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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1. In the third month the Pumsavana (i.e. the ceremony to secure the birth of a male child),

2. Under (the Nakshatra) Pushya or Sravana.

3. Having pounded a Soma stalk, or a Kusa needle, or the last shoot of a Nyagrodha trunk, or the part of a sacrificial post which is exposed to the fire,

4. Or (having taken) after the completion of a sacrifice the remnants from the Guhû ladle,

5. Let him sprinkle it into her right nostril with the four verses, 'By Agni may good' (Rig-veda I, 1, 3), 'That sperm to us' (III, 4, 9), 'May he succeed who lights fire' (V, 37, 2), 'Of tawny shape' (II, 3, 9), with Svâhâ at the end (of each verse).


46:3 20, 3. On suṅgâ compare the note of Nârâyana and the verse quoted from the Karmapradîpa, p. 131 of the German edition.

On kusakantaka Nârâyana says, kusakantakam kuso darbhas tasya kantakahkî (sûka, MS. Berol. Orient. fol. 60z) tam vâ peshayitvâ. I do not understand why the commentators of Pâraskara, whom Professor Stenzler has followed in his translation of Par. I, 14, 4, make kantaka equal to mûla.

46:5 Nasto dakshinatah stands here as in chap. 19, 1. Âsvalâyana I, 13, 6 has dakshinasyâm nâsikâyâm, and so has also p. 47 Pâraskara I, 13. Comp. the natthukamma treated of in the Pâli Buddhist texts (Mahâvagga VI, 13) and in the medical literature.

Next: I, 21