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Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE46), by Hermann Oldenberg [1897], at


samyát-vîra, with a succession of valiant men, II, 4, 8.

samvatsará, year: samvatsaré, after a year, I, 140, 2:3.

sákman, company: sákman (loc.), I, 31, 6:4.

sa-kshíta, dwelling together, I, 140, 3.

sákhi, friend, I, 31, 1; 75, 4; III, 9, 1:1; sákhâ sákhye, I, 26, 3; III, 18, 1; sákhâ sákhyuh nimíshi rákshamânâh, I, 72, 5:4; gúhâ sákhi-bhih, III, I, 9:3.

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sakhi-yát, wishing to be a friend, I, 128, 1.

sakhyá, friendship, I, 26, 5; 71, 10; 94, 1–14; III, 9, 3; IV, 10, 8.

sagh, to sustain: ásaghnoh, I, 31, 3.

sak (sask), to be united with, accompany: sákasva nah, stay with us, I, 1, 9; sakase, II, I, 3; saskire, II, 1, 13;—to attend, worship: sakante, I, 59, 6; sákanta, I, 73, 4; sakantâm, I, 98, 3;—to follow: sakante, I, 60, 2; sisakshi, I, 73, 8;—to hold, cling, adhere: sisakti, I, 66, 2; sakate (krátvâ), I, 145, 2; sákante, III, 13, 2; saskata, III, 16, 2;—sakanta, they have attained, V, 17, 5:1;—ánu sakate vartanî´h, she follows her ways, I, 140, 9:3;—ápa saskire, they turn away to encounter, V, 20, 2;—abhí sakante, go towards, I, 71, 7:1;—â´ sâ´kyam, whom men should attach to themselves, I, 140, 3.

sá-kanas, graciously united, I, 127, 11.

kâ, together with: sákâ sán, being attached, I, 71, 4;—III, 12, 2; IV, 5, 10.

sa-gâtyà, relationship, II, 1, 5:2.

sa-gítvan: sa-gítvânâ, united conquerors, III, 12, 4.

sa-gúsh, united with: sa-gû´h, I, 44, 2; 14.

sa-gósha, unanimous, concordant, I, 65, 2; 72, 6.

sa-góshas, in concord with, unanimous, III, 4, 8; 8, 8; 20, 1; 22, 4; IV, 5, 1; V, 4, 4; 21, 3; 23, 3.

mgñâta-rûpa, of familiar form, I, 69, 9.

sáttri, sitting down, III, 17, 5.

sát-pati, lord of beings, II, 1, 4;—a good lord, V, 25, 6; 27, 1.

satyá, true, truthful, I, 1, 5; 73, 2; 79, I; 98, 3; krinván satyâ´, I, 70, 8; satyám, true (fulfilment), IV, 1, 18;—satyám, verily, I, 1, 6;—efficacious, I, 67, 5;—real, IV, 1, 10.

satyá-girvâhas, truly carried by prayers as by a vehicle, I, 127, 8:1.

satyá-tara, highly truthful, I, 76, 5; III, 4, 10.

satyá-tâti, truth, IV, 4, 14.

satyá-dharman, whose ordinances are true, I, 12, 7.

satyá-manman, truthful, I, 73, 2.

satya-yág, truly sacrificing, IV, 3, 1.

satya-vâ´k, truth-speaking, III, 26, 9.

satyá-sushma, truly strong, I, 59, 4; IV, 11, 4.

satrâ´, altogether, 1, 71, 9;—together: satrâ´ kakrânáh, I, 72, 1.

satrâ-sáha, always conquering, I, 79, 7.

sátvan, warrior, I, 140, 9; IV, 13, 2:3.

sad, to sit: úpa sîdan, they reverentially approached, I, 72, 5;—pari-sádantah, besieging, IV, 2, 17:4.

sádana, (priestly) seat, I, 31, 17;—seat, abode, I, 95, 8; 96, 7.

sa-ds, of like appearance, I, 94, 7.

sádman, seat, I, 67, 10; the (sacrificial) seat, I, 73, 1; IV, 1, 8; 9, 3; V, 23, 3.

sadyáh-artha, immediately successful, I, 60, 1.

sadyás, instantly, I, 27, 6, &c.; quickly, I, 71, 9:1.

sadhani-tvá, companionship, IV, 1, 9.

sa-dhanî´, companion: sa-dhanyàh, IV, 4, 14.

sadha-mâ´d, rejoicing, V, 20, 4.

sadha-mâ´dya, sharing in rejoicings, IV, 3, 4.

sadhá-stuti, song of praise, V, 18, 5:1.

sadhá-stha, abode, II, 9, 3; III, 6, 4; 7, 4; 12, 8; 23, 1; 25, 5; apâ´m sadhá-sthe, I, 149, 4; II, 4, 2; trî´ sadhá-sthâ, III, 20, 2.

sadhryàñk, together, IV, 4, 12.

san, to win: sanéma, I, 73, 5; 189, 8; sanishyán, sanishyántah, desirous of winning, III, 2, 3:1; 4; 13, 2; sanishâmahe, III, 11, 9; sasa-vâ´n, having obtained, III, 22, 1; sasa-vâ´msah, successful, IV, 8, 6; sanishanta, they were successful, V, 12, 4;—see also sâ.

sána, old, I, (27, 13:1); 95, 10; III, 1, 6; 20.

sanakâ´t, from of old, III, 29, 14.

sanátâ, from of old, II, 3, 6; III, 3, 1.

sanáya, ancient, III, 20, 4.

sánara, united with strong men, I, 96, 8:1.

sána-sruta, old-renowned, III, 11, 4.

