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Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, by Clement A. Miles, [1912], at


Bibliographical details are given with the first reference to each authority, and the titles and authors’ names are there printed in heavy type. The particulars are repeated in the notes to Part II. when authorities are referred to again.


 1-1  G. K. Chesterton in “The Daily News,” Dec. 26, 1903.

 1-2  Ibid. Dec. 23, 1911.

 1-3  Cf. J. E. Harrison, “Themis: a Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion” (Cambridge, 1912), 139, 184.

 1-4  Or plural Weihnachten. The name Weihnachten was applied in five different ways in mediaeval Germany: (1) to Dec. 25, (2) to Dec. 25-8, (3) to the whole Christmas week, (4) to Dec. 25 to Jan. 6, (5) to the whole time from Christmas to the Octave of the Epiphany. G. Bilfinger, “Das germanische Julfest” (Stuttgart, 1901), 39.

 1-5  A. Tille, “Die Geschichte der deutschen Weihnacht” (Leipsic, 1893), 22. [Referred to as “D. W.”]

 1-6  H. Usener, “Das Weihnachtsfest” (Kap. i., bis. iii. 2nd Edition, Bonn, 1911), 273 f.

 1-7  L. Duchesne, “Christian Worship: its Origin and Evolution” (Eng. Trans., Revised Edition, London, 1912), 257 f.

 1-8  J. Hastings, “Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics” (Edinburgh, 1910), iii. 601 f.

 1-9  E. K. Chambers, “The Mediaeval Stage” (Oxford, 1903), i. 244. [Referred to as “M. S.”]

 1-10  A. Tille, “Yule and Christmas: their Place in the Germanic Year” (London, 1899), 122. [Referred to as “Y. & C.”]

 1-11  Ibid. 164.

 1-12  Tille, “D. W.,” 21.

 1-13  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 203.

 1-14  K. Lake in Hastings's “Encyclopædia” and in “The Guardian,” Dec. 29, 1911; F. C. Conybeare, Preface to “The Key of Truth, a Manual of the Paulician Church of Armenia” (Oxford, 1898), clii. f.; Usener, 18 f.

 1-15  Usener, 27 f.

 1-16  Ibid. 31; J. E. Harrison, “Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion” (Cambridge, 1903), 550.

 1-17  Harrison, “Prolegomena,” 402 f., 524 f., 550.p. 364 

 1-18  Lake, and G. Rietschel, “Weihnachten in Kirche, Kunst and Volksleben” (Bielefeld and Leipsic, 1902), 10.

 1-19  Conybeare, lxxviii.

 1-20  A. Lupi, “Dissertazioni, lettere ed altre operette” (Faenza, 1785), i. 219 f., mentioned in article “Nativity” in T. K. Cheyne's “Encyclopædia Biblica” (London, 1902), iii. 3346.

 1-21  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 234.

 1-22  Ibid. i. 235; F. Cumont, “The Monuments of Mithra” (Eng. Trans., London, 1903), 190.

 1-23  G. Negri, “Julian the Apostate” (Eng. Trans., London, 1905), i. 240 f.

 1-24  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 235.

 1-25  Duchesne, “Christian Worship,” 265.

 1-26  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 146.



 2-1  See especially for Latin, German, and English hymnody J. Julian, “A Dictionary of Hymnology” (New Edition, London, 1907), and the Historical Edition of “Hymns Ancient and Modern” (London, 1909).

 2-2  H. C. Beeching, “A Book of Christmas Verse” (London, 1895), 3.

 2-3  Beeching, 8.

 2-4  A. Gastoué, “Noël” (Paris, 1907), 38.

 2-5  R. W. Church, “St. Anselm” (London, 1870), 6.

 2-6  Ibid. 3 f.

 2-7  W. R. W. Stephens, “The English Church from the Norman Conquest to the Accession of Edward I.” (London, 1901), 309.

 2-8  W. Sandys, “Christmastide: its History, Festivities, and Carols” (London, n.d.), 216; E. Rickert, “Ancient English Carols. MCCCC-MDCC” (London, 1910), 133.

 2-9  For the Franciscan influence on poetry and art see: Vernon Lee, “Renaissance Fancies and Studies” (London, 1895); H. Thode, “Franz von Assisi und die Anfänge der Kunst der Renaissance in Italien” (Berlin, 1885); A. Macdonell, “Sons of Francis” (London, 1902); J. A. Symonds, “The Renaissance in Italy. Italian Literature,” Part I. (New Edition, London, 1898).

 2-10  Thomas of Celano, “Lives of St. Francis” (Eng. Trans. by A. G. Ferrers Howell, London, 1908), 84.

 2-11  P. Robinson, “Writings of St. Francis” (London, 1906), 175.

 2-12  “Le poesie spirituali del B. Jacopone da Todi,” con annotationi di Fra Francesco Tresatti (Venice, 1617), 266.

 2-13  Ibid. 275.

 2-14  Ibid. 867.

 2-15  “Stabat Mater speciosa,” trans. and ed. by J. M. Neale (London, 1866).p. 365 

 2-16  For German Christmas poetry see, besides Julian: Hoffmann von Fallersleben, “Geschichte des deutschen Kirchenliedes bis auf Luthers Zeit” (2nd Edition, Hanover, 1854); P. Wackernagel, “Das deutsche Kirchenlied” (Leipsic, 1867); and C. Winkworth, “Christian Singers of Germany” (London, n.d.).

 2-17  R. M. Jones, “Studies in Mystical Religion” (London, 1909), 235, 237.

 2-18  “Meister Eckharts Schriften und Predigten,” edited by H. Buttner (Leipsic, 1903), i. 44.

 2-19  Translation by C. Winkworth, “Christian Singers,” 84. German text in Wackernagel, ii. 302 f.

 2-20  “Deutsches Weihnachtsbuch” (Hamburg-Grossborstel, 1907), 125.

 2-21  “A Compendious Book of Godly and Spiritual Songs,” reprinted from the Edition of 1567 by A. F. Mitchell (Edinburgh and London, 1897), 53. This translation is abridged and Protestantized. The mediaeval German text, which is partly addressed to the Virgin, is given in Hoffmann von Fallersleben, “In Dulci Jubilo” (Hanover, 1854), 46. For the music see G. R. Woodward, “The Cowley Carol Book” (New Edition, London, 1909), 20 f. [a work peculiarly rich in old German airs].

 2-22  K. Weinhold, “Weihnacht-Spiele und Lieder aus Süddeutschland und Schlesien” (2nd Edition, Vienna, 1875), 385.

 2-23  Ibid. 396. [For help in the translation of German dialect I am indebted to Dr. M. A. Mügge.]

 2-24  Ibid. 400.

 2-25  Ibid. 417.

 2-26  E. K. Chambers, essay on “Some Aspects of Mediæval Lyric” in “Early English Lyrics,” chosen by E. K. Chambers and F. Sidgwick (London, 1907), 290. [Twenty-five of Awdlay's carols were printed by Messrs. Chambers and Sidgwick in “The Modern Language Review” (Cambridge), Oct., 1910, and Jan., 1911.]

 2-27  Ibid. 293.

 2-28  Quoted by J. J. Jusserand, “A Literary History of the English People” (2nd Edition, London, 1907), i. 218.

 2-29  Rickert, 6; Beeching, 13.

 2-30  No. lv. in Chambers and Sidgwick, “Early English Lyrics.”

 2-31  No. lix., ibid.

 2-32  No. lxi., ibid.

 2-33  No. lxx., ibid.

 2-34  No. lxvii., ibid.

 2-35  No. lxiii., ibid.

 2-36  Rickert, 67.


 3-1  Noël Hervé, “Les Noëls français” (Niort, 1905), Gastoué, 57 f.; G. Gregory Smith, “The Transition Period” (Edinburgh and London, 1900), 217.

 3-2  Gregory Smith, 217.

 3-3  H. Lemeignen, “Vieux Noëls composés en l'honneur de la Naissance de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ” (Nantes, 1876), iii. 2 f.

