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General Ahiman Rezon, by Daniel Sickels, [1868], at


1. THE room in which a certain number of Freemasons assemble, for business connected with the institution, is called a LODGE. The assembly, or organized body of Freemasons, is also called a Lodge, just as the word CHURCH is expressive both of the congregation and the place in which they meet to worship. A Lodge of Freemasons, to be legally constituted, must be in possession of an unreclaimed charter, granted by the Grand Lodge in whose jurisdiction it is situated; the Book of the Law; Square and Compasses; the Book of Constitutions; a code of By-Laws; its Officers, and a sufficient number of members (not less than seven) to perform the ceremonies pertaining to the Order.

2. The constitutional officers of a Lodge are the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, and Tiler. To which may be

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added, two Stewards, (sometimes called Masters of Ceremonies) a Marshal, a Chaplain, and an Organist.

3. A Lodge ought to assemble at least once a month for work and instruction.

4. A Lodge has the right to do all the work of Ancient Craft Masonry; to be represented at all the communications of the Grand Lodge; to elect and install its officers; to increase its numbers by the admission of new members, and no member can be forced upon a Lodge without its consent; to make by-laws for its government; to exclude a member, on cause shown, temporarily or permanently; to levy tax on its members; to appeal to the Grand Lodge or Grand Master from the decision of its Master; to exercise penal authority over its own members, and over all unaffiliated Masons living within the limits of its jurisdiction, and to change its time and place of meeting within the town or city designated in its warrant.

5. A Lodge under dispensation is a temporary and inchoate organization of Freemasons, acting under authority from the Grand or Deputy Grand Master; is not entitled to representation in the Grand Lodge; cannot elect or install officers; is without power to frame by-laws, or adopt a seal.

Next: Qualifications of Candidates