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Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE32), by Max Müller, [1891], at

Ka, Who, the Unknown God: (p. 3.)

kakúbh, hump: kakúbhah rihaté mitháh, they lick one another's humps, VIII, 20, 21:1.

kakuhá, exalted: kakuhâ´n, II, 34, 11.

nva: kánvam, I, 39, 9; VIII, 7, 18; kánvâya, I, 39, 7:1.—kánh, I, 37, 1; kánveshu, I, 37, 14; kánvâsah, VIII, 7, 32.

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kát, interrog. part.: VIII, 94, 7; 8.—See kím.

katamá: katamát kaná áhah, even a single day, X, 168, 3.

kathám, how: V, 61, 2.

kathâ´, how: V, 53, 2; 61, 2.

kadâ´, when: VIII, 7, 30.

kádha: when, I, 38, 1:1; where, VIII, 7, 31.

kadha-prî: kadha-priyah (read kádha priyáh), I, 38, 1:1; VIII, 7, 31.

kan, see kakâná.

kapanâ´, a caterpillar: kapanâ´-iva, V, 54, 6:1

kaparda, a shell, the hair twisted together in the form of a shell: (I, 114, 1:2.)

kapardín, with braided hair: kapardíne (rudrâ´ya), I, 114, 12; kapardínam, I, 114, 5.

kám, part.: I, 39, 7; 87, 6:1; 88, 2; 3 (bis); VII, 57, 3; VIII, 94, 2; hí kam, VII, 59, 5.

kambala, m., cloth made of vegetable substance: (233.)

kárna: kárnaih nadásya, with the points of the reed, II, 34, 3:2.

kalmalîkín, fiery (?): kalmalîkínam, II, 33, 8:2.

kávandha, water-skin: kávandham, VIII, 7, 10:2; (V, 54, 8:2.)

kavandhín, carrying water-skins: kavandhínah, V, 54, 8:2.

kaví, poet; wise: kaváyah, V, 52, 13; kávayah, V, 57, 8; 58, 8; wise, VII, 59, 11; kavayah, V, 58, 3; kavím, wise, I, 114, 4; kavî´, I, 2, 9.

sâ, whip: kásâh, I, 37, 3:1; kásayâ, I, 168, 4.

nvá: kânvásya, VIII, 7, 19.

kâ´ma, desire: kâ´mam, I, 85, 11; kâ´masya, I, 86, 8; kâ´mah, V, 61, 18.

kâmín, loving, desiring: kâmínah, V, 53, 16; VII, 59, 3. kâmínam, the needy, V, 61, 7.

kâ´mya, beloved: kâ´myâ, I, 6, 2; V, 61, 16; kâ´myaih, I, 6, 8.

kârú, poet, singer: kârúh, I, 165, 14; kâróh, I, 165, 15; 166, 15; 167, 11; 168, 10; kâráve, II, 34, 7; kârávah, VIII, 94, 3.

kârpâsa, cotton dress: (234.)

kâ´vya: kâ´vyâ, wise thoughts, V, 59, 4.

kâshâya, dark red: (232, 234.)

kâ´shthâ, fence: kâ´shthâh, I, 37, 10:2.

kím, interrog. pron.…: kásmai devâ´ya havíshâ vidhema, X, 121, 1-9; kím te, what has happened to thee? I, 165, 3; káh nú, I, 165, 13; káh nûnám, V, 61, 14; kát ha nûnám, what then now? I, 38, 1:1; VIII, 7, 31; kát ártham, what errand? I, 38, 2; kát vokéma, what could we say? I, 43, 1.—kím, why? I, 170, 2; 3.—kím with kaná, indef. pron., (265 seq.)—káh kit, any one, I, 37, 13; ké kit, a few only, I, 87, 1:1; V, 52, 12; kéna kit, whatever, I, 87, 2.

kirána, speck of dust: kiránam, V, 59, 4.

kilâsî´; spotted deer: kilâsyãh, V, 53, 1:1.

kîrín, gleeman: kîrinah, V, 52, 12:3.

kutapa, woollen cloth: (234.)

kútas, whence: kútah, I, 265, I; 3:1; X, 168, 3; p. xiv.

kup, caus., to rouse: kopáyatha, V, 57, 3.

kubhanyú, wildly shouting: kubhanyávah, V, 52, 12:2.

Kúbhâ, the Kabul river: kúbhâ, V, 53, 9:1.

kumârá, boy: kumâráh, II, 33, 12.

Kuru: (VIII, 20, 24:1.)

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Kurukshetra: (398 seq.)

kuvít, interrog. part.: VII, 58, 5.

kûlabheda, cutting through the banks (of a river): (263.)

kû´shthah = kú shthah (I, 38, 1:1.)

