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Jewish Magic and Superstition, by Joshua Trachtenberg, [1939], at

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Abaye, on healing and superstition, 199.

Abortion, 188, 200, 202, 295, n. 3. See also Miscarriage.

Abracadabra, 80.

Abraham, 48, 136, 165, 258.

Abraham ibn Ezra, magic square mentioned by, 142.

Abraxas, 100.

Absalom, 220.

Abton, 220.

Acrostic, 93, 174, 175, 290, 291, n. 41.

Adalbert, Bishop, punished for invocation of angels, 89.

Adam, 76, 183, 201, 260; invoked, 169, 220; relations of, with demons, 29, 36, 37, 113.

Adiriron, 139.

Adonai, 90, 226.

Adonis rites, and Tekufah, 313, n. 13.

Afikomen, used as amulet, 134, 295, n. 4.

Agate, 138.

Agla, 226, 262.

Agrippa von Nettesheim, magic squares of, 142.

Ahah, 142.

Aḥizat ‘ainayim, 19.

Aḥlamah, 138.

Aix-la-Chapelle, miraculous cure witnessed by Jews at, 200.

Akeleia, 207.

Akiba, pupils of, destroyed in plague, 255; spelling of, revealed in dream, 231.

Akos Pakos, 103. See also Hocus Pocus.

‘Akriel, 112.

Albigenses, influenced by neo-Manichæans, 278, n. 33.

Albrecht, Count, of Saxony, anecdote concerning, and Jew, 10.

Alchemy, not current among Jews, 304, n. 1.

Alexander V, Pope, Inquisitor ordered to proceed against Jews by, 271, n. 2.

Almoli, Solomon b. Jacob, 232, 236, 237, 240, 246, 317.

Alp, 40.

Alpdrücken, 196.

Alpha, 101.

Alphabet, Hebrew, 152, 262; power inherent in, 82, 92; used in sortilege, 217.

Alphabet, magical, used in amulets, 141.

Alphabet of Ben Sira, and the Lilit legend, 37, 101, 278, n. 34.

Amethyst, 138.

‘Amidah, shortened, in Friday night service, 281, n. 6.

Amnon of Mainz, prayer of, dictated in dream, 234.

Amriel, 99.

Amshaspands, seven, influence of, on archangels, 251.

‘Amude Shlomo, 316.

Amulet, 10, 75, 95, 100, 101, 107, 122, 132-152, 169, 206, 255; astrological, 142 f.; Christian, 142 f.; material objects, 132 ff.; preparation of, 292, n. 56; time for writing, 145; written, 139 ff.

Ana Bekoaḥ, acrostic of 42-letter name of God, 95, 174.

Anael, 147, 151, 251.

Anahita, 92.

Anaxos, 92.

Ancestors, merit of, 154.

Aneganc, 212.

Anesthesia, 188.

Angel, of barrenness, 33; of conception, 36; of day, 246; of death, 49, 79, 162, 176, 178, 206, 211, 275, n. 15; of destruction, 28, 49, 102, 155; of disease, 198, 204; of dreams, 235, 242, 243, 244; of Gehinnom, 66, 68, 76; of memory, 99; of month, 99 f., 139, 218, 243; of night, 36; of quarter of year, 257; of womb, 202.

Angelology, Biblical, 71; Talmudic, 71 f.

Angels, 16, 31, 32, 37, 65, 69-77, 94, 99, 115, 140, 156, 162, 201, 298, n. 5; attributes and functions of, 73-77; classes of, 287, n. 15; divining with, 222; evil, 56; guardian, 32, 72, 99; invocation of, 20, 115, 158, 206, 243, 255, 287, n. 15; language of, 74; magical use of, 21, 69, 72; names

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of, 15, 77, 97-103, 139, 151, 224, 260 ff.; and heavenly bodies, 69, 250, 312, n. 2. See also Archangels; Deputy angels; Good, powers of; Memuneh.

Angels, individual. See ‘Akriel; Am-riel; Anael; Aniel; Ansiel; Armisael; Ayil; ‘Azriel; Barkiel; Bezachriel; Cassiel; Daghiel; Duhael; Duma; Dumah; Gabriel; Guriel; Ḥaniel; Ḥasdiel; Hatach; Inias; Kabshiel; Kafẓiel; Kochbiel; Kutiel; Laylah; Luel; Mefatḥiel; Metatron; Morael; Naḥaliel; Neḥinah; Nuriel; Paḥadron; Patḥiel; Pniel; Poteh; Puel; Purah; Raguel; Raḥmiel; Raphael; Raziel; Romiel; Sabaoc; Sachiel; Samael; Sandalfon; Sarfiel; Sham-riel; Simiel; Simusiel; Tubuas; Tubuel; Ubaviel; Uriel; Yarḥiel; Yeshamiel; Yofiel; Zachriel; Ẓadkiel; Ẓafniel.

Aniel, 98, 251.

Animal parts, employed magically, 130.

Animals, kosher, characteristics of, 183 f.; as omens, 211; shapes of, assumed by witches and sorcerers, 13 f. See also Ant; Cat; Dog; Fish; Fox; Guinea pig; Hare; Horse; Mice; Mole; Mythical creatures; Odor, of animal; Otter; Salamander; Scorpion; Serpent; Snail; Snake; Spider's web; Spontaneous generation; Wolf.

Anos, 101.

Ansiel, 102.

Ant, transfer of fever to, 204.

Anthroposcopy, 216.

Anti-demonic psalm (Ps. 91), 47, 67, 112 f., 158, 178, 179.

Aphrodite, 100.

Apostasy, 23.

Apostate, 58, 86.

Appian Way, Jewesses sell dreams on,

Apollonius of Tyana, Notory Art transmitted through, 89.

Aptowitzer, V., on mezuzot, 149.

Aquinas, Thomas, 55 f., 89, 232, 282, n. 17.

Arabia, 37.

Aramaic, 16, 74, 75, 92, 115, 127, 141, 149, 287, n. 13.

Aramaic Incantation Texts, 72.

Archangels, and planets, 76, 98, 250 f.

Aristotle, authority on dreams, 237.

Armimas, 102, 117.

Arminius, 102.

Armisael, 202.

Ars Notoria, 12. See also Notory Art.

Asar, 127, 294, n. 20.

Asher, tribe of, 138.

Asher b. Yeḥiel, 148.

Ashmedai, king of demons, 36.

Assyria, 87.

Astrologer, Jewish, 295, n. 4.

Astrology, 21, 69, 208, 209, 249-259.

See also Equinox; Planets; Solstice; Stars, the; Tekufah; Zodiac.

Austria, 42, 167, 189, 299.

Averroes, 251.

Avesta, used in bibliomancy, 105.

Avignon, 271, n. 2.

Ayil, 251.

‘Azriel, 151.


Babel, builders of tower of, 279, n. 35.

Babylonia, 11, 25, 87, 88, 277, n. 32, 315.

Backwards, to do things, 111, 116, 126, 129, 201.

Bacon, Roger, on the Notory Art, 89.

Baduk umenuseh, 115.

Baḥya b. Asher, on gems, 265.

Baladur, 191.

Baptism, 109, 284, n. 31.

Barbarica onomata, 87.

Barben, 213.

Barcelona, 86, 199.

Barches, 40.

Bareket, 137.

Barkiel, 98, 99, 251.

Bärmutter charm, 106, 200 f.

Barnacle goose, 183.

Barrenness, angel of, 112; caused by sorcery, 154; to remedy, 33 f., 157, 182. See also Sterility.

Bartholomew of England, theories of, concerning dream inspiration, 310, n. 10.

Barzel, composition of, 313, n. 14.

Basel, synod in, 4.

Bastard, conceived in love, 187.

Bat melech, 32.

Bath, ritual, 41, 187, 295, n. 1.

Bells, church, drive off demons, 160.

Benjamin, tribe of, 138.

Benjamin b. Zeraḥ, legend of, 223.

Ben Sira, legend concerning birth of, 189.

Ben Zera‘, 189.

Berachya HaNakdan, treatise on gems by, 296, n. 7.

Berches, 40 f., 280, n. 48.

Berchisbrod, 40.

Berchta, 40.

Berit, 112, 172.

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Bern, strife between Dominicans and Franciscans at, 272, n. 16.

Berthold of Regensburg, cited, on angels, 285, n. 2.

Berufen, 54.

Beryl, 138.

Beschreien, 54.

Bezachriel, 99.

Bezalel, 82.

Bible, the, 200; on angels, 71; anti-demonic virtues of, 155; on astrology, 250; choosing name from, 205; on dreams, 239; in magic, 104-113, 274, n. 13; medicinal use of, 108; methods of interpreting, 262 ff.; on sorcery, 19; on spirits, 27; study of, 105, 106. See also Anti-demonic psalm; Biblical verses; Chapter of Maledictions; Daniel; Deuteronomy; Jeremiah; Leviticus; Pentateuch; Psalms, magical use of; Scripture; Song at the Sea; Song of Songs; Torah; Torah scroll.

Biblical verses, 116, 122, 156, 163, 188; in dream divination, 239, 243; magical uses of, 109 ff.; methods of utilizing, 112; recited after dreams, 107, 245; use in Talmudic period, 107. See also Anti-demonic psalm; Psalms, magical use of.

Bibliomancy, 216.

Bilhah, 313, n. 14.

Binding, 127, 130.

Bird, 101, 164, 190, 197, 204, 278, n. 33; dream symbol, 239, 244, 245; fabulous, 183; omen, 211, 212. See also Barnacle goose; Cuckoo; Doves; Feather, chicken; Fowl; Goose; Hen; Hoopoe; Phoenix; Raven; Rooster; Starling.

Birth, 47, 48, 49, 106, 160; practices connected with, 169.

Black, 23, 173, 187, 207, 220, 239, 295, n. 24, 308, n. 25.

Black Death, 6, 272, n. 9.

Black magic, 22.

Blau, Ludwig, on abraxas in Hebrew literature, 100; cited, on Talmudic demonology, 274, n. 6.

Bleeding, remedy for, 196, 197.

Blessing, 231; over water, 177; over wine, 167, 173, 195; on writing amulet, 144; over Torah, 284; new moon, 256.

Blood, 135, 138, 152, 170, 185, 194, 196, 201, 252, 257, 258, 276, n. 25, n. 28, 279, n. 45, 313, n. 14; consumption of, abhorrent to Jews, 129, 203; deterioration of, 199; in witch-cults, 9, 272, n. 16; Jews accused of using Christian, 7 ff.; to stop flow of, 207; trial by, 227 f., 309, n. 36.

Blood, human, consumed by vampire, 39; utilized in magic and medicine, 7 f., 128, 202 f.

Blood-letting, 196, 200, 255; auspicious occasions for, 254 f. See also Phlebotomy.

Blumen der Tugend, quoted, on hoopoe, 295, n. 23; on visit by the dead, 242.

Boaz, 31.

Body, human, elements of, used medicinally and magically, 7 f., 202 f., 272, n. 13.

Bohemia, Hollekreisch in, 42.

Bone, 196, 202, 275, n. 12.

Bonn, Jews in vicinity of, held responsible for Black Death, 272, n. 9.

Book of Creation, 84, 86.

Book of Life, 57.

Borneo, changing invalid's name in, 205.

Botanomancy, 219.

