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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


bhága, good fortune, I, 141, 6:3; 11:1;—love, V, 7, 8:3;—a winner (in a contest), I, 141, 10:1; 144, 3:3;—Bhaga, the god, I, 44, 8; II, 1, 7; III, 20, 4; 5; IV, 3, 5; V, 16, 2:1.

bhag, to obtain: bháganta … nâ´ma, I, 68, 4; bhaktám ábhaktam ávah, blessings enjoyed or not enjoyed (before), I, 127, 5:6;—â´ nah bhaga, let us partake, I, 27, 5.

bhadrá, good, I, 1, 6; fortunate, I, 67, 2; blissful, I, 94, 1; glorious, I, 94, 14, &c.

bhadra-soki, with glorious light, V, 4, 7.

bhand: bhándamâne íti, of glorious appearance, I, 142, 7; III, 4, 6:2; bhándamânah, glorified, III, 2, 12; bhandate, he is glorified, III, 3, 4.

bhándishtha, most glorious, I, 97, 3; V, 1, 10:1.

Bharatá, Agni the B., I, 96, 3:2; pl., the Bharatas, V, 11, 1.

Bharát-vâga, the Bharadvâgâs, I, 59, 7.

bhárgas, splendour, I, 141, 1.

bharv, to chew: bhárvati, I, 143, 5.

bhas: prá babhasat, may he consume, IV, 5, 4.

bhásman, ash, V, 19, 5.

bhâ, to shine: ánu bhâsi, III, 6, 7,—vi-bhâ´ti, he shines (conj. vidhâ´ti), I, 71, 6:1; ví bhâsi, thou shinest, II, 1, 10:[1, 2]; ví bhâhi, I, 95, 11.

bhâh-rigíka, whose rigîka (?) is light, I, 44, 3:1; III, 1, 12; 14.

bhâgá, share, portion, I, 73, 5:2; II, 10, 6; III, 1, 19.

bhâga-dhéya, portion, III, 28, 4.

bhâgayú, desirous of distributing (god), II, 1, 4.

bhâ´-tvakshas, whose power is light, I, 143, 3.

bhânú, ray, I, 36, 3; 97, 5; III, 1, 14; flame, I, 143, 3; V, 1, 1; light, splendour, II, 2, 8, &c.

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bhânu-mát, shining, V, 1, 11.

bhâ´ma, splendour, III, 26, 6;—flame, V, 2, 10.

bhâmín, luminous, I, 77, 1.

bhârá, burthen, I, 31, 3.

Bhâ´rata, (Agni) of the Bharata tribe, II, 7, 1:1; 5;—Bhâ´ratâ, the two Bharatas, III, 23, 2:1.

Bhâratî: Hótrâ Bhâratî, I, 142, 9:2; II, 1, 11:1;—I, 188, 8; II, 3, 8; bhâ´ratî bhâ´ratîbhih, III, 4, 8.

bhâ´s, light: brihát bhâ´h, I, 45, 8:1; IV, 5, 1:1;—II, 4, 5; IV, 7, 9.

bhiksh, to implore, I, 73, 6; 7.

bhid: áva bhet, he cut down, I, 59, 6.

bhug: bhógate, receives nourishment, I, 72, 8:2; bhugé, to enjoy, I, 127, 8; 11; bhúgam, for the enjoyment, III, 2, 9;—yásya sam-bhúgam, whom I may enjoy, II, 1, 4:1.

bhugmán, fertile: bhúgma (conj. bhugmâ´), I, 65, 5:1.

bhur: gárbhurat, hurrying around, II, 2, 5; gárbhurânah, II, 10, 5; bhuránta, they have made tremble, V, 6, 7:1;—pari-gárbhurânah, hurrying around, 1, 140, 10.

bhuranyú, quick, I, 68, 1.

bhuríg, pole-arm (?), IV, 2, 14:3.

bhúvana, world, I, 31, 2; 73, 8; II, 3, 1; III, 2, 10; 3, 10; IV, 14, 2; bhúvanasya magmánâ, I, 143, 4:1;—being, I, 98, 1; III, 16, 4.

bhû: satah ka bhávatah ka, of what is and what comes into being, I, 96, 7;—bhavatât, be, III, 23, 2:2;—pári bhúvat, he encompassed, I, 68, 2; pári babhûtha, thou hast excelled, I, 69, 2.

bhû´man, earth, I, 65, 3:1; II, 4, 7;—being: etâ´ bhû´ma, I, 70, 6;—world: vísvâni bhû´ma, 11, 4, 2;—V, 7, 5.

bhû´yams, many, I, 31, 6.

bhû´ri, rich, I, 73, 4;—bhû´ri ktvah, many times, III, 18, 4.

bhûri-poshín, rich in manifold prosperity, III, 3, 9.

bhû´ri-retas, rich in seed, III, 3, 11.

bhû´ri-varpas, manifold-shaped, III, 3, 4.

bhû´rni, quick, I, 66, 2; III, 3, 5.

bhûsh, to be busy: bhû´shan, I, 140, 6; III, 25, 2;—úpa bhûshema, may we honour, III, 3, 9;—pári bhûshasi vratám, thou administerest the law, I, 31, 2; pári bhûshanti, they celebrate, I, 95, 3; pári bhûshati, he takes care of, III, 3, 2; pári bhûshathah, you display, III, 12, 9.

bhri, to bring: námah bhárantah, I, 1, 7; bhâ´r íti bhâ´h, I, 128, 2; bibharshi (conj. bíbharshi), V, 3, 2:1;—út-bhrita, taken out, III, 21, 5;—prá gabhrire, I, 72, 4; prá bhara (Samhitâ: bharâ), 2nd or 1st person, I, 140, 1:1; prá-bhrita, proffered, I, 147, 2;—ví bharanta, they have brought to different places, I, 70, 10:1; ví-bhritah, brought to many places, I, 71, 4:1; dispersed, I, 144, 2; ví bháribhrat, quickly shaking, II, 4, 4:2.

Bhgavâna, Bhrigu-like, 1, 71, 4:2;—belonging to the Bhrigus, IV, 7, 4.

Bhgu, I, 60, 1;—bhgavah, the Bhrigus, I, 58, 5; 127, 7; 143, 4; II, 4, 2; III, 2, 4:1; 5, 10; IV, 7, 1.

bhmi, quick, I, 31, 16:2.

bhógana, food: vísvasya bhogana, O food on which everything lives, I, 44, 5:1;—possession, V, 4, 5.

bhogyà, bounty, I, 128, 5.

bhramá, whirl, IV, 4, 2.

bhrâg, to shine: bhrâgante, I, 44, 12; ábhrât, I, 66, 6; IV, 6, 5.

bhrâ´gat-rishti, with brilliant spears, I, 31, 1.

bhrâ´tri, brother, 1, 65, 7; bhrâ´taram várunam, IV, 1, 2; bhrâ´tuh rinám, IV, 3, 13:2.

bhrâtrá, brotherhood, II, 1, 9; IV, 10, 8.

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