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The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, Vol. I., ed. by J. Williams Ab Ithel, [1862], at

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1. The three principal duties of a Christian: belief in Christ; hope in God; and love to man.

2. The three dispositions of an unchristian man: pride; cruelty; and falsehood.

3. The three signs of a Christian: to love truth, however great may be the loss; to love one's country, however great may be the suffering; and to love an enemy, however great may be his treachery.

4. Three things without which a man cannot be a Christian: holiness of life; divine counsels; and suffering without complaint.

5. The three friends of every true Christian: reason; patience; and conscience.

6. The three joys of a Christian: the love of God; the happiness of man; and the success of truth.

7. Three things which every good man will be: industrious; pacific; and benevolent.

8. Three things which God has given for the instruction of man: natural reason; the judgment of conscience; and the Gospel of Christ.

9. From three words will be one word of God:. love; truth; and justice; and these three words are one word with God, and there can be no other word from God than love.

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10. Three questions that were put to Christ: the first, "What is truth?" and He said, "Love;" the second, "What is justice?" and He said, Love;" and the third, "What is love?" and He said, "God."

11. God consists of three things: the most powerful of all that can be comprehended; the most just of all that can be comprehended; and the most merciful of all that can be comprehended.

12. There are three things belonging to God, the magnitude of which cannot be comprehended: His power; His justice; and His mercy.

13. There are three things, which, in virtue of the attributes and nature of God, cannot but exist: all justice; all love; and all beauty.

14. Three things without which nothing can be well known: the nature that ought to be; the reason of what is possible; and the commandments of God beyond every one of the two, and yet not opposed to them.

15. There are three views of God: what is greatest of all things; what is best of all things; and what is most beautiful of all things.

16. The three co-destinies of all men: the same beginning; the same course; and the same end.

17. The three excellences of God: being the first of all things; the chief of all things; and the most complete of all things.

18. There are three ways in which God can be seen: in Himself, in power; in Christ, by sight; and in the soul of man, as to His Holy Spirit.

19. There are three sufficiencies, from which will ensue life everlasting: sufficiency of truth; sufficiency of knowledge; and sufficiency of love.

20. From three sufficiencies there is every insufficiency: sufficiency of worldly riches; sufficiency of bodily strength; 1 and sufficiency of idleness. 2

21. The three words of advice, which Jesus Christ gave above all other advices: first, love thy God with all thy

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soul; secondly, love thy neighbour with all thy heart; and, thirdly, love thy own reputation with all thy wisdom; and no one can ask more of thee.

22. Three men that will please God: he who loves every living being with all his heart; he who accomplishes every thing that is handsome with all his strength; and he who seeks every knowledge with all his understanding.

23. A conscientious man will be three things: wise; amiable; and merry.

24. The three marks of non-conscientiousness: to be unwise; timid; and petulant.

25. Three things, it is not known which of them is the worst: the devil; a perjured man; and an unmerciful man.

26. There are three things of God: to desire existence to what can be the best of all things; to believe that there is existence to what is the best possible of all things; and to conduct one's self in the best way possible in every thing.

27. Three things spoken to Paul from heaven: love thy God above all things; love thy truth as thy own soul; and love thy neighbour as thyself.

28. The three marks of a neighbour, by which he may be known wherever he is: to be poor; to be a stranger; and to be in the image of a man.

29. There are three duties towards God, without which there can be no godliness, or the attainment of heavenliness: belief; fear; and love.

30. Three things which the godly shall enjoy: union with God; perfect gwynvyd; and complete knowledge;--the whole for ever, without cessation, without end.

31. The three organs of the intellect: thought; word; and deed; and they are called the three faculties. 1

32. The three exercises of the faculties, or the three organs, commanded by Christ, namely: do good with all thy energies wherever, and in whatever there may be cause and requirement; 2 and be patient unto death, without repining, in behalf of goodness, whenever, and on what occasion so ever there may be need and requirement;--and all this

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with all thy power, with all thy affection, and with all thy understanding.

33. The three paths towards truth: to understand it; to love it; and to desire it. 1

34. Three things, by the performance of which, all relating to godliness will be accomplished: to avoid the world; 2 to deny the flesh; and to resist the Cythraul.

35. The three foundations of wisdom: understanding; love; and justice.

36. The three measuring rods of justice: what is adjudged right in another; what fears the opposition of what is not right 3 from another; and what is sought, according to desire, in respect of what is adjudged right in another.

