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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


mamhánâ, bountifulness, IV, 1, 6; V, 10, 2; mamhánâ, instr., V, 16, 4:2; 18, 2.

mhishtha, most rich in liberal gifts, I, 147, 2:1.

makshú, quickly, I, 58, 9, &c.

maghá, wealth, III, 13, 3;—liberal boon, III, 19, 1;—liberality, V, 10, 3.

maghá-vat, generous, I, 58, 9; 140, 10.

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maghá-van, liberal giver, I, 31, 12; 58, 9; 73, 5; 8; 77, 4; 98, 3; 127, 11; 140, 12; 141, 13; 146, 5; II, 6, 4; V, 16, 3; 18, 3; 5; maghónah (conj. maghónâm), V, 27, 1:1.

magmán, greatness, power, I, 128, 5; 141, 6; 143, 2; 4:1; II, 1, 15.

matí, (pious) thought, I, 60, 5; III, 26, 8;—prayer, I, 141, 1; 142, 4; III, 5, 3; IV, 3, 16; vâkáh matím, I, 143, 1:1.

math or manth, to produce by attrition: máthît, I, 71, 4; 148, 1; mathnántah, I, 127, 7; máthîh, I, 127, 11; mathâyáti, I, 141, 3; mathitá, III, 9, 5; ámanthishtâm, III, 23, 2; manthâma, III, 29, 1; mánthata, III, 29, 5; mánthanti, III, 29, 6; mathyámânah, V, 11, 6;—níh-mathitah, produced by attrition, III, 23, 1; 29, 12.

mad or mand, to be pleased, rejoice: mándasva (with gen.), I, 26, 5; mâdayante, I, 59; 1:1; mâdáyasva, II, 3, 11:3; III, 6, 9; madanti, III, 4, 7; 7, 7; mâdayantâm, III, 4, 11; mádantam, III, 26, 9; mâdayethâm, IV, 14, 4;—abhí prá mande, I gladden, V, 4, 1.

mád, pronoun: me, acc., V, 27, 4:2.

máda, delight, I, 127, 9; V, 2, 10.

mádhu, sweet drink mádhvah âdhavé, I, 141, 3:3;—honey, I, 142, 3; 188, 2; III, 1, 7; 8; mádhunâ daívyena, III, 8, 1:2;—honey-drink, V, 19, 3:2.

mádhu-gihva, honey-tongued, I, 13, 3; 44, 6; 60, 3.

madhu-péya, honey-drink, IV, 14; 4:2.

madhu-pk, mixing the honey-drink, II, 10, 6.

mádhu-mat, rich in honey, I, 13, 2; 142, 2; honey-sweet, I, 78, 5; III, 4, 2; IV, 3, 9; 12;—sweet (food), III, 7, 2.

mádhumat-tama, sweetest, V, 11, 5.

mádhu-vakas, sweet-tongued, IV, 6, 5.

madhu-sút, Madhu-presser, IV, 3, 3.

mádhu-hastya, with honey in his hand, V, 5, 2.

madhyatáh, out from the midst, III, 21, 5.

madhyamá, middle: madhyaméshu, I, 27, 5.

man: manvata, they have devised, IV, 1, 16; mányase, thou art considered, V, 17, 2:[1, 3].

mananá, thought, III., 6, 1:1.

mánas, thought: mánah ná sadyáh, I, 71, 9; mind: mánasah várâya, I, 76, 1:1; ghrita-prúshâ mánasâ, his mind being intent on scattering ghrita, II, 3, 2; mánasâ sám gagmúh, they agreed in their mind, III, 1, 13.

manîshâ´, (pious) thought: manîshâ´ (Pada text for manîshâ´h?), I, 70, 1:2; 76, 1; III, 8, 5; prayer, IV, 5, 3; 6, 1; V, 11, 5:1;—thoughtful mind, I, 94, 1;—wise thoughts, IV, 11, 2; 3; paráh manîsháyâ, beyond thought, V, 17, 2:2.

manîshín, thoughtful man, I, 13, 5; III, 10, 1.

mánu, man, 1, 96, 2; 140, 4; V, 2, 12;—mánave, to the man, or to Manu, I, 189, 7:4;—Manu, N.p ., I, 31, 4; 36, 10; 19; 68, 7; 128, 2.

mánuh-hita, instituted by Manus, I, 13, 4:2; III, 2, 15.

Mánu-gâta, offspring of Manu, I, 45, 1:2.

