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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1-4. By one who has not set up the sacred fires, a mess of cooked food, sacred to Agni, is offered at the festivals of the full and new moon;

2. By one who has set them up, one sacred to Agni and Soma at the full moon;

3. One sacred to Indra, or to Mahendra, or to Indra and Agni, at the new moon;

4. Or as (the sacrifice is performed) by one who has not set up the sacred fires.

5-14. The time at which the morning oblation may be offered, is the whole day;

6. For the evening oblation the night;

7. For the sacrifice of the full moon the whole second fortnight (of the month);

2, 1. Âgneya sthâlîpâkonâhitâgner darsapûrnamâsayor. 2. agnîshomîyah paurnamâsyâm âhitâgner. 3. aindro mâhendro vaindrâgno vâmâvâsyâyâm. 4. yathâ vânâhitâgnes. 5. sarvam ahah prâtarâhute sthânam. 6. râtris sâyamâhutes. 7. sarvoparapakshah paurnamâsasya.

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8. For the sacrifice of the new moon the first fortnight.

9. Some say that he should keep his vow (until the sacrifice is performed) by abstaining from food.

10. If (the proper) sacrificial food is wanting, let him offer fruits of sacrificially pure (plants or trees);

11. Or leaves (of such plants or trees);

12. Or water.

13. For (even if he offers water) the sacrifice has been performed.

14. A penance (is prescribed) for one who does not perform the sacrifice.

15 15-16. If no Havis is indicated, one should offer Âgya.

16. The deity (only should be named), if no Mantra is indicated.

17 17-23. In the third month of the first pregnancy (of the sacrificer's wife he should perform) the Pumsavana (i.e. the ceremony to secure the birth of a son).

18. After she has bathed, her husband should put on her a (new) garment that has not yet been washed, and after having sacrificed he should stand behind her.

19. Grasping down over her right shoulder he

8. pûrvapaksho dârsasyâ. 9. bhoganena santanuyâd ity eke. 10. vidyamâne havye yagñiyânâm phalâni guhuyât. 11. palâsâni vâ. 12. po vâ. 13. hutam hi. 14. prâyaskittam ahutasyâ. 15. gyañ guhuyâd dhavishonâdese. 16. devatâ [corr. devatâm?] mantrânâdese. 17. prathamagarbhe tritîye mâsi pumsavanam. 18. snâtâm ahatenâkhâdya hutvâ patih prishthatas tishthed. 19. dakshinam amsam anvabhimrisyânantarhitam (°hitâm, °hitân, the MSS.) nâbhidesam abhimriset pumâmsâv ity.

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should touch the uncovered place of her navel with (the verse), 'The two men' (MB. I, 4, 8).

20. Then another (ceremony). Having bought for three times seven barley corns or beans, a Nyagrodha-shoot which has fruits on both sides, which is not dry, and not touched by worms, he should set that up with (the formula), Ye herbs everywhere, being well-minded, bestow strength on this (shoot); for it will do its work.'

21. He then should take it and place it in the open air.

22. A girl, or a (wife) addicted (to her husband), or a student, or a Brâhmanî should pound (that Nyagrodha-shoot) without moving backward (the stone with which she pounds it).

23. (The husband) should make (the wife) who has bathed, lie down, and should insert (that pounded substance) into her right nostril with (the verse), 'A man is Agni' (MB. I, 4, 9).

24 24-27. Then in the fourth or sixth month (of her pregnancy) the Sîmantonnayana (or parting of the hair is performed) for her.

25. After she has bathed, her husband should put on her a garment that has not yet been washed,

20. athâparam nyagrodhasuṅgâm ubhayatahphalâm asrâmâm akrimiparisriptâm trissaptair yavaih parikrîyotthâpayen mâshair vâ sarvatraushadhayas sumanaso bhûtvâ (hutvâ, hutvâm the MSS.) syâm vîryam samâdhatteyam karma karishyatîty. 21. âhritya vaihâyasîm kuryât. 22. kumârî vratavatî brahmakârî brâhmanî vâ peshayed apratyâharantî. 23. snâtâm samvesya dakshine nâsikâsrotasy âsiñket pumân Agnir ity. 24. athâsyâs katurthe mâsi shashthe vâ sîmantonnayanam. 25. snâtâm ahatenâkhâdya hutvâ patih prishthatas tishthann anupûrvayâ phalavrikshasâkhayâ sakrit sîmantam unnayet trisvetayâ salalyâyam ûrgâvato vriksha iti.

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and after having sacrificed, he should stand behind her and should part her hair once with a well-proportioned (?) branch of a tree, on which there are fruits, (and) with a porcupine's quill that has three white spots, with (the verse), 'Rich in sap is this tree' (MB. I, 5, 1).

26. While she looks at a mess of boiled rice with sesamum seeds, covered with ghee, he should ask her, 'What dost thou see?'

27. He should make her reply, 'Offspring!'

28 28-34. When the child is appearing, the sacrifice for the woman in labour (is to be performed)—

29. With the two verses, 'She who athwart' (MB. I, 5, 6 seq.).

30. He should give a name to the child, 'N.N.!'

31. That (is his) secret (name).

32. Before the navel-string is cut off and the breast is given (to the child, the father) should have rice and barley grains pounded in the way prescribed for the Nyagrodha-shoot (see Sûtra 22).

33. He should take thereof with his (right) thumb and fourth finger and give it to the child to eat, with (the formula), 'This order' (MB. I, 5, 8).

34. And butter with (the verse), 'May intelligence to thee' (MB. I, 5, 9).

26. krisarasthâlîpâkam uttaraghritam aveksha[n]tîm prikkhet kim pasyasîti. 27. pragâm iti vâkayet. 28. pratishthite vastau soshyantîhomah. 29. yâ tiraskîti dvâbhyâm. 30. asâv iti nâma dadhyât. 31. tad guhyam. 32. prâṅ nâbhikrintanât stanadânâk ka vrîhiyavau peshayek khuṅgâvritâ. 33. ṅgushthenânâmikayâ kâdâya kumâram prâsayed iyam âgñeti. 34. sarpis ka medhân ta iti.


392:1-4 2, 1-4 = Gobhila I, 8, 22-25.

392:5-14 5-14 = I, 9, 14 seqq.

393:15-16 15, 16 desunt.

393:17-23 17-23 = II, 6.

394:24-27 24-27 = II, 7, 1 seqq.

395:28-34 28-34 = II, 7, 13 seqq.

Next: II, 3