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sanâ-gú, inciting from old, I, 141, 5:3.

saní, efficient, I, 27, 4;—saní, gain: sanáye, I, 31, 8; saním góh, the acquiring of the cow, III, 1, 23; saním yaté, V, 27, 4.

sánitri, a gainer, winner: sánitâ, I, 27, 9; 36, 13; sanitúh, V, 12, 3.

sá-nîla, dwelling in the same nest, I, 69, 6; 71, 1.

sanutár, far, V, 2, 4.

sánemi, entirely, IV, 10, 7.

santya (voc.), good, I, 36, 2; 45, 5; 9; III, 21, 3.

sap, to serve, worship: ritâ´ sápantah, I, 67, 8; 68, 4; sapema, IV, 4, 9; sapâmi, V, 12, 2; sápâti (Pada: sah pâti), V, 12, 6:1;—to attach oneself: sapanta, V, 3, 4.

sapátnî, the two wives, III, 1, 10:3; 6, 4.

sapary, to worship, do service: saparyáti, I 12, 8; saparyâ´mi práyasâ, I, 58, 7:3; saparyâ´n, I, 72, 3:2; saparyátah, I, 144, 4; saparyéma saparyávah, II, 6, 3; saparyata, III, 9, 8; V, 14, 5; 25, 4; asaparyan, III, 9, 9; saparyántah, V, 21, 3;—â´ saparyán, IV, 22, 2;—ví saparyan, I, 70, 10.

saparyú, devoted servant, II, 6, 3.

saptá-gihva, seven-tongued, III, 6, 2:2.

saptá-dhâtu, consisting of seven elements, IV, 5, 6:2.

saptán, seven: saptá guhvàh, I, 58, 7; yahvî´h, I, 71, 7; 72, 8:1; III, 1, 4:1; rasmáyah, II, 5, 2:1; vâ´nîh, III, 1, 6:1; 7, 1:1;. hotrâ´ni, III, 4, 5:2; prikshâ´sah, III, 4, 7:1; viprâh, III, 7, 7; IV, 2, 15:1; hótri-bhih, III, 10, 4:1; priyâ´sah, IV, 1, 12; dhâ´ma-bhih, IV, 7, 5:1; rátnâ, V, 1, 5;—tríh saptá, I, 72, 6:1; IV, 1, 16:1.

saptá-rasmi, having seven rays (or reins), I, 146, 1:1.

saptá-siva: saptá-sivâsu, read: saptá sivâ´su, I, 141, 2:3.

saptá-sîrshan, seven-headed, III, 5, 5:3.

saptá-hotri, the god of the seven Hotris, III, (10, 4:1); 29, 14.

sápti, racer: átyam ná sáptim, III, 22, 1:1.

sapráthah-tama, most widely extended, I, 45, 7:2; most widely-sounding, 1, 75, 1:1; most wide-reaching, I, 94, 13.

sa-práthas, widely extended: sárma sa-práthah, a big shelter, I, 142, 5;—V, 13, 4.

sabah-dúgha, juice-yielding, 111, 6, 4:4.

sábandhu, bound in kinship, III, 1, 10.

sa-bâ´dh, pressing: sa-bâ´dhah â´ kakruh, III, 27, 6:1.

sa-bâ´dhas, urgent, V, 10, 6.

sabhâ´-vat, with (brilliant) assemblies, IV, 2, 5.

sám, together: yasásah sám hí pûrvî´h, many glorious ones have come together, III, 1, 11:3.

sama, every, V, 24, 3.

samád, contest: tvesháh samát-su, I, 66, 6; 70, 11.

sá-manas, one-minded, V, 3, 2.

samanâ´, alike, IV, 5, 7.

sám-antam, in the neighbourhood of, V, 1, 11.

sa-manyú, concordant, IV, 1, 1.

samáyâ, through the midst, I, 73, 6.

sa-maryá, assembly, III, 8, 5;—contest, V, 3, 6.

samâná, companion, I, 69, 8:1;—common, I, 127, 8, &c.; samânám ártham, I, 144, 3:2.

sám-iti, meeting, I, 95, 8.

sam-ithá, battle, I, 73, 5;—assembly, III, 1, 12.

sam-ídh, log of wood, fuel, I, 95, 11; II, 6, 1; III, 1, 2; 10, 3; IV, 4, 15; V, 1, 1; 4, 4; 6, 4:2; tisráh sam-ídhah, III, 2, 9; samít-samit, log by log, III, 4, 1:1.

samudrá, ocean, I, 71, 7; 95, 3:1.

sám-riti, battle, I, 31, 6;—onslaught, I, 127, 3:3; V, 7, 2:1.

sám-okas, dwelling together, 1, 144, 4.

sam-gámana, assembler, I, 96, 6.

sam-tarutra, victorious, III, I, 29.

sam-ds, the shine (of the sun), I, 66, 1;—appearance,, aspect, II, 1, 12; III, 5, 2; IV, 1, 6; 6, 6.

sám-drishti, aspect, I, 144, 7; II, 4, 4; IV, 10, 5.

sam-bhúga, enjoyment, (II, 1, 4:1).

sam-misla, united, III, 26, 4:2.

samyáñk, turned towards each other: samîkî´ íti sam-îkî´, I, 69, 1; 96, 5:2; II, 3, 6; III, 1, 7:1;—united: p. 479 sam-îkî´h, III, 29, 13; samyáñkam, V, 7, 1.

sam-yát: kshápah sam-yátah, on continuous nights, II, 2, 2:3.

sam-râ´g, the Sovereign, 1, 188, 5; III, 10, 1.

sam-râ´gat, king: sam-râ´gantam, I, 27, 1.

sam-vát, space, V, 15, 3.

sam-sád, companionship, I, 94, 1;—assembly, IV, 1, 8.

sam-stír, laid together: sam-stírah vi-stírah, I, 140, 7:1.

sam-sthá, abode, V, 3, 8.

sam-hát, a compact mass, III, 1, 7.

sayâ´van, accompanying, I, 44, 13.

sá-yoni, having the same origin, III, 1, 6.

sarany, to speed: saranyán, III, 1, 19.

sa-rátham, on one chariot with, I, 71, 6:3; III, 4, 11; 6, 9; V, 11, 2.

