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Religion and Myth, by James Macdonald, [1883], at

p. 235


Abyssinia, priest of Alfai, 17; Paganism in, 42

Accra, king's father's spirit causes earthquakes, 177; consequent sacrifices, 178

Acts of worship, 184

Africans regulate conduct by faith, 207

Alfai, priest of, 17, 18

Ancestors, worship of, 36

Animals, sacred, making compact by, 179

Ashantee, annual festivals of, 76; messengers to spirit land, 77; dances and abrogation of law, 78

Athens, 2

Australians, 9

Austrian, 9


Balaam, 100

Babylonia, temporary king crucified, 61

Bacchus worship, 47 Balac, 100

Balder, death of, 56

Bantama, festival, 79; mausoleum of kings, 79; messages to spirit land, 80

Baralongs, subjects, persons the king's, 14; oracles, 163

Barber's art, its dangers, 94

Bards sing of valour, 204

Baris, no clothing, 209

Bavaria, tree worship, 41

Bechuanas, 6; religion, 38

Bedouins, fighting wind, 9

Bible, 224

Black art, votaries cast no shadow, 30

Bodio, house of sanctuary, 177

Bongo, expulsion of demons, 124; oracle, 163

Borgie, mermaid of, 191

Brahmanism, 167

Breton, fighting wind, 9

Brüd's bed, making, 141

Buddhism, 167

Bulgarians, making rain, ix

Bullfights, 137

Bullom, oracles, 162

Burmah, woman's position, 196


Calicut, king killed every twelfth year, 29

Cannibalism, acquired taste, 208

Cattle-killing, mania, 69

Ceremonial, purity, 90

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Chief, loyalty to, 205

Circumcision, 44; not performed with knife, 46, 90

Clothing, influence of, 219

Corn spirit, killed, 144

Corp Creadh, 3, 4

Courtesies, 204


Dahomey, king's name not mentioned, 14; priest descends to lower regions, 81; king enters lower world in state, 82; demons driven out wholesale, 105; bestowing wives, 183

Dakota, gods of mortal, 96

Dances, moon, 42; Ashantee, 76; warrior, 138

Death and sleep same, 34

Deification of king, 6

Demons, enter animals, 102, expelled by magicians, 102; by guile, 103

Devils, doctrine of, 81; "laid," 108; "raised," 109; driven out by girls, 111; incarnate, 116; water, 218

Divine man, killed to prevent loss of god spirit, 28

Diviner, incantations, fear of, 161

Dinka, guarding against evils, 86; expel demons by guile, 103 Doctor, witch, 118; rain, to

Dodola, 11

Dongolowa belle, how sought in marriage, 174

Dream, Kaffir, 65

Dress, Monbutto, 209

Drinking, King Chop, 178

Druids, Midsummer fires, 57


Egbo, concealed in an ark, 25

Engai, creator of men, 13

Ergamenes, killed priests, 29

Executioners, how they procure sacrificial victims, 75


Fairies, 130

Fecundity, 6; goddess of, 42

Festivals, yam, 136; Pondo, 136

Fetish, human skulls, 47; power, 49

Finns, girls drive out devil, 111

Fire, sacred, not kindled, 211

Fladda, 9

Funerals, mock, cheating the devil, 155; Congo, Uganda, killing of wives, 156


Gallas, kill the king every eight years, 26; priests, snake mother of men, 40; sacrifices, 41 sacred animals, 42; gods, 42; expel demons by horse-whipping, 104

Gingane, high priest, 14

God man, 229

Gods, compounding with, 71

Gomba, sacrifice paraded, 76

Gondokoro, food bewitched, 87

Gowane marriage, 219

Grass, king, 41

Greece, 1; house-building, 35

Greeks, 11; legend, 197; ruled thought, 227

Guilds, secret, 158; priestly, 159

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Ham, 232

Hannah, her prayer, 73

Harvest festivals, maiden, 140-143

Head, sanctity of, 93; sanctity of hair, 94

Headless Hugh, story of, 187

Hebrews, prophets of, 150

Hili, river spirit, calls souls, 35

Hlubies, 10

Hos, customs, 138

Hospitality, king responsible for, 205

Hottentots, 9; sacrifices, 117

Hunt, 5


Incanti, river spirit, 35

Incarnation, of founders of religion, 167

Inferno, descent to, 81

Iron, its dangers, 90; utility, 91; smelting, 210


Jaggas, king of, divine, 13; spit on guests, 176

Jews, building temple, 91; sacred books, 226


Kaffir, 6, 9; dreams, 65

Kangomba, god of Mount Socki, 133

Kanjangeyerne, 73

Khonds, 40

Killimanjaro, 14; witchcraft, 86

King, 2; divine monarchs, 17; delicacy of organism, 20; refusing divinity, 26

King-priest, 3; temporary, 32

Kings, departmental, 17; of fire and water, 18

Kordufan marriages, 201

Kra, kings’ spies or souls, 131

Kuda Lubare, head wife of great harems, 73


Labour, 222; love of, 223

Lakonga, succession law, 16

Lamech, 91; defied taboo, 99

Laongo, king worshipped called God, 16; his restrictions, 25; may not be seen eating, 87