37. The three corroborations of justice: what is found right by experience, exercise, and understanding; what is taught as right, in respect of acquirement, judgment, and conscience, to another; and what is desired, in virtue of what has been acquired, judged, and learned, from another. What will oppose these primary characteristics can have no claim or privilege.

38. The three measuring rods of the understanding: the judgment of another; poise and counterpoise; and the guidance of meditation with 4 affection; and, according as these things are, will be the extent and nature of the understanding.

39. The three marks of a godly man: to seek after truth; to perform justice; and to exercise mercy.

40. There are three things that are one whole, as to primary and original derivation: justice; truth; and love; for from one, namely, love, the whole proceeds as one right from God, inasmuch as there is only one right of the whole in being and existence.

41. For three reasons ought a man to renounce life, where 5 there is occasion: seeking after truth; cleaving to justice; and performing mercy.

42. Three things that corrupt the world: pride; extravagance; and indolence.

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43. The three principal qualities of godliness: to speak the truth in spite of him who may withstand 1 it; to love all that is comely and good; and to suffer heartily in behalf of the truth and every thing that is good.

44. Three things which cannot be finite: God; expanse; and time.

45. Three things that make a sinner: fear; covetousness; and ignorance.

46. Three things that corrupt the world: pride; extravagance; and indolence. 2

47. The three principal qualities of godliness: consideration; justice; and love.

48. In three things will a godly man be one with God: in knowing every thing; in loving every thing; and in freeing himself from every thing.

49. Three littles that will cause much evil: a little deceit; a little anger; and a little ignorance.

50. The three principal things 3 which God requires reflection; justice; and love. 4

51. Three things which, being disregarded, will draw down vengeance: the advice of a seer; rational judgment and the complaint of the poor.

52. The three unions that support every thing: the union of love with justice; the union of truth with imagination; and the union of God with contingency.

53. The three marks of godliness: to do justice; to be fond of mercy; and to behave obediently under every circumstance.

54. There are 5 three things, God does not love those who love to see them: to see fighting; to see a monster and to see the pomp of pride.

55. The three principal manifestations of God: His works; His word; and His Spirit.

56. In respect of three things will a man have his object in unison with the will of God, namely: when he believes only his own senses; when he imagines only with his own

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consideration; and when he has to do only with his own conscience.

57. Three men who will speak differently, according to their nature and disposition: a man of God, who will speak the best part of the truth, for the sake of peace, advantage, and concord; a man of man, who will speak the whole of the truth, be it good, be it evil, come what will, whatever may ensue in consequence; a man of the devil, who will speak the worst part of the truth, in order to harm and cause misfortune--a ready devil will speak an assiduous falsehood for the sake of mischief and ruin.

58. Three things, wherever they are, there can be no godliness: revelling; pride; and covetousness.

59. The three marks of godliness: disinterested love; courageous obedience; and affectionate silence.

60. Three men who stand in the relation of brothers and sisters: an orphan; a widow; and a stranger.

61. The three blessed ones of God: the gentle; the peaceable; and the merciful.

62. The three characteristics of the children of God: a pure conscience; unostentatious demeanour; and voluntary suffering in the cause of truth and love.

63. The three principal commandments of God: love; justice; and obedience.

64. The three signs of a just man: to love truth; to love peace; and to love an enemy.

65. The three principal delights of a godly man: justice; mercy; and gentleness.

66. The three encouragements of mischief: voluptuousness; fighting; and inconstancy.

67. The three counsels, 1 which Jesus Christ gave to His followers, namely, He counselled: first, perpetual poverty; because thereby all violence, usurpation, extortion, and covetousness, will cease, and consequently perfect justice will be obtained; secondly, voluntary obedience, for the sake of such as may demand it in every thing that is sin-less, and consequently there will be an end to all quarrelling,

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contention, and pride, and perfect peace and tranquillity will be obtained; thirdly, pure and perfect love, in the exercise of all affection, kindness, mercy, charity, mutual defence, and civility, towards such as may deserve them, and of all kindness, peace, quietness, and almsgiving, towards such as do not deserve, and in the endeavour to rectify whatever is not right, in respect of man, system, or usage, leaving to God what in his judgment he concludes to be just. From following these three counsels will the three special felicities be attained, which three felicities are: first, no goodness can be commanded, which will not be performed, kept, and completed; secondly, there can be no just and merciful deed, which will not be performed; thirdly, there can be no debt which will not be paid, and discharged, no request which will not be obtained, and no deficiency which will not be supplied. Thus also will be obtained the three deliverances, namely: there will be no transgression 1 which will not be set right; no displeasure which will not be forgiven; and no anger which will not be pacified. And thence will be obtained the three excellences: first, there will be nothing ill-favoured, which shall not be adorned; secondly, there will be no evil, which shall not be removed; 2 thirdly, there will be no desire, which shall not be attained. And from reaching this mark: in the first place, there can be nothing, which shall not be known; there can be no loss of anything beloved, which shall not be regained; thirdly, there can be no end to the gwynvyd which shall be attained. And it is not necessary that there should be in understanding might and love other than these things, with the careful performance of what is possible.