Sarámâ, I, 72, 8.

Sárasvatî, N. of a goddess, I, 13, 9:1; 142, 9; 188, 8; II, 1, 11:[1, 2]; 3, 8; III, 4, 8; V, 5, 8;—N. of a river, III, 23, 4.

sárîman, swift course, III, 29, 11:2.

sárga, rush: vâ´tasya sárgah, III, 29, 11:2;—the letting loose, IV, 3, 12.

sárga-pratakta, urged forward, I, 65, 6.

sarpíh-âsuti, drinking butter, II, 7, 6; V, 7, 9; 21, 2.

sarpís, butter, I, 127, 1; V, 6, 9.

sarvá-tâti, health and wealth, I, 94, 15.

sávana, libation, III, 1, 20; tritî´ye sávane, III, 28, 5; mâ´dhyandine sávane, III, 28, 4.

sá-vayas, of the same age, I, 144, 3:1; 4.

Savit, I, 36, 13; 44, 8; 73, 2; 95, 7:1; II, 1, 7; III, 20, 5; IV, 6, 2; 13, 2; 14, 2.

sask, see sak.

saskát, hindrance, III, 9, 4:1.

sasá, herbs, III, 5, 6:2; IV, 5, 7:1; 7, 7:1; V, 21, 4:2.

sasahí, victorious, III, 16, 4.

sásni, victorious, III, 15, 5.

sa-srút, flowing, I, 141, 1.

sah, to overcome, be victorious: sahvâ´n, III, 11, 6; sáhasva, III, 24, 1; ásahanta, III, 29, 9; sasâ´ha, V, 25, 6;—abhí sasáhat, it may prevail, V, 23, 1;—nih-sáhamânah, conquering, I, 127, 3;—pra-sákshat, victorious, IV, 12, 1.

sahah-krita, produced by strength, I, 45, 9; III, 27, 10; V, 8, 1.

sahah-gâ, strength-begotten, I, 58, 1.

sahah-vdh, augmenter of strength, I, 36, 2; III, 10, 9.

sáhan-tama, mightiest, I, 127, 9.

sahantya, conqueror, I, 27, 8.

sáhamâna, victorious, IV, 6, 10.

sáhas, strength: sahasah yaho íti, I, 26, 10:1; 74, 5:1; 79, 4; sûno íti sahasah, I, 58, 8; 127, 1; 143, I; III, 1, 8; 11, 4; 24, 3; 25, 5; 28, 3; 5; IV, 2, 2; II, 6; V, 3, 9; 4, 8; sáhasâ gâ´yamânah, I, 96, 1:1; sáhasah yátah gáni, I, 141, 1; sahasah yuvan, O young (son) of strength, I, 141, 10; sáhasah putráh, II, 7, 6; III, 14, 1; 4; 6; 16, 5; 18, 4; V, 3, 1; 6; 4, 6; 11, 6;—sáhah, (Agni our) strength, I, 36, 18;—sáhasâ, strongly, I, 98, 2;—might, power, I, 127, 9; 10; V, 1, 8; devásya sáhasâ, V, 3, 10; abhí-mâti sáhah dadhé, V, 23, 4:1;—violence, V, 12, 2.

sahasâná, mighty, strong, I, 189, 8; II, 10, 6; V, 25, 9.

sáhasâ-vat, mighty, strong, 1, 189, 5; III, 1, 22; V, 20, 4.

sahasin, strong, IV, 11, 1.

sahasya, strong, I, 147, 5; II, 2, 11; V, 22, 4.

sahásra, thousand: sahásrâni satâ´ dása, II, 1, 8; sahásrât yû´pât, V, 2, 7; dasá-bhih sahásraih, V, 27, 1:3.

sahasra-akshá, thousand-eyed, I, 79, 12.

sahasra-git, conqueror of thousandfold wealth, I, 188, I; V, 26, 6.

sahasram-bhará, bringing thousandfold gain, II, 9, 1.

sahásra-retas, with thousandfold sperm, IV, 5, 3.

sahásra-vat, thousandfold, III, 13, 7.

sahásra-valsa, with a thousand branches, III, 8, 11.

sahásra-vîra, blessing with a thousand men, I, 188, 4:1.

sahásra-sriṅga, with a thousand horns, V, 1, 8.

