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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


sams, to recite: ásamsan, I, 67, 4; mánma samsi, II, 4, 8;—to teach: ritám sámsantah, III, 4, 7.

sámsa, curse, I, 27, 13:2; 94, 8; III, 18, 2; sámsât aghâ´t, from evil spell, I, 128, 5;—praise, I, 141, 6:4; 11; sámse nrinâ´m, III, 16, 4; ubhâ´ sámsâ, IV, 4, 14:1; sámsam âyóh, IV, 6, 11:2; V, 3, 4:2.

sak, to be able: saknávâma, I, 27, 13; sakéma yámam, 1, 73, 10:1; II, 5, 1:4; III, 27, 3; sakema sam-ídham, I, 94, 3;—to help to: sagdhi (with gen.), II, 2, 12; III, 16, 6; sagdhí svastáye, V, 17, 5.

sákti, skill: sáktî, I, 31, 18.

sagmá, mighty, I, 143, 8.

sakî-vat, full of power, III, 21, 4.

satá, hundred: satâ´ ka vimsatím ka, V, 27, 2:1.

satá-âtman, endowed with hundredfold life, I, 149, 3.

satadâ´van, giver of a hundred (bulls), V, 27, 6.

satá-dhâra, with a hundred rills, III, 26, 9.

satá-valsa, with a hundred branches, III, 8, 11.

sata-séya, attainment of hundredfold blessings, III, 18, 3.

satá-hima, living a hundred winters, II, 1, 11.

satá-himâ, pl., a hundred winters, I, 73, 9.

satín, hundredfold, I, 31, 10; II, 2, 9; satínîbhih, with his hundredfold blessings, I, 59, 7.

sátru, enemy: sátrum â-dabhúh, III, 16, 2:4.

satru-yát, being at enmity, V, 4, 5; 28, 3.

sad, to be glorious: sâsadré, I, 141, 9.

saphá, hoof, V, 6, 7.

sam, to toil (esp. in performing worship): sasamâná, who has toiled hard, I, 141, 10; 142, 2; III, 18, 4; IV, 2, 9; 13; asamishthâh, III, 29, 16; ásamishta, he toiled, V, 2, 7.

sám, bliss, luck: sám yóh, with luck and weal, I, 189, 2; III, 17, 3; 18, 4; IV, 12, 5; sám nah soka, III, 13, 6; sám kridhi, IV, 1, 3; sám ásti, he satisfies, V, 7, 9; sám hridé, V, 11, 5.

samây, to toil: sam-âyé, III, 1, 1.

sámi, toiling, (sacrificial) work: sámyâ, II, I, 9:1; sámyai (read sámyâh?), IV, 3, 4:1.

samit, the sacrificial butcher, or slaughterer, (I, 13, 12:1); II, 3, 10; III, 4, 10.

sam-gayá, bringing happiness to our home, II, 1, 6.

sam-tama, most agreeable, beneficial, blissful, I, 76, 1:1; 77, 2; 128, 7; III, 13, 4.

Sámbara, I, 59, 6.

sam-bhú, refreshing, I, 65, 5; bringing luck, III, 17, 5.

sayú, reposing, I, 31, 2.

saráni, fault (?), I, 31, 16:1.

sarád, autumn: tisráh sarádah, I, 72, 3.

sáru, weapon, IV, 3, 7.

sárdha, host, I, 71, 8:6; IV, 1, 12:[1, 3]; sárdhâya marútâm, IV, 3, 8.

sárdhas, host: sárdhah mâ´rutam, I, p. 475 127, 6; II, 1, 6; IV, 6, 10; marútâm sárdhah, II, 3, 3; narâ´m sárdhah, II, 1, 5:4; sárdhah divyám, III, 19, 4;—sárdhah, m. or n.? IV, 1, 12:[1, 3].

sarman, shelter, protection, I, 58, 8, &c.; sármani syâm, III, 15, 1; ákkhidrâ sárma, III, 15, 5:1.

sarma-sád, sitting under shelter, I, 73, 3.

sáryâ, arrow, I, 148, 4.

sávas, strength, might, power: sávasâ (conj. sávasah), I, 27, 2:1, &c.; sávasah sushmínah pátih, I, 145, 1. savasah pate, V, 6, 9.

sávishtha, most powerful, I, 77, 4; mightiest, I, 127, 11.

sásvat: sásvatâ tánâ, constantly, I, 26, 6:1; sásvatîh, constant, 1, 27, 7; gánâya sásvate, all people, I, 36, 19; sásvatah, many, I, 72, 1:1.

sasvat-tamám, for ever, III, 1, 23.

sastí, hymn, praise, IV, 3, 3; 15.

sâ, to sharpen, further: sisîhi, III, 16, 3:1; 24, 5:1; sísîte, V, 2, 9; 9, 5;—áti sísîte, I, 36, 16;—nisíshat, he stirs up, IV, 2, 7:1.

sâká, powerful, V, 25, 2:1.

