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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at

p. 407


1-32. When (the student) is going to take the bath (at the end of his studentship), he seats himself in an enclosure to the east of his teacher's house.

2. The teacher (sits) facing the north,

3. On eastward-pointed (Darbha-grass).

4. Thus one (should act) who is desirous of holy lustre.

5. (The student should sit) in a cow-stable, if he is desirous of cattle,

6. In an assembly-hall, if desirous of renown.

7. Let him boil water with all kinds of herbs,

8. And with scents.

9. With that water, which must be lukewarm, the teacher should besprinkle (the student).

10. Or (the student should do so) himself, because that is signified by the Mantra.

11. Some say that both (should do so).

12. The teacher should say (in the Mantra), 'Therewith (I besprinkle) him,' (instead of, 'Therewith I besprinkle myself').

13. With (the verses), 'Which in the waters' (MB. I, 7, 1) (the student) should pour out his joined hands full of water;

III, 1, 1. âplavane purastâd âkâryakulasya parivrita âsta. 2. udaṅmukha âkâryah. 3. prâgagreshv. 4. evam brahmavarkasakâmo. 5. goshthe pasukâmas. 6. sabhâyâm yasaskâmah. 7. sarvaushadhenâpah phânayet. 8. surabhibhis ka. 9. tâbhis sîtoshnâbhir âkâryobhishiñket. 10. svayam vâ mantrâbhivâdâd. 11. ubhâv ity eke. 12. tenemam ity âkâryo brûyâd. 13. ye apsv ity apâm añgalim avasiñked.

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14. And with (the formula), 'What (is dreadful) in the waters' (l.l. 2);

15. And silently.

16. With (the formula), 'The shining one' (l.l. 3), he should draw (some water) and should besprinkle himself (therewith);

17. And with (the verse), 'By which the wife' (l.l. 5);

18. And silently.

19. With (the formulas), 'Rising' (l.l. 6-8), he should worship the sun.

20. He may repeat (the sections of that Mantra) continuously.

21. If he repeats them separately, he should add at the end (of each section), 'The eye art thou' (l.l. 9).

22. With (the verse), 'Loosen the highest' (l.l. 10), he should take off the girdle.

23. After he has eaten something, he should have his hair, his beard, the hair of his body, and his nails cut, so as to leave the lock of hair (as required by the custom of his family).

24. Having adorned himself and put on clothes which have not yet been washed, he should put a garland (on his head) with (the formula), 'Luck' (l.l. 11).

25. The two shoes (he puts on) with (the formula), Leaders are you' (l.l. 12).

14. yad apâm iti ka. 15. tûshnîñ ka. 16. yo rokana iti grihyâtmânam abhishiñked. 27. yena striyam iti ka. 18. tûshnîñ ko. 19. dyann ity âdityam upatishthet. 20. samasyed vâ. 21. viharann anusamharek kakshur asîty. 22. ud uttamam iti mekhalâm avamuñket. 23. prâsya vâpayek khikâvargam kesasmasrulomanakhâny. 24. alamkritohatavâsasâ srîr iti sragam pratimuñken. 25. netryau stha ity upânahau.

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26. With (the formula), 'The Gandharva art thou' (l.l. 13), he takes a bamboo staff.

27. He should approach the teacher and look at the assembly (of pupils, &c.) with (the formula), 'Like an eye-ball' (l.l. 14).

28. Sitting down, he should touch the sense-organs at his head with (the Mantra), 'Covered by the lips' (l.l. I5).

29. Let him touch a chariot yoked with oxen, with (the verse), 'O tree' (l.l. 16).

30. With (the words), 'He who stands on thee' (l.l. 16), he should mount it.

31. Having driven (some distance) in an eastern or northern direction, he should turn round from left to right.

32. Some say that when he has come back, (his teacher should offer to him) the Argha reception.

33 33-44. From that time he shall assume a dignified demeanour.

34. nâgâtalomnyopahâsam ikkhet.

35. Nor (should he wish for sport) with a girl who is the only child of her mother,

36. Nor with a woman during her courses,

37. Nor with (a woman) who descends from the same Rishis.

38. Let him not eat food which has been brought

26. vainavam dandam âdadyâd Gandharvosîty. 27. upetyâkâryam parishadam prekshed yaksham ivety. 28. upavisyaushthâpidhâneti mukhyân prânân abhimrised. 29. goyuktam ratham âlabhed vanaspata ity. 30. âsthâtâ ta ity ârohet. 31. prâkîm prayâyodîkîm vâ gatvâ pradakshinam âvartayet. 32. pratyâgatâyârghyam ity eke. 33. vriddhasîli syâd ata ûrdhvam. 34. nâgâtalomnyopahâsam ikkhen. 35. nâyugyâ (read, nâyugvâ). 36. na ragasvalayâ. 37. na samânarshyâ. 38. parayâ dvârâ prapannah (read, prapanna-) dvihpakvaparyushitâni nâsnîyâd.

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by another door (than the usual), or which has been cooked twice, or which has stood over-night—

39. Except such as is prepared of vegetables, flesh, barley, or flour—

40. Or of milk.

41. He shall avoid gathering fruits, looking into wells, running while it is raining, and taking his shoes in his hands.

42. He should not wear a scentless wreath,

43. If it is not a wreath of gold.

44. He should not use the word 'blessed' without a reason.

45 45-52. If he is desirous of thriving (in his cattle), he should with (the Mantra), 'May these' (MB. I, 8, 1) have his cows driven out.

46. When they have come back, (he should recite the Mantra), 'These which are rich in sweet' (l.l. 2).

47. If he is desirous of thriving (in his cattle), he should lick the forehead of the first-born calf, before it is licked by its mother, and should gulp with (the formula), ('Thou art the phlegm) of the cows' (l.l. 3).

48. When the cows have calved, he should at night sacrifice in the cow-stable churned curds with drops of ghee, with (the verse), 'Seizer' (l.l. 4).

39. anyatra sâkamâmsayavapishtavikârebhyah. 40. pâyasâk ka. 41. phalaprakayanodapânâvekshanavarshatidhâvanopânatsvayamharanâni na kuryân. 42. nâgandhâm sragam dhârayen. 43. na ked dhiranyasrag. 44. bhadram iti na vrithâ vyâharet. 45. pushtikâmo gâh prakâlayed imâ ma iti. 46. pratyâgatâ imâ madhumatîr iti. 47. pushtikâma eva prathamagâtasya vatsasya prâṅ mâtuh pralehanâl lalâtam ullihya nigired gavâm iti. 48. sampragâtâsu goshthe nisâyâm vilayanañ guhuyât samgrahanety.

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49. Now another (ceremony). He should make marks on the ears of a male and of a female calf with (the formula), 'The world art thou' (l.l. 5, 6).

50. First on the male.

51. He should recite over them (the Mantra), 'With metal' (l.l. 7).

52. When the rope (to which the calves are bound) is spread out, (let him recite over it the Mantra), 'This rope' (l.l. 8).

49. athâparam vatsamithunayoh karne lakshanam kuryâd bhuvanam iti. 50. pumsogre. 51. lohitenety anumantrayeta. 52. tantîm prasâritâm iyan tantîti.


407:1-32 III, 1, 1-32 = Gobhila III, 4, 7 seqq. (4-6. II, 12, 15, 20 desunt).

409:33-44 33-44 = III, 5 (40 deest).

410:45-52 45-52 = III, 6.

Next: III, 2