 3-4  Ibid. i. 10, 11.

 3-5  Ibid. ii. 93, 95.

 3-6  Hervé, 46.

 3-7  Lemeignen, i. 55.p. 366 

 3-8  Lemeignen, i. 29.

 3-9  “Les Vieux Noëls,” in “Nouvelle Bibliothèque Populaire” (published by Henri Gautier, 55 Quai des Grands Augustins, Paris).

 3-10  Lemeignen, i. 93.

 3-11  H. J. L. J. Massé, “A Book Of Old Carols” (London, 1910), i. 21.

 3-12  Hervé, 86.

 3-13  Lemeignen, i. 71.

 3-14  “Hymns Ancient and Modern” (Historical Edition), 79. Translation is No. 58 in Ordinary Edition.

 3-15  Hervé, 132.

 3-16  A great number of these villancicos and romances may be found in Justo de Sancha, “Romancero y Cancionero Sagrados” (Madrid, 1855, vol. 35 of Rivadeneyra's Library of Spanish Authors), and there are some good examples in J. N. Böhl de Faber, “Rimas Antiguas Castellanas” (Hamburg, 1823).

 3-17  Böhl de Faber, ii. 36.

 3-18  F. Caballero, “Elia y La Noche de Navidad” (Leipsic, 1864), 210.

 3-19  A. de Gubernatis, “Storia Comparata degli Usi Natalizi” (Milan, 1878), 90.

 3-20  These three verses are taken from Countess Martinengo-Cesaresco's charming translation of the poem, in her “Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs” (London, 1886), 304 f.

 3-21  Martinengo, “Folk-Songs,” 302 f.

 3-22  Latin text in Tille, “D. W.,” 311; Italian game in De Gubernatis, 93.

 3-23  Hervé, 115 f.

 3-24  W. Hone, “The Ancient Mysteries Described” (London, 1823), 103.

 3-25  Ibid. 103.

 3-26  See Note 11.

 3-27  D. Hyde, “Religious Songs of Connacht” (London, 1906), ii. 225 f.

 3-28  “The Vineyard” (London), Dec., 1910, 144.

 3-29  “Deutsches Weihnachtsbuch,” 120 f.

 3-30  “A Compendious Book of Godly and Spiritual Songs,” 49 f. (spelling here modernized); Rickert, 82 f.

 3-31  “Deutsches Weihnachtsbuch,” 123, and most German Protestant hymnbooks.

 3-32  Translation by Miles Coverdale, in Rickert, 192 f.

 3-33  No. 5 in Paulus Gerhardt, “Geistliche Lieder,” ed. by P. Wackernagel and W. Tümpel (9th Edition, Gütersloh, 1907).

 3-34  Translation by C. Winkworth in “Lyra Germanica” (New Edition, London, 1869), ii. 13 f.

 3-35  “Deutsches Weihnachtsbuch,” 128 f.

 3-36  Translation (last verse altered) in “The British Herald” (London), Sept., 1866, 329.

 3-37  “Christmas Carols New and Old,” the words edited by H. R. Bramley, the music edited by Sir John Stainer (London, n.d.).

 3-38  Beeching, 27 f.

 3-39  Ibid. 67.

 3-40  Ibid. 49.

 3-41  Ibid. 76.

 3-42  Ibid. 48.

 3-43  Ibid. 45.

 3-44  Ibid. 42 f.p. 367 

 3-45  Beeching, 85 f.

 3-46  Selwyn Image, “Poems and Carols” (London, 1894), 25.

 3-47  G. K. Chesterton in “The Commonwealth” (London), Dec., 1902, 353.


 4-1  Translation, “Creator of the starry height,” in “Hymns A. and M.” (Ordinary Edition), No. 45.

 4-2  J. Dowden, “The Church Year and Kalendar” (Cambridge, 1910), 76 f.

 4-3  “Rational ou Manuel des divins Offices de Guillaume Durand, Évèque de Mende au treizième siècle,” traduit par M. C. Barthélemy (Paris, 1854), iii. 155 f.

 4-4  See translation of the Great O's in “The English Hymnal,” No. 734.

 4-5  Barthélemy, iii. 220 f.

 4-6  D. Rock, “The Church of Our Fathers” (London, 1853), vol. iii. pt. ii. 214.

 4-7  J. K. Huysmans, “L'Oblat” (Paris, 1903), 194.

 4-8  Gastoué, 44 f.

 4-9  E. G. C. F. Atchley, “Ordo Romanus Primus” (London, 1905), 71.

 4-10  “The Pilgrimage of S. Silvia of Aquitaine” (Eng. Trans. by J. H. Bernard, London, 1891), 50 f.

 4-11  S. D. Ferriman in “The Daily News,” Dec. 25, 1911.

 4-12  G. Bonaccorsi, “Il Natale: appunti d'esegesi e di storia” (Rome, 1903), 73.

 4-13  Gastoué, 41 f.

 4-14  Bonaccorsi, 75.

 4-15  H. Malleson and M. A. R. Tuker, “Handbook to Christian and Ecclesiastical Rome” (London, 1897), pt. ii. 211.

 4-16  Th. Bentzon, “Christmas In France” in “The Century Magazine” (New York), Dec., 1901, 170 f.

 4-17  L. von Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben” (Stuttgart, 1909), 232.

 4-18  M. J. Quin, “A Visit to Spain” (2nd Edition, London, 1824), 126 f.

 4-19  “Madrid in 1835,” by a Resident Officer (London, 1836), i. 395 f.

 4-20  W. S. Walsh, “Curiosities of Popular Customs” (London, 1898), 237.

 4-21  G. Pitrè, “Spettacoli e feste popolari siciliane” (Palermo, 1880), 444.

 4-22  Tille, “D. W.,” 70 f.

 4-23  F. H. Woods, “Sweden and Norway” (London, 1882), 209; L. Lloyd, “Peasant Life in Sweden” (London, 1870), 201 f.

 4-24  J. E. Vaux, “Church Folklore” (London, 1894), 222 f.

 4-25  M. Trevelyan, “Folk-Lore and Folk-Stories of Wales” (London, 1909), 28.

 4-26  Vaux, 262 f.

 4-27  R. F. Littledale, “Offices from the Service-Books of the Holy Eastern Church” (London, 1863), 174 f.

 4-28  [Sir] A. J. Evans, “Christmas and Ancestor Worship in the Black Mountain,” in “Macmillan's Magazine” (London), vol. xliii., 1881, 228.

 4-29  Duchesne, 273.

 4-30  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 245.

 4-31  “The Roman Breviary,” translated by John, Marquess of Bute (New Edition Edinburgh and London, 1908), 186.

 4-32  See announcement in “The Roman Mail” in Jan., 1912.p. 368 

 4-33  Mary Hamilton, “Greek Saints and their Festivals” (London, 1910), 113 f.

 4-34  H. Holloway, “An Eastern Epiphany Service” in “Pax” (the Magazine of the Caldey Island Benedictines), Dec., 1910.

 4-35  Hamilton, 119 f.

 4-36  Holloway, as above.

 4-37  F. H. E. Palmer, “Russian Life in Town and Country” (London, 1901), 176 f.

 4-38  Thomas of Celano, trans. by Howell, 82 f.

 4-39  Countess Martinengo-Cesaresco, “Puer Parvulus” in “The Outdoor Life in the Greek and Roman Poets” (London, 1911), 248.

 4-40  Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 41.

 4-41  Bonaccorsi, 85; Usener, 298.

 4-42  Usener, 290.

 4-43  Ibid. 295, 299.

 4-44  Rietschel, 55.

 4-45  Ibid. 56 f.

 4-46  Ibid. 60.

 4-47  Ibid. 69 f.; Tille, “D. W.,” 59 f.

 4-48  Music from Trier “Gesangbuch” (1911), No. 18, where a very much weakened text is given. Text from Weinhold, 114. Another form of the air is given in “The Cowley Carol Book,” No. 36.