68. There are three men of different dispositions and qualities: 3 a man of God, who does good for evil; a man of man, who does good for good, and evil for evil; and a man of the devil, who does evil for good.

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69. There are three men, who will get what they seek from God: he who seeks to become better in his heart; he who seeks to know the truth; and he who seeks the benefit and good of his neighbour. 1

70. The three counsels of Lazarus: 2 believe thy God, for He made thee: love thy God, for He redeemed thee; and fear thy God, for He will judge thee.

71. Three things, if borne in mind, will keep one from sinning: the commandments of God; the joy of heaven; and the punishment of sin.

72. The three stabilities of godliness: faith; 3 hope; and charity.

In another Book--The three foundations of godliness: faith; 4 charity; and hope.

73. Three will testify of the commandments of God: necessity; utility; and beauty.

74. The three losses on earth that will bring gain in heaven: to lose riches out of love for man; to lose fame out of love for civilization; and to lose life out of love for the truth.

75. The three losses of the body that will bring gain to the soul: the loss of health; the loss of wealth; and the loss of hatred.

76. There are three kinds of falsehood: the falsehood of word and saying; the falsehood of deed; and the falsehood of demeanour. 5

77. From three blessings will the blessing of God be obtained: the blessing of father and mother; the blessing of the poor and sick; 6 and the blessing of the distressed stranger. 7

78. The three manifestations of God: Fatherhood creating the world; Sonship teaching the world; and Spirituality supporting and governing the world.

79. Three things which a man ought to do with his heart: to feel it; to teach it; and to fear it.

80. For three reasons ought a man to part with 8 life, if

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it be required: seeking after truth; cleaving to justice; and performing mercy.

81. The three supports of a godly man: God and His gift of grace; conscience itself; and the praise of every wise and good man.

82. The three counsels of Lazarus: obey God Who made thee; love God Who redeemed thee; and fear God Who will call thee to judgment for thy works.

83. Three things that concur in will and tendency with all goodness: God in His power and favour; a wakeful conscience; and the judgment of wise and godly men.

84. Three things that are united with the religious love; avoidance; and seeking.

85. Three things that are incompatible with God: misfortune; falsehood; and despair.

86. Three places where will be the most of God: where He is mostly loved; where He is mostly sought; and where there is the least of self.

87. The three godly qualities of man: patient endurance; sincere and disinterested love; and renunciation of what is temporal.

88. Three things it is desirable to see: the mischievous becoming happy; the miser becoming generous; and a sinner becoming pious.

89. Three things that will be obtained from poverty: health; prudence; and the help of God.

90. There are three falsehoods: the falsehood of speech; the falsehood of silence; and the falsehood of conduct. Each of the three will induce another to believe what he ought not.

91. Three things that a patient man will obtain: the love of good men; the approval of his own conscience; and the favour 1 of God.

92. Three things that a merciful man will obtain: love; peace; and the good will of God.

93. There are three punishments for sin: the punishment of man, which is severe; the punishment of God,

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which is more severe; and the punishment of conscience, when it is awakened, which is the severest of all.

94. Three things that a man will have from believing in God: what is needful of worldly matters; peace of conscience; and communion with the celestials.

95. Three things necessary to a sinner: to acknowledge his sins; to repent of them; and to entreat forgiveness.

96. Three things that a humble man will obtain: ease of mind; the love of neighbours; and godly discretion.

97. The three punishments which a Christian inflicts upon his enemy: not to accuse him; to forgive him; and to do what is kind and good for him.

98. The three cares of a Christian: not to offend God; not to be a stumbling block to man; and not to become enfeebled in love.

99. The three luxuries of a Christian: what is possible from the predestination of God; 1 what is possible from justice to all; and what can be practised in love towards all.

100. The three witnesses of godliness: to forbid selfishness; to behave generously; and to support every goodness.

101. The three chief requirements of God: justice; mercy; and obedience before Him.

102. The three co-endeavours of love: to worship God out of love towards Him; to benefit man out of love towards Him; and to please self out of love for God and man.