Manu-vát, like Manu, II, 10, 6.

mánusha, man, I, 31, 11:2.

manushyà, man, I, 59, 4;—belonging to men, III, I, 10.

Manushvát, as for Manu, I, 31, 17; II, 5, 2; III, 17, 2; as Manus did, I, 44, II; V, 21, 1.

mánus, man, (I, 31, 11:2); I, 36, 7; III, 26, 2; IV, 1, 9:1; 6, 11; V, 3, 4; 5, 7; mánushah, (Aryan) men, I, 189, 7:2;—mánushah, of the man, or, of Manus, II, 2, 6; 8;—Manus, N.p., I, 26, 4; 76, 5:1; 128, 1; II, 10, 1; IV, 2, 1:1; mánushah puráh-hitah, III, 3, 2;—Mánushah gantú-bhih, III, 3, 6; manótri, deviser, II, 9, 4.

mántra, hymn, I, 31, 13; spell, I, 67, 4; 5; 147, 4; prayer, I, 74, 1.

mand, see mad.

mandrá, joy-giving, cheerful, I, 26, 7, &c.; lovely, delightful, V, 17, 2; 26, 1.

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mandrá-gihva, with lovely tongues, I, 142, 8;—with agreeable speech, IV, 11, 5;—with the delightful tongue, V, 25, 2.

mandrá-tama, most delightful, V, 22, 1.

mandrá-tara, a great joy-giver, III, 7, 9.

mánman, thought, I, 26, 2:1; III, 14, 5; IV, 6, 1;—prayer, I, 77, 4; 127, 2; 140, 1; 11; 148, 2; II, 4, 8; III, 11, 8; IV, 3, 3; 15; 5, 6; 11, 2; V, 12, 1.

manma-sâ´dhana, fulfiller of thought, I, 96, 6.

manyú, spirit, V, 7, 10:1.

mámaka, mine, I, 31, 11:3.

mayah-bhû´, comfort-giving, I, 13, 9; III, 16, 6; IV, 11, 4; V, 5, 8.

máyas, happiness, I, 31, 7; freshness, III, 1, 3:1

Marút: marútah, the Maruts, I, 31, 1; 44, 14; 94, 12; 128, 5; 142, 9:1; III, 26, 4–6; 29, 15; IV, 1, 3; 2, 4; V, 3, 3; 5, 11; 26, 9; marútâm-iva svanáh, I, 143, 5; marútâm sárdhah, II, 3, 3; IV, 3, 8; vísve marútah, III, 14, 4; narah marutah, III, 16, 2:1.

marútvat, accompanied by the Maruts, I, 142, 12; III, 4, 6.

marút-vridh, whom the Maruts strengthen, III, 13, 6:1.

márta, mortal, man: mártân (for mártâm, gen. plur?), I, 70, 6:1; IV, 2, 3:2; 11:1; mártâya (for mártyâya?), I, 77, 2:1; mártam sámsam, praise of mortals, I, 141, 6:4.

mártya, the mortal, I, 26, 9:1; mártyeshu devâ´n krinóti, I, 77, 1:1; devásya mártyasya ka, II, 7, 2.

márya, manly, I, 77, 3.

maryaká, young bull, V, 2, 5:1.

márya-srî, like a beautiful youth, II, 10, 5.

maryâ´dâ, limit, IV, 5, 13.

mah: mamahantâm, may they grant, I, 94, 16; 95, 11; mamahe me, he has presented me, V, 27, 1;—to exalt: mahayanta, III, 3, 3; maháyan, III, 3, 11; mahaya, III, 24, 4: maháyamânah, III, 25, 5;—sám mahema (conj. sám ahema), I, 94, 1:1.

máh, great: maháh (acc. pl.), I, 31, 3:2, &c.; IV, 4, III; mahî´nâm, of the great (waters), III, 1, 12:1.

máh, greatness: mahé, III, 7. 10.

mahá, great: maháh, I, 146, 5:2.

mahán, greatness: mahnâ´ mahát-bhih, I, 72, 9.

máhas, power: máhah-bhih, II, 10, 3:4; III, 4, 6:3; with all their might, IV, 14, 1:1;—mightily: maháh rayé kitáyan, V, 15, 5:3.

máhi, great, I, 79, 4.