 4-49  Text and music in Massé, i. 6.

 4-50  Tille, “D. W.,” 60.

 4-51  Ibid. 61 f.

 4-52  Ibid. 63.

 4-53  Thomas Naogeorgus, “The Popish Kingdome,” Englyshed by Barnabe Googe, 1570 (ed. by R. C. Hope, London, 1880), 45.

 4-54  Tille, “D. W.,” 68.

 4-55  Ibid. 68.

 4-56  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 235.

 4-57  Ibid. 235.

 4-58  Tille, “D. W.,” 64.

 4-59  Rietschel, 75.

 4-60  Martinengo, “Outdoor Life,” 249.

 4-61  Lady Morgan, “Italy” (New Edition, London, 1821), iii. 72.

 4-62  Matilde Serao, “La Madonna e i Santi” (Naples, 1902), 223 f.

 4-63  L. Caico, “Sicilian Ways and Days” (London, 1910), 192 f.

 4-64  Information kindly given to the author by Mrs. C. G. Crump.

 4-65  Information derived by the author from a resident in Messina.

 4-66  Serao, see Note 62.

 4-67  W. H. D. Rouse, “Religious Tableaux in Italian Churches,” in “Folk-Lore” (London), vol. v., 1894, 6 f.

 4-68  Morgan, iii. 76 f.

 4-69  Bonaccorsi, 45 f.

 4-70  A. J. C. Hare, “Walks in Rome” (11th Edition, London, 1883), 157.

 4-71  Martinengo, “Outdoor Life,” 253; Bonaccorsi, 110 f.; R. Ellis Roberts, “A Roman Pilgrimage” (London, 1911), 185 f.

 4-72  H. J. Rose, “Untrodden Spain” (London, 1875), 276.

 4-73  See Note 18 to Chapter III.p. 369 

 4-74  T. F. Thiselton Dyer, “British Popular Customs” (London, 1876), 464.

 4-75  Vaux, 216.

 4-76  Dyer, 464.

 4-77  Cf. Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 120.


 5-1  This account of the mediaeval Christmas drama owes much to Chambers, “The Mediaeval Stage,” especially chaps. xviii. to xx., and to W. Creizenach, “Geschichte des neueren Dramas” (Halle a/S., 1893), vol. i., bks. ii.-iv. See also: Karl Pearson, essay on “The German Passion Play” in “The Chances of Death, and other Studies in Evolution” (London, 1897), ii. 246 f.; E. Du Méril, “Origines latines du théâtre moderne” (Paris, 1849); L. Petit de Julleville, “Histoire du théâtre en France au moyen âge. I. Les Mystères” (Paris, 1880); and other works cited later.

 5-2  Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 8 f.

 5-3  Ibid. ii. 11.

 5-4  Du Méril, 147.

 5-5  Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 52.

 5-6  Text in Du Méril, 153 f.

 5-7  Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 44.

 5-8  Ibid. ii. 52 f.

 5-9  On the English plays see: Chambers, “M. S.,” chaps. xx. and xxi.; A. W. Ward, “A History of English Dramatic Literature” (London, 1875), vol. i. chap. i.; Creizenach, vol. i.; K. L. Bates, “The English Religious Drama” (London, 1893).

 5-10  Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 129, 131, 139.

 5-11  “Ludus Coventriae,” ed. by J. O. Halliwell (London, 1841), 146 f.

 5-12  “York Plays,” ed. by L. Toulmin Smith (Oxford, 1885), 114 f.

 5-13  “The Chester Plays,” ed. by T. Wright (London, 1843), 137.

 5-14  Ibid. 138.

 5-15  Ibid. 143.

 5-16  “The Towneley Plays,” ed. by George England, with Introduction by A. W. Pollard (London, 1897). The first Shepherds’ Play is on p. 100 f., the second on p. 116 f.

 5-17  Text from Chambers and Sidgwick, “Early English Lyrics,” 124 f.

 5-18  Text in T. Sharp, “A Dissertation on the Pageants or Dramatic Mysteries anciently performed at Coventry” (Coventry, 1825).

 5-19  Petit de Julleville, ii. 36 f and 431 f.

 5-20  Ibid. ii. 620 f.; “Les marguerites de la Marguerite des princesses,” ed. from the edition of 1547 by F. Frank (Paris, 1873), ii. 1 f.

 5-21  Petit de Julleville, i. 441.

 5-22  Ibid. i. 455. Text in Lemeignen, ii. 1 f.

 5-23  Petit de Julleville, i. 79 f.

 5-24  P. Sébillot, “Coutumes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne” (Paris, 1886), 177.

 5-25  Martinengo, “Folk-Songs,” xxxiii. f. In her essay, “Puer Parvulus,” in “The Outdoor Life,” 260 f., the Countess gives a charming description of a somewhat similar Piedmontese play.

 5-26  Barthélemy, iii. 411 f.p. 370 

 5-27  Rietschel, 88 f.; O. von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, “Das festliche Jahr” (2nd Edition, Leipsic, 1898), 439 f.

 5-28  Rietschel, 92 f.

 5-29  An interesting book on popular Christmas plays is F. Vogt, “Die schlesischen Weihnachtspiele” (Leipsic, 1901).

 5-30  Weinhold, 94.

 5-31  Ibid. 95 f.

 5-32  Ibid. 100 f.

 5-33  Ibid. 96 f.

 5-34  See Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 91 f.; Symonds, “Renaissance,” iv. 242, 272 f.; A. d'Ancona, “Origini del Teatro italiano” (Florence, 1877), i. 87 f.

 5-35  D'Ancona, “Origini,” i. 126 f.

 5-36  A. d'Ancona, “Sacre Rappresentazioni dei secoli xiv, xv e xvi” (Florence, 1872), i. 191 f.

 5-37  Ibid. i. 192.

 5-38  Latin original quoted by D'Ancona, “Origini,” i. 91, and Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 93.

 5-39  Creizenach, i. 347.

 5-40  J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, “A History of Spanish Literature” (London, 1898), 113.

 5-41  Juan del Encina, “Teatro Completo” (Madrid, 1893), 3 f., 137 f.

 5-42  See G. Ticknor, “History of Spanish Literature” (6th American Edition, Boston, 1888), ii. 283 f.

 5-43  Ibid. ii. 208.

 5-44  “Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari” (Palermo and Turin), vol. xxi., 1902, 381.

 5-45  Pitrè, 448.

 5-46  Fernan Caballero, “Elia y La Noche de Navidad,” 222 f.

 5-47  Lloyd, 213 f.

 5-48  H. F. Feilberg, “Jul” (Copenhagen, 1904), ii. 242 f.

 5-49  E. Cortet, “Essai sur les fêtes religieuses” (Paris, 1867), 38.

 5-50  Sébillot, 215.

 5-51  Feilberg, ii. 250; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 31 f.; T. Stratilesco, “From Carpathian to Pindus: Pictures of Roumanian Country Life” (London, 1906), 195 f.; E. van Norman, “Poland: the Knight among Nations” (London and New York, 3rd Edition, n.d.), 302; S. Graham, “A Vagabond in the Caucasus. With some Notes of his Experiences among the Russians” (London, 1910), 28.

 5-52  Translation in Karl Hase, “Miracle Plays and Sacred Dramas” (Eng. Trans., London, 1880), 9; German text in Weinhold, 132.

 5-53  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 247 f.

 5-54  Graham, 28.

 5-55  Stratilesco, 195 f.

 5-56  Ibid. 355 f.

 5-57  Van Norman, 302.

 5-58  Cortet, 42.

 5-59  Barthélemy, iii. 411 f.

 5-60  Madame Calderon de la Barca, “Life in Mexico” (London, 1843), 237 f.


 6-1  E. Underhill, “Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Man's Spiritual Consciousness” (London, 1911), 305.p. 371 



 7-1  Karl Pearson, essay on “Woman as Witch” in “The Chances of Death and other Studies in Evolution” (London, 1897), ii. 16.

