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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at

p. 125



1. Driving away evil 1 with thy light, Agni, shine upon us with wealth—driving away evil with thy light.

2. Longing for rich fields, for a free path, and for wealth, we sacrifice—driving away evil with thy light.

1. When he stands forth as the most glorious one among them 2, and when our liberal lords excel—driving away evil with thy light—

4. When through thee, Agni, the liberal lords, and when through thee we may multiply with offspring—driving away evil with thy light—

5. When the rays of the mighty Agni go forth on all sides—driving away evil with thy light—

6. For thou indeed, (O god) whose face is turned everywhere, encompassest (the world) everywhere—driving away evil with thy light.

7. Do thou carry us, as with a boat, across hostile powers, (O god) whose face is turned everywhere—driving away evil with thy light.

8. Do thou carry us across (evil) to welfare, as across a stream with a boat 1—driving away evil with thy light.

p. 126


The same Rishi. Metre, Gâyatrî. The hymn is addressed to Agni Suki.—Verses 1–8 = AV. IV, 33, 1–8: TÂ. VI, 11, 1–2. Verse 1 = TÂ. VI, 10, 1.

Verse 1.

Note 1. Lanman (Sanskrit Reader, p. 363) translates: 'Driving away with flames our sin.' But aghá is not exactly sin.

Verse 3.

Note 1. In this verse as well as in the verses 4 and 5—all commencing with the words prá yát—the principal clauses are wanting. As to 3 meaning, however, these clauses are supplied by the refrain; 'driving away evil' of course means 'may he drive away evil.'

Note 2. 'Among them' seems to mean among the liberal lords.'

Verse 8.

Note 1. Cf. Lanman, p. 434.

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