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sahasra-sâ´, a winner of thousandfold bliss, I, 188, 3.

sahasra-sâ´tama, the greatest winner of thousandfold wealth, III, 13, 6.

sahasrín, thousandfold, I, 31, 10; 188, 2; II, 2, 7.

sáhasvat, mighty, strong, I, 97, 5; 127, 10; 189, 4; III, 14, 2; 4; V, 7, 1; 9, 7; 23, 2.

sáhîyas, mightier, I, 71, 4.

sáhûti, joint invocation, I, 45, 10.

sahvát, strong, I, 58, 5.

sâ: sísâsantah, wishing to acquire, I, 146, 4.

sâ: ánava-syantah ártham, never losing their object, IV, 13, 3;—ví syatu, may he pour forth, I, 142, 10; pra-gâ´m ví syatu, may he deliver a son, II, 3, 9; ví syasva, send forth, III, 4, 9; ví sâhi, disclose, IV, 11, 2.

sâtí, acquirement (of wealth), success, I, 36, 17; 143, 6; V, 5, 4; 9, 7.

sâ´tu, womb, mother (?), IV, 6, 7:1.

sâdh, to prosper (intr.): sâdhati, I, 94, 2;—sâ´dhate matíh, the prayer goes straight to him, I, 141, 1:2; sâdhan, straightway, III, I, 17;—to prosper (tr.), further: sâdháya, I, 94, 3; pra-tarám sâdhaya, I, 94, 4; sâdhan, I, 96, 1;—to accomplish, perform: sâdháyantî dhíyam, II, 3, 8; sâ´dhan, III, 1, 18; 5, 3.

sâ´dhat-ishti, accomplishing the oblations, III, 2, 5; 3, 6.

sâ´dhana, performer: yagñásya (vidáthasya) sâ´dhanam, I, 44, 11; III, 3, 3; 27, 2; 8;—giver, V, 20, 3.

sâ´dhishtha, best, I, 58, 1.

sâdhú, good, I, 67, 2;—going straight (to his aim), I, 70, 11; straightforward, I, 77, 3; III, 18, 1;—real, IV, 10, 2; efficacious, V, 1, 7.

sâdhu-yâ´, straightway, V, 11, 4.

sânasí, successful, winning (booty), I, 75, 2; IV, 15, 6.

sâ´nu, ridge, I, 128, 3; diváh ná sâ´nu, I, 58, 2; ádhi sâ´nushu trishú, II, 3, 7;—surface, I, 146, 2;—top, III, 5, 3.

sâ´man, song: ritásya sâ´man, I, 147, 1:4;—the Sâman, IV, 5, 3.

sâ´m-râgya, sovereignty, I, 141, 13.

sâ´rathi, charioteer (Agni), I, 144, 3:4.

sârasvatá, beings belonging to Sarasvatî, III, 4, 8.

Sâha-devyá, Sahadeva's son, IV, 15, 7–10.

simhá, lion, I, 95, 5; III, 9, 4; 11, 26, 5; V, 15, 3.

k, wing (of an army): síkau, 1, 95, 7:2.

si(ñ)k: ní-siktam, poured down, I, 71, 8;—pári-sikta, poured, IV, 1, 19.

sitá, bound: padí sitâ´m, IV, 12, 6.

sidh, to scare away: sedhati, I, 79, 12.

sidhrá, successful, I, 142, 8; effective, V, 13, 2.

síndhu, river, stream, I, 27, 6; 72, 10; 73, 6; 97, 8; 99, 1; 143, 3; 146, 4:3; III, 5, 4; V, 4, 9; gâmíh síndhûnâm, I, 65, 7; pl., the Rivers, I, 140, 13;—the river Sindhu, I, 44, 12:1; 94, 16; 95, 11; 98, 3; V, 11, 5; síndhuh ná kshódah, I, 65, 6:1; 10.

simá, self, I, 95, 7:3; 145, 2:1.

sîv, see syû.

su, to bear. See sû.

su, to press Soma: sunvatah, I, 94, 8; sunavâ´ma, 1, 99, 1; sunvaté, I, 141, 10; V, 26, 5; sómam sutám, III, 22, 1.

su-agní, possessed of a good Agni (fire): su-agnáyah, I, 26, 7; 8 (bis).

su-áñk, fleet, IV, 6, 9.

su-adhvará, best performer of worship, I, 44, 8; 127, 1; II, 2, 8; III, 2, 8; 9, 8; V, 9, 3; 28, 5;—receiving good sacrifices, I, 45, 1:1;—yagñé su-adhvaré, at the decorous service of the sacrifice, I, 142, 5;—splendid worship, III, 6, 6; 29, 12; V, 17, 1.

su-anîka, with beautiful face, II, 1, 8; IV, 6, 6.

su-apatyá, with good offspring, I, 72, 9:2; II, 2; 12; 4, 8; 9, 5;—blessed with offspring, III, 3, 7; consisting in offspring, III, 16, 1;—good offspring, III, 19, 3.

su-ápas, good worker, IV, 2, 19; V, 2, 11.

su-apasyâ´, great skill, III, 3, 11.

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su-apâka, most skilful, IV, 3, 2:3.

su-arkís, endowed with beautiful light, II, 3, 2.

su-ártha, pursuing a good aim, I, 95, 1;—well-employed, I, 141, 11.

su-ávas, giving good help, V, 8, 2.

su-ásva, with good horses, IV, 2, 4;—rich in horses, IV, 4, 8; 10.

su-ásvya, abundance in horses, II, 1, 5; III, 26, 3.

su-âdhî´, of a good mind, kind, well-wishing, I, 67, 2; 70, 4:2; 71, 8;—with good intentions, I, 72, 8; IV, 3, 4;—full of pious thoughts, III, 8, 4;—longing, V, 14, 6.

su-âbhû´, truly helpful: râyé su-âbhúvam, V, 6, 3:1.

su-â´sa, whose mouth is beautiful, IV, 6, 8.

sú-âhuta, best receiver of offerings, I, 44, 4; 6; III, 27, 5.

su-uktá, well-spoken (prayer), I, 36, 1; 70, 5; II, 6, 2.

su-upâyaná, easy of access, I, 1, 9.

su-kárman, well performing the acts (of worship), IV, 2, 17.

su-kîrtí, beautiful praise, I, 60, 3;—glory, V, 10, 4.