 7-2  Cf. J. G. Frazer, “The Dying God” (London, 1911), 269.

 7-3  J. A. MacCulloch, “The Religion of the Ancient Celts” (Edinburgh, 1911), 278.

 7-4  Frazer, “Dying God,” 266.

 7-5  E. Anwyl, “Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times” (London, 1906), 1 f.

 7-6  Ibid. 20; cf. E. K. Chambers, “The Mediaeval Stage” (Oxford, 1903), i. 100 f. [Referred to as “M. S.”]

 7-7  W. Robertson Smith, “Lectures on the Religion of the Semites” (New Edition, London, 1894), 16.

 7-8  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 236; W. W. Fowler, “The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic” (London, 1899), 272.

 7-9  “The Works of Lucian of Samosata” (Eng. Trans. by H. W. and F. G. Fowler, Oxford, 1905), iv. 108 f.

 7-10  John Brand, “Observations on Popular Antiquities” (New Edition, with the Additions of Sir Henry Ellis, London, Chatto & Windus, 1900), 283.

 7-11  “Works of Lucian,” iv. 114 f.

 7-12  Ibid. iv. 109.

 7-13  J. G. Frazer, “The Golden Bough” (2nd Edition, London, 1900), iii. 138 f., and “The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kingship” (London, 1911), ii. 310 f.

 7-14  W. W. Fowler, “The Religious Experience of the Roman People” (London, 1911), 107, 112.

 7-15  Fowler, “Roman Festivals,” 268, and “Religious Experience,” 107; C. Bailey, “The Religion of Ancient Rome” (London, 1907), 70.

 7-16  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 237 f.; Fowler, “Roman Festivals,” 278.

 7-17  Quoted from “Libanii Opera,” ed. by Reiske, i. 256 f., by G. Bilfinger, “Das germanische Julfest” (vol. ii. of “Untersuchungen über die Zeitrechnung der alten Germanen,” Stuttgart, 1901), 41 f.

 7-18  “Libanii Opera,” iv. 1053 f., quoted by Bilfinger, 43 f.

 7-19  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 237 f., 258.

 7-20  A. Tille, “Yule and Christmas” (London, 1899), 96. [Referred to as “Y. & C.”]

 7-21  J. C. Lawson, “Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion” (Cambridge, 1910), 221 f. Cf. M. Hamilton, “Greek Saints and their Festivals” (London, 1910), 98.

 7-22  Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 290 f.

 7-23  Latin text in Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 297 f.

 7-24  Ibid. i. 245.

 7-25  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 88 f.; Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 303 f.p. 372 

 7-26  Tille, “Y. & C.,” throughout; Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 288 f.; Chantepie de la Saussaye, “The Religion of the Ancient Teutons” (Boston, 1902), 382. Cf. O. Schrader, in Hastings's “Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics” (Edinburgh, 1909), ii. 47 f.

 7-27  MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 258 f. Cf. Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 228, 234.

 7-28  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 203.

 7-29  [Sir] A. J. Evans, “Christmas and Ancestor Worship in the Black Mountain,” in “Macmillan's Magazine” (London), vol. xliii., 1881, 363.

 7-30  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 247.

 7-31  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 64.

 7-32  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 232.

 7-33  Ibid. i. 130; W. Robertson Smith, 213 f.

 7-34  Frazer, “Dying God,” 129 f.

 7-35  See N. W. Thomas in “Folk-Lore” (London), vol. xi., 1900, 227 f.

 7-36  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 132 f.

 7-37  W. Robertson Smith, 437 f.

 7-38  J. E. Harrison, “Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion” (Cambridge, 1912), 67. Cf. E. F. Ames, “The Psychology of Religious Experience” (London and Boston, 1910), 95 f.

 7-39  Harrison, “Themis,” 137.

 7-40  Ibid. 110.

 7-41  S. Reinach, “Cultes, mythes, et religions” (Paris, 1905), i. 93. For the theory that totems were originally food-objects, see Ames, 118 f.

 7-42  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 133.

 7-43  Ibid. i. 105 f., 144.

 7-44  Harrison, “Themis,” 507.

 7-45  W. Robertson Smith, 255.

 7-46  Bede, “Historia Ecclesiastica,” lib. i. cap. 30. Latin text in Bede's Works, edited by J. A. Giles (London, 1843), vol. ii. p. 142.

 7-47  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 143.

 7-48  Jerome, “Comm. in Isaiam,” lxv. 11. Latin text in Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 294.

 7-49  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 266.

 7-50  Latin text in Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 306.

 7-51  Bede, “De Temporum Ratione,” cap. 15, quoted by Chambers, i. 231. See also Tille, “Y. & C.,” 152 f., and Bilfinger, 131, for other views.

 7-52  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 70 f.

 7-53  See Frazer, “Magic Art,” i. 52.

 7-54  Cf. Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 300 f.

 7-55  Latin text in H. Usener, “Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen,” part ii. (Bonn, 1889), 43 f. See also A. Tille, “Die Geschichte der deutschen Weihnacht” (Leipsic, 1893), 44 f. [Referred to as “D. W.”]

 7-56  Philip Stubbs, “Anatomie Of Abuses” (Reprint of 3rd Edition of 1585, edited by W. B. Turnbull, London, 1836), 205.

 7-57  Quoted by J. Ashton, “A righte Merrie Christmasse!!” (London, n.d.), 26 f.

 7-58  Ibid. 27 f.p. 373 


 8-1  R. Chambers, “The Book Of Days” (London, n.d.), ii. 538 [referred to as “B. D.”]; T. F. Thiselton Dyer, “British Popular Customs” (London, 1876), 396 f.

 8-2  [Sir] J. Rhys, “Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom” (London, 1888), 514, “Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx” (Oxford, 1901), i. 321.

 8-3  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 57 f.

 8-4  Rhys, “Celtic Folklore,” i. 315 f.

 8-5  J. Dowden, “The Church Year and Kalendar” (Cambridge, 1910), 23 f.

 8-6  Cf. J. G. Frazer, “Adonis, Attis, Osiris” (2nd Edition, London, 1907), 315 f.

 8-7  E. B. Tylor, “Primitive Culture” (3rd Edition, London, 1891), ii. 38.

 8-8  Frazer, “Adonis,” 310.

 8-9  Ibid. 312 f.

 8-10  P. Sébillot, “Coutumes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne” (Paris, 1886), 206.

 8-11  L. von Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben” (Stuttgart, 1909), 193.

 8-12  Frazer, “Adonis,” 315.

 8-13  G. Pitrè, “Spettacoli e feste popolari siciliane” (Palermo, 1880), 393 f. Cf. H. F. Feilberg, “Jul” (Copenhagen, 1904), i. 67.

 8-14  “Notes and Queries” (London), 3rd Series, vol. i. 446; Dyer, 408.

 8-15  Frazer, “Adonis,” 250.

 8-16  Dyer, 405 f.

 8-17  Notes and Queries, 1st Series, vol. iv. 381; Dyer, 407.

 8-18  C. S. Burne and G. F. Jackson, “Shropshire Folk-Lore” (London, 1883), 383.

 8-19  Ibid. 381 f.

 8-20  Quoted by Dyer, 410.

 8-21  O. von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, “Das festliche Jahr der germanischen Völker” (2nd Edition, Leipsic, 1898), 390.

 8-22  “Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari” (Palermo), vol. viii. 574.

 8-23  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 189 f.

 8-24  Frazer, “Adonis,” 303 f.

 8-25  Ibid. 306 f.

 8-26  Evans, 363 f.

 8-27  Dyer, 394.

 8-28  Ibid. 398.

 8-29  Ibid. 394. Cf. Chambers, “B. D.,” ii. 519 f.

 8-30  Dyer, 395.

 8-31  Ibid. 399.

 8-32  Ibid. 397 f.

 8-33  S. O. Addy, “Household Tales, with other Traditional Remains. Collected in the Counties of Lincoln, Derby, and Nottingham” (London and Sheffield, 1895), 82.