Brant, Sebastian, cited, on medieval medicine, 193.

Brantspiegel, 44, 59, 316.

Bread, 165, 166, 174, 227, 248, 294, n. 16; and salt, 39, 128, 160 f.

Breast-plate, gems in, 137 f.

Brenz, Samuel Friedrich, accusations against Jews by, 86.

Breslau, church council at, 6.

Bridal pair, dangers to, 48.

Bridge, 113, 119, 120.

Broxa, 13, 38 f., 278, n. 34.

Brüll, N., 316.

Bruna, Israel, on change of invalid's name, 205.

Buddha, 89.

Buddhists, 81.

Bukaiẓa, 206 f.

Burial, activities of soul after, 61 ff.; among friends, 63; dangers attending, 49; practices connected with, 176 ff.; symbolic, 34. See also Cemetery; Coffin; Corpse; Funeral; Grave; Mourners; Mourning; Shroud.


Cakes, magic, 122, 123, 243, 297, n. 23.

Canaanites, superstitions of, adopted by Jews, 11.

Cancer (constellation), 258.

Candle, 64, 129, 285, n. 6; as omen, 214; in divination, 220; lighting, at

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birth, 169, 171 f.; lighting, at death, 174, 180. See also Light; Torch.

Capistrano, John, challenged by Israel Isserlein, 228.

Carbuncle (disease), 203.

Carbuncle (gem), 137.

Carnelian, 137.

Caro, Joseph, cited, on Kapparah, 164.

Cassiel, 251.

Cat, 14, 39, 183, 190, 276, n. 18; black, 23, 295, n. 24.

Cataract, 207.

Caul, protection against demons, 134.

Cemetery, the, evil spirit of, 127; flickering lights in, at night, 61; herbs gathered in, 207; infested with spirits, 49; return from, 178, 179; visiting, 64 f. See also Burial; Funeral.

Census, and evil eye, 55.

Chapter of Maledictions, fear of reading, 59, 284, n. 33. See also Curses.

Charity, 64, 157, 164, 204, 244, 250.

Charles the Bald, Emperor, 5.

Childbirth, to ease, 8, 135, 137, 188, 201.

Children, agents in divination, 221 attacked by demons, 36; conditioned by thoughts of parents during conception, 187; die young, 33.

Chill, gem that causes, 137.

China, hexagram and pentagram in, 141; magic square in, 143.

Chiromancy, 216.

Chmielnicki, pogrom of, 10.

Christ, body of, 6, 7. See also Jesus.

Christmas, 135, 136, 215, 254, 256.

Church, dream omen, 243.

Circle, 141, 151, 152; magic, 119, 121, 160, 164, 169, 174, 203, 220, 280, n. 51.

Circumcision, 8, 37, 42, 48, 106, 154, 157, 166, 189, 195, 197; practices connected with, 170-172. See also Wachnacht.

Ciruelo, 89.

Clavicula Salomonis, 117.

Clay, 85, 86, 291, n. 43.

Clement V, Pope, 184.

Coffin, 63, 121, 154, 175, 176, 177, 309, n. 32.

Cohabitation, abnormal, consequences of, 186; favorable times for, 185 f.; prevented by magic, 127.

Cohen, Abigdor, 200.

Coins, 134, 162, 173, 185, 218, 225.

Cologne, Bishop of, 194.

Columbine, 207.

Combat, trial by, 228 f.

Comets, 251 f.

Conception, angel of, 36; during waxing moon, 256; thoughts during, 186 f.

Constantinople, 237, 306, n. 5.

Consumption, Biblical verse to cure, 110.

Coral, 133.

Cordovero, Moses, 94.

Corn, strewn before bridal pair, 173.

Corpse, 34, 128, 158, 188, 210, 227, 280, n. 45; avoid contact with, 49, 65; demons try to seize, 49; dice out of bones of, 284, n. 1; Jews forbidden to make use of, 129; preparation of, for burial, 175; questioning the, 223.

Corvinus, Ladislaus, 252.

Council, Church, 6.

Cracow, 237.

Creation, 29, 286, n. 10, 289, n. 26, 312, n. 2.

Creation, Laws of, 84.

Crossroads, 43, 207.

Crumbs left on table, 166.

Crusade, First, 62.

Crusaders, 255.

Crystal, 138.

Cuckoo, divining by, 206.

Cupping, 196.

Curieuse Hauss-Apothec, 202 f.

Curses, 45, 48, 56, 58-60, 66, 111, 212.

See also Chapter of Maledictions. Cyrillus of Jerusalem, 195.


Daghiel, 99.

Dan, tribe of, 138.

Daniel, book of, 71, 127; dream book ascribed to, 237; invoked, 220.

Danger, to be saved from, 108, 110.

David, Shield of, 141. See also Hexagram.

Day of Atonement, 3, 64, 99, 212. See also Yom Kippur.

Dead, the, appearance of, in dreams, 234; in divination, 222; in dream divination, 241 f.; obey magician, 65; resurrection of, 178, 179, 182, 290, n. 37; spirits of, 29 f., 49, 61-68, 222 ff., 275, n. 12. See also Ghost.

Death, 47, 49, 79, 83, 88, 146, 154, t60, 164, 191, 215, 235, 252, 255, 256, 258; announcing, 57; Biblical verses postpone, 106; conception of, 61; dangers attending, 49; decreed in heaven, 239; practices connected with, 174 ff. See also Burial; Cemetery;

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[paragraph continues] Coffin; Corpse; Dead, spirits of; Dying man; Evil men, spirits of; Funeral; Ghost; Grave; Ḥibbut haKever; Jahrzeit; Kaddish; Mourners; Mourning; Robbing the dead; Shroud; Soul.

Deceit, anti-demonic weapon, 168.

Delmedigo, Joseph, on Golem legends in Germany, 85.

Demoniac, 158, 196. See also Dibbuk; Possession, spirit.

Demon-magic, opposition to, 25, 45. Demonology, 26; Christian, 277, n. 29; development of, in Middle Ages, 26; Talmudic, 24, 274, n. 6.

Demons, 21, 25-60, 65, 107, 116, 119, 121, 126, 133, 134, 140, 146, 185, 201, 242, 258, 286, n. 7; and fingernails, 191; and uncleanness, 32; attributes and functions of, 30 ff.; cause disease, 198; cause dreams, 235; death of, 31; diet of, 39; divining with, 222; execute curses, 60; expulsion of, 42, 51, 96, 97, 113, 138, 148, 158, 186; female, 29, 31, 158; habitat of, 32, 34, 283, P. 21; invocation of, 20, 21, 25 f., 72, 206; language of, 287, n. 13; limitation of powers of, 84; names of, 35-43; origin of, 2g; relations of, with men, 36, 44-60, 282 f., n. 17; types of, 27 f., 30 f., 274 f., n. 6. See also Alp; Alpdrücken; Broxa; Devil; Dragon; Estrie; Evil men, spirits of; Evil, powers of; Fae; Genii; Ghoul; Incubus; Kelippah; Kobold; Lamaššu; Lamie; Lutin; Malache ḥabbala; Malach ra‘; Mare; Mashḥit; Maezik; Mermaid; Nixe; Nuitons; Satan; Satyrs; Shed; Shedu; Siren; Spirits, evil; Stone, type of demon; Striga; Uncleanness, spirits of; Vampire; Werwolf; Wichtchen; Wolf, night.

Demons, individual. See Ashmedai; Bat melech; Devil; Igrat; Keteb Meriri; Lilit; Maḥlat; Ochnotinos; Poteh; Purah; Satan; Shabriri; Shibbeta.

De Occulta Philosophia, astrological magic squares in, 142.

Deputy angels, 69-73, 126, 223, 250, 285 f., n. 2. See also Memuneh.

Determinism, problem of, 208 ff. Deuteronomy XXVIII, reading of, shunned, 59. See also Chapter of Maledictions.

Devil, 15, 49, 56, 58, 135, 154, 155, 277, n. 29. See also Satan.

Dialogues, of Gregory the Great, 56 f., 282, n. 12.

Diamond, 138.

Dibbuk, 50, 282, n. 11.

Dice, 218, 284, n. I.

Dionysos, 92.

Disease, amulet against, 139, 295, n. 4; causes of, 197 ff.; transfer of, 204; treatment of, 199 ff. See also Illness; Medicine.

Disputation of R. Jeḥiel, 317.

Distance, name to eliminate, 97.

Divination, 26, 97, 108, 121, 206, 208-229; dream, 241-243. See also Astrology; Dream divination; Dream question; Necromancy.

Divining rod, 225 f., 309, n. 35.

Dog, 27, 107, 119, 128, 130, 183, 184, 187, 196, 276, n. 18; dream symbol, 245; mad, 216; omen, 212; omen of death, 162, 215, 275, n. 15, 306, n. 6.

Dominicans, accused of using blood of Jewish child, 272, n. 16.

Doors, 32, 33, 70, 154; the "opener" of, 99.

Doves, 131, 243.

Dragon, 40, 257, 280, n. 47.

Dream books, 237 f.

Dream divination, 111, 131, 206, 241. Dream fast, 238, 245 f.

Dream question, 117, 241, 242, 243.

Dreams, 9, 65, 107, 223, 230-248; agencies invoked in, 241; angel of, 230, 235, 243, 244; interpretation of, 236 ff.; ominous, neutralization of, 157, 244 ff.; origin of, 71, 233 f., 235, 310, n. 10; spirits visit man in, 63.

Dropsy, 313, n. 14.

Drudenfuss, 145.

Drugs, Jewish trade in, 5; made from elements of human body, 272, n. 13. Duel, 228 f.

Duhael, 99.

Duma, prince of dreams, 243.

Dumah, angel of Gehinnom, 66, 68, 76.

Dust, 128.

Dying man, 48, 63, 121, 160; practices connected with, 174 f.


Earth, throwing behind, after funeral, 2, 178 f.

Ebel Rabatti, 57.

Eberhard, Bishop, image of, reputedly burned by Jews, 7.

Eclipse, 251 f.

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Eden, 29, 62.

Efraim b. Isaac, of Regensburg, decision of, concerning sturgeon, 230.

Egg, 43, 46, 101, 122, 128, 129, 163, 182, 197, 202, 213, 281.

Egypt, 11, 25, 57, 87, 137, 141, 170, 257.

Egyptian Days, 254.

Ehyeh, 142, 151.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh 91, 288, n. 18.

Eight, 142.

Eighteen benedictions, 28, 155.

Einhard, 200.

El, 90, 107, 151, 225, 226, 260.

Elder leaves, 207.

Eleazar b. Judah, of Worms, 17, 19, 61, 73, 75, 76, 85, 92, 117, 160, 215, 222, 238, 239, 252, 255, 316.

Eleazar b. Pedat, cited, on crumbs left on table, 166.

Elements, four, 181, 252.

Elf. See Alp.

Elf-lock, 41.

Eli, 226.

Eliakim b. Joseph, dream visit of, 234.

Eliezer, R., on creative power of demons, 84.

Eliezer b. Nathan, of Mainz, 19, 178, 234, 316.

Eliezer b. Samuel, of Metz, 20, 149.

Elijah, 52, 167, 171, 191, 228, 277, n. 32.

Elijah of Chelm, Golem legend concerning, 85.

Elijah Levita, 37, 317.

Elisha, 122.

