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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1. In the eastern part of his dwelling he should besmear (the place on which the sacrifice will be

2, 1. pûrve bhâge vesmano gomayenopalipya tasya madhyadese lakshanam kuryâd.

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performed) with cowdung, and should draw in the middle of it the lines.

2. To the south he should draw a line from west to east.

3. From the beginning of that line (he should draw a line) from south to north; from the end (of the last-mentioned line) one from west to east; between (the first and the third line) three (lines) from west to east.

4. He besprinkles that (place) with water,

5. Establishes the fire (thereon),

6-8. Wipes along around (the fire) with the three verses, 'This praise' (MB. II, 4, 2-4).

7. To the west of the fire he touches the earth with his two hands turned downwards, with (the verse), 'We partake of the earth’s' (MB. II, 4, 1).

8. In night-time (he pronounces that Mantra so that it ends with the word) 'goods' (vasu).

9-11. Having strewn Darbha grass to the west (of the fire), let him draw (some grass) from the south-end and from the north-end (of what he has strewn), in an eastern direction.

10. Or let him omit this drawing (of Darbha grass to the east),

11. And let him strew (the grass) beginning in the east, so as to keep his right side turned to the

2. dakshinatah prâkîm rekhâm ullikhya. 3. tadârambhâd udîkîm tadavasânât prâkîm tisro madhye prâkîs. 4. tad abhyukshyâ. 5. gnim upasamâdhâya. 6. imam stomam iti parisamûhya trikena. 7. paskâd agner bhûmau nyañkau pânî kritvedam bhûmer iti. 8. vasvantam râtrau. 9. paskâd darbhân âstîrya dakshinatah prâkîm prakarshed uttaratas kâ. 10. prakrishya vâ. 11. pûrvopakramam pradakshinam agnim strinuyân mûlâny agrais khâdayan trivritam pañkavritam vo.

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fire, covering the roots (of the Darbha blades) with the points, in three layers or in five layers.

12 12-16. Sitting down he cuts off two span-long Darbha points, not with his nail, with (the words), 'Purifiers are ye, sacred to Vishnu.'

13. He wipes them with water, with (the words), 'By Vishnu's mind are ye purified.'

14. Holding them with his two thumbs and fourth fingers so that their points are turned to the north, he three times purifies the Âgya (with them), with (the words), 'May the god Savitri purify thee with this uninjured purifier, with the rays of the good sun.'

15. Having sprinkled them (with water) he should throw them into the fire.

16. Having put the Âgya on the fire he should take it (from the fire) towards the north

17 17-21. Bending his right knee he should pour out to the south of the fire his joined hands full of water with (the words), 'Aditi! Give thy consent!'

18. To the west with (the words), Anumati! Give thy consent!'

19. To the north with (the words), 'Sarasvatî! Give thy consent!'

12. pavisya darbhâgre prâdesamâtre prakhinatti na nakhena pavitre stho vaishnavyâv ity. 13. adbhir unmrigya Vishnor manasâ pûte stha ity. 14. udagagrengushthâbhyâm anâmikâbhyâm ka samgrihya trir âgyam utpunâti devas tvâ Savitotpunâtv akhidrena pavitrena vasos sûryasya rasmibhir ity. 15. abhyukshyâgnâv anuprahared. 16. âgyam adhisrityottaratah kuryâd. 17. dakshinagânvakto dakshinenâgnim Aditenumanyasvety udakâñgalim prasiñked. 18. Anumatenumanyasveti paskât. 19. Sarasvate [sic, comp. Hiranyakesi-Grihya I, 1, 2, 9] numanyasvety uttaratah.

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20. With (the words), 'God Savitri! Give thy impulse!' (MB. I, 1, 1) he should sprinkle (water) round the fire so as to keep his right side turned towards it, encompassing what he is going to offer (with the water).

21. (This he does) once or thrice.

22 22. He puts a piece of wood on (the fire).

23 23. He should murmur the Prapada formula (MB. II, 4, 5), hold his breath, fix his thoughts on something good, and should emit his breath when beginning the Virûpâksha formula (MB. II, 4, 6).

24 24-25. At ceremonies for the attainment of special wishes (he should do so) for each of the objects (which he wishes to attain).

25. He should do so always at sacrifices.

20. deva Savitah prasuveti pradakshinam agnim paryukshed abhipariharan havyam. 21. sakrit trir vâ. 22. samidham âdhaya. 23. prapadam gapitvopatâmya kalyânam dhyâyan vairûpâksham ârabhyokkhvaset. 24. pratikâmam kâmyeshu. 25. sarvatraitad dhomeshu kuryât.


376:1 2, 1 seqq.=Gobhila I, 1, 9 seqq.

377:6-8 6-8 = IV, 5, 3 seqq.

377:9-11 9-11 = I, 7, 9 seqq.

378:12-16 12-16 = I, 7, 21-27.

378:17-21 17-21 = I, 3, 1 seqq.

379:22 22 = I, 8, 26.

379:23 23 = IV, 5, 6 seqq.

379:24-25 24, 25 desunt.

Next: I, 3