 8-34  Ibid. 85.

 8-35  W. Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders” (2nd Edition, London, 1879), 101.

 8-36  Dyer, 399.

 8-37  Ibid. 403.p. 374 

 8-38  Rhys, “Celtic Folklore,” i. 321, “Celtic Heathendom,” 514.

 8-39  Rhys, “Celtic Folklore,” i. 328.

 8-40  MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 259, 261.

 8-41  Rhys, “Celtic Heathendom,” 515.

 8-42  Ibid. 515.

 8-43  Ibid. 515, “Celtic Folklore,” i. 225.

 8-44  MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 262.

 8-45  Brand, 211.

 8-46  Dyer, 402.

 8-47  Ibid. 394 f.

 8-48  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 299 f.

 8-49  Burne and Jackson, 389.

 8-50  Dyer, 409.

 8-51  J. Grimm, “Teutonic Mythology” (Eng. Trans. by J. S. Stallybrass, London, 1880-8), i. 47.

 8-52  K. Weinhold, “Weihnacht-Spiele und Lieder aus Süddeutschland und Schlesien” (Vienna, 1875), 6.

 8-53  U. Jahn, “Die deutschen Opfergebräuche bei Ackerbau und Viehzucht” (Breslau, 1884), 262.

 8-54  Ibid. 262.

 8-55  Weinhold, 6.

 8-56  Dyer, 472.

 8-57  Notes and Queries, 1st Series, vol. i. 173; Dyer, 486.

 8-58  Weinhold, 7.

 8-59  Ibid. 10.

 8-60  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 449.

 8-61  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 166.

 8-62  Dyer, 480.

 8-63  Feilberg, ii. 228 f.

 8-64  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 393.

 8-65  Tacitus, “Annales,” lib. i. cap. 50, quoted by Tille, “Y. & C.,” 25.

 8-66  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 26.

 8-67  Ibid. 52.

 8-68  Ibid. 27.

 8-69  Brand, 216 f.

 8-70  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 401 f. For German Martinmas feasting, see also Jahn, 229 f.

 8-71  Grimm, iv. 1838, for Danish custom; Jahn, 235 f., for German.

 8-72  “The Folk-Lore Record” (London), vol. iv., 1881, 107; Dyer, 420.

 8-73  MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 260.

 8-74  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 403.

 8-75  Jahn, 246 f.

 8-76  Ibid. 246; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 403.

 8-77  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 34 f.

 8-78  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 404; Jahn, 250.

 8-79  Jahn, 247.

 8-80  Angela Nardo-Cibele in Archivio trad. pop., vol. v. 238 f., for Venetia; Pitrè, 411 f., for Sicily.

 8-81  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 405.p. 375 

 8-82  Jahn, 240.

 8-83  Ibid. 241 f.

 8-84  Ibid. 241.

 8-85  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 404.

 8-86  Weinhold, 7.

 8-87  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 268; Weinhold, 7; Tille, “D. W.,” 25.

 8-88  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, illustration facing p. 406.

 8-89  Ibid. 405.

 8-90  Ibid. 404.

 8-91  Ibid. 410; Tille, “D. W.,” 26 f.; W. Mannhardt, “Der Baumkultus der Germanen und ihrer Nachbarstämme” (Berlin, 1875. Vol. i. of “Wald- und Feldkulte”), 273.

 8-92  Cf. Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 303, and Reinach, i. 180.

 8-93  Archivio trad. pop., vol. v. 238 f., 358 f.

 8-94  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 274.


 9-1  Dyer, 423.

 9-2  Notes and Queries, 1st Series, vol. viii. 618; Dyer, 425.

 9-3  Brand, 222 f.

 9-4  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 97.

 9-5  Notes and Queries, 3rd Series, vol. iv. 492; Dyer, 423.

 9-6  Dyer, 425.

 9-7  Brand, 222.

 9-8  Ibid. 223.

 9-9  Notes and Queries, 2nd Series, vol. v. 47; Dyer, 427.

 9-10  Dyer, 426 f.

 9-11  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 415.

 9-12  J. N. Raphael in “The Daily Express,” Nov. 28, 1911.

 9-13  Dyer, 430.

 9-14  Ibid. 429.

 9-15  Tille, “D. W.,” 148.

 9-16  B. Thorpe, “Northern Mythology” (London, 1852), iii. 143.

 9-17  Ibid. iii. 144.

 9-18  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 416 f. Cf. Grimm, iv. 1800.

 9-19  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 417. Cf. Thorpe, iii. 145.

 9-20  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 418.

 9-21  Thorpe, iii. 145.

 9-22  F. S. Krauss, “Sitte und Brauch der Südslaven” (Vienna, 1885), 179.

 9-23  T. Stratilesco, “From Carpathian to Pindus: Pictures of Roumanian Country Life” (London, 1906), 189.

 9-24  Ibid. 188 f.

 9-25  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 416.

 9-26  Ibid. 420 f.

 9-27  Ibid. 425.p. 376 

 9-28  Thomas Naogeorgus, “The Popish Kingdome,” Englyshed by Barnabe Googe, 1570 (ed. by R. C. Hope, London, 1880), 44.

 9-29  G. F. Abbott, “Macedonian Folklore” (Cambridge, 1903), 76.

 9-30  P. M. Hough, “Dutch Life in Town and Country” (London, 1901), 96.

 9-31  Cf. Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 90, and also the Epiphany noise-makings described in the present volume.

 9-32  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 426.

 9-33  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 218 f.

 9-34  Tille, “D. W.,” 30.

 9-35  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 370.

 9-36  Hamilton, 30. Cf. article on St. Nicholas by Professor Anichkof in Folk-Lore, vol. v., 1894, 108 f.

 9-37  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 428 f.

 9-38  Tille, “D. W.,” 35 f.; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 430.

 9-39  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 209 f.

 9-40  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 430.

 9-41  Weinhold, 9.

 9-42  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 326.

 9-43  Weinhold, 9.

 9-44  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 431 f.

 9-45  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 212 f.

 9-46  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 433.

 9-47  Ibid. 433.

 9-48  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 369.

 9-49  W. S. Walsh, “Curiosities of Popular Customs” (London, 1898), 753 f. Cf. Chambers, “B. D.,” ii. 664.

 9-50  Feilberg, i. 165, 170.

 9-51  Ibid. i. 169 f.

 9-52  Ibid. i. 171.

 9-53  L. Caico, “Sicilian Ways and Days” (London, 1910), 188 f.

 9-54  Feilberg, i. 168.

 9-55  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 434.

 9-56  Ibid. 434 f.

 9-57  Grimm, iv. 1867.

 9-58  Feilberg, i. 108 f.

 9-59  Ibid. i. 111.

 9-60  N. W. Thomas in Folk-Lore, vol. xi., 1900, 252.

 9-61  Ashton, 52.

 9-62  Dyer, 72 f.

 9-63  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 436 f.

 9-64  Ibid. 437.

 9-65  Ibid. 438.

 9-66  Ibid. 439.

 9-67  Dyer, 439.

 9-68  Ibid. 438 f.; Chambers, “B. D.,” ii. 724.

 9-69  Abbott, 81.

 9-70  Notes and Queries, 2nd Series, vol. v. 35; Dyer, 439.p. 377 


 10-1  Tille, “D. W.,” 32 f.

 10-2  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 446.

 10-3  Ibid. 448.

 10-4  Ibid. 449.

 10-5  Ibid. 448; Weinhold, 8 f.

 10-6  Evans, 229.

 10-7  Weinhold, 8.

 10-8  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 116.

 10-9  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 444 f.

 10-10  Ibid. 442 f.

 10-11  Ibid. 444.

 10-12  W. R. S. Ralston, “Songs of the Russian People” (1st Edition, London, 1872), 186 f.

 10-13  Sébillot, 216.

 10-14  Walsh, 232.

