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Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE32), by Max Müller, [1891], at

ka, and …: also, I, 165, 12; see kaná (264; 266 seq.); ka-ka, I, 168, 3; ko, VI, 66, 3.

kakâná, delighting in (Loc.): kakânâ´h, X, 77, 8.

kakrá, wheel: kakrâ´, I, 166, 9:3.—kakra, the weapon, (I, 166, 9:2.)

kakrî´, wheel: kakríyâ, the wheels, II, 34, 9:2; on their chariot, II, 34, 14.

kaksh: prá kakshaya, reveal, I, 134, 3. sam-kákshya, wherever I have looked for you, I, 165, 12.

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kákshana, sight: kákshanam, V, 55, 4.

kákshas, sight: kákshasâ, I, 87, 5.

kâkshus, eye: kákshuh, V, 54, 6; 59, 3:2; 5.

kat: ví kâtayasva, put away, II, 33, 2.

kátuh-pad, beast: dvi-pádah kátuh-padah, man and beast, X, 121, 3; sám dvi-páde kátuh-pade, (191); I, 114, 1; VI, 74, 1; p. cxi.

kaná: kaná, not even, I, 166, 12:5; X, 168, 3; (264 seqq.); nahí kaná, not even, VII, 59, 3.—kaná, in negative sentences, (264); in positive sentences, (264 seq.); with interrogative pronouns, (265 seq.); kaná, for ka ná, (264; 266 seq.)

kánishtha, best: kánishthâ su-matíh, VII, 57, 4.

kandrá, bright: kandrâ´h, X, 121, 9; kandrâ´n, VIII, 20, 20.

kandrá-vat, golden: kandrá-vat, V, 57, 7.

kandrá-varna, in bright splendour: kandrá-varnâh, I, 165, 12.

kar, to move: kárati, VII, 46, 3; X, 168, 4; kárantam, I, 6, 1; kárantî, I, 167, 3; káranti, VIII, 20, 18.—â´ kara, come, I, 114, 3.—úpa kara, come, VII, 46, 2.

karátha, movable: sthâtúh karátham, what stands and moves, pp. lxxii seq.—karátha, flock, movable property, p. lxxiii.

karamá, last: karamám, VII, 59, 3; karamáh, VIII, 20, 14:1.

karkârya, glorious: (176.)

karktya, glorious: karktyam, I, 64, 14.

kárman, skin: kárma-iva, I, 85, 5:3.

karshaní, pl., men: karshanî´h, I, 86, 5.—karshanînâ´m, the swift gods (Maruts), I, 86, 6:1

kâ´ru, beautiful: kâ´rum (adhvarám), fair, I, 19, 1.—kâ´ravah, V, 59, 3.

ki, to gather: ví kayat kritám, may he gather what we have made, V, 60, 1:2.

ki, to perceive, to see: ákidhvam, I, 87, 2; V, 55, 7; VIII, 7, 2:1; 14; káyate, I, 167, 8.—ni-ketâ´rah, they find out, VII, 57, 2.—ketú, from ki (I, 166, 1:2).

kit, to perceive, &c.: kitáyante, they see, I, 171, 5.—kitáyante, they appear, V, 59, 2; kitayanta, they appeared, II, 34, 2; kekite, appears, II, 34, 10; kekitâna, showing thyself, II, 33, 15:1.—kétati, he looks after (Gen.), VII, 46, 2; ketathah, you perceive (Gen.), I, 2, 5; ketatha, you think of (Dat.), V, 59, 3.—kikitúshe, to the intelligent man, VI, 66, 1; kiketa, he understands, VII, 56, 4; yáthâ kiketati, that he may hear, I, 43, 3.—aketi, it was known, I, 88, 5.—â´ kikitrire, they have become well known, I, 166, 13.—kitáyat, exciting, rousing, II, 34, 7:1.

kit, even …: nú kit, I, 39, 4; VI, 66, 1; 5; VII, 56, 15; kit gha, I, 37, 11; VIII, 20, 21; kit hí, VII, 59, 7.—yáh kit, X, 121, 8; yáthâ kit, V, 56, 2.—káh kit, see kím.—krikit, whatever little we have done, VII, 57, 5.

kittá, thought: kittám, I, 170, 1; tiráh kittâ´ni, VII, 59, 8:1.

kitrá, brilliant, beautiful: kitráh, I, 88, 2; (171); I, 166, 4; 172, 1 (bis); kitrám, II, 34, 10; VI, 66, 9; kitrâ´h, I, 165, 13; VIII, 7, 7; X, 78, 1; the bright ones (the clouds), I, 38, 11:2; kitraíh, I, 64, 4; kitrâ´, V, 52, 11; I, 134, 4; kítrâ´ya, for mitrâ´ya, Ludwig, (II, 34, 4:1).—kitrám, splendour, I, 37, 3:2.—kitrá, from ki, (I, 166, 1:2.)

kitrá-bhânu, of beautiful splendour: kitrá-bhânavah, I, 64, 7:3; 85, 11.

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kitrá-vâga, with splendid booty: kitrá-vâgân, VIII, 7, 33.

kirám: mâ´ kirám karat, may it not cause delay, V, 56, 7.

kud, to stir: kodata, I, 168, 4.—prá kodata, spur forth, V, 56, 7.

kétana, to be seen: kétanam, I, 170, 4:1.

ko, see ka.

kóda, goad: kódah, V, 61, 3.

kyu, to shake, caus., to throw down: kyavante, I, 167, 8:2; akukyavîtana, I, 37, 12:1 (bis); ákukyavuh, I, 166, 5; 168, 4; V, 53, 6; kyávam, 1, 165, 10; kyaváyatha, I, 168, 6.—kyu, to send down the rain, (135.)—â´ akukyavuh, V, 59, 8.—prá kyavayanti, I, 37, 11; 64, 3; V, 56, 4:2; pra-kyaváyantah, I, 85, 4; prá akukyavuh, V, 59, 7.

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