103. The three chiefs of the world that tend together towards love: the good will of God; the benefit of man; and the quality of nature. 2

104. Three things that will invest every thing with godliness: to put man in order; to teach truth and justice; and to lessen pain and want.

105. The three utilities of every thing in the hands of God: that which refers to the greatest necessity; the greatest advantage; and the greatest love. 3

106. Three things that are principally from God: truth; peace; and knowledge.

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107. Three things that are principally from Cythraul: ignorance; falsehood; and contention.

108. The three characteristics of godliness: to be holy as God; to be merciful as God; and to perform justice as God does.

109. The three principal qualities of godliness: justice; love; and reflection.

110. With three things ought every goodness to be per-formed: with all the understanding; with all the power and with all the affection.

111. The three impious contentions: war for war; law for law; and disgrace for disgrace.

112. The three pious contentions: prudence for imprudence; favour for no favour; and love for hatred.

113. From three things comes godliness: love; justice; and truth. 1

114. There are three different kinds of men: a man of man, who does good for good, and evil for evil; a man of God, who does good for evil; and a man of the devil, who does evil for good.

115. The three teachers appointed by God for man: one is contingency, which instructs one by seeing and hearing the second is consideration, which instructs by reason and understanding; the third is the grace of God, which instructs by instinct and genius.

116. Three things which mark a man of the devil: pride; envy; and violence.

117. The three materials of judgment: law from justice; mercy from love; and conscience from reason and understanding of the former two.

118. The three principal qualities of goodness: love; justice; and suffering bravely in their behalf.

119. There are three words of advice to every man: know thy power; know thy knowledge; and know thy duty; and knowing them, act accordingly.

120. From three blessings will the blessing of God be obtained: the blessing of father and mother; the blessing

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of the poor and sick; and the blessing of the needy stranger.

121. Three godly qualities in man: to consider; to love; and to suffer.

122. Three devilish qualities in man: avarice; anger; and pride.

123. The three characteristics of instrumental good: to rear children in godliness; to support one's self in the office and state in which one is placed, as duty requires; 1 and to cultivate the earth.

124. The three characteristics of active good: to maintain truth and justice; to maintain love and peace; and to augment that gwynvyd, which may be pleasing to God.

125. The three characteristics of desirable good: to affect truth and justice; to affect peace and love; and to affect and desire gwynvyd wholly, and with a view to the whole.

126. The three saving goodnesses that will bring heaven to the soul of man, that is to say: the goodness which he performs voluntarily and in love, and which he would not of his own accord undo, in that he understands its intent--and of doing which goodness he would not repent during life, such as practising justice, mercy, generosity, and forbearance, unrepented of, and with full disposition and love towards those good things, and towards what he does in their behalf; the second is the goodness which he produces of his free will and endeavour for a particular purpose, being thereby the cause, which produces the said goodness, such as rearing children, and teaching them to be godly, and workers of good, with a just information and understanding of the good that ought to be performed, to the utmost ability of the man who seeks to do it; the third is the goodness which he would do of the free will and desire of his heart, were it possible for him, if he had the means, time, ability, and knowledge, and which good things he would not undo by word, deed, demeanour, or wish, ever after of his own accord, in that he understood and knew what would be the effect of his intention, and what would be the effect of

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his act towards those things. And these goodnesses are adjudged and privileged by God, according to the amount of power, affection, facility, desire, and free will, connected with them, as equal to the active goodnesses, which would do so, in that they had the power, affection, means, place, and time.

127. There are three reasons why God should be loved, and honoured: because He made us; because we are under an obligation to Him for maintaining us; and as a return for the felicity of His spiritual friendship.

128. There are three reasons and obligations for loving man: because he is in the image of God; because He is of the same essence and nature with ourselves; and because of the pleasure and advantage that accrue to love from the act of loving.

129. Three things that will be had in the ways of God: peace; truth; and knowledge.

130. Three things that God will give to His children, who love Him: justice; mercy; and gwynvyd.

131. Three things which every one, who loves the truth, ought to do: to seek it indefatigably; to obey its counsels; and to die, where there is occasion, for its sake.

132. Three things abominable in man: adultery; falsehood; and drunkenness.

133. The three things most decorous in man: justice; mercy; and obedience.

134. The three principal vigours of man: awen; affection; and intellect; and with these three he ought to love God.

135. Three things that ought to be obeyed: the commandments of God; the law of the country; and the requirements of conscience.

