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Satapatha Brahmana Part V (SBE44), Julius Eggeling tr. [1900], at

p. 591


Page 13, paragraphs 7, 8. We have probably to translate--the gods were created on its reaching heaven,--they were created on its entering this earth.

P. 45, par. 33, lines 6, 11. Read,--in the balance.

P. 60, l. 19. Read,--Adhvaryu.

P. 76, note 3. Read,--offering of a pap to Aditi.

P. 91, par. 4, l. 4. Read,--did we, by one of a hundred Ukthyas, dispel the darkness.

P. 107, par. 10, ll. 2, 3. Read,--form of the bull.

P. 109, note 3. Add,--Cf. also Hillebrandt, 'Varuna and Mitra,' p. 68 seq.

P. 130, par. 9, ll. 2, 3. Read,.--'The divine thought protect thee, not man's thought!'

P. 136, par. 6, l. 2. Under him:--Harisvâmin explains 'anu' by 'anvâbhakta,' 'participating after him,' cf. XIII, 5, 4, 24.

P. 149, note 1. The commentary takes 'prishthyapratishthite' in the sense of 'established on the prishthya,'--inasmuch as, in the first half of the year, he begins each month with the Abhiplava, and ends with the Prishthya, which is the stronger (balavattara, cf. XII, 2, 2, 16), and therefore 'âtmapratishthita.'

P. 155, note 2. The MS. of the commentary is corrupt--âṅ-pûrvasyâkriyate satarinâdayah sah bhadrâgamam vakkhasthâne evâdhikshipayati na pradesântara âvartata ity arthah.

P. 279, note 1, l. 3 from below. Read,--'four-eyed' dog.

P. 334, note 1. 'Utsanna' probably means 'detached'; cf. II, 5, 2, 48.

P. 397, par. 6, l. 3. For whence, read,--and then.


P. 20, par. 5, l. 5. Read,--skin.

P. 25, note 1, l. 4. Read,--on the retahsik range.

P. 48, par. 5, l. 4. Read Nabhas and Nabhasya.

P. 58, par. 4, l. 5. Read,--the seventh.

P. 103, par. 11. After 'sake,' add,--'The Sâkvara and Raivata sâmans for stability in the air!' for by the Sâkvara and Raivata sâmans it is indeed established in the air.

P. 108, l. 8. Read,--Pûrvakitti.

P. 163, l. 3. Read,--of seven seasons.

P. 168, note 4. Delete,--According to . . . referred to.

P. 170, pars. 6-8. Read,--circumambulates.

P. 192, par. 5, l. 2. Read,--irresistible warrior.

P. 223, par. 2, l. 3. Read,--shower of wealth.

P. 295, l. 1. Instead of, then,--read, thereby.

P. 312, par. 18, l. 9. Read,--exceeds this universe.

P. 313, l. 2. Read,--nor does he exceed this universe.

P. 325, par. 14. Read,--There are these five fingers (and toes) each consisting of four parts.

Note 1. Delete,--that being the simplest kind of Soma-sacrifice.--Sâyana indeed must mean--all Soma and other sacrifices, down to the Agnihotra;--hardly, all sacrifices concluding with the Agnihotra.

P. 337, note 2. Read,--'moving in front,' or 'previous performance.'

P 352, par. 23, l. 2. Read,--thousand Brihatîs.

P. 389, l. 9. Perhaps we ought to translate--that (gold man), indeed, is the end, the self, of everything here (or, of this universe). Cf. J. Muir, Orig. Sansk. Texts, vol. v, p. 389.

Par. 16, l. 2. Read,--they ascend to where desires have vanished.

P. 393, par. 1, l. 4. Read,--Gana Sârkarâkshya.