on my head, spirits as they several times said, were very greatly distressed: they could not endure anything which [such proud ones spoke]: the state of their freedom [licentioe] into a state of a kind of servitude, which they were not at all able to endure. Thus spheres in the spiritual world are circumstanced according to their genius and mind, and thus are others respectively related to them: thus with infinite variety. It is similar amongst men, for they who wish to be free, cannot endure the society of those who are of such a nature, but take themselves away, for they are distressed in their society. - 1748, July 28.

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