Lightning, doctor of, 149

Lithuania, tree worship, 41

Loch Aline, 5

Loma, God of Bongo, 50

Lubare, 11; person possessed by Makusa, 15; offerings to, 74

Luck, 5


Magic, 8; roots, 123

Magician, 78; Manganga can soar in air, detect by divination, 177

Maiden, Scottish, 140; Lochaber, 141; Dantiz, 142; Bavaria, 143

Makusa, spirit of Nyanza, 15

Man-god, 3; sacrificed, 62; substitution, 63

Mariners, 8

Marriage, earth, 40; Dongolowa, 174; Kordufan, 201; price of wives, 203

May-pole, a survival, 51; ceremonies, 60

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Men of hide, devil bought, 193

Meriah, sacrifice to Tari, 51; how offered, 52

Mermaid, descendant of, 191

Mikado, descent of, 21; sanctity of clothes, 88; of food, 89; not to touch ground, 196

Ministers, prejudice against, 170

Mirrors, dread of, 35

Mitto, burial, signs, 195

Mlungu, 50; ancestor, god, 132

Monbuttu, king divine, 12; women aggressive, 199; no domestic animals, cannibalism, 208

Morality, 201

Morema, Bechuana god, cunning, 38

Moreo, king of, 150

Moses, teaching, 228

Mtesa, his ancestors’ tombs, 74; his generosity, 200

Muansa, earth divinity, 43

Murder, compounding for, 71


Nanna, wife of Balder, 56

Nende, 73

Neptune, 9

New Briton, 8

New Zealand, superstition of, 87

Niam-Niam, no religion, 125; burial custom, 175

Niass, 5


Old Town, king's soul kept in grove, 178; devotion, 185

Omens, Zulu, Wagogo, 70

Oracles, Bongo, Bullom, 162; Gallas, Baralong, Wayao, 163

Ordeal, trial by, 123-126

Ovaons, tree worship, earth marriage, 41


Palaver, witch, woman, sauce, 126

Perthshire, messages to spirit land, 80

Peruvians, 139

Pig, 5

Pondo, abrogation of law, 78; festivals, 136

Priest, 7

Prophetess, detective of wizards, 122; Wanika, 176; may direct Lubare, 199

Prophets, God-possessed, 65; ghostly counsellers, 66; growth of order, 146; rivalry, 148; functions, 148; Jewish, 150; false, 150; foretelling events, 153, 160; practising augury, 154; duty to dead, 154; wise men of nation, 169; prejudice against, 170

Purra, processions of, 13


Queen, spring, of Bohemia, 59


Rab, Galla custom, 26

Rain-doctor, 10; Servian, 11

Rat hair, 6; banning rats, 84

Reforms, works, blankets, Bibles, 215

Religion, 1; none, 125; acts of, 126; ordinary life, 181

Rice, mother, Peruvian, 139

Rome, 2

Roots, magic, 123

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Ross-shire, rag on branch bans evil from water, 112

Ruhea, little leaf man of, 59

Russia, 10


Sacred Animals, 38

Sacred horn, 182

Sacrifice, human. 39; animal, 66; thank-offering, 67; Gomba, 76; Hottentot, 117

Samson, 189

Savage, 6, 11

Second sight, 153

Senjero, women only sold as slaves, 39; iron pillar, 39; slave drowning, 45

Servians, rain-making, 11

Shark Point, king of, secluded, 23

Shoa, worship of king of, 14

Shony, Celtic god, 58

Siamese, 195

Sleep and death same, 34

Sogomoso, heir secluded, 196

Sorcery, expulsion of soul, 36

Soul, stolen or strayed, 28, 35; journeying, 34; selling, 36; expulsion, 36; danger of, 185: safe keeping, 186; in pearl, 188; in parrot, 189; in egg, 189

South Sea islander, 2, 5

Spirits, worship of, 36; inhabiting rivers, 37; evil, 37

St. Paul, 230

Stimulant, 217

Substitutes, sought by kings, 31

Swazies, 10

Sympathetic magic, 3, 4, 6


Talisman, for witchcraft, 130

Tari, goddess of Khonds, 51

Tein egin, customs connected with, 212

Theft, prevention, 42

Thieves, 6; disguises, 37

Thunder, 7

Toad-day, 50

Tornado, 7

Totems, 38, 190

Tradition, persistency of, 170

Transformation to animals, 127

Trees may not be cut, 210; customs of Scotland, 215

Trial by ordeal, 123, 126

Tyrolese legend, 197


Uganda, funerals, 156; succession, 157

Unyoro, king killed by his wives, 29; claimants fight for succession, 175

Urine, 7


Vedic, religion, 167


Waganda, omens, 154; clothing, 219

Wagogo, 11; omens, 72

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Wahunga, killing councillors to accompany dead chief, burying wife alive, 156

Wakamba, steal brides, 176

Waneka, expel devils by music, 104; arrival at manhood, 176; prophetess, 176; entering council, 178

Wanyoro, bewitched by footmarks, 87

War, enemies’ heart eaten, 68; odour of sacrifice inhaled by gods, 69

Warrior, dance, 138

Water, red, 128; bitter, 129

Wathen, Druid offerings, 57

Wayao, oracles, 163

Wazeramas, expel demons by music, 103

Witchcraft, causing death, 70; punishment, 70; dangers of, 84

Witches, 8; who were? 115; doctors, 118; palaver, 126; trial, 212

Wizard, 9; discovered, 115, 120

Woman, palaver, 126, 194; regents, war doctor, may represent god-life, 195; danger of blood, 196

Work, panacea for ills, 217


Yam Festivals, Ashantee, 136; laws abrogated, 140

Yatuk, 8

Yoruba, evil spirits kept outside gates, 86


Zenana, 202

Zulus, 10; subjects’ persons the king's, 14; dread of reflecting surfaces, 35; omens, 72; girls, 196