136. Three things which God only knows, and therefore it is not right to prejudge them: the tendency of awen; the attempt of the intellect; and the judgment of conscience.

137. Three things which a man ought to do honestly: to gain possessions through innocent industry and uprightness,

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that he may do justice and almsgiving; to benefit man in every employment which he performs; and to impart instruction in godliness and morality to all, wherever he goes.

138. Three things, without which there can be no godliness or morality: to forgive enmity and wrong; generosity; and just demeanour on all occasions.

139. The three excellencies of goodness: meekness; prudence; and liberality of mind and conduct.

140. There are three men, than whom there can be no worse: the miser; the slanderer; and the hypocrite.

141. The three qualities that will effect godliness: knowledge; truth; and liberality.

142. Three things that a man of God will be: moral; amiable; and well disposed.

143. The three things which God requires of man: justice; mercy; and obedience.

144. The three foundations of felicity: understanding; generosity; and contentment.

145. Three things together will make all that is just: the help of God; the instruction of the understanding; and the nature of good. Others say, and good endeavour.

146. The three signs of godly wisdom: to seek knowledge, come what may; to give alms, without thinking what may come; and to suffer manfully for truth and justice, without fearing what may come.

147. Three things most precious to man: health; liberty; and morality. 1

148. The three foundations of law and habit: beautiful order; justice; and mercy.

149. Three things, without which there can be no divine morality: to forgive an enemy and a wrong; liberality of mind and deed; and to cling to justice in every thing.

150. There are three special duties incumbent on man: to support himself and family through industry and uprightness; to benefit his fellow-men in every undertaking and employment, in which be may be engaged; and to impart

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instruction in divine morality to every man, wherever he goes.

151. Three things which a man shall have from early rising: worldly riches; bodily health; and spiritual joy.

152. Three things which do not become a godly man: to look with one eye; to listen with one ear; and to help with one hand.

153. The three measuring rods of every man: his God; his devil; and his indifference.

154. The three foundations of piety: active justice; perceptive truth; and energetic love.

155. The three necessaries of goodness: knowledge; consideration; and lovingness.

156. There are three principal qualities, out of which spring all the other good qualities: mercy, and its characteristic is to give alms, protection, sustenance, and instruction, as occasion is seen; obedience proceeding from humility, and its characteristic is to receive alms, protection, and ad-vice, with manly decency, and peacefulness; justice, and its characteristic sign is to do what is right, according to conscience and understanding, in defiance of the man who may oppose him, and to suffer bravely in behalf of what he may judge as right, whatever it may be, and every hardship and oppression soever, which may ensue, even if he had to die for what he did and judged.

157. There are three gifts of charity: food; protection; and instruction in the way of advice and demonstration.

158. Three things that will remind man of his duty towards God and man: alms; fasting; and prayer.

159. Three things that will effect just godliness: to love God; love towards all living beings; and to love all that is gentle and just.

160. The three counsels that Jesus Christ gave to His servants: love thy God above all, and obey Him in all things; love thy neighbour as thou lovest thyself, and do for him what thou wouldest he should do for thee; seek praiseworthy sciences, because from them thou wilt rightly

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understand what thou shouldest love, obey, and do homage to, and what thou shouldest do for me and for him. 1

161. The three counter-forces of all knowledge, art, and wisdom: lack of seeking; excessive seeking; and blind seeking.

162. The three fences of wisdom: truth; love; and prudence. 2

163. Three things that will close against wisdom: avarice; inordinate desire; and over-hastiness.

164. The three principal concerns of the world: godliness; praiseworthy sciences; and industry, to prevent waste.

165. The three gains that will turn out a loss in the end: to gain fame for an injurious feat or act; to gain wealth by injustice; and to gain the mastery in evil contention.

166. Three things that will turn out a great gain in the end: to lose the world's goods by giving alms; to lose the praise and regard of the world for a blessed act and disposition; and to lose one's life in the cause of truth and justice.

167. The three qualities of just knowledge: love for what is best, desiring to know it; seeking judiciously for what is best, that it might be known and recognised; 3 and choosing with judgment and prudence what is found to be the best, and cleaving to it. That is, the three qualities are, love, judgment, and choice.

168. In three ways may the will of God be known: in resigning one's self to His will and commandments; in judging rightly and thoroughly what is possible to God, in respect to His godliness, and what is derived from God; and in judging what is due to God, in respect of His justice, power, and love. By reviewing these things may the will of God be understood and seen.