Elizabeth, Queen, threatened by image magic, 124.

Eloa, 226.

Eloe, 90.

Eloë Sabaot, 100.

Elohim, 151.

Eloym, 9 1.

Elsass, 171.

Embryo, 135, 187.

Emerald, 137.

Emission, nocturnal, 36, 51. See also Keri.

Encounter, after ritual bath, 187; first, as omen, 212.

Endor, witch of, 222.

Enemy, destruction of, 96, 97, 110, 123, 125.

England, 2, 27, 68, 164.

Enoch literature, 72.

Entrails, 7, 131, 164, 165, 197.

Ephraim, tribe of, 172.

Ephraim of Bonn, cited, on blood of circumcision, 170; on attack on Jews in London, 271, n. 3.

Epilepsy, cause of, 186.

Epiphany, 215.

Equinoxes, 257 f.

Erdäpfel, 302, n. 6.

Esclavonia, 217.

Escorting a traveller, 45 f.

Eshkol HaKofer, 148.

Essenes, angel-lore of, 72.

Estrie, 13, 38 f., 278, n. 34.

Ethiopia, 137.

Eucharist, wafer of, 6.

Euphemism, use of, 57.

Eve, 29, 113, 183; invoked, 169. See also Ḥavah.

Even numbers, 118, 154.

Even Tekumah, 133 f.

Evil eye, 45, 48, 54-56, 111, 133, 156, 158, 198, 219, 283, n. 26; in Talmud, 55; protection against, 56, 97, 139 f.

Evil men, spirits of, become demons, 30, 65, 67, 198, 275, n. 12, 279, n. 35.

Evil, powers of, 25-43, 135, 257. See also Demons; Spirits, evil; Uncleanness, spirits of.

Excommunication, 59, 231.

Excrement, 128, 129, 202, 203.

Exorcism, 51, 158, 282, n. 12, n. 14.

Expectorating, 107, 120, 159. See also Saliva; Spitting; Spittle.

Eye, 32, 125, 127, 130, 134, 166, 175, 179, 211, 215, 239, 295, n. 24; cure for, 137, 194, 195, 200, 203, 207.

Eyeballs, magician's, 13.

Eye, evil. See Evil eye.

Eyel, 90.

Ezekiel, 216.

Eẓ Ḥayim, 238, 239.


Facial types, 216.

Fae, 29, 40, 279, n. 42.

Fasting, 33, 83, 111, 114, 120, 121, 157, 172, 212, 243, 244, 256. See also Dream fast.

Fat, 7, 9, 128, 129, 130, 138, 202, 272, n. 13.

Fatalism, 209.

Favor, to win, 96, 97, 110, 134, 142.

Feather, 197.

Feathers, chicken, 174.

Felt, 41, 188.

Fennel, 133, 134, 207.

Fertility, 130, 252; gem for, 137; potions, 188; spirits, 278, n. 33; symbols of, 173;

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[paragraph continues] Teutonic goddess of, 40.

Fever, 110, 117, 119, 197, 198, 203, 204.

Fig (a gesture), 161 f., 175.

Figures, magical, 141 f., 148, 151.

Finger, 7, 158, 161, 175.

Finger-nails, 128, 129, 217, 255, 256, 308, n. 26; divining by, 219; order of cutting, 191.

Fire, 31, 72, 118, 125, 159, 181, 182, 196, 198, 226, 233, 252, 262, 289, n. 26, 298, n. 5, 301, n. 44, 305, n. 15; as dream symbol, 239; as omen, 213; on Sabbath, 3, 143; ordeal by, 227; protection against, 295, n. 4; quenched by name, 96; Sefer Raziel prevents, 315; to extinguish, 294, n. 16, n. 21.

Fires, of Gehinnom, 66, 67.

First encounter, 212.

First things, 122.

Fish, 165, 166, 173, 183, 185, 188, 213, 230; as dream symbol, 239. See also Sturgeon.

Flame, spirit is like, 61.

Flight, power of, attributed to sorcerers and witches, 14.

Flood, removal of name caused the, 289, n. 26.

Folk biology, 184-190.

Food, effect of, on procreation, 184 f.; incantations inscribed on, 122 f.; left overnight, 46; not eaten on Saturday evening, 68; strewn at wedding, 173 f.; token of good fortune, 213. See also Corn; Garlic; Honey; Liquids; Manna; Meat; Milk; Nuts; Oil; Olives; Onion; Pepper; Salt; Spices; Water; Wheat; Wine.

Forgetfulness, actions affecting, 190 f.; charm against, 102; spirit of, 117, 191.

Forgetting and remembering, 190-192.

Formula, for change of name, 205; for creating Golem, 85; for negating curse, 60; for ordeal, 227.

Four, 142.

Fowl, 162, 163, 164, 173, 174, 183, 184, 245; as omen, 212; creation of, 281, n. 52. See also Feathers, chicken; Hen; Goose; Rooster.

Fox, 133.

France, 6, 68, 148, 176, 178, 249.

Frankfort, 113, 202.

Frazer, J. G., 21, 124, 126, 302.

Frederick I, of Austria, privilege issued by, 228.

Free will, problem of, 208 ff.

Freiburg, city council of, requests expulsion of Jews, 8.

Friday, 145, 253, 254; night, 47, 67, 68, 166, 186, 195, 281, n. 6. See also Sabbath, eve of.

Fright, as remedy, 196.

Fulda, Jews of, accused of murder, 7.

Funeral, 49, 106, 113, 121; rites, 176 ff.

See also Hands, washing, after funeral.

Future, foretelling the. See Divination.


Gabriel, 98, 126, 142, 151, 156, 251, 260, 286, n. 9.

Galen, 120, 230, 309, n. 2.

Garlic, 46, 185, 194, 299, n. 17, 302, n. 6.

Gaster, Moses, 72, 89, 100, 101 f., 260, 3,6.

Gehinnom, 66, 170, 234; angel of, 66, 68, 76. See also Hell.

Gematria, 94, 99, 262 f., 264.

Gems, 136-138, 265-268.

Generation, spontaneous, 182 f.

Genethlialogy, 252.

Genii, 40.

Genitalia, 112. See also Sex organs.

Geomancy, 217 f.

George of Podiebrad, 252.

Gerald of Wales, cited, on barnacle goose, 183.

Germany, 8, 48, 68, 72, 85, 86, 120, 134, 141, 148, 164, 171, 176, 178, 201, 216, 249, 258, 262, 307.

Gershon b. Hiskiya, 230.

Gerson, Jean, 193.

Gerte, 220, 308, n. 25.

Ghost, 49, 62, 175, 176, 223, 274, n. 6, 302, n. 56. See also Dead, the, spirits of.

Ghoul, 37.

Gilgul, 50. See also Metempsychosis; Soul, transmigration of.

Gilles de Rais, 9.

Ginsburg, C. D., 264.

Glass, breaking of, at wedding, 172.

God, 44, 45, 65, 66, 104, 107, 112, 139, 146, 157, 158, 165, 175, 211, 226, 228, 247, 250, 257, 262; agents of, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 204; anger of, 23, 60; appeal to, 155; attributes of, 90, 98; the creator, 29, 286; dreams come from, 232, 234; fear of, 208; the healer, 30; language of, 74; name of, 15, 80, 83, 84, 85, 90-97, 98, 100, 107, 108, 109, 113, 143, 151, 201; protection of, 46; root of magic, 21;

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supremacy of, 22, 30, 209; voice of, 107; word of, 104 ff. See also Name of God.

Gold, 211, 218, 219, 225, 226.

Goldmark, Karl, 153.

Golem, 56, 84-86.

Good, powers of, 69-77, 170. See also Angels.

Goose, 212, 258.

Gossip, 57, 58, 169, 297, n. 3.

Gout, 58, 203.

Grace after meals, 28, 155, 298, n. 5.

Grass, tearing up, at funeral, 178 f.

Grave, 34, 48, 74, 128, 154, 176, 178, 179, 200, 201, 207, 210, 223, 224, 242; as dream symbol, 243; measuring, 285, n. 6; spirit of, 131, 224, 309, n. 31.

Graz, belief concerning manufacture of drugs in, 272, n. 13.

Gregory the Great, Dialogues of, 56 f., 282.

Grimm, Jacob, 212.

Grünbaum, M., 257.

Grunwald, M. 100, 102, 109, 316.

Güdemann, M., 102, 171.

Guinea-pig, 129, 130.

Guriel, 251.

Gzrel, 94.


Habdalah, 67, 114, 167, 191, 195, 217, 308, n. 26.

HaḤayim, 316.

Hahn, Joseph, 46.

Hai Gaon, 88, 94, 195, 237, 246, 257, 288, 290, 310.

Hair, 31, 32, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 119, 127, 128, 129, 134, 196, 197, 202, 231, 255, 256, 276, n. 18.

Hall, in Swabia, Jewish doctor permitted to practice in, 4.

Halley's Comet, observed by Israel Isserlein, 252.

Halo, 216 f.

Ḥananel, R., prayer composed by, 292, n. 4.

Ḥanina, R., creation of calf by, 84.

Hand, 103; divining by, 216; in magic, 7; washing, after funeral, 2, 179; unwashed, 32, 35.

Ḥaniel, 98, 99, 140.

Hare, 184, 188.

Hartlieb, Johann, 14, 221, 308, n. 25.

Ḥasdiel, 98, 140, 151, 251.

Hashba‘at Malachim, 25.

Hashba‘at Shedim, 25.

Ḥatach, 165.

Hatavat Ḥalom, 247.

Ḥavah, invoked, 220.

Havre, 231.

Hawthorn, 309, n. 31.

Ḥayim b. Beẓalel, 107, 316.

Hazel, 225, 308, n. 25, 309, n. 31.

Head, formation of, index of character, 216.

Healing. See Disease; Illness; Medicine.

Hebrew, 16, 28, 38, 43, 57, 74, 75, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101, 103, 107, 111, 125, 132, 134, 141, 143, 164, 186, 225; language of demons, 287, n. 13; language of heaven, 74; name, 89.

Hechalot, 72, 88.

Heh (letter), 134, 143.

Heilawac, 194.

Heilwag, 194.

Heinrich of Erfurt, doctor, 194. Hell, 67. See also Gehinnom.

Hemorrhages, Jews believed to suffer from, 7.

Hemorrhoids, Jews believed to suffer from, 7.

Hen, 129, 130, 160; black, 43; carried before bridal pair, 173; crowing, 163; sacrificed in new home, 299, n. 19.

Henbane, 134.

Henry IV, privilege issued by, 227.

Hephæstos, 92.

Herbs, as amulets, 133; anti-demonic, 161; gathered in cemetery, 207; miraculous, 182; in medicine, 206 f. See also Akeleia; Bukaiẓa; Columbine; Elder leaves; Fennel; Henbane; Plantain; Sage; Schelwurz; Wegarich.

Heresy, to, 73.

Hermes, 100, 102.

Hexagram, 140 f., 151. See also David, Shield of.

Hexe, 278, n. 34.

Ḥibbut ha-Kever, Kabbalistic doctrine of, 74.

Hidden treasure, 224-227.

Hindus, 105, 141, 143.

Hirnbrüte, 198.

Ḥisda, R., cited, on the dream fast, 245.

Ḥochmat HaNefesh, 238, 316.