 10-15  Burne and Jackson, 406; Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 311; Sir Edgar MacCulloch, “Guernsey Folk Lore” (London, 1903), 34; Thorpe, ii. 272.

 10-16  Walsh, 232.

 10-17  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 311.

 10-18  MacCulloch, “Guernsey Folk Lore,” 34 f. Cf. for Germany, Grimm, iv. 1779, 1809.

 10-19  Grimm, iv. 1840.

 10-20  Ralston, 201.

 10-21  A. Le Braz, “La Légende de la Mort chez les Bretons armoricains” (Paris, 1902), i. 114 f.

 10-22  Thorpe, ii. 89.

 10-23  Lloyd, 171.

 10-24  Feilberg, ii. 7 f.

 10-25  Ibid. ii. 14.

 10-26  Bilfinger, 52.

 10-27  Feilberg, ii. 3 f.

 10-28  Ibid. ii. 20 f.

 10-29  A. F. M. Ferryman, “In the Northman's Land” (London, 1896), 112.

 10-30  Feilberg, ii. 64.

 10-31  Grimm, iv. 1781, 1783, 1793, 1818.

 10-32  Krauss, 181.

 10-33  Accounts of the carols used in Little Russia are given by Mr. Ralston, 186 f., while those sung by the Roumanians are described by Mlle. Stratilesco, 192 f., and those customary in Dalmatia by Sir A. J. Evans, 224 f.

 10-34  Ralston, 193.

 10-35  Stratilesco, 192.

 10-36  Ralston, 197.

 10-37  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 244.

 10-38  Shakespeare, “Hamlet,” Act I. Sc. 1.

 10-39  Bilfinger, 37 f.

 10-40  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 132.p. 378 

 10-41  Tylor, i. 362.

 10-42  W. Golther, “Handbuch der germanischen Mythologie” (Leipsic, 1895), 283 f.

 10-43  Tille, “D. W.,” 173.

 10-44  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 132.

 10-45  MacCulloch, “Guernsey Folk Lore,” 33 f.

 10-46  Burne and Jackson, 396 f., 403.

 10-47  R. T. Hampson, “Medii Aevi Kalendarium” (London, 1841), i. 90.

 10-48  Grimm, iv. 1836; Thorpe, ii. 272.

 10-49  Burne and Jackson, 405.

 10-50  Ibid. 405; MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 166.

 10-51  E. H. Meyer, “Mythologie der Germanen” (Strassburg, 1903), 424; Golther, 491; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 22 f.

 10-52  Golther, 493.

 10-53  Meyer, 425 f.

 10-54  Ibid. 425 f.

 10-55  Grimm, iii. 925 f.

 10-56  Ibid. i. 268, 275 f.

 10-57  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 22.

 10-58  Grimm, i. 275; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 23.

 10-59  Ibid. 23.

 10-60  Meyer, 425; Grimm, i. 281.

 10-61  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 21.

 10-62  Golther, 493.

 10-63  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 24.

 10-64  Grimm, i. 274.

 10-65  Meyer, 428.

 10-66  R. H. Busk, “The Valleys of Tirol” (London, 1874), 116.

 10-67  Ibid. 118.

 10-68  Ibid. 417.

 10-69  The details given about the Kallikantzaroi are taken, unless otherwise stated, from Lawson, 190 f.

 10-70  Abbott, 74.

 10-71  Hamilton, 108 f.

 10-72  Ibid. 109.

 10-73  Abbott, 218.

 10-74  Ibid. 73 f.

 10-75  Meyer, 85 f.

 10-76  G. Henderson, “Survivals of Belief among the Celts” (Glasgow, 1911), 178.

 10-77  Ibid. 177.

 10-78  F. H. E. Palmer, “Russian Life In Town and Country” (London, 1901), 178.


 11-1  Evans, 221 f.; Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 224 f. Cf. the account of the Servian Christmas in Chedo Mijatovitch, “Servia and the Servians” (London, 1908), 98 f.

 11-2  Same sources.p. 379 

 11-3  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 236.

 11-4  Frazer, “Magic Art,” ii. 208.

 11-5  Ibid. ii. 232.

 11-6  Evans, 219, 295, and 357.

 11-7  Ibid. 222.

 11-8  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 237.

 11-9  Cf. Frazer, “Magic Art,” ii. 233.

 11-10  Ibid. ii. 365 f.

 11-11  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 226 f.

 11-12  “Memoirs of Mistral” (Eng. Trans. by C. E. Maud, London, 1907), 29 f.

 11-13  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 226 f.

 11-14  Sébillot, 218.

 11-15  A. de Gubernatis, “Storia Comparata degli Usi Natalizi” (Milan, 1878), 112.

 11-16  C. Casati in Archivio trad. pop., vol. vi. 168 f.

 11-17  Jahn, 253.

 11-18  Ibid. 254.

 11-19  Ibid. 257.

 11-20  Brand, 245; Dyer, 466.

 11-21  [Sir] G. L. Gomme, “Folk Lore Relics of Early Village Life” (London 1883), 99.

 11-22  Ashton, 111.

 11-23  Burne and Jackson, 402.

 11-24  Ibid. 398 f.

 11-25  Notes and Queries, 1st Series, vol. iv. 309; Dyer, 446 f.

 11-26  “The Gentleman's Magazine,” 1790, 719.

 11-27  Hampson, i. 109.

 11-28  Feilberg, i. 118 f.

 11-29  Ibid. i. 146.

 11-30  Ibid. ii. 66 f.


 12-1  I. A. R. Wylie, “My German Year” (London, 1910), 68.

 12-2  Mrs. A. Sidgwick, “Home Life in Germany” (London, 1908), 176.

 12-3  Tille, “D. W.,” 258. For the history and associations of the Christmas-tree see also E. M. Kronfeld, “Der Weihnachtsbaum” (Oldenburg, 1906).

 12-4  Tille, “D. W.,” 259.

 12-5  Ibid. 261.

 12-6  Ibid. 261 f.

 12-7  G. Rietschel, “Weihnachten in Kirche, Kunst und Volksleben” (Bielefeld and Leipsic, 1902), 153.

 12-8  Ibid., 153.

 12-9  Tille, “D. W.,” 270.

 12-10  Rietschel, 151.

 12-11  Ibid. 151.

 12-12  Tille, “D. W.,” 267.p. 380 

 12-13  Dyer, 442; E. M. Leather, “The Folk-Lore of Herefordshire” (London, 1912), 90.

 12-14  Rietschel, 154.

 12-15  Ashton, 189.

 12-16  Ibid. 190.

 12-17  Tille, “D. W.,” 271.

 12-18  Ibid. 272.

 12-19  Ibid. 277; Rietschel, 254.

 12-20  Information supplied by the Rev. E. W. Lummis, who a few years ago was a pastor in the Münsterthal.

 12-21  L. Macdonald in “The Pall Mall Gazette” (London), Dec. 28, 1911.

 12-22  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 174.

 12-23  Ibid. 175 f.

 12-24  Rietschel, 141.

 12-25  Tille, “Y. & C.,” 175.

 12-26  Ibid. 172 f.; Chambers, “B. D.,” ii. 759.

 12-27  Latin text in Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 290.

 12-28  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 244.

 12-29  Frazer, “Magic Art,” ii. 65.

 12-30  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 244.

 12-31  Ibid. 241; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 18.

 12-32  Lloyd, 168.

 12-33  Dyer, 35.

 12-34  W. F. Dawson, “Christmas: its Origin and Associations” (London, 1902), 325.

 12-35  Harrison, “Themis,” 321.

 12-36  Frazer, “Magic Art,” ii. 55 f.

 12-37  Frazer, “Magic Art,” ii. 48.

 12-38  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 242 f.

 12-39  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 251.

 12-40  Latin text, ibid. ii. 300.

 12-41  J. Stow, “A Survay of London,” edited by Henry Morley (London, 1893), 123.

 12-42  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 251.

 12-43  Grimm, iii. 1206; Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 327; MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 162, 205.