su-kt, well-doing: su-kte su-kt-tarah, I, 31, 4; righteous, I, 128, 6; who has done good deeds, 147, 3:2; virtuous, well-doer, IV, 13, 1; V, 4, 8; 11.

su-kritá, good works, III, 29, 8.

su-ketú, bright, III, 7, 10.

su-krátu, highly wise, I, 12, 1; 128, 4; III, I, 22; IV, 4, 11; V, 11, 2; 20, 4; 25, 9;—full of good-will, I, 141, 11; 144, 7; III, 3, 7.

sukratu-yâ´, high wisdom, I, 31, 3.

su-kshití, with fine dwellings, V, 6, 8.

su-kshetriyâ´, desire for rich fields, I, 97, 2.

su-khá, easy-going, V, 5, 3.

sukhá-tama, easy-moving: sukhá-tame (ráthe), I, 13, 4.

su-gá, a good path, I, 94, 9;—going well, I, 94, 11.

sugâtu-yâ´, desire for a free path, I, 97, 2.

so-gârhapatyá, with a good household, V, 4, 2:1.

su-kandrá, resplendent, I, 74; 6; IV, 2, 19; V, 6, 5; 9.

su-ketúnâ, through thy kindness, I, 79, 9:1; benignantly, I, 127, 11.

sú-gâta, well born, I, 65, 4; 72, 3:1; II, 1, 15; 2, 11; 6, 2; III, 15, 2; 23, 3; V, 6, 2; 21, 2.

su-gihvá, with beautiful tongue(s), I, 13, 8; 142, 4.

su gûrní, glowing, IV, 6, 3.

su-gyótis, rich in light, III, 20, 1.

sutá, the pressed (Soma), III, 12, 1; 2.

sutá-vat, rich in pressed (Soma), III, 25, 4.

sutá-soma, having pressed Soma, I, 44, 8; 45, 8; 142, 1; IV, 2, 13.

su-túka, quick, I, 149, 5.

su-dámsas, endowed with wonderful power, II, 2, 3.

su-dáksha, highly dexterous, II, 9, 1; III, 4, 9; 23, 2; V, 11, 1.

sudársa-tara, more visible, I, 127, 5:3.

su-dâ´nu, giving good rain, I, 44, 14; 45, 10; 141, 9; III, 26, 1; 5; 29, 7;—blessed with good rain, IV, 4, 7.

su-dâ´van, good giver, I, 76, 3.

su-dína, auspicious day, IV, 4, 6; 7.

sudina-tvá, auspiciousness of days, III, 8, 5; sudina-tvé áhnâm, III, 23, 4.

su-dî´diti, with fine splendour, III, 9, 1:2.

su-dîtí, resplendent, III, 2, 13; 17, 4; 27, 10; V, 25, 2;—glorious splendour, V, 8, 4.

sudúgha, flowing with plenty, II, 3, 6; su-dúghâh usrâ´h, IV, 1, 13.

su-ds, full of beauty, III, 57, 4; V, 3, 4:1.

su-dsîka, beautiful to behold, V, 4, 2.

sudsîka-rûpa, with his shape beautiful to behold, IV, 5, 15.

su-devá, a friend of the gods, I, 74, 5.

su-dógha, rich in milk, III, 15, 6.

su-dyút, brilliant, I, 140, 1; 143, 3.

su-dyumná, splendid, III, 19, 2.

su-dyótman, brilliant, I, 141, 12; II, 4, 1.

su-dravinas, possessor of beautiful wealth, I, 94, 15.

sû-dhita, well-composed (prayer), I, 140, 11;—blissful gift, III, 11, 8;—well-preserved, III, 23, 1; lying safe, III, 29, 2;—well-ordered, IV, 2, 10;—well-placed, p. 482 IV, 6, 3; well-established, IV, 6, 7:3; V, 3, 2.

su-dhî´, wise, IV, 2, 14.

su-dhúr, well-harnessed: râyáh sudhúrah, I, 73, 10:1; hárî íti sudhúrâ, well-yoked, V, 27, 2.

sunih-máth, skilful rubbing, III, 29, 12.

su-nidhâ´, skilful establishing, III, 29, 12.

su-nîthá, the best leader, II, 8, 2; III, 8, 8.

su-pátha, good path, I, 189, 1.

su-parná, beautifully-winged, I, 79, 2.

su-pâní, with graceful hands, I, 71, 9:2.

su-putrá, with noble sons, III, 4, 11.

sû-pûta, well-clarified, V, 12, 1.

su-pésas, wearing beautiful ornaments, I, 13, 7; 142, 7:1; 188, 6.

supra-ayaná, easily passable, II, 3, 5; V, 5, 5.

supra-avyà, ready, I, 60, 1.

su-prátîka, whose face is beautiful, I, 94, 7; 143, 3; III, 29, 5; V, 5, 6.

su-prátûrti, gloriously advancing, III, 9, 1.

su-pránîti, a good guide, I, 73, 1; III, 1, 16; 15, 4; IV, 2, 13.

su-prayás, receiver of good offerings, II, 2, 1; 4, 1.

su-bándhu, well-allied, III, 1, 3.

su-barhís, possessor of good sacrificial grass, I, 74, 5.

su-bhága, blessed, I, 36, 6; III, 1, 4; 13; 9, 1:2; 16, 6; 18, 5; IV, 1, 6;4, 7; V, 8, 3.

su-bhára, rich in gain, II, 3, 4; 9.

sú-bhrita, well kept, II, 1, 12.

sú-makha, martial, IV, 3, 7; 14:1.

su-mat, together, I, 142, 7:3;—see sumát-yûtha.

su-matí, favour, I, 31, 18, &c.; III, 4, 1:2; V, 27, 3:1; kindness: su-matî´, IV, 1, 2:3.

