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The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE30), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1892], at


1. 1 'The Fathers who are here and who are not here, and whom we know and whom we do not know: Agni, to thee they are known, how many they are, Gâtavedas. May they enjoy what thou givest them in our oblation. Svadhâ! Adoration!

'Your limb that this flesh-devouring (Agni) has burnt, leading you to the worlds (of the Fathers), Gâtavedas, that I restore to you again. Unviolated with all your limbs arise, O Fathers! Svadhâ! Adoration!

'Carry the Âgya, Gâtavedas, to the Fathers, where thou knowest them resting afar. May streams of Âgya flow to them; may their wishes with all their desires be fulfilled! Svadhâ! Adoration!'

In the same way a second and a third verse with the alteration of the Mantra, 'to the grandfathers,' 'to the great-grandfathers.'

2. In the same way he sacrifices of the food, altering the Mantra, 'Carry the food, &c.'

3. Then he sacrifices the Svishtakrit oblation

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with (the formula), 'To Agni Kavyavâhana Svishtakrit svadhâ! Adoration!'

4. He then touches the food with (the formulas), 'The earth is thy vessel, the heaven is the lid. I sacrifice thee into the Brahman's mouth. I sacrifice thee into the up-breathing and down-breathing of the Brâhmanas. Thou art imperishable; do not perish for the Fathers yonder, in yon world! The earth is steady; Agni is its surveyor in order that what has been given may not be lost.

'The earth is thy vessel, the heaven is the lid, &c. Do not perish for the grandfathers yonder, in yon world. The air is steady; Vâyu is its surveyor, in order that what has been given may not be lost.

'The earth is thy vessel, the heaven is the lid, &c. Do not perish for the great-grandfathers yonder, in yon world. The heaven is steady; Âditya is its surveyor, in order that what has been given may not be lost.'

5. 5 With (the words), 'I establish myself in the breath and sacrifice ambrosia,' he causes the Brâhmanas to touch (the food).


227:1 11, 1. Rig-veda X, 15, 53; Atharva-veda XVIII, 4, 64; Âsvalâyana-Grihya II, 4, 13, &c. Before the verse, 'Carry the Âgya,' the Udîkyas, as Mâtridatta states, insert the words, 'He then makes oblations of Âgya (with the Mantra, &c.).' According to this reading the words of the second Sûtra, 'In the same way, &c.,' would refer only to these last oblations.

228:5 Comp. Taittirîya Âranyaka X, 84.

Next: II, 4, 12