 12-44  MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 162 f.

 12-45  Grimm, iii. 1206.

 12-46  Burne and Jackson, 246; Laisnel de la Salle, “Croyances et légendes du centre de la France” (Paris, 1875), i. 58.

 12-47  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 451 f.

 12-48  Washington Irving, “The Sketch-Book” (Revised Edition, New York, 1860), 245.

 12-49  Notes and Queries, 5th Series, vol. viii. 481.

 12-50  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 472.

 12-51  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 100.

 12-52  Burne and Jackson, 245.

 12-53  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 226.

 12-54  E. K. Chambers and F. Sidgwick, “Early English Lyrics” (London, 1907), 293; E. Rickert, “Ancient English Carols” (London, 1910), 262.p. 381 

 12-55  Rickert, 262.

 12-56  Burne and Jackson, 245 f., 397, 411.

 12-57  Lloyd, 169.

 12-58  Van Norman, 300.

 12-59  Evans, 222.

 12-60  Van Norman, 300 f.

 12-61  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” ii. 286 f.

 12-62  Grimm, iv. 1831.

 12-63  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 238. Cf. Tille, “Y. & C.,” 104.

 12-64  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 420.

 12-65  Tille, “D. W.,” 195.

 12-66  Ibid. 197.

 12-67  Bilfinger, 48.

 12-68  Th. Bentzon, “Christmas in France” in “The Century Magazine” (New York), Dec., 1901, 173.

 12-69  Feilberg, ii. 179 f.

 12-70  Pitrè, 167, 404.

 12-71  Feilberg, i. 196; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 453 f.; Wylie, 77 f.

 12-72  Lloyd, 172.

 12-73  W. Sandys, “Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern” (London, 1833), xcv.

 12-74  Walsh, 240 f.; Ashton, 194 f.


 13-1  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 257.

 13-2  Rickert, 259.

 13-3  W. Sandys, “Christmastide: its History, Festivities, and Carols” (London, n.d.), 112.

 13-4  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 133.

 13-5  J. A. H. Murray, “A New English Dictionary” (Oxford, 1888, &c.) iv. (1) 577.

 13-6  Addy, 103.

 13-7  Dawson, 254.

 13-8  Addy, 104.

 13-9  Burne and Jackson, 407.

 13-10  Brand, 283.

 13-11  Cf. Folk-Lore, vol. xi., 1900, 260.

 13-12  Addy, 103.

 13-13  Cf. carols in Brand, 3, and Rickert, 243 f.

 13-14  Brand, 3.

 13-15  Dyer, 464.

 13-16  Feilberg, i. 119, 184; Lloyd, 173.

 13-17  Jahn, 265.

 13-18  Stratilesco, 190.

 13-19  Ralston, 193, 203.

 13-20  Mijatovich, 98.

 13-21  Jahn, 261.

 13-22  Rietschel, 106. Cf. Weinhold, 25, and Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 463.

 13-23  Sébillot, 217.p. 382 

 13-24  Laisnel, i. 7 f.

 13-25  Ibid. i. 12 f.

 13-26  Ibid. i. 11.

 13-27  E. Cortet, “Essai sur les Fêtes religieuses” (Paris, 1867), 265.

 13-28  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” ii. 286 f.

 13-29  M. Höfler, “Weihnachtsgebäcke. Eine vergleichende Studie der germanischen Gebildbrote zur Weihnachtszeit” in “Zeitschrift für österreichische Volkskunde,” Jahrg. 11, Supplement-Heft 3 (Vienna, 1905).

 13-30  Jahn, 280 f.

 13-31  Burne and Jackson, 406 f.

 13-32  “The Mirror of Perfection,” trans. by Sebastian Evans (London, 1898), 206.

 13-33  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 233 f.

 13-34  Lloyd, 170 f.

 13-35  Jahn, 276.

 13-36  Ibid. 276.

 13-37  Lloyd, 168.

 13-38  Evans, 231 f.; for the ox-custom, see Evans, 233.

 13-39  Abbott, 76.

 13-40  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 244 f., 238, 245.

 13-41  Dawson, 339.

 13-42  S. Graham, “A Vagabond in the Caucasus. With some Notes of his Experiences among the Russians” (London, 1910), 25 f.

 13-43  Stratilesco, 190.

 13-44  Van Norman, 299 f.

 13-45  Jahn, 267.

 13-46  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” ii. 442 f., where other examples, British and Continental, of the wren-hunt are given. Cf. Dyer, 494 f.

 13-47  Folk-Lore, vol. xviii., 1907, 439 f.

 13-48  MacCulloch, “Religion of the Ancient Celts,” 221.

 13-49  See Frazer, “Golden Bough,” ii. 380, 441, for examples of similar practices with sacred animals.

 13-50  Folk-Lore, vol. xi., 1900, 259.

 13-51  Brand, 272.

 13-52  Folk-Lore, vol. xi., 1900, 262.

 13-53  Lloyd, 181 f.

 13-54  Ibid. 181.

 13-55  Thorpe, ii. 49 f.

 13-56  Ralston, 200.


 14-1  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 390 f.

 14-2  The Works Of Ben Jonson, ed. by Barry Cornwall (London, 1838), 600.

 14-3  Shakespeare, “Henry VIII.,” Act I. Sc. IV.

 14-4  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 403 f.

 14-5  Ibid. i. 227, 402.

 14-6  Ibid. i. 402. Cf. Burne and Jackson, 410.

 14-7  For a bibliography of texts of the mummers’ plays see Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 205 f.p. 383 

 14-8  This account of the plays and dances is based upon Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 182 f. (chapters ix. and x.).

 14-9  Tacitus, “Germania,” cap. xxiv. (Eng. Trans. by W. Hamilton Fyfe, Oxford, 1908).

 14-10  Cf. Harrison, “Themis,” 43 f.

 14-11  Professor Gilbert Murray in “Themis,” 341 f.

 14-12  Harrison, “Themis,” 232.

 14-13  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 226.

 14-14  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 192, 213 f.

 14-15  Ibid. i. 220 f.

 14-16  Lawson, 223 f.

 14-17  Notes and Queries, 5th Series, vol. x. 482.

 14-18  This account of the Feast of Fools and the Boy Bishop is mainly derived from Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 274-371, and from Mr. A. F. Leach's article, “The Schoolboys’ Feast,” in “The Fortnightly Review” (London), vol. lix., 1896, 128 f.

 14-19  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 294.

 14-20  Full text in Chambers, “M. S.,” ii. 280 f.

 14-21  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 372 f.

 14-22  “Two Sermons preached by the Boy Bishop at St. Paul's,” ed. by J. G. Nichols, with an Introduction by E. F. Rimbault (London, printed for the Camden Society, 1875).

 14-23  Ibid. 3.

 14-24  Quoted by F. J. Snell, “The Customs Of Old England” (London, 1911), 44.

 14-25  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 366.

 14-26  J. Aubrey, “Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme” (1686-7), ed. by J. Britten (London, 1881), 40 f.

 14-27  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 350.

 14-28  Feilberg, ii. 254.


 15-1  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 237 f.

 15-2  Dyer, 492.

 15-3  L. von Hörmann, “Das Tiroler Bauernjahr” (Innsbruck, 1899), 204.

 15-4  Ibid. 204.

 15-5  Ibid. 204 f.

 15-6  Feilberg, i. 212.

 15-7  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 402.

 15-8  Feilberg, i. 211.

 15-9  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 402 f.

 15-10  Ibid. 402 f.; Feilberg, i. 204 f.; Lloyd, 203 f.

 15-11  H. C. Beeching, “A Book of Christmas Verse” (London, 1895), 21 f.

 15-12  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 406.

 15-13  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 67.

 15-14  Jahn, 269 f.

 15-15  Ibid. 270 f.

 15-16  Ibid. 273.p. 384 

 15-17  Dyer, 497 f.

 15-18  Ibid. 498; Brand, 290.

