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Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE32), by Max Müller, [1891], at

â´, prep. …: with Loc., on, in, ádhvan â´, I, 37, 13; dhánvan kit â´, I, 38, 7; ágmeshu â´, on the courses, V, 87, 7:1.—with Acc., over, I, 38, 10; towards, V, 52, 12; I, 167, 2; on to, V, 56, 1; gósham â´, to his satisfaction, VIII, 94, 6; â´ rágas, through the air (?), (VII, 57, 3:1.)—with Abl., diváh â´, from heaven, V, 53, 8; 54, 1:2; asmát â´, towards us, V, 56,V 3.—pári â´ vah â´ aguh, I, 88, 4; â´ te, before thee, I, 165, 9.—â´, ó, I, 165, 14:2; VII, 59, 5; VIII, 7, 33.—adv., here, I, 37, 6; hither, II. 34, 4; múhuh â´, V, 54, 3.

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â, pronominal base, see ayâ´.

â´gas, ἄγος, guilt, sin: â´gah, VII, 57, 4; (257.)

Âṅgirasa: Purumîlha Âṅgirasa, (362.)

âga, skin of a goat: (232.)

âgí, race, course: âgíshu, II, 34, 3; (I, 37, 8:1.)

â´t, then: â´t áha, thereupon, I, 6, 4:1; â´t ít, then only, I, 87, 5; 168, 9.

â´tura, sick: â´turasya, VIII, 20, 26.

âtma-dâ´, he who gives breath: âtma-dâ´h, X, 121, 2; (4.)

âtmán, breath: âtmâ´ devâ´nâm, the breath of the gods (Vâta), X, 168, 4.

Âtreya: Arkanânas Âtreya, (V, 61, 5:2.)

â-dardirá, tearing to pieces: â-dardirâ´sah (ádrayah), X, 78, 6.

Âdityá, the Âdityas: âdityâ´sah, X, 77, 2; âdityéna nâ´mnâ, X, 77, 8.—âdityá = nâ´ka, (X, 221, 5:2.)—Vasus, Âdityas, Rudras, (VII, 56, 20:3.)—(See 243 seqq.); âdityâ´h áditih, (244); eight Â., (251 seq.); seven A., (252 seqq.); six Â., (253.)

âdhavanîya, a Soma-vessel: (VIII. 94, 5:2.)

â´-dhita, known: â´-dhitam, what we once knew, I, 170, 1.

â-dhsh, see dhrish.

âp, to find: âpúh, I, 167, 9; âpânám = âpnuvantam, (II, 34, 7:1.)

â´-pathi, comer: â´-pathayâ´h, V, 52, 10.

â-pathî´, wanderer: â-pathyãh, I, 64, II.

âpâná, a draught: âpânám, II, 34, 71.

âpí, friend: âpáyah, II, 34, 10; V, 53, 21.

âpi-tvá, friendship: âpi-tvám, VIII, 20, 22.

â-pkkhya, honourable: â-pkkhyam, I, 64, 13:1

â-bhû´, mighty: â-bhúvah, I, 64, 1:3; 6; 86, 5:1.

â-bhûshénya, to be honoured: â-bhûshényam, V, 55, 4.

âmbhrinî, the voice of the thunder: (275.)

â-yagí, erjagend, obtaining: (V, 54, 1:2.)

â´yu, life: â´yau (for âyaú), I, 114, 8:1.

âyú, man: âyú-bhih, with the men (Âyus), V, 60, 8:2.—âyaú, read â´yau, I, 114, 8:1.

â´yudha, weapon: â´yudhâ, I, 39, 2 . V, 57, 6; VIII, 20, 12; â´yudhaih, VII, 56, 13; 57, 3.

â´yus, life: â´yuh, I, 37, 15; â´yushi, (I, 114, 8); â´yûmshi prá târishat, X, 186, 1; â´yumshi sú-dhitâni, (225.)

ârâ, a shoemaker's awl: (I, 37, 22; 88, 3:1.)

ârâ´t, far: ârâ´t kit yuyota, VII, 58, 6; X, 77, 6.

ârâ´ttât, from afar: I, 167, 9.

ârugatnú, breaking through: ârugatnú-bhih (c. Acc.), I, 6, 5.

â´runî, red flame: â´runîshu, I, 64, 7:3.

âré, far: âré kakrima, we have put away, I, 171, 4; âré, may it be far, I, 172, 2 (bis); VII, 56, 17; I, 114, 10; âré asmát asyatu, may he drive far away from us, I, 114, 4; âré bâdhethâm, VI, 74, 2.

Ârgîká, N. of a country: ârgîké, (VIII, 7, 29:1).—A sacrificial vessel, (VIII, 7, 29:1.)—Ârgikâh, N. of the people of Ârgîka, (398 seq.)

Ârgîkâ, N. of a river: (399.)

Ârgîkîya, n. = Ârgîka, the country: (398 seq.)—Ârgîkîyâ, f. = Ârgîkâ, the river, (399.)

âvís, openly: âvih (karta), 1, 86, 9; VII, 58, 5.

â´-vrita, invested: â´-vritah, I, 87, 4.

â-sás, wish: â-sásah, V, 56, 2.

â´sâ, cleft: â´sâh, I, 39, 32.

â-sír, milk (for the Soma): â-síram, I, 134, 6 (bis).

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âsú, quick, swift: âsávah, X, 78, 5.—âsú-bhih, on the quick steeds, I, 37, 24; II, 34, 3:2; V, 55, 1; 61, 11.

âsú-asva, with quick horses: âsú-ash, V, 58, 1; (I, 37, 2:1.)

âs, to sit: â´sate, they are enthroned (as gods), I, 19, 6; â´sate, they dwell, I, 168, 3.—upa-â´sate, they revere, X, 121, 2.

â´s, mouth: âsâ´ vándyâsah, visibly like, I, 168, 2.—â´s, mouth, as the instrument of praise (41-43); etymology (42, note a); âsâ´, instr. (42 seq.).

âsán, mouth: âsá-bhih, I, 166, 11:3.

âsâ´: instr. âsayâ, (I, 168, 1:2.)

âsâ´t, coram: (42 seq.)

âsyã, mouth: âsyẽ, I, 38, 14.

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