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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at

p. 133


1. Now when he intends to set out on a journey, he makes (his sacred) fire enter into himself, (or) into the two kindling sticks, or into (an ordinary) log of wood,

2. Once with (the text), 'Come, enter into my Prânas,' twice silently.

3. Or with (the verse), 'This is thy womb' (Rig-veda III, 29, to) he warms the two kindling sticks,

4. Or an (ordinary log of) wood.

5. And before sunset the kindling (by attrition),

6. And at the time of the Vaisvadeva sacrifice.

7. Having carried a common fire to a place that has been smeared (with cowdung), which is elevated, and

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which has been sprinkled (with water), he makes (the sacred fire) redescend (from its receptacle, with the formula), 'Redescend!'

8-9. If the fire goes out, he sacrifices the two Sarvaprâyaskitta oblations (oblations for general expiation) and (other oblations) with (the formulas), 'Protect us, Agni, that we may prosper. Svâhâ! Protect us that we may obtain all wealth. Svâhâ! The sacrifice protect, O resplendent one! Svâhâ! Protect everything, O hundredfold wise one. Svâhâ!'

9. In the case of a breach of his vow let him fast and sacrifice (an oblation) of Âgya with (the verse), 'Thou, Agni, art the lord of the vow' (Rig-veda VIII, 11, 1).


133:1 1, 1. The ceremony of Samârohana, by which the duties towards the sacred fire are suspended, by causing the fire to 'enter' into the sacrificer's body, or into the two Aranis, or into another piece of wood, is already mentioned in several passages of the Brâhmana texts; comp. the quotations given by Professor Weber, Indische Studien, IX, 3r 1. Comp. besides Âsvalâyana-Srauta-sûtra III 10; Sâṅkhâyana-Sraut. II, 17. The Samârohana into the sacrificer's own body is done by warming the hands at the sacred fire; see Âsv., loc. cit., Sûtra 6. In the Sâṅkhâyana-Srauta-sûtra the corresponding rule, which regards there of course the Âhitâgni, runs thus, 'If he performs the Samârohana, he warms his hands at the Gârhapatya fire, and then touches his Prânas with the words, "Come, enter into my Prânas."' On the two other cases, see the Sûtras 3 and 4. Sûtras 2, 3, 5 are taken word for word from the Srauta-sûtra.

133:2 This Sûtra refers only to the case where he causes the fire to enter into himself.

133:5 Comp. the commentary on Âsv.-Sraut., loc. cit. 8. He makes the fire redescend from his body or from the Aranis by performing the Manthana (kindling the fire by attrition of the Aranis).

133:7 The Mantra alluded to here is given in the Srauta-sûtra. It p. 134 runs thus, 'Redescend, O Gâtavedas; carry again offerings to the gods, knowing us. Long life, offspring, wealth bestow on us; uninjured shine in our dwelling!'

134:8-9 These Sûtras stand in no connection with the Samârohana treated of before.

On the two Sarvaprâyaskitta oblations see above, I, 9, 12 and the note there.

The vow spoken of in Sûtra 9 Nârâyana refers to the restrictions regarding the food which the sacrificer and his wife are to eat on the Upavasatha days, connected with the festivals of the full and new moon.

Next: V, 2