Hocus Pocus, 83, 103, 226.

Holda, 41.

Holiday, 246, 301. See also Day of Atonement; Hoshana Rabbah; Lag B’omer; New Year; Passover; Pentecost; Rejoicing over the Torah;

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[paragraph continues] Rosh Hashanah; Sabbath; Saturday; Sukkot; Tabernacles, Feast of; Tisha‘ B’ab; Yom Kippur.

Holle, 41-43.

Holle-locke, 41.

Hollekreisch, 41 f., 172. See also Naming child.

Hollenzopf, 41.

Homeopathic medicine, 196 f.

Homer, used in bibliomancy, 105.

Homunculus, 85. See also Golem.

Honey, 131, 207, 224, 243.

Ḥoni HaMe‘agel, and the magic circle, 121.

Hoopoe, 130, 295, n. 23.

Horoscope, 252.

Horse, 187, 194, 203, 275, n. 15, 280, n. 49; as dream symbol, 239, 240.

Horowitz, Isaiah b. Abraham, 28, 146, 175, 247.

Horowitz, Shabbetai b. Isaiah, 178.

Hoshana Rabbah, 62, 106, 215, 254.

Host, alleged mutilation of, by Jews, 6.

Hours, propitious for writing amulets, 145; propitious for writing mezuzah, 147.

House, 32, 146, 173, 177, 247; as omen, 210; astrological, 253; new, 33, 70, 110, 276, n. 23, 299, n. 19.

House of Life, 57.

Hugh of Lincoln, alleged crucifixion of, by Jews, 8.

Hulda, 41.

Hungary, meeting-place of demons in, 33.

Hydromancy, 219.

Hygiene, 198, 282, n. 16.


Ibn Ezra, legend concerning, and demons, 26 f.

Ibn Roshd, reputed authority on dreams, 237.

Ibn Sinna, reputed authority on dreams, 237.

Ibn Zohr, medical questions solved in dreams by, 309, n. 2.

Idolatry, 21 f.

Igrat, queen of demons, 36.

Iliad, medical use of, 106.

Illness, 47, 57, 107, 157, 198, 252; causes of, 197-199, 204; cured by name, 97; cured by gem, 137; news of, withheld, 57. See also Disease; Medicine.

Image magic, 6 f., 71, 124, 125, 126.

Immaculate conception, 183.

Imprecations. See Curses.

Impregnation without contact, 189.

Incantations, 83, 97 f., 115 ff., 121, 126, 130, 164, 200, 224, 272, n. 9; permitted by rabbis, 196; unintelligible, 81 f.

Incense, 106, 130, 131, 224.

Incubus, 51-54, 283.

Index Librorum Prohibitorum, Shimmush Tehillim placed on, 109.

India, Sanskrit prayers in, 81.

Ineffable name, 90, 101, 314, n. 4. See also Name of God.

Infants, sacrifice of, 9; attacked by demons, 42.

Influence, sympathetic, 21.

Inias, 89.

Inquisition, 1, 9, 13, 16, 89, 271, n. 2.

Insomnia, to cure, 134, 194; to induce, 130.

Intelligence, Biblical verse for, 111; name for, 97; term for angel, 287, n. 11. See also Wisdom.

Invalid, 118, 281; cured by magic name, 96; gossip about, 58; susceptible to demonic attack, 48, 118. Invisibility, of demons, 30, 44. Invisible, to become, 88, 110, 129. Iron, 46, 130, 160, 174, 258, 313, n. 14.

Isaac, 57, 165, 245, 258.

Isaac b. Judah, 316.

Isaac b. Moses, of Vienna, 3, 52, 231, 316.

Isaac b. Samuel, 221, 247.

Isidore of Seville, 90.

Israel, 56, 87, 96, 155, 158, 170, 227, 234, 257; redemption of, 23; twelve tribes of, 137 f., 172, 217.

Israel Isserlein, 58, 67, 167, 180, 190, 199, 203, 205, 228, 232, 245, 252, 284, 316.

Issachar, 137.

Isserles, Moses. See Moses Isserles.

Italy, 68, 72, 88, 252, 313, n. 13.

Ivan IV (the Terrible), Jews accused of dealing in poisons by, 6.


Jacinth, 138.

Jacob, 80, 138, 187, 211, 225; wives of, 313, n. 14.

Jacob b. Judah Hazan, 118, 238.

Jacob Halevi, of Marvège, 231, 236, 241, 242.

Jacob b. Meir Tam, 19, 95, 297, n. 19.

Jacob b. Moses Mölln, 46, 165, 190, 196, 241, 246, 258, 316.

Jacob b. Shalom, 86.

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Jaffe, Mordecai, 255, 307, n. 11, 316.

Jahrzeit, 246.

Jamblichus, 87.

Japan, hexagram and pentagram in, 141.

Jasper, 138.

Jeḥiel, R., 29.

Jephtha, 258.

Jeremiah, book of, 59; legend of, 189.

Jericho, 122.

Jeroḥam b. Meshullam, cited, on demon invocation, 20.

Jerusalem, destruction of, 172, 173, 298, n. 5.

Jesuits, 53.

Jesus, 103, 198, 200, 201, 231, 305, n. 15. See also Christ.

Jettatura, 55, 133. See also Evil eye.

Jews, accused of poisoning, 5 f.; accused of sorcery, 2 ff.; accused of using Christian blood, 7 ff.; and Christian sorcery, 15; ordered to abstain from magic, 271, n. 2; reputation of, as alchemists, 304, n. 1; as dream interpreters, 237; in gem magic, 136; as metal workers, 135; strangeness of, 9 f.

Joan of Arc, 9.

Joel, Baal Shem, of Zamosz, 53.

Joesten, Dr., cited, on Jews and Black Death, 272, n. 9.

John of Salisbury, experience of, in divination, 219.

John the Baptist, drops from bleeding corpse of, on leaves, 258.

John XXII, Pope, 184.

Joseph, 57, 137, 138, 142, 220, 237, 245, 309, n. 32.

Joseph, R., 245 f.

Joseph b. Moses, 180, 316.

Josephus, on demons, 275, n. 12. Joshua, 115.

Journey, 138, 157, 158, 161, 190, 210, 253, 255; fear of interrupting, 46; for safety during, 110; of soul, 177.

See also Traveller.

Judah, tribe of, 137.

Judah Hadassi, 148, 149.

Judah Halevi, reality of angelic apparitions acknowledged by, 73.

Judah Löw b. Beẓalel, on the evil eye, 56; Golem legend concerning, 85.

Judah the Pious, 12, 17, 19, 26, 34, 64, 78, 83, 254, 258, 273, n. 9, 316.

Jüdischer Theriak, 86.

Jupiter, 251, 252, 253.

Juvenal, remark of, concerning Jewesses who sell dreams, 9.


Kabbalah, 26, 50, 71, 82, 86, 89, 90, 117, 119, 275, 287, 298; and Christian magic, 16; German and Spanish, 17 ff.; Lurianic, 28, 50.

Kabbalah ‘Iyunit, 18.

Kabbalah Ma‘asit, 18.

Kabshiel, 142.

Kaddish, 74, 314, n. 4.

Kafẓiel, 98, 251.

Kairowan, question directed to Hai Gaon from, 88.

Kalir, Eleazar, origin of name of, 123.

Kalonymides, 17, 72, 149.

Kalonymos, R., cited, on dream fast, 246.

Kalonymos b. Meshullam, prayer dictated in dream to, 234.

Kame‘a, 132.

Kapparah, 163 ff.

Karaites, view of, concerning demons, 26.

Kavvanah, 18.

Kelippah, 28, 166.

Kentucky, wedding practice in, 160.

Keri, 282, n. 16. See also Emission, nocturnal.

Ketab Tamim, 317.

Keteb Meriri, 36.

Key, 160, 169, 175, 185.

Kiddush, 195.

Kingsmill Islands, changing invalid's name in, 205.

Kinship ordeal, 228.

Kishshuf, 19.

Kiss, 65, 105.

Knife, 121, 122, 128, 160, 169, 184, 227, 242, 243, 258, 276, 298, n. 5, 308, n. 25.

Knocking, on synagogue door, 62.

Knots, 120, 127.

Kobold, 39.

Kochbiel, 261.

Kol Bo, 317.

Kol Nidre, 284, n. 35.

Konrad von Megenberg, 303, n. 14.

Korah, company of, 167.

Koran, 105, 127.

Kosher animals, characteristics of, 183 f.

Kutiel, 225.


Laban, 187.

Labor pains, 105, 201.

Ladislaus VI, Posthumous, 252.

Lag B’omer, 254, 255.

Laḥash, 19, 224.

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Lamaššu, 37, 156, 277, n. 33.

Lamech, 287, n. 2.

Lamie, 13, 37.

Language, of demons, 287, n. 13; of heaven, 74; used by Jewish sorcerers, 75.

Lauterbach, J. Z., on Tashlich, 165.

Laws of Creation, 19, 84.

Lawsuit, between demons and men, 52 ff.

Laylah (angel), 36.

Lea, H. C., cited, on Notory Art, 89.

Leah, 313, n. 14.

Leaven, searching out the, 2 f.

Leech, 184.

Left, 26, 103, 129, 130, 183, 188, 189, 191, 225, 243.

Leket Yosher, 135, 316.

Leo (constellation), 258.

Leopold, Duke, 8.

Leshem, 138.

Létiches, 279, n. 43.

Letters, Hebrew, mystical value of, 18; used as numerals, 143; large, 147 f., 220. See also Gematria; Writing, large.

Levi, 137.

Levita, Elijah. See Elijah Levita.

Leviticus, medical use of, 106.

Libation, 167, 177. See also Offering to spirits.

Libra (constellation), 258.

Life, human, creation of, 84 f. See also Golem.

Light, 46, 61, 159, 171, 175, 186, 195, 214, 289, n. 26. See also Candle; Moon, light of; Stars, light of; Sun, light of; Torch.

Lightning, 34, 40, 273, n. 2.

"Likes," in medicine, 197.

Lilin, 28, 31.

Liliot, 28, 34.

Lilit, 36 f., 42, 101, 169, 258, 277 f., n. 32, n. 33, 280, n. 51, 292, n. 56.

Lincoln, Jew of, 229.

Lion, 33, 130, 140, 182, 216, 245.

Liquids, 46, 123 f., 159, 177, 198, 239.

Lock, magical device for opening, 130.

London, attack on Jews in, 2; duelling order issued in, 229.

Lorraine, 213, 285, n. 11.

Lots, casting, 217, 308, n. 26.

Louis IX, decree by, ordering Jews to abstain from magic, 271, n. 2.

Louse, 134, 183, 194.

Love, to arouse, 97, 110, 125 f., 129; charms, 43, 103, 129 f., 168; consumption of blood awakens, 8; potions, 123. See also Passion.

Lucca, Kalonymides from, 17.

Luck, bad, 33, 45, 46, 168, 212; good, 70, 132, 171, 213.

Ludwig IX, impelled to join Crusade by dream, 230.

Luel, 225.

Luria, Isaac, 191, 282.

Luria, Solomon, 146, 199, 316.

Luther, Martin, anecdote of, concerning Jew and amulet, 10; cited, on Jews and medicine, 6; on Jews and sorcery, 271, n. 1.

Lutin, 29, 40, 279.