Máhi-keru: máhi-keravah, I, 45, 4:1.

mahi-tvá, greatness, might, I, 59, 5; 6; mahi-tvâ´, I, 67, 9; 68, 2; growth, III, 1, 4.

mahiná, greatness, III, 6, 2; 7, 10:2.

mahimán, greatness, I, 59, 7.

mahi-ratna, possessor of great treasures, I, 141, 10.

mahi-vrata, lord of high laws, I, 45, 3.

mahishá, buffalo, I, 95, 9:1; 141, 3:1.

máhishî, queen, V, 2, 2:1; buffalo-cow, V, 25, 7:2.

Mahî´, 'the Great One,' N. of a goddess, I, 13, 9:1; 142, 9; V, 5, 8.

mâ, to create, produce: amimîta, he produced, II, 4, 5; mimîte, III, 1, 5; ámimîta (mâtári), he has been shaped, III, 29, 11:1; mímânam, preparing, V, 2, 3;—úpa mâsi, measure out, I, 142, 2;—ví rágah mame, he passes through the air, I, 58, 1; vimâ´nah, traversing, III, 26, 7;—sam-mâ´ya, building, I, 67, 10.

mâ´kis, not, I, 147, 5.

Mâtarísvan, I, 31, 3; 60, 1; 71, 4:1; 96, 4:1; 128, 2; 141, 3; 143, 2; 148, 1; III, 2, 13; 5, 9; 10; 9, 5; 26, 2:1; 29, 11:1.

mât, mother: mâtâ´ Áditih, I, 72, 9; mother (Earth), I, 140, 9:1; mâtúh, II, 5, 6:1; mâtúh upásthe, III, 8, 1:3; 29, 14; V, I, 6; ámimîta mâtári, III, 29, 11:1; tríh saptá mâtúh paramâ´ni, IV, 1, 16:1; mâtúh ushásah, IV, 2, 15; mâtúhh, IV, 5, 10:1; mâtâ´ yuvatíh, V, 2, 1; 2; mâtâ´-iva, V, 15, 4;—du., ubhâ´ mâtárâ, I, 140, 3:1; mâtárâ samîkî´, the parents turned towards each other (Heaven and Earth), III, 1, 7:1; parents, III, 2, 2; 5, 7:2; 7, 1:1; V, 11, 3:1; mâtárâ pitárâ, p. 462 IV, 6, 7; yahvî´ íti ritásya mâtárâ, V, 5, 6;—pl., mothers, I, 95, 7; 141, 5:1; vatsáh mâtrî´h ganavata, I, 95, 4:2; saptá sivâ´su mâtshu, I, 141, 2:2; mâtrî´h apáh, III, 9, 2; sú-gâtam mâtshu, III, 23, 3; sásvatîshu mâtshu, IV, 7, 6.

mâ´dhyandina, midday: mâ´dhyandine sávane, III, 28, 4.

Mâ´na, N. p.: mâ´nasya sûnúh, I, 189, 8:1.

mânavasyát, acting as men do, I, 140, 4.

mâ´nusha, man, I, 58, 5, &c.;—belonging to men, I, 44, 10:1; 128, 7; human, I, 59, 5; 60, 3; mâ´nushasya gánasya gánma, I, 70, 2; mâ´nushî vít, I, 72, 8; dhî´h mâ´nushâ, II, 2, 9; human (sacrificer): mâ´nushât pû´rvah, II, 3, 3:2;—belonging to Manus, III, 9, 6; mâ´nushe (conj. mâ´nushah), III, 23, 4:4.

Mâmateyá, son of Mamatâ, I, 147, 3:1.

mâyâ´, wonderful power, I, 144, 1;—secret power, III, 20, 3:2; 27, 7:1;—wile, V, 2, 9.

mâyín, powerful, III, 20, 3.

Mâ´ruta, of the Maruts: sárdhah mâ´rutam, I, 127, 6; II, 1, 6; IV, 6, 10.

mârgâlyà, liking to be groomed, V, 1, 8.

mârd ká, mercy, I, 79, 9:3

mâ´-vat, like me, I, 142, 2.

mâ´hina, mighty, III, 6, 4; 7, 5.

mi, to erect: mîyámânah, III, 8, 3;—ni-mimyúh, they have fastened down, III, 8, 6; nímita, III, 8, 7.

miksh, to mix: mimikshati, I, 142, 3; ghritám mimikshe, he is joined with ghrita, II, 3, 11:2.

mitá-dru, measuredly running, IV, 6, 5.