sumát-yûtha, together with the herd: sumát-yûtham (conj. for sumát yûthám), V, 2, 4:1.

sumát-ratha, on his chariot, III, 3, 9.

su-manas, gracious, kind-hearted, I, 36, 2, &c.;—joyous, IV, 4, 9.

su-mánman, rich in good thoughts, III, 2, 12.

su-mahas, very great, IV, 11, 2.

sú-miti, skilful erection, III, 8, 3.

su-mrilîká, merciful, IV, 1, 20; 3, 3.

su-méka, well-established, I, 146, 3:1; III, 6, 10:2; 15, 5:3; IV, 6, 3.

su-medhás, wise, II, 3, 1; III, 15, 5.

sumná, blessing, III, 2, 5; 3, 3;—favour, grace, V, 3, 10; 24, 4;—pleasant, III, 14, 4.

sumna-yú, desirous of favour, I, 79, 10; III, 27, 1; V, 8, 7.

su-yág, excellent sacrificer, V, 8, 3.

su-yagñá, skilled in sacrifice, III, 17, 1.

su-yáma, well-manageable, III, 7, 3; (4:2); V, 28, 3:1.

su-yávasa, good pasture: suyávasâ-iva, conj. for svásya-iva, II, 4, 4:1.

su-yâmá, easily directing, III, 7, 9:1.

su-yúg, well-yoked, IV, 14, 3.

su-rána, joyous, III, 3, 9; 29, 14.

su-rátha, with good chariot: su-ráthasya (conj. su-ratha asya), III, 14, 7:1;—IV, 2, 4;—rich in chariots, IV, 4, 8.

surabhí, sweet-smelling, V, 1, 6.

su-râ´dhas, rich in wealth, IV, 2, 4; 5, 4.

su-rukmá, adorned with gold, I, 188, 6.

su-rúk, with beautiful splendour, II, 2, 4; III, 2, 5; 7, 5; 15, 6; IV, 2, 17.

su-rétas, fertile, III, 1, 16.

su-várkas, full of fine splendour, I, 95, 1.

su-vâ´k, adorned with fine speech, III, 1, 19;—well-spoken, III, 7, 10.

su-vâ´kas, fine-voiced, I, 188, 7.

su-vâ´sas, well-clothed, III, 8, 4; IV, 3, 2.

suvitá, welfare, I, 141, 12; 189, 3; II, 2, 6; III, 2, 13; IV, 14, 3; V, 11, 1.

su-vidátra, bounteous, II, 1, 8; 9, 6.

su-vî´ra, rich in heroes, in valiant men, I, 31, 10; II, 1, 16; 3, 4, 5; 4, 9; III, 29, 9;—giving valiant offspring, III, 8, 2.

su-vî´rya, abundance in heroes, bliss of valiant offspring, I, 36, 6; 17, &c.; I, 127, 11:1;—host of heroes, III, 6, 4.

su-vriktí, praised with beautiful praise, II, 4, 1:1;—beautiful prayer, or praise, III, 3, 9; V, 25, 3:1.

su-véda, easily to be found, IV, 7, 6.

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su-sámsa, kind-spoken, I, 44, 6.

su-sárman, well-protecting, III, 15, 1; V, 8, 2.

su-sastí, best praise, III, 26, 6.

su-sipra, strong-jawed, V, 22, 4:2.

sú-sisvi, fine child, I, 65, 4.

su-séva, propitious, I, 27, 2; kind, gracious, II, 1, 9; III, 29, 5; IV, 4, 12; V, 15, 1.

su-sóka, with pure splendour, I, 70, 1.

su-srî´; in great beauty, III, 3, 5.

sú-samsita, well-sharpened, V, 19, 5.

su-sanitri, best gainer, III, 18, 5.

su-samds, beautiful to behold, I, 143, 3.

sú-samiddha, well-kindled, I, 13, 1; V, 5, 1.

su-samídh, good fuel, V, 8, 7.

su-sû´ well-bearing, V, 7, 8.

sú-sûta, well-born, II, 10, 3.

sú-stuta, highly praised, V, 27, 2.

su-stutí, rich in perfect praise, III, 19, 3.

su-háva, easy to invoke, readily hearing (our) call, I, 58, 6; III, 6, 8; 15, 1; IV, 1, 5.

su-havís, offering good oblations, IV, 2, 4.

su-havyá, giver of good oblations, I, 74, 5.

su-hiranyá, rich in gold, IV, 4, 10.

sû, to give birth: súvâte íti, they give birth, V, 1, 4;—ásûta, V, 2, 2; 7, 8.

sû´, a progenitor, I, 146, 5.

sûktá, see su-uktá.

sûd, to further: sûdáyat, I, 71, 8; súsûdah, I, 73, 8;—to shape: ásûdayanta, I, 72, 3;—to make ready: susûdati, I, 142, 11:3; V, 5, 2;—sûdayâti, III, 4, 10;—sûdaya, accomplish, IV, 4, 14;—sûdayâti prá, may he make ready, II, 3, 10.

sûnú, son, I, 1, 9, &c.; I, 59, 4:1; III, 1, 12:2; sûno íti sahasah, I, 58, 127, 1; III, 1, 8; 11, 4; nítyah sûnúh, I, 66, 1:1.

sûnu-mát, rich in sons, III, 24, 5.

sûntâ-vat, rich in loveliness, 1, 59, 7.

sû´ra, Sun, I, 71, 9; 141, 13; 149, 3; III, 15, 2,

sûrí, the rich man, liberal lord or patron, I, 31, 7, &c.; 1, 73, 5:1; 141, 8:2.