Sâta-vaneyá, N. pr., I, 59, 7.

sâs, to teach, instruct: sasâsuh, III, 1, 2; IV, 2, 12;—ánu-sishta, instructed, V, 2, 8;—prá sâ´ssi, thou instructest, I, 31, 14; prasâ´sat, commanding, I, 95, 3.

sâ´s, command, I, 68, 9.

sâ´sana, command, III, 7, 5.

sâ´sanî, teacher, I, 31, 11.

sâ´sus, command, instruction, I, 60, 2; 73, 1.

sâ´sya, governable, I, 189, 7:4.

síkvan, plur., locks of flames, I, 141, 8:1.

siksh, to help one to, to favour with a thing (gen.): síksha, I, 27, 5; III, 19, 3; yáh te síkshât, who does service to thee, I, 68, 6:1.

sikshú, rich in favours: sikshóh (conj. siksho), III, 19, 3:1.

siti-prishthá, white-backed, III, 7, 1:1.

símî-vat, powerful (?), I, 141, 13;1.

sírinâ? II, 10, 3:3.

sivá, kind, bounteous, gracious, blessed: I, 31, 1; 79, 2; 143, 8; III, 1, 9; 19; IV, 10, 8; 11, 6; V, 24, 1.

sísu, the young one: pasúhsísvâ, like a pregnant cow, (I, 65, 10:1); young calf, I, 96, 5:1; the young child (Agni), I, 140, 3; 145, 3; V, 9, 3; a foal, III, 1, 4; diváh sísum, (Soma) the child of heaven, IV, 15, 6:2.

sísu-matî, the mother of the young child, I, 140, 10:1.

sísvan (?), young: pasúhsísvâ, I, 65, 10:1.

sîrá, sharp, III, 9, 8.

sukrá, bright, I, 12, 12, &c.;—brightness: sukrâ´ vásânâh, III, 8, 9.

sukrá-varna, whose colour is bright, I, 140, 1; 143, 7.

sukrá-sokis, brightly shining, II, 2, 3.

suk, to shine forth, flame up: sókasva, I, 36, 9; susukvâ´n, flaming, I, 69, 1; sukáyantah, the resplendent ones, I, 147, 1; susukâná, I, 149, 4; sám nah soka, III, 13, 6; ásokat, III, 29, 14; sukádhyai, IV, 2, 1:1;—to kindle: sukántah agním, IV, 2, 17;—ápa nah sósukat aghám, driving away evil with thy light, I, 97, 1–8;—susugdhí â´ rayím, shine upon us with wealth, I, 91, 1;—ví sósukânah, flaming, III, 15, 1.

súk, flash: sukâ´-sukâ, flash by flash, III, 4, 1.

súki, brilliant, bright, I, 31, 17, &c.; V, 7, 8:1; súkim súkayah, I, 72, 3:1; súki ít (for sûkim ít?), IV, 2, 16:2.

súki-ganman, whose birth is bright, I, 141, 7.

súki-gihva, pure-tongued, II, 9, 1.

súki-dant, with brilliant teeth, V, 7, 7.

súki-pesas, brightly adorned, I, 144, I.

súki-pratîka, whose face is bright, I, 143, 6.

súki-bhrâgas, brightly resplendent, I, 79, 1.

súki-varna, brilliant-coloured, V, 2, 3.

Súnah-sépa, V, 2, 7.

sunám, prosperously, IV, 3, 11.

subh, to adorn, beautify: sumbhánti, V, 10, 4:1; 22, 4.

súbh, a triumphal procession, I, 127, 6; III, 26, 4:3.

subham-yâ´, going in triumph, IV, 3, 6:2.

subhrá, beautiful, III, 26, 2.

surúdh, gift, 1, 72, 7:2.

sush, see svas.

