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The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Vol. I., ed. by J. Williams Ab Ithel, [1862], at


Hu 7 the Mighty,--Jesus the Son of God,--the least in respect of His worldly greatness whilst in the flesh, and the greatest in heaven of all visible majesties. *


221:7 p. 221The meaning of "Hu," is that which is apt to pervade, or to spread over. It is used as an epithet of the Deity, in reference to His omniscience, and is not p. 222 unfrequently to be met with as such in the works of the Bards; thus Taliesin, describing the resurrection of our Lord, observes,--

Trydedydd bu
Dadebriad Hu.

On the third day was
The resuscitation of Hu.
          Llath Foesen. MS.

[paragraph continues] And Cynddelw,--

Oedran Iesu Hu hoywdeg
Yn wir Dduw un cant ar ddeg.

The age of Jesus, the fair and energetic Hu,
In God's truth was eleven hundred.

[paragraph continues] Rhys Goch Eryri, also, in his "Cywydd Cyfrinach," speaks of "Pont Hu," the bridge of Hu, in reference to the subject of the Incarnation; pont being a term used bardically to denote a teacher that conveys his disciples over the bog of ignorance. Hence the adage--"A fo ben bid bont." He who is head let him be a bridge.

Derived from HU is the word HUON, used also as a Divine appellation; e.g.,

Gwae wynt ddydd brawd ger bron HUON. p. 223

Woe to them on the judgment day in the presence of HUON.
                                   Geraint Vardd Glas, A.D. 900.

[paragraph continues] It also occurs in the list of "the Names of God" by Sion Cent;--

HUON, Ion, goreu i ddoniau.

HUON, and Ion, of best gifts.
             Iolo MSS. p. 285.

Both Hu and HUON were no doubt originally identical with the HEUS of Lactantius, and the HESUS of Lucan, described as gods of the Gauls. The similarity of the last name to IESU is obvious and striking.

Hu the Mighty is, moreover, described in the Triads as a Historical personage; that is, as the one who first established the Cymry in a civil community, taught them agriculture, with other useful arts, and conducted them over into the island of Britain. See Triad, 3rd Series, Ap. Myv. Arch. vol. ii.

221:* p. 220 This extract is from a list of "Damhegion Beirdd Ynys Prydain."

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