169. From three things will God and His will be comprehended and known: from doing what God would do, as became Him, in respect of His divinity and necessary attributes;

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from loving what God would love, in virtue of His divine and perfect love, for what is perfect cannot love what is imperfect; and from judging what God would judge, in virtue of His great power, justice, and love. As far as possible, by means of this wise provision may be known the will and purpose of God; and hereby will Awen from God be obtained.

170. The three dispositions of the mind, which can prognosticate the future, and the means of knowing what will hereafter happen to man, country, and nation: the first, obedience to God, performing what ought to be; the second, Awen from God, judging what is due from God, for God will not do anything but what ought to be, as required by His love, justice, and power; hence may be known what will take place, for what is due from God will inevitably occur, in virtue of His nature and attributes. And nothing but what God requires should be, can take place; and what ought to be cannot but be, in respect of the power and justice of God.


291:1 p. 290 Iolo Morganwg, whose transcript we have adopted on the present occasion, observes of St. Paul's Triads, that they are found in MSS. of a date anterior to the Reformation. We embody them in our Collection, because some of them, as Series the Third, not only associate Bardism with their Pauline Title, but also contain unmistakable traces of pre-Christian doctrines. It would seem, as in the case of the Ten Commandments, that the early Christians of Britain held the memory of the Great Apostle of the Gentiles likewise in peculiar veneration. Besides "Trioedd Pawl," or the Triads of St. Paul, allusion is frequently made to "Pregeth Pawl," or St. Paul's Sermon, and "Deifregwawd Pawl," St. Paul's distichs or verses. These, with "Efengyl Ieuan," or the Gospel of St. John, seem to have constituted the only Cymric writings, which, in the infancy of the Church, contained the doctrines of Christianity. It is probable that the attachment of the Cymry to the name of St. Paul had some reference to the supposed share he had in the foundation of their Church. It is not necessary, in order to establish their claim to authenticity, that the Triads in question should have been actually composed by the Apostle himself; though it is quite possible that he might have dictated their substance to Bran the Blessed, who happened to be at Rome at the same time with St. Paul. Bran, being a Bard, would naturally p. 291 throw them into the Triadic form, as that which was best calculated at the time to impress them on the public memory. Or perhaps they were composed by the Bards, and received the sanction of the Gorsedd, after these had in general become converts to Christianity--the name of St. Paul being associated with then, because they were either derived from his writings, or supposed to be in unison with his doctrine. There is reason, indeed, to suppose that some of them were derived immediately from some Apocryphal Scriptures, such as those which refer to the Counsels of Lazarus. Though a Bardic tone runs through the whole, yet, as already hinted, it is more observable in the Third Series than in either of the other two. But whether that formed a part of the original compilation--afterwards separated from it as being of a too Druidic character, or whether it is altogether a distinct document, the work of a different school of Bards, we have no means of ascertaining.

293:1 p. 292 Al. "health."

293:2 Al. "ease."

295:1 p. 294 Al. "and they are three faculties of man."

295:2 Al. "call."

297:1 p. 296 Al. "to seek it."

297:2 Al. "worldliness."

297:3 Al. "what is right."

297:4 Al. "and."

297:5 Al. "if."

299:1 p. 298 Al. "contradict."

299:2 This Triad is the same as the 42nd.

299:3 Al. "Three things positively."

299:4 Al. "mercy."

299:5 One version omits the words "there are."

301:1 p. 300 These are similar to the Evangelical Counsels of the Church, which are, voluntary poverty, perpetual chastity, and perfect obedience.

303:1 p. 302 Al. "wrong."

303:2 Al. "annihilated."

303:3 p. 303 Al. "There are three kinds of men."

305:1 p. 304 Al. "his fellow-man." Al. "human beings."

305:2 Lazarus is asserted to have accompanied Joseph of Arimathea into Britain. See Morgans's St. Paul in Britain, p. 147.

305:3 Al. "belief."

305:4 Al. "belief."

305:5 Al. "the falsehood that is not shewn."

305:6 Al. "the sick and diseased."

305:7 Al. "the sick and diseased."

305:8 Al. "renounce."

307:1 p. 306 Al. "support."

309:1 p. 308 Al. "the predestination of God."

309:2 Al. "The three dignities of meditation," &c.

309:3 Al. "The three dignities of God."

311:1 p. 310 Al. "obedience."

313:1 p. 312 Al. "to learn profession and duty."

317:1 p. 316 Al. "virtue."

321:1 p. 320 Al. "for him and for me."

321:2 Al. "Awen"

321:3 Al. "recognised and known."

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