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súshka, dry (wood), I, 68, 3.

súshma, roaring, IV, 10, 4;—power, V, 10, 4; 16, 3.

sushmín, mighty, powerful, 1, 145, 1; III, 16, 3; V, 10, 4.

sushmín-tama, strongest, I, 127, 9.

sû´ra, mighty, I, 70, 11;—hero, IV, 3, 15.

sû´ra-sâti, strife of heroes: sû´ra-sâtâ, I, 31, 6.

sûshá, song of praise, III, 7, 6.

sṅga, horn, III, 8, 10; V, 2, 9.

sriṅgín, horned animal, III, 8, 10.

sridh: sardha, show thy prowess, V, 28, 3.

séva, a kind friend, I, 58, 6; 69, 4; 73, 2;—friendship, III, 7, 5.

sé-vridha, joy-furthering, III, 16, 2.

sésha, offspring, V, 12, 6.

sóka, flame, IV, 6, 5.

sokíh-kesa, whose hair is flame, I, 45, 6; 127, 2; III, 14, 1; 17, 1; 27, 4; V, 8, 2.

sokishtha, brightest, V, 24, 4.

sokíshmat, flaming, II, 4, 7.

sokís, splendour, flame, I, 12, 12, &c.

skut, to drip down: skotanti, III, 1, 8; 21, 2; 4; 5.

syâ´va, dark: syâ´vîm (conj. syâ´vîh?), I, 71, 1:2; syâvâ´, the two tawny horses, II, 10, 2.

syetá, reddish, I, 71, 4.

syená, hawk, IV, 6, 10.

syénî, the reddish white one, I, 140, 9:2.

srath, to let loose: sisrathat, I, 128, 6;—ví sisrathah, release from, IV, 12, 4.

sram: sasramânáh, toiling, IV, 12, 2.

sramayú, wearying oneself, I, 72, 2.

sravayát-pati, who brings renown to his lord, V, 25, 5:1.

srávas, glory, renown, I, 31, 7, &c.; srávase, I, 73, 5:2.

sravasyà, glorious, II, 10, 1.

sravasyát, aspiring to renown, I, 128, 1.

sravasyâ´, desire of glory, I, 128, 6; 149, 5.

sravasyú, glorious, V, 9, 2.

sravâ´yya, glorious, celebrated, I, 27, 8; 31, 5; V, 20, 1.

srâ, see srî.

sri, to rest, abide: asi sritáh, I, 75, 3; III, 9, 3; sisriyâná, dwelling here and there, V, 11, 6;—asret, he has spread forth, established, III, 14, 1; 19, 2;—to send: ûrdhvám asret, he has sent upwards, IV, 6, 2; 13, 2; 14, 2; asret, he has sent, V, 1, 22; 28, 1;—út srayasva, rise up, III, 8, 2;—with ví, to open (intr.): ví srayantâm, I, 13, 6; 142, 6; II, 3, 5; ví srayadhvam, V, 5, 5.

srî, to cook: snán, I, 68, 1:1; sisrîtá, he has ripened, I, 149, 2; snîshe, thou warmest, V, 6, 9.

srî´, splendour, beauty, glory, I, 72, 10:2, &c.; sríyam vásânah, II, 10, 1; sriyé, gloriously, IV, 5, 15.

sru, to hear: srudhi, I, 26, 5, &c.; srúvat (conj. srúvat), it melts away, I, 127, 3:4; sróshamânâh, hearing, III, 8, 10;—ví srinvire, they are renowned, IV, 8, 6.

srúti, glory, II, 2, 7.

srut-karna, with attentive ears, I, 44, 13; 45, 7.

srútya, glorious, I, 36, 12.

srushtí, obedience, I, 67, 1:2; III, 9, 8;—hearing, readiness to hear, I, 69, 7; II, 3, 9; 9, 4.

srushtî-van, ready to listen, hearing, I, 45, 2; III, 27, 2;—obedient, I, 127, 9.

sreni-sás, in rows, III, 8, 9.

svas, to hiss: svásiti ap-sú, I, 65, 9;—abhi-svasán, panting, I, 140, 5;—âsushânâ´h, aspiring after, I, 147, 1; IV, 2, 14; 16.

svásîvat, mightily breathing, I, 140, 10.

svâtrá, power (?), I, 31, 4:2.

svântá? I, 145, 4:4.

svetá, white (horse?), I, 66, 6:1;—svetám gagñânám, who had been born white (Agni), III, 1, 4.

Svaitreyá, V, 19, 3:1.

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