Ma’aseh Book, 50 f., 316.

M’abrit, 117.

Mad, one who has gone, 95.

Mafgi‘a, 140.

Magen David, 141. See also David, Shield of; Hexagram.

Magic, and astrology, 250, 255; and divination, 218 f.; and mysticism, 12, 18, 72 f., 88; and medicine, 193 ff.; and religion, 16, 21, 104, 157; angels in, 69 f., 73; act, 20, 120 ff.; act, preparation for, 114; Arab, 115, 141, 143; attitude toward, 22, 23 ff.; black and white, 22; cause of disease, 198, 199; Christian, 15, 16, 22; to counteract, 106, 110, 111, 135, 158 ff.; counterfeit, 19, 20; demons in, 19 ff., 25 f.; forbidden, 19 ff., 126; fowl in, 164; Greek, 115; idolatrous, 21; influence of, on social usage, 153; limitations of, 84; pagan, 87; permitted, 19 ff., 24, 199 f.; roots of, 21; sympathetic, 21, 25, 124-130; Talmudic, 11, 19 f., 84, 88; Teutonic, 120; transference of, 122 f.; woman in, 16 f., 5r, 116. See also Sorcery; Witch-cults.

Magician, the Jewish, 12-19.

Maharil. See Jacob b. Moses Mölln.

Maḥlat, 36.

Maḥzor Vitry, 67, 149, 236, 257, 317.

Maimonides, Moses, 26 f., 73, 121, 148, 249, 290.

Mainz, spirits conduct service in, 62; stipulation when employing a sexton in, 284, n. 33.

Malache habbala, 28.

Malach ra‘, 275, n. 8.

Maledictions, chapter of, fear of reading, 284, n. 33. See also Curses.

Man, and the demons, 44-60.

Mandæans, 115.

Mandragora, 182.

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Manichæism, 101.

Manna, 106, 166.

Man-plant, 182, 302, n. 2.

Manure, used in creation of life, 85.

Marduk, 87.

Mare, 38 f., 278, n. 34, 279, n. 38.

Maria, 103. See also Mary.

Marriage, 47, 79, 118, 127, 160, 253, 255; customs connected with, 172 ff.; in May, 255. See also Wedding.

Mars, 251, 252, 253.

Marseilles, letter of Maimonides to, concerning astrology, 249.

Martin IV, Pope, 194.

Mary, 156, 231. See also Maria.

Masechet Soferim, 256.

Mashḥit, 275, n. 8.

Mazal, 286, n. 4, 311, n. 1.

Mazzik, 27, 31, 59.

Measles, 198.

Meat, thrown before bridal pair, 173.

Medicine, 4 f., 122, 160, 181, 193-207; and astrology, 259; and dreams, 309; Biblical verses in, 107; book on, 230; gem used in, 136. See also Abortion; Anesthesia; Barrenness; Blood, human; Blood-letting; Body, human; Carbuncle; Cataract; Childbirth; Chill; Consumption; Cupping; Disease; Dropsy; Embryo; Epilepsy; Excrement; Eye, cure for; Fat; Fever; Fright; Gout; Hemorrhage; Hemorrhoids; Hirnbrüte; Hygiene; Illness; Insomnia; Invalid; Menstruation; Miscarriage; Paralysis; Phlebotomy; Physicians; Plague; Podagra; Poison; Procreation; Psychic treatment; Sex, methods of determining; Sterility; Teeth, aching; Urine; Warts; Wasserkalb; Water, curative.

Medicine man, 81.

Mefasher Ḥalmin, 237.

Mefatḥiel, 99.

Meir, R., on dream fast, 246.

Meir b. Baruch, of Rothenburg, 19, 113, 146, 190, 191, 231, 234, 245, 310, n. 12, 316.

Meir b. Kalonymos, cited, on man-plant, 182.

Meir b. Todros Halevi Abulafia, cited, on demons, 20.

Melanesia, beliefs concerning causes of disease in, 197.

Memory, 74; actions detrimental to, 190 f.; aids to, 122, 191 f., 196; angel of, 99; loss of, 33.

Memuneh, 69, 72, 77, 222, 235, 286, n. 10. See also Deputy angels.

Menaḥem of Speyer, cited, on magical healing by Christian, 200.

Menasseh, tribe of, 172.

Menasseh b. Israel, 14, 27, 54, 56, 161, 230, 233, 235, 249, 317.

Menstruation, 8, 110, 185.

Mercury (planet), 251, 252.

Mermaid, 279, n. 45, 280, n. 46.

Messen, 203 f.

Messiah, time of the, 286, n. 4.

Metal, 121, 122, 134, 173, 175, 185; anti-demonic virtues of, 160, 203. See also Barzel; Coins; Gold; Iron.

Metatron, 76, 98, 262, 287, n. 19, 291, n. 49.

Metempsychosis, 282. See also Gilgul; Soul, transmigration of.

Meteoroid, 134.

Methuselah, 287, n. 2.

Metoposcopy, 216.

Metz, 171.

Mezuzah, 3 f., 92, 107, 141, 146-152, 158, 255, 290, n. 37.

Mice, 182, 183, 190.

Michael, 98, 126, 142, 151, 156, 225, 251, 260, 286, n. 9, 313, n. 12.

Michael Behaim, of Sulzbach, cited, on demons from Norway, 276, n. 27; on invoking the dead, 223.

Midsummer Day, 225, 257, 258, 313, n. 12.

Milk, 131, 188, 189, 194, 231.

Minhagim, 316.

Minz, Moses, cited, on Hollekreisch, 42.

Miriam's well, 195.

Mirror, 43, 128, 185, 195; covering, 302, n. 56; divining with, 219.

Miscarriage, 133 f., 137. See also Abortion.

Mitron, 173, 180, 301, n. 44.

Mohammed, 127.

Mole, 129, 130, 211.

Mölln, Jacob b. Moses. See Jacob b. Moses Mölln.

Monday, 145, 147, 219, 220, 254.

Monstrosities, human, 182.

Montgomery, J. A., 72, 100; cited, on angels, 77; cited, on Aramaic incantations, 89; cited, on ruaḥ, 274, n 6.

Month, angel of, 99 f., 139, 218, 243.

Moon, 186, 201, 251, 252, 253, 259, 261; angel in, 240; eclipse of, 251 f.; influence of, 255 f.; name of, 226; waning and waxing, 186, 255 f. See also New moon.

Moonlight, 159.

Moon-shadow, 198, 255.

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Moore, George Foot, 12.

Morael, 99.

Moravia, Hollekreisch in, 42.

Moses, 91, 96, 115, 216, 218, 258, 288, n. 18, 309, n. 32; astrologer named, 295, n. 4.

Moses, b. Abraham Mat, cited, on Habdalah libation, 167.

Moses b. Ḥanoch, 316.

Moses Isserles, 20 f., 164, 316.

Moses b. Jacob, of Coucy, 204, 230.

Moses Taku (or, of Tachau), 26 f., 311, n. 1, 317.

Moses b. Yeḥiel, 2, 179.

Mother, name of, 116, 139, 140; thoughts of, influence child, 187. Mothers, attacked by demons, 36. Mourner, 68, 157, 172, 177, 178, 179, 281. See also Funeral; Mourning. Mourning, 49, 213, 239, 248, 255; mark of, 301; rites, 2, 179 f.; treatise on, 57; at wedding ceremony, 173 f.

Mouth, vampire's, open after death, 14, 39.

Murder, ritual, 7-9.

Music, used to expel demon, 196; at wedding, 172.

Myrtle, 224, 309, n. 31.

Mythical creatures, 181; lands, 181.


Naḥaliel, 99.

Naḥmanides, Moses, 73, 215.

Name, change of, 168, 204-206; divining with, 217, 218; Hebrew, 41 f., 74; secular, 42; significance of, 78-80. See also Naming child.

Name of God, of 4 letters, 91; of 12 letters, 92, 289, n. 22; of 14 letters, 92, 148 f., 151, 297, n. 26; of 22 letters, 91, 92 f., 95, 98, 100, 151; of 42 letters, 91, 93, 94 f., 98, 174, 175, 289, n. 22, n. 26, n. 30; of 72 syllables, 91, 93, 95-97, 98, 262, 289, n. 22, n. 30. See also Adiriron; Adonai; Ahah; Ehyeh; Ehyeh asher ehyeh; Eli; Eloa; Eloe; Eloë Sabaot; Elohim; Eloym; God, name of; Ineffable name; Pipi; Pronunciation of name of God; Ramathel; Sabaot; Sabbaoth; Saday; Shaddai; Tetragrammaton; Uriron; Ya; Yah; Yau; Yehu; yhvh; Ẓebaot; Zelioz.

Name-magic, 26; evolution of, 86-89.

Names, magical, 19, 66, 75, 78-103, 115, 122, 131, 139, 156, 158, 218; of angels, 97-100; borrowed, 100-103; creative powers of, 84-86; of demons, 35-43; formation of, 260-267, 289 f.; of God, 90-97; hidden in Bible, 108, 109, 111, 112, 154, 243; invocation of, 15, 83; invocation of, and Kabbalah, 18; invocation of, in consonance with Jewish religion, 21, 24; knowledge of, inaccessible to women, 16; in medicine, 201 f.; permissibility of using, 20, 21; preparation for use of, 83; role of, 15, 22, 77, 80; and magic words, 80-83, 87 f. See also Abracadabra; Abraxas; Absalom; Abton; Adam; Agla; Akos Pakos; Alpha; Angels, names of; Angels, individual; Daniel; Demons, names of; Demons, individual; Eve; God, name of; Havah; Hocus Pocus; M’abrit; Name of God; Sansanvi; Sanvi; Semangelaf.

Naming child, 41 f., 78, 172; at grave, 48. See also Hollekreisch; Name.

Naphtali, tribe of, 138.

Nathan b. Moses Hanover, acrostic prayers of, 93, 94.

Natronai Gaon, opinion of, concerning Kiddush wine, 195.

Nature, 23; inner, of things, 21; of man, 36; root of magic, 21; wonders of, 181-184.

Nebuchadnezzar, dream of, 239.

Necromancy, 65, 222 ff.

Nefesh, 61. See also Soul.

Neḥinah, 224.

Neḥunya b. HaKana, acrostic prayer ascribed to, 95.

Nemirov, incident during pogrom at, 10.

Nergal, 156.

Neshamah, 61. See also Soul.

Nestelknüpfen, 127.

New moon, 62, 114, 119, 243, 256.

New things, 85, 88, 121 f., 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, t58, 188, 201, 219, 224. See also House, new; Wine, old.

New Year, 64, 99, 213, 285, n. 11. See also Rosh Hashanah.

Nichilus, 268.

Night, 32, 36, 42, 48, 72, 5 10, 183; angel of, 36; conception during, 186; dreams during, 240; spirits attack during, 40, 46 f., 67, 106.

Nightmare, 39.

Night-prayer, 156, 244. See also Shema‘.

Nigromancia, 22.

Nikolsburg, expulsion of demon at, 51. Nimbus, 216 f.

Nine, 39, 48, 97, 106, 117, 118, 128,

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[paragraph continues] 129, 142, 158, 162, 176, 183, 192, 200, 201, 202, 217, 220, 279, n. 38, 294, n. 11; use of, in magic, 119 f.

Ninib, 156.

