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Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE37), E.W. West, tr. [1892], at


Bakŏ Nask.

1. The ninth fargard, Yathâis 2, is that by him who praises Aûharmazd his work in the Gâthic lore 3 is taught; even for this reason, because the reason of the praise even of Aûharmazd is for his works, and by him who extols any work the performance

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of that work is also taught; moreover the work of Aûharmazd, which is the Gâthic lore, is pure goodness. 2. This, too, that by him who increases the propagators of good works priestly-controlled action (radîk-kûnisnîh) 1 is taught; even for this reason, because the advancement of merit and the action of priestly chieftainship are the two maxims (vâkakŏ) of one who, when there is reason, exalts progressive merit when he increases the propagators of good works; and when progressive merit is exalted priestly-controlled action is praised and also taught.

3. This, too, that what is worthy, and what is coveted for every worthy man, is produced by him for whom the command of the liturgy is the reckoning for him who is habitually sagacious; and this statement also indicates the explanation of rulers and all who are needing those of the world for one combined effort, who, in the immature world, have to trust a command that is at one time sagacious. 4. This, too, that personal assistance is liberally given (râdînidŏ) to the creatures of the good beings by him whose deeds are an assistance of the renovation of the universe; and this statement, too, also indicates the great power of any good work whatever, because every good work, being an assistance of the renovation, becomes liberality to the immature (khâm) creation.

5. This, too, that whoever teaches to a son reverence unto his father has also appropriated the reward for reverence unto the creator for teaching that person; even for this reason, because express reverence unto parents and service to them are connected

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with reverence unto the creator and service to him. 6. This, too, that whoever is personally progress for him who is his own 1—that is, for any one whatever among those who are needing him—becomes the happiness of the creator who is the maker of the original good creations; and this statement also indicates as to whom it is, when, through him whose decision is progress—which arises through that which occurs when the decision is given that becomes for every one that which is needful for him—there is happiness that is concentrated. 7. This, too, that by him who is causing benefit for him who is a cultivator cattle 2 are multiplied; even for this reason, because a gratifier of the performers of tillage is multiplying tillage, and cattle are the chief tillage of the world.

8. This, too, that the religion which is the way of righteousness is made his own 3 by him who is a good thinker about the religion of righteousness; and this statement, too, also indicates the limit of reliance (astisnŏ) upon the good religion; because whoever is not a good thinker about the good religion, even though he be a reciter of revelation, becomes really an apostate; whoever is a good thinker, but not about the good religion, becomes really an infidel; and whoever thinks truly becomes a good thinker about religious righteousness and the statements in the good religion. 9. And about three statements, the bringer forward for all mankind is your submission to the sacred beings; one is of the produce (bar), one of the origin (bûn), and

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one of the body and life; that of the produce is the exertion from which there is produce, that of the origin is the advantage for which the origin is requisite, and that of the body and life is the thought of the proposer (râyînîdâr), which considered both as submission to the sacred beings. 10. This, too, that connected with the sitting-place of the sage is the excessiveness of the pleasure 1 for those causing pleasure, for the upper classes (avarîgânŏ) of Irân, and for the energy (patûkîh) 1 of the diligent.

11. Excellence that is perfect is righteousness.


342:2 See Chap. X, 1 n; it is here written yatâyîs in Pahlavi.

342:3 See Pahl. Yas. XXXIII, 1 a.

343:1 See Pahl. Yas. XXXIII, 1 b.

344:1 See Pahl. Yas. XXXIII, 3 a.

344:2 Ibid. 3 b, c.

344:3 Ibid. 5 c.

345:1 See Pahl. Yas. XXXIII, 13 a.

Next: Chapter LVI