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The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at


1-4. One who has been bitten by a venomous animal, he should besprinkle with water, murmuring (the verse), 'Do not fear' (MB. IL 6, 18).

4, 1. vishavatâ dashtam adbhir abhyukshan gapen mâ bhaishîr iti.

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2. A Snâtaka should, when lying down to sleep, put his bamboo staff near (his bed) with (the formula), 'Strong one, protect' (l.l. 19). This will bring him luck.

3. A place where he has a worm he should besprinkle with water, murmuring (the verses), 'Thy worm is killed' (MB. II, 7, 1-4).

4. (If doing this) for his cattle, let him fetch in the afternoon an earth-clod taken out of a furrow, and let him in the morning strew the dust of it (on the place attacked by worms), murmuring (the same texts).

5-23. (A guest) who is going to accept the Madhuparka should come forward murmuring, 'Here I tread on this' (MB. II, 8, 2).

6. They announce three times (to the guest) each (of the following things which are brought to him): a bed (of grass), water for washing the feet, the Argha water, water for sipping, and the Madhuparka;

7. And the cow.

8. Having spread out the bed (of grass, so that the points of the grass are) turned to the north, he should sit down thereon with (the verse), 'The herbs which' (MB. II, 8, 3).

9. With the feet (he treads on another bundle of

2. snâtakas samvisan vainavam dandam upanidadhyât tura gopâyeti svastyayanam. 3. hatas ta (hastata, hahsta, hasta, vitasta, the MSS.) iti krimimantam desam adbhir abhyukshañ gapet. 4. pasûnâm ked aparâhne sîtâloshtam âhritya tasya prâtahmsubhih pratishkirañ gapen. 5. madhuparkam pratigrahîshyann idam aham imâm iti pratitishthañ gaped. 6. vishtarapâdyârghyâkamanîyamadhuparkânâm ekaikam trir vedayante. 7. gâm ko. 8. . dañkam vishtaram âstîrya yâ oshadhîr ity adhyâsîta. 9. pâdayor dvitîyayâ dvau ked.

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grass), if there are two, with the second (verse) (l.l. 4).

10. Let him look at the water with (the formula), 'From which side I see the goddesses' (l.l. 5).

11. Let him wash his left foot with (the formula), 'The left' (l.l. 6), the right with, 'The right' (I. 1. 7); both with the rest (8).

12. Let him accept the Arghya water with (the formula), 'Thou art the queen of food' (l.l. 9).

13. The water which he is to sip, (he accepts) with (the formula), 'Glory art thou' (l.l. 10).

14. The Madhuparka with (the formula), 'The glory's glory art thou' (l.l. 11).

15. Let him drink three times with (the formulas), 'The glory’s,' 'The might’s,' 'The fortune’s' (l.l. 12).

16. Having drunk more of it a fourth time silently he should give the remainder to a Brâhmana.

17. Over the cow, when it has been announced to him, he should recite (the formula), 'Let loose the cow.'

18. Instead of 'and of N.N.' (in that formula) he should put the name of the person who offers the Arghya reception.

19. Thus if it is no sacrifice (by which the Arghya ceremony has been occasioned).

20. 'Make it (ready),' if it is a sacrifice.

10. apah pasyed yato devîr iti. 11. savyam pâdam avasiñked savyam iti dakshinam dakshinam ity ubhau seshenâ. 12. nnasya râshtrir asîty arghyam pratigrihnîyâd. 13. yasosîty âkamanîyam. 14. yasaso yasosîti madhuparkam. 15. trih pibed yasaso mahasa sriyâ iti. 16. tûshnîm katurtham bhûyobhipâya brâhmanâyokkhishtam dadyâd. 17. gam veditâm anumantrayeta muñka gâm ity. 18. amushya kety arhayitur nâma brûyâd. 19. evam ayagñe. 20. kuruteti yagña.

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21. The six persons to whom the Arghya reception is due are, a teacher, an officiating priest, a Snâtaka, a king, the father-in-law, a friend.

22. He should honour them (with the Arghya reception) once a year;

23. But repeatedly in the case of a sacrifice and of a wedding. But repeatedly in the case of a sacrifice and of a wedding.

End of the Fourth Patala.

End of the Grihyakhanda.

21. âkârya ritvik snâtako râgâ vivâhyah priya iti shad arghyâh. 22. pratisamvatsarân arhayet. 23. punar yagñavivâhayos ka punar yagñavivâhayos ka. katurthapatalah.

grihyakhandam samâptam.





432:1-4 4, 1-4 = Gobhila IV, 9, 16 seqq.

433:5-23 5-23 = IV, 10.