Nishmat Ḥayim, 230, 317.

Nixe, 40, 279 f., n. 45.

Noah, 287, n. 2.

Nofech, 137.

Noise, anti-demonic weapon, 159 f.; in child-naming rite, 42, 281; in marriage rite, 173; postpones death, 175. See also Shooting; Shouting.

North, 34, 172, 173, 212, 276, n. 26.

Norway, demons from, 34, 276, n. 27.

Notarikon, 99, 148, 261 f., 264.

Nothemd, 135 f.

Notory Art, 89, 286, n. 2. See also Ars Notoria.

Nottingham, duel at, 229.

Nuitons, 40.

Numbers, in magic, 117-120, 293 f.; in medicine, 201. See also Even numbers; Four; Nine; Odd numbers; Pairs; Seven; Seventy; Seventy-two; Six; Sixty; Ten; Three; Twenty-one; Twenty-four.

Nun, and mezuzah, 147; possessed by spirit, 282, n. 12.

Nun (letter), 112.

Nuriel, 220, 251.

Nuts, 159, 173, 192, 213.

Nut tree, 34, 119.


Oak, 313.

Occult virtue, 21, 81, 206.

Ochnotinos, 117.

Odd numbers, 118.

Odem, 137.

Odor, of animal, 184; of earth, 62; of Hell, 67.

Offering to spirits, 22, 131, 162-166; at birth, 169; at circumcision, 171; in necromancy, 224; at wedding, 173. See also Libation; Sacrifice.

Oil, 14, 123, 131, 138, 194, 218, 224; divining with, 219; olive, 158, 192, 207; strewn before bridal pair, 173.

Old wine, 122, 131.

Olives, 190, 244.

Omen, 157, 167, 210-214; dream, 239.

Onion, 46, 299, n. 17.

Onomancy, 217.

Onychomancy, 308, n. 26. See also Finger-nails, divining by.

Onyx, 138.

"Opener," the, 102.

Ordeal, trial by, 227-229.

Orḥot Ẓadikim, 316.

Origen, cited, on magic words, 88.

Ormuzd, 102.

Ornaments, origin of, 132.

Or Zarua, 316.

Oshaya, R., creation of calf by, 84.

Otiot de Rabbi Akiba, 72.

Otter, 298, n. 11.


Pa‘aneaḥ Raza, 316.

Pagan deities, 89.

Paḥadron, 99.

Pairs, numerical, 118 f.

Palestine, 86, 88, 252, 315.

Papa, R., on creative power of demons, 84.

Paradise, 62, 234, 241, 242.

Paralysis, cure for, 207.

Parchment, use of, for amulets, 144.

Pardon, begged of dead, 63.

Paris, 89; charge of sorcery against Jews in, 2, 179.

Paris, Matthew, 7 f.

Passion, to arouse, 126, 128; aroused by demons, 51; dreams of, 235; foods that govern, 184 f.; planet that governs, 252. See also Love.

Passover, 152, 254, 255, 287, n. 13, 291, n. 40; a "night of protection," 118, 154f.; cup of wine for Elijah on, 167; cups of wine on, 118; Jews suspected of magic on, 3; Jews suspected of using blood on, 7 f. See also Seder.

Patḥiel, 102.

Peace, gem that creates, 138; to maintain, 110; name that makes, 97.

Pearl, 137.

Peh (letter), 28, 155.

Penance, done by spirits of dead, 62.

Pentagram, 140, 151, 152. See also Solomon, Seal of.

Pentateuch, 106, 212.

Pentecost, 152, 255.

Pepper, 131, 192, 199.

Perchisbrod. See Berchisbrod.

Perchta, 280. See also Berchta.

Perles, J., on incantation against demon of forgetfulness, 117.

Persia, 25, 37.

Peru, hexagram and pentagram in, 141.

Phallic symbols, 161.

Pharaoh, dream of, 239.

Philippe le Bel, restrains Inquisition

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from attacking Jews on sorcery charge, 271, n. 2.

Philo, on demons, 275, n. 12; on dreams, 310, n. 10.

Phlebotomy, 304, n. 5. See also Bloodletting.

Phoenix, 182.

Phrases, ominous, effect of, 58.

Phylacteries, 145 f., 158, 169. See also Tefillin.

Physicians, and alchemy, 304, n. 1; and amulets, 144; and magic, 193 f.; Jewish, in Northern Europe, 4; non-Jewish, consulted, 200.

Physiognomy, divining by, 216.

Pipi, 101, 162.

Pistus, 92.

Pitdah, 137.

Pitron Ḥalomot, 232, 237, 238, 317.

Pius IX, Pope, reputed to be possessed of evil eye, 54.

Places, waste, spirits of, 40.

Plague, 255, 306, n. 5, 313, n. 14; Biblical verses protect against, 106; caused by improper mezuzah, 147. See also Ten plagues, the.

Planet, 98, 152, 238; and angels, 250 f. See also Jupiter; Mars; Mercury; Moon; Saturn; Sun; Venus. Plantain, 207.

Plato, authority on dreams, 238; cited, on divination, 221.

Pniel, 99.

Podagra, 58.

Poison, 101, 176, 257; Jews accused of using, 5; in magic and witch-cults, 5, 9, 272, n. 16; protection against, 184.

Poland, Hollekreisch in, 42; Jews accused of murder in, 8.

Polterabend, 160.

Polypsychism, 61, 284, n. I. See also Soul.

Poseidon, 92.

Posen, lawsuit between men and demons in, 52.

Possession, spirit, 49-51, 282. See also Demoniac; Dibbuk.

Poteh, 102, 117, 191.

Power, magic, in names and words, 83.

Prague, 85, 252.

Prasinum, 267.

Prayer, 33, 114, 115, 157, 166, 170, 174, 204, 250; acrostic, 93, 95, 175; angels transmit, 70, 72; in behalf of the dead, 64, 65; to counteract dream, 248; to ensure favorable response to, 97, 110; and magic, 298, n. 5; omission of, as omen, 213; protection against spirits, 28, 155 f.; for vampire, 39; wife's, for husband on road, 44. See also ‘Amidah; Ana Bekoaḥ; Blessing; Eighteen Benedictions; Grace after meals; Habdalah; Kaddish; Kavvanah; Kiddush; Kol Nidre; Night-prayer; Services, synagogue; Shema‘; Unetanneh Tokef; Yoẓer Or.

Priapus, 92.

Priest, 93, 105, 219, 221, 227, 237, 305, n. 15; as dream symbol, 243.

Priestly Benediction, 92, 93 f., 151, 158, 290, n. 32, n. 34, n. 37.

Prince, 286, n. 4, n. 8. See also Angel.

Privy, demons infest, 32, 145, 159.

Procedure, magical, 114-131.

Procreation, beliefs concerning, 184-190.

Pronunciation, of names of God, 91, 94, 95, 96.

Provence, 3, 68, 249, 271, n. 2. Providence, divine, 75 f.

Psalms, magical use of, 109, 139, 156, 169, 170.

Psychic treatment of disease, 196. Ptolemy, 252.

Puel, 99.

Pumbedita, 88.

Purah, 102, 117, 191.

Pythagorean theory, 82, 117, 143.


Rab, cited, on Bezalel's mastery of art of combining letters, 82; cited, on the dream fast, 245; among those who questioned the dead, 222.

Raba, man created by, 84; on healing and superstition, 199.

Raben, 316.

Rabiah, 316.

Rachel, 313, n. 14.

Raguel, 89.

Raḥmiel, 99, 140.

Rain, 72, 157; demons compared to, 275, n. 9; magic, 121; omens indicating, 212; to produce, 131.

Ramathel, 90.

Raphael, 98, 126, 139, 142, 147, 151, 156, 251, 260.

Rashi, 26, 84, 113, 116, 147, 234, 237, 297, n. 19, 316; differentiates among demons, 31; on the evil eye, 55; on Kapparah, 163; on the name of God of 72 syllables, 95, 96; on the sorcerer's technique, 81; reputed a miracle worker, 19.

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Rasis, on generating a human being, 85.

Raven, 130.

Raziel (angel), 76, 260.

Raziel, Sefer, 70, 72, 77, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 117, 140, 145, 243, 260, 315.

Rebirth, symbolic, 34.

Recanati, Menaḥem, 317.

Red, 133, 135, 295, n. 5.

Red Sea, split by Moses, 96.

Reflection, as omen, 215.

Regensburg, Jewish wine requested by Christian at, 3.

Reichhelm, abbot of Schöngau, cited, on number of demons, 275, n. 9.

Rejoicing over the Torah, 155.

Relics, miraculous powers of, 200, 305, n. 15.

Religion, and magic, 16, 21, 104, 157.

Religious life, protective power of, 154.

Remedies. See Medicine.

Remus, 102.

Repetition, in magic art, 117 f., 190. Responsa, Geonic, 315.

Reuben, tribe of, 137.

Revenge, sought by dead, 63.

Rhabdomancy, 225.

Rhineland, 213; Crusaders attack Jews in, 255; Jews in, cover mezuzot, 4; Jews in, dealers in drugs, 5; Kalonymides in, 17, 149; medical work written in, 194; mourning costume in, 173, 180.

Richard I, attack on Jews at coronation of, 2.

Right, 26, 130, 134, 188, 189, 191, 225, 289, n. 26.

Rings, 135, 203, 219, 295, n. 4; magic, 273, n. 2; wedding, 201.

Ritual murder, accusation, 7-9.

Ritual, witches’, 9.

Rivers, W. H. R., cited, on causes of disease, 197.

Robbing the dead, 68.

Rokeaḥ, 316.

Romiel, 99.

Roof, 164, 165, 239.

Rooster, 164, 173, 176, 211; sacrificed in new home, 299, n. 19; white, 131.

Rosh Hashanah, 113, 157, 163, 165, 214, 247. See also New Year.

Ruaḥ, 27, 31, 61, 274, n. 6. See also Soul.

Ruaḥ ra‘ah, 27.

Ruby, 137.

Ruggieri, Cosmo, accused of image magic, 124.

Russia, Jews accused of importing poisonous herbs into, 6.

Ruth, 31.


Saadia Gaon, 228, 310, n. 5.

Sabaoc, 89.

Sabaot, 226.

Sabbaoth, 90.

Sabbat feast, of witches, 160.

Sabbath, dream-fast on, 245, 246, 247; fire on, 3, 143; garment worn on, 301; girl named on, 42; influence of, on children, 185, 186; magic act performed on, 7, 107, 143, 144, 166, 200, 203, 221; mourner leaves home on, 180; observance of Tashlich on, 165; on which Chapter of Maledictions is read, 59; on which Passover falls, 154; protective power of, 154; repose of dead on, 66 f., 223, 285, n. 9; robbing the dead on, 67 f. See also Saturday.

Sabbath, eve of, demons created on, 38, 50, 275, n. 10. See also Friday, night; Kiddush.

Sabbath, expiration of, 114; charm recited at, 102, 117; drinking and eating at, 67 f.; Miriam's well at, 195. See also Habdalah; Saturday.

Sabbath loaf, 40, 280, n. 48.

Sachiel, 251.

Sacrifice, 8, 106, 111, 131, 276, n. 26;

building, 162, 299, n. 19. See also Libation; Offering to spirits.

Saday, 91.

Safed, 94, 256, 282, n. 51.