sû´rya, the sun, or Sun, I, 59, 3; 98, I; 146, 4:4; III, 14, 4; IV, 1, 17; 13, 1–4; 14, 2; V, 1, 4; 4, 4; káranam sû´ryasya, III, 5, 5; rokané sû´ryasya, III, 22, 3; diví sû´ryam-iva agáram, V, 27, 6.

sri, to run: sasrânáh, I, 149, 2; sasrivâ´msam-iva, III, 9, 5;—prá sarsrâte íti, they go forth, III, 7, 1; prá sisrate, they stream forward, V, 1, 1; pra-sársrânasya, advancing, V, 12, 6;—ví sasruh, they have broken through with their floods, I, 73, 6.

srig, to let loose: sénâ-iva srishtâ´, like an army that is sent forward, I, 66, 7; 143, 5:1; srigát didyúm asmai, he shot an arrow at him, I, 71, 5; srishtâ´h, I, 72, 10;—áva sriga, let go, 1, 33, 11; ava-srigán, letting go (the sacrificial food to the gods), I, 142, 11; II, 3, 10; mâ´ áva srigah, do not deliver, I, 189, 5;—úpa sriga, yield up, I, 188, 10; upa-srigánti, they pour out, II, 1, 16;—ví srigá, emit, I, 36, 9;—sám nah sriga, let us be united, I, 31, 18; III, 16, 6.

Sñgaya, son of Devavâta, IV, 15, 4:1.

sni, sickle: snyâ, I, 58, 4:2.

sriprá, mighty (?), III, 18, 5:1.

sriprá-dânu, bestower of mighty rain (?), I, 96, 3:3.

sénâ, army, I, 66, 7; sénâ-iva srishtâ´, I, 143, 5:1.

sótri, presser (of Soma), IV, 3, 3.

sóma, Soma (juice), I, 44, 14; 45, 10; 99, 1:1; III, 12, 3; 22, 1; 29, 16; sómasya tavásam, III, I, 1:1; sómâh, IV, 14, 4; V, 27, 5:1;—Soma, the god, I, 65, 10; II, 8, 6.

sóma-âhuta, fed with Soma, 1, 94, 14.

Sómaka, Sahadeva's son, IV, 15, 9.

sóma-pati, lord of Soma (Indra), I, 76, 3.

sóma-pîti, drinking of Soma: sóma-pîtaye, I, 44, 9.

soma-péya, drink of Soma, I, 45, 9; III, 25, 4.

somyá, one who offers Soma, I, 31, 16.

saúbhaga, prosperity, delight, happiness, I, 36, 17; III, 8, 2; 3; 11; 15, 4; 16, 1; V, 28, 3.

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saubhaga-tvá, happiness, I, 94, 16.

saumanasá, graciousness, I, 76, 2; kindness, III, 1, 21.

skambhá, pillar, IV, 13, 5.

stan, to thunder: stanáyan, I, 58, 2; 140, 5; stanáyanti abhrâ´, I, 79, 2; prá stanayanti, IV, 10, 4.

stabhu-yámâna, firmly fixed, III, 7, 4.

sta(m)bh, to uphold: tastámbha, I, 67, 5;—út astambhît, he has upheld, III, 5, 10;—úpa stabhâyat, he supports, IV, 5, 1; stabhâyat úpa dyâ´m, he has reared … up to the sky, IV, 6, 2.

stâ´yam, stealthily: úpa stâ´yani karati, conj., (I, 145, 4:3).

stu, to praise: stávânah, praised, I, 12, 11; 31, 8, &c.

stubh: pra-stubhânáh, incited by shouting, IV, 3, 12.

stúbhvan, uttering (sacred) shouts, I, 66, 4.

stri, to strew: strinîta, I, 13, 5; strinânâ´sah barhíh, I, 142, 5.

st, star: pipésa nâ´kam stbhih, I, 68, 10; dyaúh ná st-bhih, II, 2, 5; IV, 7, 3.

stená, thief, V, 3, 11.

stoká; drop, III, 22, 1–5.

stot, praiser, I, 58, 8; II, 1, 16; III, 5, 2.

stóma, praise, song of praise, I, 12, 12, &c.; stómaih (conj. stómam), IV, 10, 1:3.

stómavâhas, (I, 127, 8:1).

sthâ, to stand: ûrdhváh tíshtha, I, 36, 13; abhí tishtha, set thy foot on, V, 28, 3;—â´ tasthúh, they have assumed, I, 72, 9:2;—úpa sthât, he has approached, I, 68, 1; see upa-sthâ´yam;—prá-sthitâ, ready, III, 4, 4:3;—abhí prá asthât, he gains advantage, I, 74, 8:1;—with ví, to spread: ví tishthate, I, 58, 4; ví tasthe, I, 72, 9; ví ásthât, I, 65, 8; 141, 7; ví ásthiran, they are scattered, I, 94, 11; ví tishthase, V, 8, 7.

sthâtú, what stands: sthâtúh karátham, what is movable and immovable, I, 58, 5:2; 68, 1:2; 70, 7:2; (72, 6:2).

sthât, that which stands: sthâtâ´m karáthâm, I, 70, 3; what remains steadfast: sthâtrî´n, I, 72, 6:2.

sthirá, solid: sthirâ´ kit ánnâ, IV, 7, 10.

sthû´nâ, a column: sthû´nâ-iva upamít, I, 59, 1:3.

snî´hitî? I, 74, 2:2.

snéhiti, (I, 74, 2:2).

spás, spy, IV, 4, 3;—observer: spásam vísvasya gágatah, IV, 13, 3.

spârhá, desirable, lovely, I, 31, 14; II, 1, 12; IV, 1, 6; 7; 12.

