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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1. He then should recite for himself (the following texts, viz.) the Rikas, the Yagus, the Sâmans, the Atharvan and Aṅgiras hymns, the Brâhmanas, the Kalpa (Sûtras), the Gâthâs, the (texts in honour of kings and heroes, called) Nârâsamsîs, the Itihâsas and Purânas.

2. In that he recites the Rikas, he thereby satiates the gods with oblations of milk—in that (he recites) the Yagus, with oblations of ghee—the Sâmans, with oblations of honey—the Atharvan and Aṅgiras hymns, with oblations of Soma—the Brâhmanas, Kalpas, Gâthâs, Nârâsamsîs, Itihâsas and Purânas, with oblations of ambrosia.

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3. In that he recites the Rikas, rivers of milk flow, as a funeral oblation, to his Fathers. In that (he recites) the Yagus, rivers of ghee—the Sâmans, rivers of honey—the Atharvan and Aṅgiras hymns, rivers of Soma—the Brâhmanas, Kalpas, Gâthâs, Nârâsamsîs, Itihâsas and Purânas, rivers of ambrosia.

4. After he has recited (those texts) as far as he thinks fit, he should finish with the following (verse),

'Adoration to Brahman! Adoration be to Agni! Adoration to the Earth! Adoration to the Herbs! Adoration to the Voice! Adoration to the Lord of the Voice! Adoration I bring to great Vishnu!'


218:1 3, 1. On this and the following paragraphs comp. chiefly Satapatha Brâhmana XI, 5, 6. Other enumerations, contained in the Veda itself, of the texts that were considered as forming the Veda or as attached to the body of the Veda, are found in the Satapatha Brâhmana XIV, 5, 4, 10 (Sacred Books, XV, 111), and in the Khândogya Upanishad VII, 1 (Sacred Books, I, 109)

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