 15-19  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 264 f.

 15-20  Ibid. 265 f.

 15-21  Ibid. 268.

 15-22  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 129 f.


 16-1  Rhys, “Celtic Folklore,” i. 320 f.

 16-2  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 72.

 16-3  E. Thurston, “Omens and Superstitions of Southern India” (London, 1912), 17 f.

 16-4  Walsh, 742.

 16-5  Wylie, 81.

 16-6  Sébillot, 176.

 16-7  A. Maurice Low, “The American People” (London, 1911), ii. 6.

 16-8  Walsh, 739 f.

 16-9  Evans, 229.

 16-10  Burne and Jackson, 315 f.

 16-11  Notes and Queries, 5th Series, vol. iii. 6.

 16-12  Information given by the Rev. E. J. Hardy, formerly Chaplain to the Forces at Hongkong.

 16-13  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 204 f.

 16-14  Burne and Jackson, 265.

 16-15  Grimm, iv. 1784.

 16-16  Harrison, “Themis,” 36.

 16-17  Henderson, “Folk Lore of the Northern Counties,” 72 f.

 16-18  Addy, 205.

 16-19  G. Hastie in Folk-Lore, vol. iv., 1893, 309 f.

 16-20  J. E. Crombie in same volume, 316 f.

 16-21  Addy, 106; Burne and Jackson, 314; Rhys, “Celtic Folklore,” i. 337.

 16-22  Rhys, “Celtic Folklore,” i. 339.

 16-23  Ibid. 339 f.; W. Henderson, 74. Cf. Folk-Lore, vol. iii., 1892, 253 f.; vol. iv., 1893, 309 f.

 16-24  Hastie (see Note 19), 311.

 16-25  Walsh, 738.

 16-26  Hastie, 312.

 16-27  Chambers, “B. D.,” i. 28.

 16-28  Ibid. ii. 789 f.; Notes and Queries, 2nd Series, vol. ix., 322; Dyer, 506.

 16-29  Ashton, 228.

 16-30  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 230 f.

 16-31  J. G. Campbell, “Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland” (Glasgow, 1902), 232. Cf. the account given by Dr. Johnson, in Brand, 278.

 16-32  Henderson, “Survivals of Belief among the Celts,” 263 f.

 16-33  R. Chambers, “Popular Rhymes of Scotland” (Edinburgh, 1847), 296, and “B. D.,” ii. 788.p. 385 

 16-34  “New English Dictionary,” v. (1) 327.

 16-35  Cortet, 18.

 16-36  Sébillot, 213.

 16-37  Ibid. 213.

 16-38  MacCulloch, “Guernsey Folk Lore,” 37.

 16-39  Abbott, 80 f.

 16-40  Stratilesco, 197 f.

 16-41  Hamilton, 103.

 16-42  Ibid. 104.

 16-43  Mannhardt, “Baumkultus,” 593 f.

 16-44  Latin text from Ducange in Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 254.

 16-45  Wylie, 81.

 16-46  Abbott, 78.

 16-47  Grimm, iv. 1847.

 16-48  Sébillot, 171.

 16-49  Dyer, 7.

 16-50  Ashton, 228.

 16-51  A. Macdonell, “In the Abruzzi” (London, 1908), 102.

 16-52  Abbott, 77.

 16-53  Ralston, 205.

 16-54  “The Athenæum” (London), Feb. 5, 1848; Notes and Queries, 1st Series, vol. v., 5.


 17-1  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 240 f.

 17-2  Leigh Hunt, “The Seer; or, Common-Places Refreshed” (London, 1850), part ii. 31.

 17-3  Beeching, 148 f.

 17-4  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 261.

 17-5  E. Pasquier, “Les Recherches de la France” (Paris, 1621), livre iv., chap. ix. p. 375.

 17-6  Cortet, 33.

 17-7  Ibid. 34.

 17-8  Ibid. 43.

 17-9  E. Du Méril, “Origines latines du théâtre moderne” (Paris, 1849), 26 f.

 17-10  Brand, 13.

 17-11  A. de Nore, “Coutumes, mythes et traditions des provinces de France” (Paris, 1846), 173.

 17-12  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 29 f.; Brand, 13.

 17-13  Matilde Serao, “La Madonna e i Santi” (Naples, 1902), 128.

 17-14  Reinach, i. 45 f.

 17-15  Abbott, 77.

 17-16  Ibid. 78.

 17-17  Frazer, “Golden Bough,” iii. 93.

 17-18  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 246; Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 21.

 17-19  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 21.

 17-20  Ibid. 21 f.p. 386 

 17-21  Stratilesco, 198.

 17-22  Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 21.

 17-23  Countess Martinengo-Cesaresco, “Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs” (London, 1886), 334.

 17-24  D. N. Lees, “Tuscan Feasts and Tuscan Friends” (London, 1907), 87.

 17-25  Ibid. 83.

 17-26  Serao, 127 f.

 17-27  E. de Olavarría y Huarte, “El Folk-Lore de Madrid,” 90. [Vol. ii. of “Biblioteca de las Tradiciones Populares Españolas” (Seville, 1884).]

 17-28  Ibid. 92.

 17-29  “Memoirs of Mistral,” 32 f.

 17-30  Nore, 17.

 17-31  Abbott, 87.

 17-32  Frazer, “Magic Art,” i. 275 f.

 17-33  Hamilton, 118.

 17-34  Brand, 16; Chambers, “B. D.,” i. 56; Dyer, 21.

 17-35  Aubrey, 40.

 17-36  Brand, 16.

 17-37  Beeching, 147.

 17-38  Ashton, 87 f.

 17-39  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 225.

 17-40  Tille, “D. W.,” 254.

 17-41  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 230.

 17-42  W. S. Lach-Szyrma in “The Folk-Lore Record” (London), vol. iv., 1881, 53.

 17-43  Brand, 17; Chambers, “B. D.,” i. 55 f.; Dyer, 22 f. Several accounts have been collected by Mrs. Leather, “Folk-Lore of Herefordshire,” 93 f.

 17-44  Evans, 228.

 17-45  Dyer, 24.

 17-46  Folk-Lore, vol. v., 1894, 192.

 17-47  Ibid. vol. vii., 1896, 340 f.

 17-48  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 149 f.

 17-49  W. Hone, “Every Day Book” (London, 1838), ii. 1649.

 17-50  Folk-Lore, vol. vii., 1896, 342.

 17-51  [Sir] G. L. Gomme, “The Village Community” (London, 1890), 242 f.

 17-52  Busk, 99.

 17-53  Dawson, 320.

 17-54  “The Nation” (London), Dec. 10, 1910.

 17-55  Burne and Jackson, 411.

 17-56  Lloyd, 217.

 17-57  Bilfinger, 24.

 17-58  Brand, 18 f.

 17-59  Dyer, 37.

 17-60  Quoted from “Journal of the Archæological Association,” vol. vii., 1852, 202, by Dyer, 39.

 17-61  Chambers, “M. S.,” i. 113.

 17-62  Ibid. i. 114.

 17-63  Usener, 310 f.

 17-64  Naogeorgus, 48.

 17-65  Sébillot, 179 f.p. 387 

 17-66  Hörmann, “Tiroler Volksleben,” 7.

 17-67  Usener, 321.

 17-68  Brand, 25. Cf. G. W. Kitchin, “Seven Sages Of Durham” (London, 1911), 113.

 17-69  The Gentleman's Magazine, 1790, 719.

 17-70  Dyer, 55 f.

 17-71  Quoted by Dyer, 57, from Martin's “Description of the Western Isles of Scotland” (1703), 119.

 17-72  Gomme, “Folk-Lore Relics,” 95.

 17-73  Brand, 26.

 17-74  Ibid. 26.

 17-75  Burne and Jackson, 411.


 18-1  E. Clodd in Presidential Address to the Folk-Lore Society, 1894. See Folk-Lore, vol. vi., 1895, 77.p. 388 

p. 389 p. 390 p. 391 

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