spri: aspar íty aspah, thou hast freed, V, 15, 5;—áva spridhi, protect, V, 3, 9.

spris, to touch: sprisanti, I, 36, 3.

sprihayát-varna, having the appearance of one eagerly striving, II, 10, 5.

sphâtí, increase, I, 188, 9.

sphur, to sparkle: práti sphura, IV, 3, 14.

smát-ûdhnî, with full udders, I, 73, 6.

smi, to smile, laugh: smáyamânâbhih, I, 79, 2:4; smáyamânah (dyaúh), II, 4, 6:3; smayete íti, III, 4, 6.

syû: syûtám, well-stitched, I, 31, 15.

syona-kt, making comfortable, 1, 31, 15.

syona-sî´, comfortably resting, I, 73, 1:2.

sravát, river: sravátah saptá yahvî´h, 1, 71, 7.

sravátha, streaming, III, 1, 7.

sridh: ásredhantah, without fail, III, 29, 9.

srídh, failure, I, 36, 7; III, 9, 4; 10, 7.

sru, to flow: srúvat (conj. for srúvat), it melts away, I, 127, 3:4

srúk, sacrificial ladle, I, 144, 1; V, 14, 3; 21, 2.

srótas, stream, I, 95, 10:1.

svá: tanvàh krinvata svâ´h, I, 72, 5:3; svásya-iva, conj. suyávasâ-iva, II, 4, 4:1.

svah-ds, of sun-like aspect, I, 44, 9; III, 2, 14; V, 26, 2.

svàh-nara, the solar hero, II, 2, 1;—realm of the Sun, V, 18, 4.

svàh-vat, together with the sun, I, 59, 4; V, 2, 11.

svah-víd, finding the sun, I, 96, 4; III, 3, 5; 10; 26, 1.

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svá-gûrta, delightful by their own nature, I, 140, 13.

svá-genya, noble by his own nature, V, 7, 5.

svá-tavat, self-strong, IV, 2, 6.

svad, to taste: svadante, II, 1, 24; asvadayat, II, 4, 7;—to make relishable, savoury: sisvadat, I, 188, 10; svada, III, 14, 7.

svá-dharman, following his own ordinances, III, 21, 2.

svadhâ´, inherent power: svadhâ´bhih, by one's self, by the power of his own nature, I, 95, 4; III, 26, 8; svadháyâ, according to their wont, II, 3, 8; III, 4, 7; by himself, III, 17, 5; by his own power, IV, 13, 5;—svadhâ´h adhayat, he drank the draughts, I, 144, 2:2.

svadhâ´-vat, self-dependent, I, 36, 12; 144, 7; 147, 2; III, 20, 3; IV, 5, 2; 10, 6; 12, 3; V, 3, 2; 5; moving according to one's wont, I, 95, 1:2; moving by his own strength, I, 95, 4.

svá-dhiti, axe, III, 2, 10; 8, 6; 11; V, 7, 8:1.

svan, to resound: svânît, II, 4, 6.

svaná, noise, I, 94, 11.

sva-patyá, a man's own dominion: sva-patyâ´ni (conj. for su-apatyâ´ni), I, 72, 9:2.

sváyasah-tara, highly brilliant by oneself, V, 17, 2:[1, 3].

sva-yasas, endowed with his own splendour, I, 95, 2; 5; 9.

sva-yú, free, II, 4, 7.

svár, sun, or Sun: sû´rah ná sam-dk, I, 66, 1; svàh dsîke, I, 66, 10:3; 69, 10; svàh (loc.), I, 70, 8:1; 9:1; svàh vividuh, I, 71, 2; svàh ná, I, 148, 1; II, 2, 7; 8; 10; 8, 4; svàh mahát, III, 2, 7; sûré, IV, 3, 8; âvíh svàh abhavat, IV, 3, 11:3; sû´rah várnena, IV, 5, 1 3; svàhgyótih, IV, 10, 3:1; ávindat gâ´h apáh sváh, V, 14, 4:1.

sva-râ´g, king, I, 36, 7.

sva-râ´gya, royalty, II, 8, 5:2.

sváru, sacrificial post, III, 8, 6:1; 9; 10; IV, 6, 3.

svarnri, sun-hero: svarnah (?), (I, 70, 9:1).

svártha, see su-ártha.

svásara, fold, II, 2, 2.

svásri, sister, I, 65, 7; II, 5, 6:1; svásârah, I, 71, 1:2; tisráh, II, 5, 5:1; dása, III, 29, 13:2; dvíhñka, IV, 6, 8:1; apási svásnâm, III, 1, 3:3; 11.

svastí, happiness, welfare, I, 1, 9, &c.; svastí-bhih, safely, I, 189, 2;—with welfare, happily, II, 9, 6; IV, 11, 6; V, 4, 11.

svâ´dana, sweetener, V, 7, 6.

svâdu-kshádman, having sweet food, I, 31, 15.

svâ´dman, sweetness, I, 69, 3:1.

svâná, roaring, V, 2, 10; 25, 8;—thundering, V, 10, 5.

svânín, tumultuous, III, 26, 5.

svâ´hâ, the word Svâhâ, I, 13, 12; III, 4, 11; V, 5, 11; svâ´hâ havyám kartana, pronounce the Svâhâ over the offering, I, 142, 12.

svâ´hâ-krita, (offerings) over which the Svâhâ has been pronounced, I, 142, 13; II, 3, 11.

svâ´hâ-kriti, pronouncing Svâhâ, I, 188, 11.

svid, to sweat: sisvidânáh, IV, 2, 6.

svéda, sweat, V, 7, 5.

Next: H