kri, to make…: krinavante ûrdhvâ´, may they stir up, 1, 88, 3; ûrdhvâ´n karta, I, 172, 3; bhû´ri kakartha, thou hast achieved much, I, 165, 7; bhû´rîni krinávâma, I, 165, 7; p. xvi; bhû´ri kakra, you have valued, VII, 56, 23:1.—krinóti, he performs a sacrifice for (Dat.), (205, note a); krinvántah bráhma, making prayer, I, 88, 4; krikit, whatever little we have done, VII, 57, 5.—kárâma â´gah, VII, 57, 4; kritám énah, VI, 74, 3.—yâ´ni karishyâ´ krinuhí, do what thou wilt do, I, 165, 9:4; p. xvii; yâ´ nú krinávai, I, 165, 10.—kartana tavishâ´ni, prove your powers, I, 166, I.—âré kakrima, we have put away, I, 171, 4.—mâ´ kirám karat, may it not cause delay, V, 56, 7.—kritám, made (at play, or in battle), V, 60, 1:2.—kakrire satrâ´, they have brought together, V, 60, 4.—krinuté mánah deva-trâ´, she is mindful of the gods, V, 61, 7.—kakriré vridhé, I, 85, 1; kridhi gîvâ´tave, X, 186, 2.—áram krinvantu, let them prepare, I, 170, 4.—â´ asmâ´n kakré, has brought us hither, I, 165, 14:1; (203); â´ akaram úpa te, I have driven near to thee, I, 114, 9.—âvíh karta, make manifest, I, 86, 9.—íshkarta, straighten, VIII, 20, 26:1.—prá akran, they tried to make, V, 59, 1:1.—See krâná, nih-kritá.

krití, sword: krih, I, 168, 3.

krish, to plough: kárkrishat, VIII, 20, 19.

klip: tébhih kalpasva sâdhu-yâ´, fare kindly with them, I, 170, 2.

ketú, light: ketúm, I, 6, 3:1; ketúnâ, V, 60, 8; ketávah (ushásâm), rays, X, 78, 7.—ketáve, herald, I, 166, 1:2.—See aketú.

Kaílâsa: from kilâsa? (V, 53, 1:1.)

komyâ´ (?): I, 171, 31.

sa, cask, bucket (cloud): kósâh, I, 87, 2:1; kósam, V, 53, 6; 59, 8.—kóse hiranyáye, at the golden chest (on the chariot), VIII, 20, 8:1.

krátu, power of body and mind: krátvâ, wisdom, I, 39, 1; V, 87, 2:1; with our mind, I, 165, 7:2; krátum, I, 64, 13; 2, 8; VIII, 7, 24; might, I, 19, 2.

krand, to roar: kakradat bhiyâ´, VIII, 7, 26.—áva krandatu, V, 58, 6.—prá krand, to call out, (V, 59, 1:1)

krándasî, heaven and earth: krándasî, X, 121, 6:1.

kram, to stride: kakrame, V, 87, 4; ánu krâmema, let us follow, V, 53, 11; akramîm, (I, 165, 8:1.)

kravís, raw flesh: (I, 166, 6:3)

krâná, made (?): krânâ´sah, krânâ´h (bis), I, 134, 2:1.

Krívi: krívim, VIII, 20, 24:1.

krívih-dat, gory-toothed: krívih-datî, I, 166, 6:3.

krîd, to play: krî´lanti, I, 166, 2; krî´latha, V, 60, 3.

krîlá, playful: krîlám (sárdhah), I, 37, 1; 5; krîlâh, I, 166, 2.

krîlí, sportive, playful: krîláyah, I, 87, 3; (sisû´lâh), X, 78, 6.

krudh: mâ´ tvâ kukrudhâma, let us not incense thee, II, 33, 4.

krúdhmin, furious: krúdhmî, VII, 56, 8.

Krúmu, the Kurrum: Krúmuh, V, 53, 9:1.

krûra, horrible: (I, 166, 6:1.)

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Krûradantî´; N. of Durgâ (I, 166, 6:3.)

kvã, where: I, 38, 2:1 (bis); 3 (bis, and kvõ); I, 165, 6; V, 61, 2 (bis); VIII, 7, 20; II, 7; 33, kvã svit, kvã, I, 168, 6; X, 168, 3.—kvã, pronounced kuva, (86.)

ksháp, night: kshápah, by night, I, 64, 8:2; pûrvî´h áti kshápah, through many nights, X, 77, 2.

ksham: abhí kshameta nah árvati, may he be gracious to our horse, II, 33, 1:1; abhí kakshamîthâh mâ, wilt thou bear with me? II, 33, 7.

kshám, earth: kshamâ´, on earth, V, 52, 3; down to the earth, VIII, 20, 26:1.

kshámya, earthly: kshámyasya gánmanah, what is born on earth, VII, 46, 2.

ksháya, dwelling: ksháye, I, 86, 1; ksháyam, VII, 59, 2.

ksháya, lordship: ksháyena, being the lord, VII, 46, 2:1.

kshayát-vîra, ruling over heroes: kshayát-vîrâya (rudrâ´ya), I, 114, 1:3; 2; kshayát-vîrasya, I, 114; 3; ksháyat-vîra, I, 114, 10.

kshar, to flow: ksharati, (the ship) sways, V, 59, 2.—prá áksharat, he has poured out, VIII, 7, 1.

kshi, to dwell: ksheti, V, 61, 19.—â´ ksheti, he acquires, I, 64, 13.

kshití, hamlet: kshitînâ´m, X, 78, 1.

kshiprá-ishu, with swift arrows: kshiprá-ishave (Rudra), VII, 46, 1.

kshud: kshódante â´pah, the waters gush, V, 58, 6; kshodanti, they stir, VII, 58, 1.

kshumâ, flax: (233.)

kshurá, sharp edge: kshurâ´h, I, 166, 104.

kshonî´: kshonî´bhih, with the (morning) clouds, II, 34, 13:1.—kshonî´h, pl., women, (308; 309 seq.); kshonî´, du., heaven and earth, VIII, 7, 22; (309.)

kshódas, rush of water: kshódasâ, V, 53, 7.

kshaumî, linen dress: (234.)

kshmâ´, earth: kshmayâ´ kárati, it traverses the earth, VII, 46, 3.

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