Sage (herb), 207.

St. Brigid, 156.

St. George's Day, 313, n. 12, n. 13.

St. George's Shirt, 135.

St. John's Day, 258. See also Midsummer day.

St. John, oil of, 313, n. 13.

St. Joseph, 156.

St. Patrick, 156.

St. Sisynie, 101.

Saints, worship of, 64; invoked in medicine, 200.

Salamander, 278, n. 33, 305, n. 15.

Salerno, women of, use pregnant stone, 295, n. 3.

Saliva, human, magical power of, 120. See also Expectorating; Spitting; Spittle.

Salonica, 237.

Salt, 122, 123, 180, 194, 258; anti-demonic virtues of, 160; and bread,

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[paragraph continues] 39, 128, 160f.; delays death, 175; scattered over bridal pair, 173; sexual properties of, 185.

Salzburg, Bishop of, mezuzah sought by, 4.

Samael, 251.

Samson, of Ostropol, taught by angel, 76.

Samson, of Sens, cited, on man-plant, 182.

Samson b. Ẓadok, 178, 316.

Samter, E., cited, on fear of the dead, 49; on fertility symbols, 173.

Samuel, spirit of, consulted by Saul, 222.

Samuel, father of Judah the Pious, 19, 78, 85.

Samuel b. Meir, 118, 234, 293, n. 7.

Sand, 83; divining with, 2,8.

Sandalfon, 76.

Sansanvi, 101, 139, 169.

Sanskrit, prayers in India, 81.

Sanvi, 101, 139, 169.

Sapir, 137.

Sapphire, 137.

Sarfiel, 151, 220.

Sarganes, 173, 301, n. 44.

Satan, 39, 95, 106, 113, 146, 154, 155, 160, 165, 170, 173, 178, 279, n. 38; alleged source of magic, 5, 9, 14, 15; allegiance to, attributed to Jews, 1, 4; in Christian folklore, 277, n. 29; in Jewish folklore, 35; opening one's mouth to, 56, 57. See also Devil.

Satanael, 101.

Saturday, 47, 67, 167, 191, 213, 220. See also Sabbath.

Saturn, 251, 252, 253.

Saul, 222.

Satyrs, 58.

Scapegoat offering, 163 ff.

Schelwurz, 207.

Schlangenbalg, 86.

Scholars, attacked by demons, 50, 297, n. 3.

Schudt, J. J., cited, on use of bread and salt by Jews, 161, 294, n. 16.

Schwab, M., on angelology, 99, 101.

Schwarzkunst, 22.

Science, root of magic, 21; medical, 194.

Scorpio, 258.

Scorpion, 120.

Scripture, in divination, 256; in magic, 104 ff.; in medicine, 202. See also Bible; Biblical verses; Torah.

Seder, Passover, 8, 1,8, 134, 167.

Seder of R. Amram, 164.

Seduction, by demons, 52.

Sefer Asufot, 148, 206, 255.

Sefer Gematriaot, 109, 136 f., 150, 152, 264, 265-267.

Sefer HaPardes, 149.

Sefer Ḥasidim, 53, 34, 36, 44, 56, 59, 62, 63, 159, 162, 197, 201, 206, 207, 235, 236, 241, 316.

Sefer Yeẓirah, 82, 85, 117 f. See also Book of Creation.

Sefirot, 289.

Semag, 316; composition of, due to dream, 230.

Semaḥot, 57.

Semangelaf, 101, 139, 169.

Semen, 202, 282. See also Sperm.

Septuagint, 101.

Serpent, 182, 184, 280, n. 47.

Services, synagogue, 28; mourners barred from, 180; prolonged on Friday night, 47, 67. See also Prayer.

Seven, 32, 62, 64, 97, 98, 100, 107, 121, 124, 131, 136, 151, 152, 156, 162, 163, 178, 179, 200, 219, 220, 226, 247, 250, 251; use of, in magic, 119.

Seventy, 98.

Seventy-two, 113, 294, n. 12. See also Name of God, of 72 syllables.

Sex, methods of determining, 188 f.

Sex organs, 128. See also Genitalia.

Sexual act, representation of, 161.

Shabriri, 116.

Shaddai, 139, 175, 225, 264; and Metatron, 76, 262; on mezuzah, 148, 149, 151; protective powers of, 158. See also Saday.

Shadow, 31, 67; of moon, 34, 198, 255; man's, ominous significance of, 214 f.

Shamash, 156.

Shamriel, 99.

Shebo, 138.

Shechinah, 74, 231, 298, n. 5.

Shed, 27, 274, n. 5; characteristics of, 31.

Shedu, 156.

Sheftel, R., divorce from demon forced by, 53.

Shema‘, 92, 148, 156, 263, 289, n. 30, 298, n. 5. See also Night prayer.

Shem Hameforash, 288, n. 21. See also Ineffable name.

Sherira Gaon, 147 f., 297, 304.

Sheshet, R., physician, of Barcelona, 199.

Shibbeta, 35, 277.

Shibbole HaLeket, 317.

Shimmush Tehillim, 109, 262, 315.

Shin (letter), 158.

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Shir shel pega‘im. See Anti-demonic psalm.

Shirt, magic, 135 f., 305, n. 15.

Shlumiel, 190.

Shofar, 113, 201; blowing of, confounds the devil, 154; dream symbol, 245.

Shoham, 138.

Shooting, 182; anti-demonic device, 159. See also Noise.

Shouting, in child-naming rite, 42, 281; postpones death, 175. See also Noise.

Shroud, 173.

Shulḥan ‘Aruch, 164, 316.

Siddur Rashi, 317.

Sieghemd, 135.

Sigismund Augustus, demand of, that Lithuanian Jews be admitted to Russia, 5.

Silesia, 167.

Simeon, tribe of, 137.

Simḥah, R., 200.

Simiel, 89.

Simon bar Yoḥai, tomb of, 64.

Simusiel, 99.

Sin (Babylonian god), 156.

Siren, 40, 280, n. 46.

Sisyno-doros, 101.

Six, 192, 294, n. 12.

Sixty, 112, 244.

Skull, used in necromancy, 223.

Sleep, abstraction of blood enriches, 196; gem that brings, 138; induced by magic, 129; sensations experienced during, influence dreams, 233; soul leaves body during, 47, 234; spirits attack men during, 39, 46 f., 145, 146.

Smaragd, 137.

Smiraldus, 267.

Snail, 211.

Snake, 33, 130, 159, 185, 240; bone of, discloses presence of poison, 184.

Sneezing, ominous nature of, 211, 306, n. 5.

Solomon, 9, 89, 228.

Solomon b. Adret, on Kapparah, 164.

Solomon b. Ḥananel, of Mainz, operation performed on, 199.

Solomon, Seal of, 140 f. See also Pentagram.

Solstice, 254, 257 f.

Song at the Sea, 112.

Song of Songs, 112.

Sorcerer, 24, 81, 162, 279, n. 40; alters shape, 13; causes disease, 197; popular conception of, 12 f., 15. See also Magician.

Sorceress, 111, 227, 242. See also Witch.

Sorcery, 1, 45, 107; based on worship of Satan, 15; Church attack on, 9, 12. See also Magic; Witch-cults.

Sortilege, 217. See also Lots, casting of.

Soul, 56, 221, 233; additional, on Sabbath, 67; of deceased, fear of, 49; of demons, created on Sabbath eve, 29; of drowned persons, 279 f., n. 45; of the dying, struggle over, 49; exit of, at death, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180; leaves body during sleep, 47, 234; man possesses several, 61; and name are one, 78; names of, 6,, 152; projected to distant places, 13; in Purgatory, 66 f., 285, n. 11; transmigration of, 50. See also Dead, Spirits of; Dibbuk; Gilgul; Metempsychosis; Polypsychism.

Sources, Note on, 315-317.

Spain, 68, 148, 164, 249.

Specularii, 219.

Sperm, 22, 184, 188. See also Semen.

Speyer, privilege issued to congregation of, 227.

Spices, 224; smelling of, during Habdalah, 67. See also Pepper; Salt.

Spider's web, 203, 212.

Spirit, transmutation of, into matter, 73 f.

Spirits, 21; agents of magic, 23, 126; Biblical references to, 27; danger of invoking, 17; dependence of Jewish magic on, 22; invocation of, 20, 241 f.; source of illness, 198; War with the, 153-180. See also Angels; Dead, the, spirits of; Demons; Devil; Evil men, spirits of; Evil, powers of; Good, powers of; Satan; Spirits, evil; Uncleanness, spirits of.

Spirits, evil, 25-43, 127, 146, 203, 219, 222, 258, 278, n. 33; cause disease, 199; methods of warding off, 153-180; protection against, 97, 106, 110, 113, 134, 139; relations of, with men, 44-60; to see, 295, n. 24. See also Demons; Devil; Evil men, spirits of; Evil, powers of; Incubus; Possession, spirit; Satan; Succubus; Uncleanness, spirits of.

Spiritus, 199, 240, 310, n. 5.

Spitting, 130, 162; while reciting Biblical verse, 107. See also Expectorating.

Spittle, anti-demonic virtues of, 159, medicinal virtues of, 203. See also Saliva.

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Spontaneous generation, 182 f.

Sprenger, Jacob, 14, 58.

Spuknacht, 171.

Square, magic, 142 f., 296, n. 14.

Star, 171, 286.

Starling, 211.

Stars, the, angel that governs, 261; and angels, 69, 70, 73, 139, 211, 250; disclose future, 210, 211, 238, 240; govern man's fate, 59, 60, 69, 144, 208, 236; light of, effect on children, 186. See also Astrology; Libra; Leo; Planets; Scorpio.

Steinschneider, M., cited, on alchemy, 304, n. 1; cited, on gem-magic, 136.

Sterility, to cure, 110, 188. See also Barrenness.

Stone, 33, 70, 135, 190; divining with, 218; used in ordeal, 227; pregnant, 295, n. 3; preserving, 133 f.; type of demon, 279, n. 38.

Storm, 160; and demons, 34; to calm, 123.

Strasbourg, man attacked by cats in, 14.

Stratagem, anti-demonic weapon, 162.

Straw, 134.

Strength, gem that adds, 137.

Striga, 37.

Study, 187, 189, 191; aided by magic name, 97; begun on day of new moon, 256; form of worship, 155; preparation for magic act, 114; protective power of, 46, 154, 155, 157, 170, 175.

Sturgeon, 230.

Success, gem to win, 138.

Succubus, 51-54, 282, n. 17.

Sukkot, 253. See also Tabernacles, Feast of.

Summers, Montague, cited, on ritual murder, 8.

Sun, 219; astrological influence of, 147, 251, 252, 253; eclipse of, 251 f.; invoked, 201; light of, effect on children, 186; name of, 226; rising, effect of, on magic, 114; turning of, 257 f. See also Equinox; Solstice; Tekufah.

Sunday, 136, 145, 243, 253, 254, 256, 285, n. 9.

Sunrise, 114, 243.

Sunset, 43.

Supernatural, the, appeal to, 21; cause of disease, 197 f.; fear of, 153.

Superstition, physician exponent of, 193 ff.; popular attitude toward, 23 f.; and religion, 157; Talmudic, discarded, 35 f., 196, 317.

Surface, polished, use of, in divination, 219 f.

Sweat, 129, 183, 202, 294, n. 23.

