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Rig Veda, tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896], at

HYMN CXI. Ṛbhus.

1. WORKING with skill they wrought the lightly rolling car: they wrought the Bays who bear Indra and bring great gifts.
The Ṛbhus for their Parents made life young again; and fashioned for the calf a mother by its side.
2 For sacrifice make for us active vital power for skill and wisdom food with noble progeny.
Grant to our company this power most excellent, that with a family all-heroic we may dwell.
3 Do ye, O Ṛbhus, make prosperity for us, prosperity for car, ye Heroes, and for steed.
Grant us prosperity victorious evermore,
conquering foes in battle, strangers or akin.
4 Indra, the Ṛbhus' Lord, I invocate for aid, the Ṛbhus, Vājas, Maruts to the Soma draught.
Varuṇa, Mitra, both, yea, and the Aśvins Twain: let them speed us to wealth, wisdom, and victory.
5 May Ṛbhu send prosperity for battle, may Vāja conquering in the fight protect us.
This prayer of ours may Varuṇa grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.

Next: HYMN CXII. Aśvins.