mitrá, friend, I, (36, 17:1); 67, 1; 75, 4.—friend or Mitra, the god, I, 96, 1:3; II, 2, 3; 4, 1; III, 5, 3;—Mitra, the god, I, 26, 4; 36, 4; 44, 13; 58, 6; 77, 3:2; 79, 3; 94, 12:1; 13:1; 16; 95, 11; 98, 3; 141, 9; 143, 7; II, 1, 4; III, 4, 2; 6; 5, 9; 14, 4; IV, 1, 18; 2, 4; 3, 5; 5, 4; 6, 7:3; 13, 2; V, 3, 2; 2:3; 9, 6; 10, 2; 16, 1; 26, 9; mitrâ´, the two Mitras i. e. Mitra and Varuna, I, 36, 17:1; ksheshyántah ná mitrám, II. 4, 3:1; mitráh agníh bhavati, III, 5, 4.

mitra-mahas, great like Mitra, I, 44, 12; 58, 8; II, 1, 5; IV, 4, 15.

Mitrâ´várunau, du., Mitra and Varuna, I, 71, 9:2; 75, 5; III, 20, 5.

mítrya, belonging to one's allies, II, 6, 7.

mithás, mutually, I, 26, 9;—together, I, 68, 8.

mithuná, twin, I, 144, 4.

miyédha, sacrificial meal, III, 19, 1; 5.

miyédhya, sacrificial, I, 26, 1;—holy: I, 36, 9; 44, 5.

mish: ní mishati, he closes his eyes, III, 29, 14.

míh, mist, I, 79, 2; 141, 13.

mî, to break (a law): minanti, I, 69, 7; yásya vratám ná mî´yate, II, 8, 3;—to impair: minâti, I, 71, 10;—minát, fading, V, 2, 1:2;—â´ aminanta (Samhitâ text: °ntan̐), they were disparaged, I, 79, 2:1;—âmémyâne ity â-mémyâne, constantly destroying, I, 96, 5;—prá minanti, they diminish, III, 28, 4; pra-minatáh, trespassing, IV, 3, 13; prá minâ´ti, he destroys, V, 7, 4.

dhms, bountiful, I, 27, 2; II, 8, 1; III, 16, 3; IV, 3, 5; 5, 1; 15, 5.

muk, to loosen: múkyase, I, 31, 4.

múd, joy, I, 145, 4.

mumukshú, striving to break loose, I, 140, 4.

muhuh-gír, the sudden devourer, I, 128, 3.

mûrdhán, ahead: mûrdhâ´ diváh, I, 59, 2; III, 2, 14; mûrdhâ´nam tatápate, IV, 2, 6;—summit: mûrdhán yagñásya, II, 3, 2.

mri, to die: mamrúshîh, 1, 140, 8.

mri: prá mrinîhi, crush, IV, 4, 5.

mriktá-vâhas, carrying away injury, V, 18, 2:2.

mrigá, animal, 1, 145, 5.

mrik, to injure: markáyati, mrikshîshta. I, 147, 4; 5; V, 3, 7.

mrig, to rub: margáyantah, I, 60, 5; marmrigénya, to be smoothed down, I, 189, 7; II, 10, 1;—to clean, brighten: marmrigmá, III, 18, 4; marmrigata, IV, 1, p. 463 [paragraph continues] 14; mármrigatah, IV, 2, 19; margayema, IV, 4, 8; marmrigyánte, IV, 15, 6; margayanta, they have cleansed themselves, V, 3, 3:1;—to groom: mriganti, V, 1, 7; mrigyate, V, 1, 8;—pári marmrigyate, purifies, 1, 95, 8:2.

mrid, to be merciful: mrilaya, I, 12, 9; mrila, I, 36, 12; 94, 12; IV, 9, 1.

mrilayát-tama, most merciful, I, 94, 14.

mrilîká, mercy, IV, 1, 3; 5.

mris abhí mrisate, he strokes, I, 145, 4; ná abhi-mse, not to be touched, II, 10, 5.

mrish, to forgive: mîmrishah, I, 31, 16; to forget: mâ´ prá marshishthâh, I, 71, 10; ná tát pramshe, it should not be slighted, III, 9, 2.

melí, roaring (?), III, 26, 9:1; IV, 7, 11:2.

métri, builder, IV, 6, 2.

médas, fat, III, 21, 1; 2; 4; 5:1.

médha, sacrifice, I, 77, 3.

medhâ´, wisdom, V, 27, 4.

médhira, wise, 1, 31, 2; 127, 7; 142, 11; III, 1, 3; 21, 4.

médhya, holy, V, 1, 12.

Médhya-atithi, I, 36, 10:1; 11; 17:1.

ménâ, woman, I, 95, 6.

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