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The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE30), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1892], at


1. 1 After the sacrifice they both arise.

2. The husband passes behind her back, stations himself to the south, with his face turned to the north, and seizes the woman's joined hands.

3. 3 (Standing) to the east (of the girl) her mother or her brother, having taken the roasted grain, should make the bride tread on the stone with the tip of her right foot.

4. The bridegroom murmurs: 'Tread on this stone' (MB. I, 2, 1).

5. Her brother filling once his joined hands with roasted grain, pours it into the bride's joined hands.

6. 6 After (Âgya) has been spread under and poured over (the fried grain), she sacrifices that in the fire without opening her joined hands, with (the verse which the bridegroom [?] recites), 'This woman says' (MB. I, 2, 2).

7. 7 (The verses), 'The god Aryaman,' and, 'Pûshan'

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[paragraph continues] (l.l. 3. 4) (are repeated) at the two following (oblations of fried grain).

8. 8 After that sacrifice the husband, passing (behind her back), returns in the same way, and leads her round the fire so that their right sides are turned towards it, or a Brâhmana versed in the Mantras (does the same), with (the verse), 'The maid from the fathers' (MB. I, 2, 5).

9. After she has thus been lead round, she stands as before (Sûtras 1. 2), and treads (on the stone) as before (Sûtra 3), and he murmurs the (Mantra) as before (Sûtra 4), and (her brother) pours (the fried grain into her hands) as before (Sûtra 5), and she sacrifices as before (Sûtra 6).

10. In the same way three times.

11. After (she) has poured the remnants (of the fried grain) into the fire, they make (her) step forward in a north-easterly direction with (the formula), 'For sap with one step' (MB. I, 2, 6. 7).

12. She should put forward her right foot (first) and should follow with the left.

13. (The bridegroom) should say (to her), 'Do not put the left (foot) before the right.'

14. 14 The lookers-on he should address with (the verse), 'Auspicious ornaments wears this woman' (I. 1. 8).

15. 15 To the west of the fire the water-carrier follows (their way) and besprinkles the bridegroom on his forehead, and also the other one (i.e. the bride),

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with this verse (which the bridegroom murmurs), 'May (the Visve devâs) anoint (or, unite)' (l.l. 9).

16. After she has been (thus) besprinkled, he puts up her joined hands with his left hand, seizes with his right hand her right hand with the thumb, her hand being turned with the palm upwards, and murmurs these six verses referring to the seizing of (a girl's) hand, 'I seize thy hand' (MB. I, 2, 10-15).

17. When (these verses) are finished, they carry her away—


45:1 2, 1 seqq. Khâdira-Grihya I, 3,16 seqq.

45:3 The roasted grain is that mentioned chap. 1, 15, the stone, Sûtra 16.

45:6 Comp. Grihya-samgraha II, 34.

45:7 On the repetitions of the lâgâhoma, see below, Sûtras 9. 10.

46:8 As to the words 'in the same way,' see the second Sûtra of this chapter.

46:14 14-16. Khâdira-Grihya I, 3, 27-31.

46:15 Comp. Sâṅkhâyana-Grihya I, 12, 5 note (vol. xxix, p. 33) The water-carrier is the person mentioned chap. 1, 13.

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