Sword, 196, 253; of angel of death, 176, 177; divining with, 219; under influence of Mars, 252; used to inscribe magic circle, 121, 122, 160, 220.

Sword of Moses, 72, 88, 100, 124, 260, 315.

Syllables, barbarous, use of, 87.

Sympathetic magic, 21, 124-130, 294.

Synagogue, 14, 180; spirits gather in, 62, 67.

Synod, Church, 4.

Syno-doros, 101.


Ta‘anit Ḥalom, 245 f.

Tabernacles, Feast of, 62, 215. See also Sukkot.

Tail, fox's, 133.

Talisman, 21, 135.

Talmud, the, on amulets, 144; on angels, 71 f.; on astrology, 250; on blessing the new moon, 256; on consciousness of the dead, 63; on creative power of magic, 84; on crowing hen, 163; on demons, 25 ff., 274 f.; on divination, 210, 216, 220; on dreams, 234 ff., 244; on even tekumah, 133 f.; on the evil eye, 55; on forgetfulness, 190; on gems, 136; on the language of heaven, 74; magic of, 88; on magic, 19, 127; on mother's name in incantations, 115; on names of God, 90, 289; on necromancy, 222 f.; on numbers, 118, 119; on opening one's mouth to Satan, 56; on phylacteries, 145; on recital of Kiddush, 195; study of, 17; on use of Biblical verses, 107 f., 112 f., 202, 239; on watch over corpse, 175.

Talmudic recipes discarded, 35 f., 196, 317.

Tamar, 137.

Tannhäusersage, 43.

Tao-Teh-King, used in bibliomancy, 105.

Tarshish, 138.

Tashbeẓ, 316.

Tashlich, 165 f.

Tearing up grass after a funeral, 178.

Teeth, aching, 194; fox's, 133.

Tefillin, 231. See also Phylacteries.

Tekufah, 160, 257 f. See also Equinox; Solstice; Sun, turning of.

Temurah, 92, 99, 263 f.

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Ten, 39, 63, 97, 102, 110, 152, 158, 190, 201, 205, 231, 294, n. 12.

Ten plagues, the, 167, 291, n. 40.

Tetrabiblos, 252.

Tetragrammaton, 90, 9 1, 100, 101, 117, 226, 234, 261, 264, 289, n. 26; substitutes for, 91, 134, 143, 288, n. 9. See also Ineffable name; Name of God, of 4 letters; yhvh.

Teutonic religion, divination in, 214.

Theriac, 193.

Thief, means of apprehending a, 70, 125, 128, 218, 219, 221.

Thomas of Cantimpré, accusation of murder by, 7.

Thor, 276, n. 28.

Thorndike, Lynn, cited, on astrology, 249; cited, on geomancy, 217.

Thread, 190, 204; crimson, 133.

Three, 37, 42, 43, 57, 66, 85, 97, 98, 111, 114, 120, 121, 126, 128, 134, 144, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 163, 174, 176, 179, 184, 185, 201, 203, 204, 225, 231, 243, 246, 247, 256, 281, n. 4, 293, n. 9; importance of, in magic, 119. See also Triads.

Throwing, repels demons, 159 f.; at wedding, 172, 173; at funeral, 2, 178 f.

Thunder, 238; dreaded by dragon, 40; weapon of demons, 34.

Thursday, 43, 129, 145, 147, 220, 254, 281, n. 52.

Tisha‘ B’ab, 64.

Tishbi, 317.

Topaz, 137, 138.

Torah, 55, 59, 64, 137, 139, 158, 187, 249; compared to light, 171; consists of magic names, 261, 314, n. 4; dream omen, 247; invoked, 60, 226; and magic, 274, n. 13; merit of, 106; mysteries of, revealed by angel, 76; protective power of study of, 155; 170; words of, 106 f., 108, 155, 202. See also Bible; Biblical verses; Pentateuch; Scripture; Torah scroll.

Torah scroll, 158, 201; conduct in presence of, 105; dream omen, 246; used as protective device, 105 f., 169, 175, 202.

Torch, 159, 172, 281, n. 4. See also Candle; Light.

Tosafot, 316.

Touch, ordeal of, 227 f.

Transfer, of disease, 204; of dream, 244.

Transubstantiation, controversy over doctrine of, 6.

Traveller, escorting of, 45 f.; name to protect, 97. See also Journey.

Treasure, hidden, methods of discovering, 224-227.

Tree, 102, 163, 183, 204, 255; inhabited by demons, 34, 276, n. 25. See also Nut tree.

Treves, Jews of, accused of image magic, 7.

Triads, comprising name of God, 95, 97.

Trial, by blood, 227; of case between men and demons, 52 f.; by combat, 228; by duel, 228; by ordeal, 227-229.

Trinities, of gods, 119.

Tubuas, 89.

Tubuel, 89.

Tuesday, 145, 254; night, 67. See also Wednesday, eve of.

Turquoise, 138.

Twelve Nights, 254.

Twenty-one, 294, n. 12.

Twenty-four, 294, n. 12.

Twin, 163, 309, n. 36.

Tyrnau, Jews of, accused of ritual murder, 8.

Tyrnau, Isaac, 316.


Ubaviel, 251.

Unbeschrieen, 283, n. 26.

Uncleanness, spirits of, 26, 32, 35, 178, 179, 309, n. 31. See also Demons; Evil, powers of; Spirits, evil.

Uncleanness, state of, pronouncing name while in, 96.

Unetanneh Tokef, dictated in dream, 234.

Unlucky days, 254 f.

Unnatural behavior, dread of, 163.

Uriel, 89, 98, 142, 151, 156, 162, 251.

Urine, 126; used as medicament, 202, 203.

Uriron, 140.


Vampire, 29, 38 f.; mouth of, open after death, 14, 39. See also Estrie; Mare.

Vedas, used in bibliomancy, 105.

Veil, worn by bride at wedding ceremony, 174.

Ventriloquist, 39.

Venus (goddess), 43.

Venus (planet), 100, 147, 251, 252, 253.

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Venusberg, 43.

Vergil, used in bibliomancy, 216.

Verses, Biblical. See Biblical verses.

Vidduy, recited under water, 307, n. 14.

Vienna, 4, 6, 252.

Vintler, Hans, cited, 242, 295, n. 23.

Vow, 58, 231, 284, n. 31.

Vowels, importance of, in names of God, 91.

Vrauen Büchlein, 316.


Wachnacht, 42, 106, 157, 170 f.

War, planet that governs, 252; charm for victory in, 111, 112, 135, 137.

Warts, to remove, 194.

Wasserkalb, 313, n. 14.

Water, 70, 107, 123, 126, 129, 158,,60, 181, 185, 189, 190, 202, 204, 212, 213, 218, 252, 255, 289, n. 26, 294, n. 21; anti-demonic virtues of, 159; from a crossroad, 207; curative, 194 f.; divining with, 219, 307, n. 14; food of demons, 31; libation to spirits, 167; of miraculous spring, 182; not drunk on Saturday evening, 68; not drunk during Tekufah, 257 f.; ordeal by, 227; poured out at death, 57, 155, 176 f.; and salt, 175, 180; spirits that reside in, 40, 165, 279 f., n. 35, n. 45; turns to blood, 313, n. 14.

Wax, divining with, 220; image, magical use of, 6, 9, 71, 124 f. See also Image magic.

Weather prediction, astrological, 253 f.; from omens, 212.

Wedding, 118, 160, 167, 239; breaking glass at, 172 f.; double, 55. See also Marriage.

Wednesday, 145, 254; eve of, 47. See also Tuesday, night.

Wegarich, 207.

Weil, Jacob, 47, 113.

Wells, dream omen, 243; drinking from, at night, 46; Jews accused of poisoning, 6; Miriam's, 195; pollution of, at Tekufah, 257 f.

Werwolf, 38 f., 273, n. 2, 278, n. 34, 279, n. 40.

Wheat, 134; dream symbol, 239; scattered over bridal pair, 173.

Whip, drives off demons, 159.

Whirlwind, spirits in, 276, n. 28.

White, 130, 131, 173, 187, 220, 239, 243.

White magic, 22.

Wichtchen, 40.

Wiener-Neustadt, 228, 252.

William of Auvergne, 84, 126, 283, n. 17, 286, n. 7.

Wind, 34, 73.

Window, 32, 33, 70, 83.

Wine, 207, 243; Communion, 195; dream symbol, 239; Jewish, healing power attributed to, 3; Kiddush, medicinal use of, 195; libation to spirits, 166, 167 f.; old, 122, 123, 131; use of, in marriage rites, 173.

Wisdom, acquired through gem, 137; acquired through magic name, 97, 101. See also Intelligence.

Witch, 14, 15, 38, 45, 101, 125, 160, 162, 273, n. 2, 278; popular conception of, 13. See also Sorceress.

Witch-cults, 9, 14, 15, 17, 272, n. 16, 276, n. 18, 282, n. 15.

Wolf, magician becomes, 39; night, type of demon, 279, n. 38.

Woman, addiction to magic, attributed to, 16, 51, 116; demons seek union with, 50, 178; in divination, 217; forest, 279, n. 38; menstruating, 185, 190; as omen, 210; passing between men, 107, 190; pregnant, 157, 160, 161, 189, 239; precedes men in funeral procession, 178; role of, in magic, 16 f.

Wonders of nature, 181-184.

Wood, 33, 63, 70, 175, 190; knocking, 153. See also Hawthorn; Hazel; Myrtle; Oak.

Words, barbarous, use of, 87; demons act upon chance, 56-60; magic, 80-83; mystical value of, 18; numerical value of, 262 f. See also Gematria.

Worship of saints, 64.

Worms (city), 62, 178.

Writing, large, 297, n. 23. See also Letters, large.


Ya, 90. See also Yah.

Yadu‘a, 182, 302, n. 2.

Yah, 91, 140, 142, 143, 151, 260, 288, n. 9, n. 18, 289, n. 26. See also Ya.

Yahalom, 137.

Yarḥiel, 260.

Yashfeh, 138.

Yau, 140.

Yeḥiel of Paris, 19.

Yehu, 142.

Yeshamiel, 251.

yhvh, 91, 98, 112, 139, 142, 151, 160,

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[paragraph continues] 288, n. 18, 289, n. 30. See also Ineffable name; Name of God, of 4 letters; Tetragrammaton.

Yiddish, 44, 74, 125, 225, 238.

Yofiel, 151.

Yom Kippur, 32, 106, 154, 163, 214, 215, 247, 253, 307, n. 14. See also Day of Atonement.

Yoẓer Or, 28, 155.


Zachriel, 99.

Ẓadkiel, 98, 155, 251.

Ẓafniel, 99.

Zahlenquadrat, 142.

Zalman Ẓevi, of Aufenhausen, cited, on Golem, 86.

Zayin (letter), 113.

Ẓebaot, 139, 140, 288, n. 18. See also Sabaot; Sabbaoth.

Zebulun, 137.

Zedekiah, first Jewish physician in West, 5.

Zedekiah b. Abraham, 317.

Zeira, R., 84.

Zelioz, 90.

Zilpah, 313, n. 14.

Zimri, 137.

Ẓiyuni, Menaḥem, 14, 22, 233, 316.

Zodiac, 98, 217, 251.

Zohar, 28, 51, 146, 216.